Ah, ok then. So if Alison an old friend as well or was she someone that Benny met and the reason why he went all uptight landlord on them? Never quite figured out how she fit into all of this besides the fact taht she was benny's wife.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/29/04
There used to be someone who kind of semi-moderated this thread but they don't seem to be around anymore so I thought I'd jump in here and make a simple request. It's obvious that Anthony has less time here than before and when he DOES find a few minutes, it's going to take him ages to catch up and read all this stuff. So, can those of you who appear to be having conversations, please take it to IM or start a new discussion thread and leave this for Anthony's questions and answers? It's getting a little crazy. Thanks!
Stand-by Joined: 10/29/04
Hola all --
Thanks for your continuing patience. I had to go out of town this past weekend, so I wasn't able to get caught up here the way I'd been hoping. And now I have to get ready for rehearsal and recording, but I should be able to hit a lot of questions later tonight.
Jesse and Idina are now in town, which is certainly a happy occasion. This Friday Taye joins us for only a couple of days, and that'll be the first time all eight of us are together. We have a LOT of work to do this week and not a lot of time to do it, so I might be scarce around these parts, but I will update when I can.
As a brief update of last week's work, I did Rent, as I told you, then Tango, followed by Halloween and What You Own. It's been very satisfying and fun to get the chance to make these songs better than ever on a permanent document. I hope you all agree they're better...
Take care, talk to you soon --
I was listening to the OBCR today, while I was taking a test, and I'm now thinking about how, in less than a year, I might be listening to the new recording just as much, if not more. I'm happy that you guys are abloe to be completly satisfied with the recording this time.
I'm with emcee and hope everything's going well and Idina's feeling better.
Have fun.
Hello Anthony! I just joined a few days ago, but I've been keeping up with this thread for months now, and have been too shy to post! No matter how many times everyone has told you this, it is so wonderful and rare to find someone who is so open and welcoming to their fans. You are such an amazing actor and I love all of your work.
So to add to the question asking trend, I have a few for you!
At Rent's 5 year reunion concert, you sang "Open Road" (which was lovely might I add!). I was wondering why it was decided to include this song in the concert, and if it was something you personally wanted to have be a part of it. I know many Rentheads would have loved to see this song be part of the Broadway show. Would you have liked to see it in the finished project?
Also, do you think anyone will ever compile a CD of Johnathon Larson's "not-so-known" songs? For example, at the Reunion Concert, a couple of Johnathon's songs, that have not been recorded were sung, and were beautiful. I also believe that Audra McDonald sang a Larson song at her recent concert. On this board people often say that they would love to know what else Johnathon would have contributed if he were here longer. A CD such as this would be one way for fans to get their hands on just a little bit more of his brilliance.
Have a great day of rehearsal, we can't wait to hear about it! :)
THanks for the update! Now i have a question. Do you think that the ensemble from the obc will have cameos in the film? Also were you a fan of the peanuts comic strip before performing in yagmcb? Have a good day!
Featured Actor Joined: 1/31/05
Hey Anthony. I've been reading this thread for awhile now but haven't posted yet. It's totally awesome that you give updates and whatnot - thanks so much for that. They're awesome! I met you outside the stage door for "Little Shop" while you were still in it here in SF and you were so sweet and genuine, so thanks soo much for that too! My friend and I gave you a Starbucks mug full of sweets and card - hopefully you enjoyed it. :) Anyways, I hope you are enjoying San Fran and are able to travel around the Bay Area some while you are here. I've lived here forever and love it! A lot of people here are really excited that the RENT movie is being filmed here in SF. It's really cool. :) Anyways, thanks again and I look forward to reading more of your updates. Lots of love! <3
Updated On: 1/31/05 at 06:28 PM
hey there. I'm new at this site but i've been reading for a long time and i have to say that i'm a big fan of yr work. however i kinda feel like you just keep spoiling everything involved with the movie. now i know everyone here including me wants to know absoultely everything about the movie but at the same time i'm conflicted cause you just keep giving more and more information. and then i worry that if anyone involved with the movie knew you were spoiling so much wouldn't you get in trouble? i mean i love hearing that it's going so well, but hearing things like the songs and how they'll be done just seems like spoilers or potentially trouble. what do you think? please don't flame me for taking the fun out with this question. i know the script is out there but i really just wanted to be surprised when it opened. (though i really like hearing how happy everyone is to be together and those kinda things cause i only got to see the show on bway once and not with the full original cast)
Hey Anthony, good to hear from you. Was beginning to think you'd fallen off the face of the earth. Anyways, good to hear that recordings are going well. It sounds like RENT will be better with more backup vocals and drums. After all there are only so many people you can fit on one stage but for a movie the options are endless. It sounds like you guys are making good decisions as far as changes go though. Will there be alot more instrumentals and background vocals in other company numbers?
I have a quick question, is there any chance whatsoever you would return to Little Shop of Horrors in the future? It turns out that I came just about as close as you can get to going to the show without knowing it (my mom could have gotten great tickets but declined, thinking I wouldnt be interested...:-/) and it's something I'd love to see. The audio I have is great and all but its not the same as seeing it live.
Anthony, you've obviously gotten even busier lately, and I imagine I speak for a lot of us in saying that if the volume of questions has gotten to be overwhelming, please feel free to ignore them for the time being. It's great just to hear a little bit about what's going on.
Yeah seriously. I imagine you could write a book the size of the Lord of the Rings trilogy just filled with answers. I'm sure you dont want to spend all night answering questions when you could be sleeping or something (something I could use more of...) :-P
I'm excited that reunions are taking place. I hope tons of fun will be had by all, but then, that's not really a worry, is it?
I was going to save this question, cause I didn't want to bombard you, but I'm itching for an answer...for lack of a better word.
Are there certain techniques you use to keep yourself in good singing voice? Like, a certain drink, or a personal humidifier, something like that? Also, do you still take voice lessons? When you find the time, that is?
Just curious.
Totally cannot WAIT for the movie...
(Let me know if there's something I can do to make the questions easier for you to answer when you post...I'm trying to split up what I want to say, and the actual questions...)
Stand-by Joined: 10/29/04
Hi all --
Well, best laid plans and all... I just got home from having a visit with Tracie and Idina, and have to get to bed so I can start all over tomorrow. It was great to spend time with Idina, though. We're almost all here...
As for the spoiler thing, I don't feel like I'm giving anything away at this point. I'm just trying to share some of the experience with people who are interested, but not to an extent that would betray the sanctity of our creative process or undermine the film's secrecy or integrity. I've mentioned that the script has continued to evolve a great deal, but I haven't elaborated much more than that. Suffice it to say, that it will be quite different in many respects from the one that has circulated.
Anyway, have a good night everybody.
Yay! I can't wait to hear more about the rehearsals. I'm such a dweeb. *Pines at computer screen*
Good to know Tracie and Idina are hanging out though (not that I wouldn't expect them to NOT be..) and that she's doing better. That rib should be pretty much healed up by now. Or so I'd assume.
Right, it's late. I'm shutting up now.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/4/04
Understudy Joined: 1/11/05
Good to hear that everyone and everything is coming together in SF. Hope rehearsals and recordings go well today. Just wanted to leave a quick note before I head to school. Have a good day everyone!
It is awesome that all of you guys are hanging out! I love it when a cast seems close. THe love shows through the acting! Have fun!
Yeah it really radiates on screen or on stage when the cast are close in real life. There are alot of movies where two people are supposed to be in love or best friends or whatever but there is no chemistry between them and their actions and emotions seem forced sometimes so its great when the cast becomes close off screen or off stage. Hope everything went well today with rehearsals and recordings. And hope everyones had a good day.