Featured Actor Joined: 3/31/05
"*hands muffin to StageWhore*"
Where's my muffin?
I hoped it would affect more people than it did too. But it still got several new followers. The Adam Pascal blogring grew by about 30 people, so Adam definitely has 30 new fans. As does Anthony. As does Rent. That was kind of on topic. I'm proud.
Updated On: 12/16/05 at 06:01 PM
Broadway Star Joined: 5/1/05
Haha. On topic is goooood. And yeah, it is good that it brought in new fans. It just sucks when you're so disillusioned by something, ya know? I thought the movie was wonderful and a fairly well done representation of the show. I just thought it would strike a chord with more people than it did - I mean, let's be honest, don't you think most of the revenue it brought in was from Rentheads and people who had seen the show first?
Haha. StageWhore asked for a muffin, but you can definitely have one too. In fact, I declare MUFFINS FOR EVERYONE.
Featured Actor Joined: 3/31/05
Yes. That's probably true, but I want to remain disillusioned and say that there are still tons of new Rent converts that it did strike a chord with. I was talking with my cousin (who's a new fan) about the movie, and I think I accidentally started a competition about who can see it more times. Thanks for the muffin. I love muffins! What kind are they?
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/05
Yay muffins!!!!!!!!!!!! I never thought that the Rent movie would do that well, the subject matter is most interesting to people in their teens and twenties, and those people aren't into musicals (I went to a high school with 600 students per grade and I STILL had a hard time finding someone who had heard of anything other than Phantom). It's so sad, when I have kids I am going to make sure I do what my mom did- take them to see musicals and plays and theater in general when they are really little (they won't be loud and obnoxious if you get them used to it, trust me ). I know that that is the reason why I love theater so much- if you are never exposed to it then you may think it's weird and cheesy (which it can be, but so are horror flicks).
Anthony's website is back. It is not fully done, but you can put your e-mail in for updates.
We know, but thanks for reminding us!
Well, Rent is still my inspiration for life. I cant explain it really, theres somthing in the way Jonathan writes that I adore. Screw the critics and screw people who didn't like it. Im still VERY Happy with the way the movie turned out and I respect those actors more then ever now.
::end soap box::
Evening all! :)
i like the icon^
Hehe Thank you!
Its a great land.
Stand-by Joined: 12/7/05
Go Anthony's site! Might see Rent one last time in theaters this weekend. I do not believe you can call youself a Renthead, if you have on;y seen the movie twice. Due to accessibility issues for a preview screening in San Fran, I have only seen it it twice. (the manager assured me when I went to the theater the day before the screening, that the movie would be in the wheelchair accessible auditorium, then when I got there it was up a flight of stairs. I was pissed, to put it midly. ) Of course I will cherish the DVD when it comes out.
You should come to Maryland. All the theatres around here are wheelchair accessible (As they should be!). We'll go a few times!
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/05
I really want to see it again, one last time before it is out of theaters. I guess I shouldn't complain though, I've seen it 6 times, lol.
Ive only seen it three times. I ran out of people to go with lol.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/14/05
I worried about running out of people to go with, but when I threatened to go alone, my fiance stepped in. (and I'm hoping he will again tomorrow, so I can go for number 8.)
Stand-by Joined: 11/29/05
Hey guys whats up! Just got done catching up on the thread. I hope everybody is doing well.
On another note...I want to see the movie again as well I have seen it six times but as of right now the movie will only be near me until this tuesday. The new schedule has not come out yet for the dates after that so hopefully it will still be in theaters here.
P.S. can I have a banana nut muffin please? hahaha
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/05
Oh, I see movie alone all the time. It's really fun actually, no one to bug you and such. I saw Rent alone 3 times.
Hey, did you know that Anthony's old site is still up?
Featured Actor Joined: 3/31/05
I saw the movie by myself on Wednesday. I was a little excited because I was the only one in the theater, so I was getting ready to sing and dance along with the movie. But then two people walked in, so I decided I should probably be polite and not sing or dance.
I didn't know his old site was still up. Thanks, Curgirl!
I'm seeing it a third time tonight...I would've seen it many, many more times, but none of my friends want to see it over and over like I do. And I don't have the time. *sigh*
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
I'm on my 8th time. Still playing here it Omaha, and as long as it's playing, the longer I keep spending my pay checks!
Raini Smilies- That EXACT thing happened to me the other day. I went to like, a noon showing of rent on a Wednesday. It was playing in the big theatre, and of course, everyone is at work so when I went to sit down I was by myself in this huge theatre. I was planning on singing and everything when this older lady walked in and sat a couple seats down.
Still a good experience though, we were both crying at the end and we watched all of the credits. :)
"You should come to Maryland. All the theatres around here are wheelchair accessible (As they should be!). We'll go a few times! "
i wished i still lived there, i have to go to a theater thats preety far away to keep seeing it
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/05
:looks at watch: *taps foot* Is it time for the DVD yet?
my friend works at an indi movie theater a block away from where i live, and told me that in January they have picked up three showings for RENT (the movie) and im sooo excitied
oo mandi, i love your picture of Anthony, hes so cute!