Understudy Joined: 1/11/05
Hey everybody!
I don't post often, simply to restrict myself from adding to the inevitable tangents! LOL This week the tour of Little Shop of Horrors came through Pittsburgh, and me being a poor college student I had insufficient funds to see it. I was completely thrilled and surprised to find out that the cast of Little Shop would be giving a post-show performance at the CLO Cabaret, which is where I was when I found out. I had gone to see Forever Plaid (starring one of my teachers), but found it utterly necessary to stay for the cabaret as soon as I found out. I scrounged out another $2.50 (with the help of my friends) for the cover charge and waited for the cast to arrive.
When the cast arrived and started performing (which was a very cool, relaxed atmosphere) I couldn't help but think how Anthony should've been there. Then I remembered how necessary his absence was and decided it was a more-than-even trade-off! The entire night was fun and intimate for the small audience which I was very proudly a part of.
After their performances, I started talking to some of the cast. I asked if anybody still kept in touch with Anthony and as soon as I mentioned his name their faces lit up and they couldn't help but smile. It was such a neat experience to see people who actually knew Anthony had the same reactions that we all do! After having a very pleasant conversation with the "Doo-Wop Girls", I headed back to my dorm with a very good feeling.
So few people possess a particular sort of spark that just makes people feel good. Without knowing Anthony personally, I know that Anthony is one of the few. As a young, aspiring actor, I know that I can look up to Anthony and consider him my role model.
Anthony, if you ever get to read this in all the oodles of pages we've compiled on your behalf, I would just like to thank you for your influence. I hope to someday be able to shake your hand and thank you in person, but I guess I'll have to settle with this for now. I see a lot of myself in you (which might sound wierd) and feel very proud to have others see the same. I wish you the best of luck in this and all future projects. I can't wait to see how this journey unfolds for you.
Everyone else, sorry for this bit of threadjacking! We may now continue with movie business!
Ooooooooo Sorry StarbuckQAF! But anyway, yeah, I'm so jealous of you...I love Idina! And she sounded so sweet.
Leading Actor Joined: 1/28/05
Does anyone have info about sf? I'm still waiting for Anthony's PM back..... I can't wait to go to sf!!!! AH!!!! Ok, ok, I'm alright now...... But, please tell me if you have info about stuff in filming in sf, thanks guys!!! :)
Well as far as I've gathered, most/all of the filming in SF will be on Treasure Island doing interior shots etc. I'm not sure whether they are doing any exteriors in SF or not....
Yeah, I'm anticipating promo stuff starting to come out over the summer once principal filming is completed and they have stuff to work with. I can't wait!
Swing Joined: 12/10/04
They are doing some exteriors in SF. On Sixth Street at Club 6 (it will become the Cat Scratch Club), a liquor star, a barber shop, and stuff like that I believe. They will also be filming at a train depot in West Oakland. Both areas are really rundown, sorta similar to the East Village scene.
Updated On: 3/25/05 at 09:58 PM
Swing Joined: 3/25/05
yes, i have been following this thread... and just finished reading ALL of the pages...
i have a question for everybody:
coke or pepsi (if you dont like either just say your favorite drink)
my favorite drink is rootbeer
I rarely drink sodas but my favorite drink is probably tea (hot or iced) and water. I know, not exactly the most interesting but what can I say? And congrats for getting through this whole thread and still living to tell the tale. :-P
Swing Joined: 3/25/05
yeah, i thought i was going to die from reading so much in one day...
ill stop talking now :P
It really does do a number on the eyes. Although it is garunteed to keep people entertained. :-P
my favorite drink is coke... i am a walking coca-cola ad most of the time. I am so excited about this movie guys i just can't contain myself!!! I am excited too because i won a huge rent poster on e-bay the other day... its a london cast but its still a really cool poster!!! Anthony I can't wait for you next post!!! Stay safe and don't get too hot now that you are in SF.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/13/05
any chance we can take the coke/pepsi discussion to an off-topic board??
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/12/05
yea, we already have enough threadjacking here. thanks for all the updates Anthony my fingers are tingling with excitement. i hope that you and everyone else are having a good time. can't wait for your next post.
Leading Actor Joined: 1/28/05
Sorry!! I just have to say my favorite drink is a mango and strawberry smoothie. Ok, now I will stop threadjacking! Sorry everybody!!!!
Understudy Joined: 3/26/05
Hey i live in san jose and it is my dream to see RENT being filmed...especially since its the OBC...does anyone have information on how i might be able to see RENT?? Or is it even possible? Location? Dates? Thanks!!!!
AIM sn: iNoWatStreetImOn
Stand-by Joined: 10/29/04
Hi all --
It's been nice to take a few minutes this lazy Saturday morning to go back in time and answer some long-lingering questions. I have no idea if the people who posted them in the first place are still hanging around these parts to see the responses, but here goes nonetheless.
"I was also wondering if you are going to be making another CD to follow "Look Around"
I would love to, and I do plan to, but with the filming and my book, I'm not sure how soon that will happen. Thanks for your interest.
"I also wanted to thank you for being a role model. I don't know how, but it helped me be able to come out to my parents and tell them i'm bi."
Thank you very much for that. Being out is very important to me, and I'm glad that my being out has helped you. How did your parents respond? I hope all is well in your family.
from Jacobtsf
"Anthony- Since everyone has been talking about movies I was wondering if you ever saw 'Wet Hot American Summer". It is a cheesy spoof on the 80's camp movies. I was in the movie (I played Moose, the kid who yelled "Wake Up" lit a fart on fire, and made out with the camp slut)"
I did see it, and I laughed a lot. Congratulations on your gig in that. Have you done other stuff since?
"based on the plotline of RENT and the world's current contreversy over similar subjects, do you think the release of the movie will cause some kind of political and social whirlwind?"
Jesse and I have been talking about this very subject recently, and I do think there's a good chance that we will get assailed by forces on the right if the film's a hit. If the film doesn't make a splash, though, I doubt anyone will make a big stink. But I think the film will make a splash, so there will probably be some sort of firestorm. We look forward to it, actually. The truth is, Jonathan wrote this piece in part to shake up people's reality, and to put forward positive, complicated depictions of people with HIV and AIDS, and people in homosexual relationships. He wanted his show to make a difference. It certainly has opened people's eyes over the years, and now that it will be on film, it has the chance to open up a whole lot more people's eyes. We shall see.
"I have a kinda quick question about one of you favorite books-- Catcher in the Rye.
I understand how everyone says it has so much truth and etcetcetc, but how do/did you trust the narrator?"
I'm not sure you're meant to trust Holden. You're meant to empathize with him, and I think Salinger did an incredible job of getting inside his rather disturbed head. His plight is very funny and very sad at the same time, and I love that kind of tension at play in the novel.
"Randomness, but, if you feel like it/have time... what was your filming experience in/at Princeton?"
Princeton is a beautiful campus, but I didn't get to experience much of the town, since we were working long hours, and everything was pretty much shut ddown byt the time we wrapped. We had a couple of nights' worth of hanging out in the bar at the hotel, and that was pretty much it. But it was a pleasant experience, to be sure.
Broadway Style
"We now know you see a lot of movies but do you make time to see a lot of theater as well? Also, do you find that being a professional actor makes you look at either movies or the theater in a different way?"
I see as much of everything as I can. I haven't been able to go to a lot of theatre in NYC over the last year or so, since I've been out of town so much, but when I'm home I try to get to a couple of shows every week, at least. On my last trip, I managed to catch Spamalot (which I loved, having been a huge Python fan since I was a kid) and a couple of friends shows, and that was pretty much it.
I do find that being a professional gives me somewhat of a different perspective, but I do go into everything hoping that it will be good or great. I love being an audience member and being transported and moved and thrilled, and it doesn't happen often enough, but when it does happen, I'm so happy. I might be a little more demanding of thigns than non-professionals, but only because I care so much about the quality of the art form, and I know how hard I work when I'm in a show.
pointpark kyle
"Anyway... how was the "Mister" experience for you? I had spoken to Mr. Vallella (I think I spelled that right) when you were still in rehearsals and kinda got some of the inside scoop!"
Mister was a very grassroots experience, which has its charms, but is also very challenging. I was very honored to have a role written for me, and I met my partner of the past three years in that show, so it all worked out well in the end.
"Another random question... Who is your favorite superhero/superheroine?"
Well, he's not really a superhero per se, but Neil Gaiman's Sandman is my favorite comic of all time. As far as traditional heroes go, I think I would have to say Batman. I like his conflicted nature and the fact that he doesn't have powers, but has to rely on his ingenuity and training and all that.
"Last random question of the day (from me at least! LOL)... Did you have any pets growing up?"
I've always had tons of pets, since I was a baby. Now Rodney and I have three cats and a bunch of fish. I'm a huge animal lover.
"What would you say your favorite aspect of the series is? Did you like the tone of books 1-4 better (Before the Quagmires), 5-7 (still under Mr. Poe's "guardianship") or 8-11, where you never really know where they will be next? What did you think of the newest book? Finally, for fun, what do you think VFD stands for?"
I've only made it through the first seven or so, but I enjoy the tone, the sense of menace, the example for kids on how to persevere in the face of dire circumstances. I think they're very clever.
And I have no idea what VFD stands for.
"How do you feel about movies that have been edited for content when shown on TV? A few months ago, I was watching Adventures in Babysitting on the Disney Channel and they had edited it to a shadow of its former self. Like "Don't fool with the Lords of Heck", and taking out most references to and all shots of the Playboy. It was atrocious."
Well, I understand that there are laws, and certain networks have to adhere to those laws. If people want to see films unedited, you just have to rent the dvd or see it in the theatres. I don't ever watch a film on tv, because you're not really seeing the filom the way it was intended to be seen.
"And do you get residuals, because Disney seems to show that movie every month."
I do get residuals, but they lessen over the years. The smallest residual check I ever received was for Six Degrees of Separation. It was 10 cents before taxes, and 5 cents after taxes. Woo HOO!
"Going back to the censorship comment, is RENT going to be at all censored or toned down?"
Nope, not in any way. In fact, there are going to be more instances of us saying F*CK than in the play. Men will be kissing men, women will be kissing women, Roger and April will be seen shooting up, Mimi will be seen using drugs, etc etc.
People will be saying, "Chris Columbus directed this?!?!" I look forward to hearing that.
"Anthony, my admiration for you grows by the day. Now on top of everything else, you're a Python fan! Which one of the four movies is your favourite? Mine is Holy Grail but I LOVE the dead parrot/lumberjack scene in And Now For Something Completely Different. Also, what do you think of Spamalot coming to Broadway?"
I think my favorite film is Holy Grail, but that might be because I'm most familiar with it, having owned the laserdisc (and now the dvd) for years. I also have the complete Flying Circus collection on dvd.
I spoke of Spamalot above, but to add to my comments, I was really impressed with the new material that was concieved for it, and I thought Sara Ramirez was an incredible discovery. I'll be shocked if she doesn't win the Tony.
"I have always admired performers who take the risk of coming out, and publicizing (I still have the cover of Metro with you and all other "Out" actors.) #1 - How risky was it for you, personally, in coming out, and #2 do you feel it Has helped/hurt your career in any way?"
I never really thought of coming out publicly as being a risky event. I was very determined to be among the few people who might be able to alter the political and social landscape through being visible. I've been very happy to see that in the 12 or so years since I've come out, (which was at a time when there were *very* few public figures acknowledging their sexuality) lots of others have decided to come out also. Not because I did it, but because there's more and more of a critical mass of support growing. There has been a big backlash recently from a social and governmental standpoint, to be sure, but that's only an indication of how much progress has been made. The finer points of gay parenting, gay marriage, privacy, and many other issues are now part of the national conversation in a way they never were when I was growing up. And the younger generation overwhelmingly supports progress when it comes to gay issues, so I'm not too worried about the future of gay rights, even if things are a little scary at the moment.
As for whether or not my being out has hurt my career, I really have no way of knowing whether or not it has. I do know that the majority of my film roles have been heterosexual, which at least demonstrates to me that those directors and casting directors haven't been limiting their view of me to how I identify myself offscreen. There very well may be projects that I haven't been considered for, or that I didn't get, because of my being out, but if that's the case, I wouldn't want to work on them anyway. It's just never been brought to my attention that being out is a problem. My agents and manager are totally supportive of my stance, and I'm going to be working with a publicist for the release of Rent, and it will be important to me that whoever my publicist is will also be comfortable with my being out. I wouldn't have it any other way, frankly. Assuming that the film will give me a higher profile than I've had before, it will be interesting to see if there will be any negative fallout from my being out.
On a related note, I've always enjoyed the fact that in the original cast of Rent, of the eight principals, I was the only queer one, and all of the queer characters were played by straight folks, and I played a straight guy who was hung up on his ex-girlfriend. Just a nice irony in all of that.
"I have had several debates with my partner on this matter on a point/counterpoint level. I, personally don't want to hide who I am in this business because I don't care who knows, but I have seen so many careers go down because of it."
What careers have you seen go down? I certainly applaud your conviction, and I wish you all the best.
That's it for now, but before I go I wanted to say a word about what I got to see on Thursday: Adam and Rosario looking like gorgeous movie stars in the amazing moonlight created by our director of photography while they began work on Light My Candle. If this movie does any kind of business, I guarantee both of them will become huge stars. You heard it here first.
Take care, have a great weekend.
Thanks for the post, as always, and especially the bit about Light My Candle. Sounds beaaaaaaautiful.
*sigh* a big star, huh?
Can it be November yet? Please?
Oh, and completely non-RENT related, yay for being an animal lover. I have a fish, since that's all I'm allowed to have at school. He's a little weird, but I like him anyway.
Leading Actor Joined: 2/21/05
eee Light My Candle...ok done being excited
thanks much for the update and its always wonderful to hear from you
I will say this again and will say this basically forever...is it November yet?
I just realized my question got buried in a pile of thread jacking so I'm going to ask it again now. Was just wondering what you guys are planning to do with your fun chairs when the filming is complete. My suggestion was if you guys could do an auction or ebay or something where the money goes to charity. and you guys would autograph the chairs. or the chairs could be mass produced and sold to the public..which basically the RENTheads would be very excited about. end rant :)
also...how is Idina doing? we havent heard about the filming you her and tracie have been doing, in a while...but all the same very excited for the hype for Adam and Rosario
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/14/05
Thanks for the update, Anthony! Have fun with the rest of filming! :)
"I think it was the Korean tour or something. They were all frickin' asian!" -Zoran912
Hi Anthony! Thanks for that awesome long update on stuff...sounds like the movie is going to be so great, and I can't wait!!
I wanted to ask you something about when you came out. How old were you, and how did your family react? I came out when I was 19, and I had no idea that it was going to be as difficult as it was. My family totally dis-owned me, and I haven't talked to anyone in my family except my dad in these past 6 years since I came out. Everyone has told me that they would come around eventually, but I'm still waiting...ya know? It's gotten sooo much easier, because I've got some good friends and a great partner, but sometimes it's still tough.
I suppose this could be for everyone on here, not just Anthony, but reading about a little of his experience made me think about it. Any suggestions on helping my family understand..I've tried so much when I first came out, but they all live in a small small town, and its all new to them, and considered "gross". They didn't want to hear anything about it, and so they didn't want anything to do with me.
Anyway....a long spiel...I don't want a pity party..lol. Just wondered how anyone elses experiences were with coming out.
Updated On: 3/26/05 at 03:23 PM
Chorus Member Joined: 10/7/03
Just wanted to say thanks from over the pond Anthony. It's great to get these updates on our most anticipated movie for years. 'Rent' means so much to my wife and I; it's been there at all the major events in our time together and now we're coming up to our tenth Anniversary! You and Wilson were both very friendly to us when in London and it just added to our love of 'Rent'. Do you know if you'll be doing oversea's promo stuff for the release? Cheers, keep us posted.
thanks for the update, Anthony! i'm glad things are going so well, as far as the filming goes, and that you have so much confidence in your fellow cast members. I really admire you for not being ashamed of who you are and the lifestyel you choose to live. That's so inspiring and encouraging. Thanks for sharing!!