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What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?- Page 6

What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#125re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/24/06 at 2:45pm

As a paying customer and Wicked fan

Congratulations. I'm a paying customer and a Wicked fan, and I thought she was fantastic. (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

kaycee Profile Photo
#126re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/24/06 at 7:36pm

This whole thread is yet another reminder of why I rarely venture onto the boards.

"The more I see of the world, the less inclined I am to think well of it."

the summer rain just brings us pain, Louison...

#127re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/24/06 at 7:50pm

I've been avoiding this thread, beacause I actually liked Ms. Clarke in the role, and imagined that it would devolve into a lot of jealous bashing. NEVER did I imagine that it would end up focussing on weight issues, of all things.

How unbelievably ridiculous, pointless and unnecessary.

I suggest you stick to staying home and watching America's Next Top Hot Model, or whatever that thing is called, because that would seem to better meet your criteria for entertainment. And probably better match what you think passes for critical analysis.

#128re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/24/06 at 8:18pm

I am so sick of people saying that just because we don't think Katie Clarke is vocally up to the role we are automatically jealous. Can't you come up with a *real* argument in her defense?

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

ShuQ Profile Photo
#129re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/24/06 at 8:19pm

Last week she told me that she was going on vacation after the show closed and that nothing was set in stone after that.

I, too, thought she was fantastic.

#130re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/24/06 at 8:21pm

When I saw her live, I thought she was excellent. Seeing her on PBS just confirmed that I didn't imagine it. I hope she has a good and long career in front of her.

#131re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/24/06 at 8:24pm

"I am so sick of people saying that just because we don't think Katie Clarke is vocally up to the role we are automatically jealous."

Spork - I'm not sure if that's in response to my post or not, but if it is, read it again. I said I IMAGINED that that's what would happen - but instead found all the harping and discussion about her weight. I didn't say that I interpreted anyone's comments as being motivated by jealousy.

#132re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/24/06 at 8:42pm

Ohh... sorry for the misunderstanding on my behalf. I must be touchy because people always say that's why people dislike Emmy Rossum.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

#133re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/24/06 at 9:54pm


Pillowpants. 'Nuff said.

#134re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/24/06 at 11:50pm

Just want to say that I wish i hadn't read this board which has sickened and depressed me so. I fear what horrible and vicious things could possibly be said about me one day. It's incredible how greatness can be beaten down into pulp by the words of imbeciles...

These discussions have frustrated the living piss out of me if i may say so. I honestly don't know what compelled me to read every post and then actually comment. I suppose i needed a feel of some kind of closure. Oh well.. i'm at a loss of words as usual...

EDIT: and horribly angry at the ideal of weight to boot! Updated On: 6/24/06 at 11:50 PM

BillFinn Profile Photo
#135re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/25/06 at 12:27am

I am so sick of people saying that just because we don't think Katie Clarke is vocally up to the role we are automatically jealous. Can't you come up with a *real* argument in her defense?

Sporkgoddess is amazing!!! LOVE YOU! AHHHH!

Does Katie sing through her nose? I'm thinking of He's just a someone tooooooooooooo! or is that her head voice? I'm no music major, but it sounds really nasally too me.

Bill Finn rocks. Woot.
Updated On: 6/25/06 at 12:27 AM

#136re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/25/06 at 12:37am

This weight argument is absolutely ABSURD.

All of these women look fabulous and they looked fabulous in their roles. Never was their weight a concern or a diminishment to the character they were portraying.

THIS is why young women develop eating disorders.

Absolutely ridiculous.

"You just can't win. Ever. Look at the bright side, at least you are not stuck in First Wives Club: The Musical. That would really suck. " --Sueleen Gay

flaemmchen Profile Photo
#137re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 7/6/06 at 12:50pm

If anyone's read the news today, Katie is already gearing up for her next project, and Piazza's only just closed!
Travels With My Discontented

"Peace! The charm's wound up." --Macbeth

gustof777 Profile Photo
#138re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 7/6/06 at 12:59pm

awesome news...good for Katie! She has a great big future and am thrilled to see her take on new work :)

RIP Natasha Richardson. ~You were a light on this earth ~ Profile Photo
#139re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 7/6/06 at 6:07pm

You know something? I hope Katie doesn't read these boards (or have intrepid fans who tell her what's said here) or her next stop will be an eating disorder clinic.

I didn't see her in Piazza, and I haven't watched the telecast yet (it's on my tivo). I wouldn't know her if she walked into my living room right now, but let's be honest. There are very real issues of female weight in the entertainment business, and people do and do not get cast because of them.

In her defense, yes, she is like 22, and you hang on to some of your baby fat at that age. If Kelli's not 30, she's close to it...big difference. And yes, a curvier silhouette was popular in the fifties. It is evident in the way women dressed, where the waists of their dresses fell, the shapes of the undergarments, and pictures of people like Marilyn Monroe or Elizabeth Taylor. No, Mona Lisa Smile is not an accurate representation of that, since it starred actresses with contemporary (read: skinny) bodies. Go rent "A Place in the Sun" or "The Misfits."

But wouldn't it be nice if we could leave the conversation about someone's body up to an actor, her agent, and a casting director, instead of dissecting it in a public forum? I mean, SERIOUSLY. Yuck.

As for the thread title, I imagine that Katie will now go through a period of paying her dues and working her way toward another Broadway show in a couple of years. That's usually how it goes.

And although I loved Kelli in the role, Celia's vocals and acting were AMAZING. I understand that the show evolved, but wow. I was so impressed with the original version. And Kelli was brilliant as Franca, which is a testament to her versatility. Both will have great careers.

Updated On: 7/6/06 at 06:07 PM

#140re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 7/6/06 at 6:19pm

If it makes you feel better, she does not read the boards. I don't think it would send her to a clinic anyway, she is a bit stronger than that. She is not a waif, no, but you would also be hard pressed to find much "baby fat" on her. She is almost ridiculously strong for a girl, enough where her "Tirade" scenes could get a bit out of hand in rehearsal, tossing stuff around. She has some muscle on her.

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#141re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 7/6/06 at 7:50pm

Although I did not particularly care for Ms. Clarke's performance, she is not the LEAST bit overweight. I mean, come on people.

I'm glad she has another job lined up. I'm sure it would be quite a letdown to get out of college, immediately get cast as a lead in a Broadway show, and then have nothing to do when the show closes! Hopefully her voice will continue to develop as she gets older and she will have a nice career.

By the way, you can be sure that MANY Broadway performers(including Ms. Clark) do indeed read this board, or at least hear about what is said about them from others. So to some of you out there, please keep that in mind when you post, and have a modicum of respect for your fellow performers and don't do ridiculous and insulting things like criticize their weight.

#142re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 7/6/06 at 8:06pm

I think the original "overweight" post was in spite and was just intended to spark a debate. Just let the issue die. She's gorgeous.

And I know many of you think her voice is horrible, etc. but that's probably because most of us have trained ears and are voice students. However, my parents watched the telecast and they said she was "so great" in the role. They didn't notice any off-pitch moments, etc. I think it's just because most of us are so critical because we're theater students. She did a great job. And HELL YEAH i'm jealous. I would love to graduate college and a get lead in a critically acclaimed show.

#143re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 7/6/06 at 8:46pm

I'm not a theater-student, just a theater-going fan for most of my life. I was completely taken by Katie's performance. I thought she perfectly inhabited the role and I found myself very moved by her singing. I'd like to think I know bad singing when I hear it--I didn't feel that way at all while watching her performance.

Good for her for her next job. I hope it's one of many in a long, long career and I look forward to watching her in many of them. And if they happen to be in TV or film, all the better. I'll save myself a plane ticket.

sweetestsiren Profile Photo
#144re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 7/6/06 at 9:32pm

I liked her take on the role acting-wise quite a bit, but vocally it seems that there are parts where she struggled with the score. But she's young, and I thought that the charming ingenue quality that she brought to the role made up for what was lacking vocally. I think that she'll be really fantastic if she continues with vocal training.

Anyway, I want to agree with everyone that's mentioned adoring Celia's performance... if one of the issues that led to recasting Clara for Broadway was that she wasn't as effortless a soprano as Kelli (which is undoubtedly true, although from what I've heard, Celia did an extraordinary job vocally and I preferred her take acting-wise), one has to wonder how Katie ended up as the replacement. Not that they were necessarily in competition, but Katie's and Celia's acting approaches seem similar to me (younger, more childlike), and casting Katie would sort of defy the notion that the primary factor is vocal prowess. I suspect that it has a lot more to do with "look" than people will admit, which is ufortunate.

#145re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 7/7/06 at 2:27am

Anyone have the link to Celia in Piazza? I remember seeing it and I did a search for it, but I kept getting this thread. Any help would be great. thanks.

#146re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 7/7/06 at 11:53am

Question for Bill Finn or the other naysayers: Have you EVER auditioned for a Broadway show? Do you know the hoops one must jump through to get a role. The casting Director is ONLY responsible for organizing the pool of actors from which the artistic team will pull from. Ms Clarke was chosen after having been approved by The Musical Director,Composer, Director,and the producerS. I am sure EVERY aspect of her audition and physical personna was scrutinized, from her weight,hair color,acting,and vocal chops, in spite of it all,she won the role. Knowing the musical director may get you in the door but that is it.Katie WON the role because the Creative team loved her in the role.She may not have been your favorite,but she WAS theirs.

Not_Maria Profile Photo
#147re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 8/3/06 at 12:22am

Updated On: 8/3/06 at 12:22 AM

zoran912 Profile Photo
#148re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 8/3/06 at 1:30am

You'd be surprised who DOES read these boards.

boxers7 Profile Photo
#149re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 8/3/06 at 1:33am

You certainly told them!

Three monthes later.

"I don't wanna see that!" -Aunt Sassy (as played by Valerie Cherish) on Room & Bored
