wow thanks for the long update... I learned a lot of things, and I am glad you are taking your time to answer our questions! Thanks! And I just wanted to add: I can't wait to hear Light my Candle!! I hope that everyone in the movie gets successful in the way they want to... it would be great to see some of my favorite stars get their dreams
RENThead, enLIGHist, Ozalot, Grobanite, Ringer, Pickwick LW, Wicked, Lost, American Dreams, West Wing
Lea S. Hugh J. Adam P. Idina M. Matt M. Taye D.
Thanks for the update Anthony! You're certainly very well'd you do in English when you were in school? So much love for ya...
Thanks for answering my question! I'd totally forgotten about it, so I was a bit surprised to see my sn up there.
And yes, I realize that watching movies on TV is not the ideal atmosphere. I recently came across the edited-to-PG version of Showgirls on VH1 and, once I picked myself up off the floor from laughing so hard at footage where it looks like they used Paint (or some equally cheap computer program) to add bras on the dancers, I decided that I'd rather sell my soul to Blockbuster than have to deal with that ever again. I just hate that these channels choose to air movies that are too controversial to be shown in the first place, then take out all the controversy to make it airable.
*Tip for anxious fans: Wednesday nights. Kevin Hill, followed by Law & Order. Enough to make you geek-out. Especially when someone gets murdered and you spaz out because there's the Nederlander in the far background, and you wish that L&O could be snarky enough to zoom in on the marquee and make people wonder why Det. Green is up there...Um, yeah, not that I've ever done this *cough*
Swing Joined: 3/25/05
Thanks for the long update!
Wow, that was an impressive amount of answering Anthony :) Thanks as always for staying in touch! Also, I am very glad to hear that the film will not be just wouldn't be right if it was.
Thank you very much for that lovely update, Anthony! I am a big fan and very much looking forward to seeing you in the RENT film this November!
Featured Actor Joined: 1/9/05
Thanks for the update! I'm so excited to hear about Light My Candle. It sounds gorgeous!
I have one quick question.....growing up, what was your favorite subject in school?
Thanks for the update Anthony! I still cant believe this is all really happening. November can't come soon enough. Thanks for giving us updates and let us know where we can find you on the new site!
Say "hello" to Adam & Jesse. Will keep ya posted about my site.
Leading Actor Joined: 1/28/05
YAY! Thanks for answering questions!!! Can't wait to see you in sf!!!!!
thank you so much anthony, i really hope to meet Idina, adam, and you again in sf!! thanks so much for posting
much love, god bless
I'm sure all of us here hope you'll also become a big movie star from this film - or, if that doesn't interest you, at least someone who'll have a large and interesting choice of film and stage roles in the future.
Anthony- You asked if I have done acting after "Wet Hot.." and the answer is yes. I work at my town's local theatre (about to start my 5th year), I was in the Pa premier of "Sottopasagio" a story about Italian homelessness (which had Equity ties), I am in charge of the theatre at my school (I m currently directing and starring in H2$), and I will be attending college for a BA in theatre.
I am glad you enjoyed "Wet Hot.."
JOYS! *hugs to all...sorry, I'm hyper* Thanks Anthony! *double hugs to you* You are such a rare kind of person to answer our (once in a while inane) questions. Which leads me to my question:
1. (sorry for repeating this one a million times, but I do realy want to know) Is there a making of Rent documentary thing going on? Lots of movies nowadays do have one and I think that it woud be so cool to see behind the scenes of this movie. (but if nothing else, your updates are really great...wish I lived in NY or SF)
Now for my inane question (since I haven't asked one and feel semi-entitled)
2. Could you go check out my blog? I wouldn't ask, but I did (what I hope) is a pretty good job at an essay about why I love the Broadway stars I love. Yours is my first so far and I'd like you to share an opinion on it. It's not really all that long. Please.
incendiary_wit- Anthony has already said that cameras are on all the time recording everything.
But does that mean it'll be released? Not necessarily, I'd assume.
I wouldn't wish mega-stardom on anyone, but I certainly do wish you and the entire cast of the Rent movie all the success you all rightfully deserve
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/13/05
Hey everyone....If you posted a question, even one that's now buried under tons of pages, have no fear that Anthony is aware of all the questions and will answer it when he gets the chance. So no need to post a question multiple times :) Nice little surprise when he answers the really old ones, huh?
Updated On: 3/26/05 at 11:13 PM
Featured Actor Joined: 11/27/04
Yay, thanks so much for the updates Anthony! ::happy RENT dance::
I was wondering if you would ever consider doing regional theater outside of the NY area. Lately people from NY have been coming over here to do shows and all my friends and I thought it would be awesome if one of our RENT heroes came to town.
Anyway thanks again for the updates and have fun in CA, give everyone our luv!
God you are amazing! Thanks for the up-date.
Leading Actor Joined: 1/28/05
Oh, question:
Do you have a religon? I'm cathloc, but I just wanted to know what religon you were.
P.S. You said Mark wasn't gay; not to the fanfic writers he's not! Here's some Mark/Roger fanfics if you want to read them(they are pretty short):
You can review on this thread, or PM me. Thanks!
oooooh, the slash. I've always felt like that twist throws so much off, and just never got that vibe, anyway. *shrug* Whatever floats the proverbial boat.
Leading Actor Joined: 1/28/05
Lael showed me Rent, and when I heard The Finale, I'm like "But Mark and Roger are suposed to be together!! *cries*" She goes, "YAY!"
That's trully what happened, I'm not lying! I never liked Mimi. I also went, "Mimi took Roger away from Mark *cries again*"
I always think of slash for anything, but this one came naturally. Hum. You can still read them If you want. You don't have to...
I probably will read, because I'm silly and curious. I've read a lot of it (some INCREDIBLY explicit), and I guess the way you percieve their relationship unfortunately depends quite a bit upon who you see play them, or in the case of just listening, the way you picture it. You know, the way you get certain vibes from certain actors, and their chemistry with one another has a lot to do with how you see it, though much of this stuff did originate in the OBC days, perhaps partially due to the assumed sexual persuation of the cast members, about which I'll say no more. Anyway, it's a personal choice, and I guess I'm just a sucker for the love story. Mimi's so fiesty, I love her, especially in contrast to Roger. I love what she brings out in him.
No intended offense at all to anyone who does see the Mark/Roger relationship as a sexually-oriented one, I just don't see it.
*dances* Those were great, I'd never read the last two...c'mon all. Mark and Roger were meant for each other...
Mark's line:
"There is no future (for us, now that Mimi's still alive), there is no past (cause now we have to pretend that the making out 'it exists in my mind' never happened).
Tell me you've thought the same...poor Marky...doomed to unrequeited love. He needs to get laid.
Mark's straaaaaaaaaight. He's just... a little lost. If your girlfriend turned on you, you'd be a little bit messed up, too!
Roger's even straightER.
Everybody's entitled.