Broadway Legend Joined: 5/7/04
We're not trying to kill you Anthony!! We promise!!
oh wait thats kind of like thread sitting isnt it? posting meanless posts? ok ill stop
I'M SOO SORRY. I know we shouldn't post, but I just wanted to say thank you to those who've welcomed me. I appreciate it much. Okay, I promise, no more till later.
HI Everyone,
I just wanted to let you all know that Anthony feels really badly that he hasn't been posting for the last week or so. He's been really busy with Little Shop and taking care of stuff for the RENT movie. He wants you all to know that he feels badly and doesn't want you to think he's abandoned everyone. I told him people were afraid that we as a collective had scared him away from the board, and he asked me to assure everyone that is not the case. He starts rehearsals for RENT this coming Monday the 29th, on top of Little Shop, but he hopes to be back on the board soon.
And as a last note for anyone with any doubts that Whiteboy Spice is in fact Anthony Rapp, rest assured it is. I spoke with him tonight at the stage door in San Francisco.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/4/04
thanks for the info. i'm sure we can all be a little more patient now that anthony has little shop AND the rent movie. but i'm glad that the rent movie is actually happening!!! *squeal*
Yeah. Can't wait for that. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
Featured Actor Joined: 10/27/04
Thanks for the message from Anthony--I personally thought it was still a time crunch thing, not necessarily that we scared him away : P hehe
Anyways, I hate to post now while we're still kinda letting the thread sit quietly until someone returns, but I really wanted to ask everyone a question before I go and possibly unnecessarly PM Anthony himself (I would hate to do that...highly intrusive and obsessiveseeming, kinda cluttery-for-no-wonderful reason).
Okay. My dad is offering to actually fly me out to SD on the 11th to see the show and then return that night (so we're back for the family get-together night of Chanukah on Sunday). This may sound crazy, I don't want to sound like a crazy fanatic fangirl 'cause I happen to not really be one--not stalkercrazy or anything of that level (those people are insane!), but my dad takes my brother all over the fricking country to see the Mets play games (and I think maybe its okay if for all these times they've seen the mets in california, florida, canada, puerto rico, etc, that I should be able to go see a nice little b'way show I'd like to. Just maybe heh.) It's basically a really nice Chanukah present :)
SOOOoooOOO: I wanted to ask if anyone thinks/knows that the Rent movie rehearsals interfere at all with the LSoH tour sched--especially as far as a matinee performance (coughonsaturdaytheeleventhcough). I'm thinking probably not as its contractual, etc, but just in case as my dad would freak out if we went all that way and it was already obvious an understudy was to perform (I would probablt be a little upset becuase I could technically wait til the tour is in Philly, but it wouldn't ruin my entire world--Jim Poulos is understudy anyway-- the way my dad could possibly be upset for flying out there, maybe i'm just worried about it, but still...)
I know there is no way to know if someone will perform on any given day anyway, but I thought I'd try asking if anyone knew any preexisting reasons I should be cautious in attempting such a voyage anyway... (I'm just excited my dad is even considering the idea--he just says right now the only reason we couldn't go is a test/quiz in school that monday which I'm seriously doubting at this point...)
Sorry that was so long, but, again, I just wanted to check to see if anyone sees why I should not attempt this trip. (LOL It'd be the first vacation/trip I ever take where no hotel stay is involved...)
Thanks! (and sorry again)
Updated On: 11/25/04 at 06:45 PM
If my dad offered to take me on a trip to SF I would go without question. I think that if you really want to go to see it as of close to immediately then you could take your dad up on his offer. That's if you want to go right now.
I can't really say anything about people not performing. I say maybe ask? There's no harm in asking.
That's my two cents. Have an adventure. Live a little. Never know maybe you'll get what you hope for and more. I really hope that helps.
Stacy- The rehearsals will not be interfering with his LSOH schedule, however he will be leaving the tour after San Diego. There is no way of knowing in advance if understudies will be in or not, but you have a pretty good chance of seeing him if you go.
Featured Actor Joined: 10/27/04
Hehe--"i would go without question"
My thinking exactly, I think its about time I live a little bit. I was assuming that the sced's shouldn't have a big conflict (but what even brought the rehearsal fact to mind was the mention of him doubling up on both next weeee-*lightbulb* filming is in san francisco where they director apparently lives--and presumable rehearsals would be-- and i'd be going to a show in san diego.. I bet there wouldn't be rent rehearsals interfering within one day because he'd have to commute between the cities! uh...right? *I don't really know west coast geography too well though, but the cities aren't that close are they?
Maybe I'll PM him... but I'm thinking that might not be necessary (y'all think my little ligthbulb-line of thought above maybe makes some sense?)
Thanks for reassuring me about his prolly being there--my thoughttrack exactly between the two of you--thanks:)
(ie: i think as soon as i badger my teacher to tell me what we're doing in three weeks' monday, i'll tell my dad 'let's go')
Hey, No day but today, right?
Might as well because ya never know...
Yeah! I mean I bought my tickets for the tour in CT thinking that Anthony will be there, and it turns out he's not but I'm def. still going! Even though I bought the tickets to see Anthony, I'm sure it will be a wonderful show nonetheless.
"No Day But Today, right?"
Hey guys...I hate to burst your bubble, but this really needs to be discussed elsewhere...
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/4/04
i think this needs to be reposted, from page 27 (i hope you don't mind, tiff)
"A Memoradum ~ Everyone please read:
This isn't directed at anyone in particular, but nonetheless it needs to be said.
I seriously think it's about time that we stop threadjacking here. Most of it has been in good fun, and I've been the instigator in many of off-topic nonsense that's been going on, but:
1) We've already got a thread on the off-topic board that spawned from here, and even though there's been a substantial amount of negativity there, that wasn't its original purpose. Now that everything's been said and done on there, I think it would be better utilized for threadjacks such as the ones that have been going on here.
2) This thread should be used to discuss Anthony, his work, his life, whatever discussions he brings up, things of that nature. Only. I don't know whether or not he minds the randomness on here, but I have a feeling it's confusing and tedious as hell to weed through all of the pages of off-topic stuff that I, admittedly, and other people have put on here that are not related to him.
3) By keeping this thread strictly on topic, it will leave less room for said negativity that has arisen as of late. While I would hardly consider myself the instigator, I have to acknowledge I was apparently a factor in some of this, which as not my intent or desire, and for that, I am sorry to anyone not involved who had to put up with that. (This goes for the other thread as well.) I'm sure we put up with a lot of bullSH*T in our "normal" lives without having to put up with snarkiness from individuals in cyberland as well. Some of this was due to misunderstandings. Some of this was due to personality issues. Either way, if it can't be resolved and we can't be friendly, at least we can be civil with each other. Downright nastiness, on this thread and others, should not, and will not, be tolerated.
4) Even though Anthony is a normal human being who eats and takes a SH*T like the rest of us (btw - and I'm sure it smells like roses, because he's Anthony Freakin' Rapp!~kidding), let's face it, he did us a favor by coming on here. It wasn't his obligation, and without him posting, we would have our panties in a twist thinking J. Lo was playing Maureen and Harvey Fierstein was playing Roger. [insert relieved shudder here] In light of this, there's no reason to involve him (or, really, anyone) in our flaming, because he doesn't know, and doesn't need to know, the context in which any previous remarks were made. POINT IS - he didn't sign up to watch us twist each other's nipples, so any bashing that needs to be done can be done via Private Messaging or the threadjack thread, if it absolutely must be made public. (And there's no reason it should have been made public.)
In conclusion, let's leave this thread alone unless we're discussing something in a positive light, and directly relevant to Anthony. If we ix-nayed the fangirling and the rudeness that a lot of people have had to tolerate, this thread and other Rent-related threads would be much more pleasant. I've been told by one individual that some of my earlier remarks were misconstrued as "bitching", instead of my attempt at sarcasm that most people seem to "get". The mood on this thread was lighthearted and I initially interpreted it as such. Anything less than civility on here reflects badly on Rent fans and BroadwayWorld members.
And if you've made it to the end of this post, I'll give you a cookie."
thanks for reading
~ rebecca
Featured Actor Joined: 10/27/04
I know its my fault completely and I close that area of discussion evermoreevermoreevermore.
I'm sorry i perpertuated responses by responding to responses too...
I didn't mean to or want to post and take up space and forgot to specify that i would have wanted people to pm responses -- and should have created a new thread for the topic entirely...
I thought about not posting it at all but thought maybe it was kinda on topic, even though in retrospect it has nothing to do with asking anthony a question (unless i pm him asking him are you going to be there, or had phrased the question that way instead of towards board members too, i guess)...gosh i hate being yelledat/having anger directed towards me (i mean this in a legit way--its just part of who i am, etc..always been on edge when theres confrontation of anysort..achillesheel-like)....sorry again^google...
[can someone pm me and tell me if i should delete all of my posts on this page? i really want to because i fel bad for my thricethreadjacking...can i?]
I had a lapse of judgement, please forgive (it's thanksgiving for heavens sake, even though it doesn't really matter does it)
I'll shut up now.
EDIT: Okay, thanks *phew* it wasn't angeranger :) Reality checks are nessa... thanks heavens its (all of the lil deviation etcs) now over hehe
Updated On: 11/25/04 at 10:11 PM
Stand-by Joined: 10/29/04
Hi all --
I will be posting a set of answers to some long-standing questions shortly. Thanks for all of your patience... I wanted to get through some of this now, before things get *really* nutty; I'll be doing double duty of rehearsals for Rent during the day and performances of Little Shop at night.
Don't worry about it, man. You've got a lot on your plate. It's tempting to just start fresh and let people ask you questions slowly and wait for you to respond before we ask you more. It's sort of gotten outta hand here. I can't even follow this thread and I'm on here every day, so I've just given up. Your head'll explode if you try to answer everything, and that doesn't look good on film. (Remember the money shots!) Take your time.
Hope LSOH's going well! You guys close in SF soon, right? (No need to respond. That was rhetorical.)
(PS. Guys, now that it's been established that Anthony knows how to check, you know, the second page on the main board, I don't think it's necessary to bump this thread up when there's nothing new, eh? <-- Got to stop saying "eh")
Hey Anthony,
I think it's amazing you're even online this late answering questions. Are you sure you're not superman with your hectic schedule? (You don't have to answer that). You are truly a very awesome dude.
Just a side note. A good friend of mine saw your show tonight. (Just thought I'd say that)
Stand-by Joined: 10/29/04
from Broadwaystar2b --
"Well, being a Q~tip as well as a Renthead, my first question is about this comment of yours:
"I actually have gone through their puppet training, and as far as I know I did pretty well with it."
How did this come about? Where you audtioning as a replacement or for the Las Vegas company?"
I was auditioning before they knew what they might need; they were just seeing people in case members of the Broadway cast didn't re-up in their contracts, and in case the road company happened sooner rather than later. It all went well, and may have gone farther (which I would have loved, being a huge fan of the show myself) but it didn't amount to anything in the end, because of Little Shop.
"And my other question is: Did you get to meet Charles Schulz when you were working on You're A Good Man Charlie Brown?"
No we didn't. We found out later he didn't make the trip out east because he'd been ill; he died not long after our run ended. We did wind up singing at his memorial service, though. That was a real honor.
from moo --
"A) How did you like Interlochen?"
One of my favorite places on earth. I go back regularly to teach, at least once a year, if at all possible. Even though I went to Interlochen as a camper after I'd already worked as a professional actor, my time there remains among the most fulfilling of my creative life.
"B) Were you Broadway-obsessed as a teenager?"
I wouldn't call myself Broadway-obsessed, no. Although I went to see a lot of theatre. But because I was working in theatre, I felt more like a peer than a fan. Although I do consider myself a fan of many shows and many performers.
from notthatgirl --
"What's it like seeing other people do roles that you have also done? Do you find yourself constantly comparing, or are you able to simply watch the performance?"
It's a little surreal. I'm used to it now with Mark, having seen many different people take on the role. I try my best to watch and take in what they're doing, but there are times when I get a little frustrated at what I feel are missed moments and wasted opportunities. And there are times when I am very impressed and moved. I hope my Tango:Maureen is as funny as some of the ones I've seen over the years.
from chinkie azn jai --
"What made a big broadwaystar like yourself want to join a broadway message board and reveal your identity as well? Also, you shouldnt be pressured to answer everyones questions. It's not your obligation ."
Back in 1996, when the internet was still in its late-infancy/early adolescence, I thought it would be great to get to interact with audiences in a new way (and try to see some unfiltered, honest responses from theatregoers) and I posted a lot when Rent took off. I met a lot of amazing people and had some great conversations. And then it got a little too overwhelming -- there were days when I would get upwards of 30 emails a day -- and some people started to get ticked off if I didn't get back to them promptly and it seemed like I needed to cool off a little bit. But then when the movie started to come together I felt the old nostalgia of interacting online, and decided to tip my toe back in the water. I'm a little wiser this time, though (I think), which is why I keep asking for patience in *advance*. :-P
Seriously, though, I think it's incredible to be able to use this medium to forge an even stronger connection between artists and their audience, and vice versa. I'm surprised more people don't partake. (Although it can get a bit time-consuming.)
from cutewome2 --
" Anthony- Did you see all the names being bounced around for consideration on the boards or otherwise? If so-what are your thoughts about future actors in the show or people that were named as possibilities in case the original cast was unavailable?"
I did see all sorts of rumors, but I just tried to ignore it until I heard some official word. That's the benefit of being on the inside of this process; I don't get news unless it's more or less real, so all the speculation in the world doesn't matter, in a sense. All along, I just hoped that we would get a solid chance to prove our worth to Chris and the powers that be. And I tried to prepare myself for the possibility that it wouldn't come through. Cause you never know...
"Do you feel that it lessens the experience because some people can't separate the personality from the performance?"
In some ways, sometimes, yes. There were times during our run on Broadway when it seemed like a portion of the group of Rentheads wanted us to behave a certain way, and that became more important to them than the experience of the story being told. In a way, I felt like when we went to London we got to concentrate even more on the simple nuts and bolts of telling our story, since there wasn't nearly the amount of hype and noise around our run there.
From Bal --
"Hey! Speaking of LSOH... Did you see the Broadway production at all? Did Hunter Foster (or Jonathan Rayson or Joey Fatone) inspire any of your acting choices?"
I did see the Bway production, with Hunter as Seymour, but it was so long before I started rehearsals that I didn't really take anything too specific away with me. I was happy that he approached it with honesty, which I always try to do. And I thought he was funny, which I hope I am, as well.
"Anyways, as I was saying... I'm going to bring up one of your older answers. I think it's really interesting that Mark's the best character you've ever played, especially since you've had an interesting and varied career since then. I was wondering.. exactly why."
"Mark seems like a fairly static character to me (or am I wrong? I think that he doesn't change much during the course of the show, at least compared to other characters.) I understand that working with Jonathan and then that tragedy that occurred must have made it SUCH a powerful piece to perform, but do you also think that the chracter itself contributed to your love of performing him?"
Admittedly, so much of the reason for my saying Mark has as much to do with how much the whole experience of making Rent happen and all of its aftermath has shaped my life. He is probably the character most like myself, or more accurately, most like myself at the age I began playing him, than any other I've ever done. But I loved having the opportunity to use all of the different aspects of myself: some intensity and rage; some quiet, interior hollowness; some explosive joy; some silliness and comedic antics; some heartbreak and grief. I am very drawn to his particular struggles, and his somewhat awkward position in his group of friends. I feel for him tremendously.
Other favorites, though, have to be mentioned: Hedwig and Henry V and Jacob in Road Trip and Carlos in Gompers, to name a few. I really have been quite lucky in the diversity of characters I've had the opportunity to portray.
From broadwaystar2b
"I have another question (but only if you have time)
have you ever seen the Forbidden Broadway Rent spoofs?
if so, what did you think?"
I thought "Seasons of Hype" was hilarious. And the rest was fun, but not nearly as spot-on.
From greenifyed --
"What's your favorite song from RENT? Why?"
The reprise of I'll Cover You. It's the epitome of what makes Jonathan's work so beautiful and heartbreaking and joyful. And I loved singing What You Own every night with Adam, for the sheer catharsis.
"And uhm, any idea how the Contact scene in the movie is going to go?"
As of now, it's not going.
But a propos of that, I have always loved the way Jonathan wrote Angel's death (although I am not sure that it would work on film). I would like to imagine that for people like Angel who have been living with incredible pain for as long as he has, death would be something like an ecstatic release.
from insomniak --
"How do you eat an Oreo?"
I don't eat them. Sorry... I eat healthy food. Boring, I know, but healthy!
And on that note...
Good night everyone.
whoa! I just read all of that - I didn't ask anything, but thanks! It's so interesting to read those kinds of things straight from someone like you.
insomniak finally got her Oreo answer...
And I had to laugh about the Forbidden Broadway stuff. Someone just introduced me to that. Interesting, to say the least.
Best of luck with the rehearsals! I can't believe it's so soon; can't imagine what you all are thinking!
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/4/04
thanks for answering some questions -- they were intersting to read! good luck with rehersals TOMORROW!! yay