I haven't been reading/posting on this thread very often (not enough time to keep up with it). But I wanted to say thank you Anthony for keeping us all up to date on the happenings on the film. I am SURE you are much busier than I, so I commend you for taking the time!
-- Also, SO many times I lost my post. It is the most frustrating thing ever. I think its happened to everyone so we all can relate!
Swing Joined: 12/13/04
I know this is a couple of pages back (73, specifically), but the avatar for cantthinkofanythinggood is a photo of me - on Castro and 18th right around new years last month. Wow... Small world, eh? Don't mean to get off topic, but I am totally blown away - I live in Michigan, was on there for vacation. I am utterly flattered. The group of that rushed me for the photo were so sweet and cute - I couldn't say no when they asked for my photo.
Much Love,
Aaah! Small world indeed! I was one of the other girls!
hey anthony!! and the rest of you!! i posted a pic of me and anthony after Little shop!! December 2nd show...yea...check it out...
remember me?ric?? not ringing any bells huh?
i figured
Swing Joined: 12/13/04
LaeloftheLakes, honey, darling! Aahhh - what are the chances? You totally made my night - Ya'll rock! :o)
Much love,
I guess that's a case of what are the odds? Lol.
No kidding! WOW! That rather made my month!
Well, I didn't expect THAT when I signed on tonight! And that was...what was that...I think it was December 27. Does that sound right?
Okay, look at me. I yell at everyone for threadjacking, and look at me! Augh! *storms off in drama-queen huff*
Haha we can't all be expected to confine ourselves to one minute topic. This is a board for crazy drama freaks after all. :-P I think as long as we don't start talking about something as random as flying cows we will all be fine.
OK but to bring it back to the name on this thread...I've got a question. What was it like to jump down the throat of a giant plant for LSoH? I just finished the audio recording of the play and I heard a screaming of "OPEN UP!" to Audrey 2 or something then a bunch of dramatic music so I can only assume that it followed how the movie ended pretty closely. Was that fun to do and wasn't it kind of hard to get back out of? I didn't realize that Audrey 1 dies though...how sad!
And yeah its amazing how small the world is sometimes. I love running into people I never thought I'd see again.
Have a nice night all!
Honey, during that dramatic music, Seymour dies.
Yeah I figured that much but whoever plays Seymour has to get back out at some point. It just doesnt seem like it would be that easy. :-P
Well, the gullet of the plant goes backstage, so Seymour (I'm assuming) can slide all the way down the throat somehow, and get out backstage.
Hmm yeah makes sense. I was just thinking, how do they coordinate the puppet's movements with the actual voice? Since Michael James Leslie performs live every performance I would assume that there would be some kind of speaker with an attached microphone inside the plant and he is somewhere backstage talking into the mic so its believable that the plant is talking but if thats the case that would require some GOOD timing since you'd assume that Micheal would need to see the stage and the other actors for cues etc. Just curious about the mechanics behind that.
Swing Joined: 12/13/04
Having done LSOH in High School, It's all about timing - You eventually get everything down like clockwork. The rhythms of the voice and action of the plant did take some time to get down. Sliding down the plant (we rented a plant from NY) was awesome - I'm sure the Broadway one was similar. Just kinda come out the back. With the right lighting and set we never had a problem hiding it.
Oh, for the record - I love the way the stage version ends (and alteraive movie version, for that matter) Audrey II is an unwieldy power that consumes all the characters, the story is set for everyone to be eaten and die. I'm gonna miss seeing Anthony being eaten, I'll find a way to muddle through... ;o)
Much love,
Thanks for the info Chetchez. Yeah that sounds like it would be alot of work to coordinate the movements and vocals but obviously however they did it worked very well. That'd be fun to slide down the throat of a plant....:-P
I agree, the ending where everyone dies is much better then the original movie ending where (almost) everyone lives happily ever after etc. Its much more interesting and climactic (not to mention realistic, so to speak) for the main characters to die. And I wish I could see Seymour jump down the throat of the plant and get eaten. Unfortunately I can only hear it via CD. Oh well, thats where imagination jumps in. :-P
Hope everyones having a good day.
Just saying hi. Bet we'll be hearing a lot of news when Anthony finally gets back to us.
Hi Anthony
I have one more question I forgot to ask lol.
Are you going to host CT Pride again this year?
Can't wait to her from you. :)
Love Lauren
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/14/05
Anthony - thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.
Have you seen I Am My Own Wife and if so, thoughts?
Anthony, I was just curious as to wether you think there is any chance that you would return to the role of Mark onstage again in the future. I know the movie is coming out and all so that'll be keeping you busy for a while but do you have any plans for future projects after filming ends? Thanks!
So Jennifer Siebel is in the Rent film? Who is she playing, Alexi, April...?
Yeah, I saw that on IMDb. My guess would be April but thats just me. Maybe she's playing Alison?
That's a good guess. She looks a lot more like an Allison than an April in her IMDb picture.
Yeah considering that all the parents need to be alot older and Alexi is usually precieved as Asian (though wether they will follow that is up to the producers and director) I'd think she would play Alison or maybe a soloist/tenant?
....aren't Muffy and Alison the same person? Sorry if I'm wrong, thats just how I precieved it. Either way, I wonder when we'll start seeing articles and promo pics for the movie. They usually do those pretty early on to create tons of hype by the release time...hope so, I can't wait to see. ^^
Yeah Muffy and Alison(one l or two?) are the same person. Muffy is what Roger calls Alison.