Featured Actor Joined: 10/27/04
Finally found the Nocturne ques. (after doing some other things too... i had to watch Bush's acceptance speech and pack a little bit-->here in 'Jersey we get a long weekend because of the teacher's convention tomorrow and friday and I'm going to Disney with my family, as we have done every year since '92...we've been Vacation Club members since then..hehe)
ANYHOO, the mini Nocturne Discussion starts on page 19 of the 'latebreaking news' thread (i'm pretty sure 19 not 18...)
My (looong) question
"Anyway, for clarification of the structure of the play, the way the copy I have of it (I presume the only one you can buy) makes the play seem is that the son is the only character to speak, thus presenting the play as one character who speaks for himself and all others (in third person) while they actually do exist on stage (with other actors portraying them). At least this is what I can remember of it as of now (I can't seem to find my copy as my room's a mess but I read it about to months ago); is this true?"
The response:
"About Nocturne, the ART production differed from the originally written play by putting the other characters onstage, and even having them speak for themselves. But the way Adam wrote it, and the way he wants it to be performed, is to have only the Son onstage. It's so much more an expression of his isolation and loneliness and demonstrates that much more effectively his reliance on language alone to get him through his life."
(Sorry that made my post so long... it's worth the time to look back into that thread though--there is a mini discussion on the play, as I kinda noted above...)
*Now to figure out how to bump.....*
bumping just means adding another post to the thread, which moves the thread to the top of the page. Thanks for going back and finding that!
Ooh okay. Well, from the little bit that I read, I assumed it WOULD only be the son on stage, no? But I'm gonna go away for a while and finish reading the play before I read the spoilers on the mini-discussion on the RENT CASTING thread.
Tiff - I read it and saw a production of it, although not the one Anthony did. Would be happy to talk about it anytime; it's an incredible piece of work.
Featured Actor Joined: 10/27/04
Okay...wait... did I bump it then?
About the staging though, my question was becuase of the way the play is presented in the book as opposed to how I would have imagined it, which would have been the son saying everything (because of how the book is all in first and refers to all other people in third person), but I wasn't sure if the others were on stage but just didn't talk or if the play was adapted into book form because it mentioned how other people were there (and I believe there was a cast list of more than one at the beginning...)
I my mind the son only made the most sense but if there was a cast list that's probably what threw me off the most...
*I need to find my copy of the play!*
Well, I just realized I doubt I'll have internet again until Sunday night, so I look forward to rejoining the discussion/thread then. (No internet on vacation...grr...)
*Crossing fingers for internet before then (but doubtful)*
See you Sunday, then :) (Unless I post again before I leave...otherwise I'll be back Sunday:) )
Hey Everyone!!!
I saw LSOH last night in Seattle.
The show was a joy to watch. Anthony did a spectacular job with the character. I loved every minute of it. The plant was quite the spectacle as well...especially in the Finale. The whole cast seemed very comfortable with each other and worked well as a team. The only thing that was kinda sad was, the orchestra was a little too loud in some places and drowned out some of the quieter voices. This only happened a couple times, but they were pretty loud.
Highlights: Skid Row - beautiful
Suddenly Seymour- Stunning
Meek Shall Inherit- Great
The whole show was truly phenomenal!!!
Get tickets to see it!!!!
aw, I miss this show. It was so much fun! Thanks.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/4/03
i want to see it!!!! *cries* anthony, can you come to my town and just sing? <----(me being half serious.)
I would agree with ponine, but I don't think any sane artist wants to be in FL right now.
I know I don't...
Oh, and they're talking about the possibility of yet another hurricane...
Featured Actor Joined: 10/30/04
Another hurricane? Geez-- you Floridians get no rest.
But remember, they're hurri-cans- not, hurri-cants.- xD
I think they should be called hurri-up-and-wait-canes...you rush to get all ready and then sit there in the dark for like 36 hours. NOT fun if you're claustrophobic...
or an internet addict because cable's always the LAST thing to come back
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/7/04
And we did miss you two so much while you were braving the dangers of Mother Nature.
Wish LSOH was coming to Ohio, near me. Too bad.
eww. why would anyone want to go to ohio anymore? (pleasedon'thurtme!)
We love you insomniak.
And yes...I can read Star2b's mind!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/7/04
Yes, Ohio sucks now. I can't defend it anymore. You win, Tiff. Vancouver is better even if it is out in the middle of a wasteland.
s, NTG.
An ICY wasteland.
Oh well, Ohio's got a purpose. Now Florida has more self-esteem.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/7/04
Every election needs a scapegoat. I can see the political cartoons already... it's gonna be a long four years. It wasn't too dragged out though, that's something.
Well Im jealous of all of you who got to see Anthony in Little Shop. Its not coming here till March, so. No Anthony for me.
I wonder...if we keep posting on here and asking questions to Anthony and not give him any time to answer them, will his head explode and he just give up posting here at all? (Likely not in that order.)
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/7/04
I don't see him ever getting to it... seems like a good guy, but he has a life and a job, and he really got more than he bargained for by talking to us.
Well, at least he knows we all love him.
Well guys, today is a Wednesday
I don't know if it's the same with Broadway road shows but doesn't that mean that he has two shows today and is still in performance now? <--- me spreading the Anthony love
Updated On: 11/3/04 at 10:44 PM