The cast of Les Miserables isn't performing and I'm okay with that.
The producers probably thought all of the Bway queens would tear the performance apart.
Plus not enough people watch the Tonys for them to spend the time and effort in rehearsals and stuff
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/20/04
Since it's on CBS, they should have Jason Segel and NPH do the Valjean/Javert "Confrontation" scene, like they did on Megan Mullay's talk show.
Updated On: 6/5/12 at 10:24 AM
I love Segel's Valjean. It's so Colm-y.
Updated On: 6/5/12 at 10:26 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
henrikegerman, I believe that you just may have a hit musical revue there.
You guys should be happy the show is even televised.
Perhaps they fear it might go over as well as Lea Michele's "audition" for Funny Girl.
Featured Actor Joined: 3/12/12
Probably because it needs to get done so it can be released on time
Since Lin-Manuel Miranda is busy, I vote for henrikegerman to write jokes/lines for NPH.
Well I vote for Lea Michele and the cast of SMASH to perform a SUBWAYS ARE FOR SLEEPING/CAROLINE OR CHANGE mashup number.
But what about the cast of DAMAGES? Glenn Close and Rose Byrne could do a scene leading into a song? Perhaps from CITY OF ANGELS...
"Hairspray didn't perform in 2002 and the only reason Company performed was because NPH was in it."
Hmm, I wonder why Hairspray didn't perform in the 2002 Tony Awards, over two months before it actually opened on Broadway. I mean, I'm kinda mad about that now.
That is correct. The 2002 Tony Awards aired in June and HAIRSPRAY opened on Broadway in August 2002. They performed "You Can't Stop the Beat" and won their countless awards at the 2003 Tony Awards (in June 2003).
Here is the original 2002 Broadway cast of HAIRSPRAY performing "You Can't Stop the Beat" at the 2003 Tony Awards:
The cast of Gossip Girl could do a mash-up of New York, New York/Empire State of Mind with the cast of Carrie Diaries.
Or a medley of showtunes performed by Catherine Zeta-Jones, Katherine McPhee, and Hunter Foster.
Updated On: 6/5/12 at 01:29 PM
Im sorry I had a typo I meant Hairspray did not perform in 2007. It has been corrected.
I'm not sure what it would do for the Tony Awards if Les Miz did perform? The show isn't running on Broadway (I guess it probably still tours).
I could promote the movie...but I don't see how that would benefit the producers of the Tony Awards.
It would benefit the Tony Awards (somewhat) because they could add: "With performances by...Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Amanda Seyfried, Samantha Barks..."
I guess in terms of the actual ratings of the Tony Awards...but if they want to promote what is currently running and will go on tour it won't really help the cause.
That said, since Hugh Jackman is getting an award (which I don't think will be televised) perhaps he will make an appearance and sing "Bring Him Home"?
I figured he'd sing Who Am I? Bring Him Home seems like something where the studio heads/producers would say, "You wanna hear it? Get a ticket."
The cast of Universal's upcoming motion picture version of LES MISERABLES isn't performing on the Tony Awards because besides the fact that they are still filming it is A MOVIE.
You didn't see the cast of Universal's MAMA MIA! perform on the Tonys. You didn't see the cast of Dreamworks/Paramount's DREAMGIRLS perform or for that matter the cast of Miramax' CHICAGO or NINE or Columbia's RENT.
Why any of you would even expect the cast of a FILM to perform at the Tonys is ridiculous . Yes it's a musical but it's a film version *not* the stage version.
Updated On: 6/5/12 at 04:58 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/13/05
I LOVE how sarcasm is totally lost on many. I am so giggly... made my day after a long day at work...
Well the sarcasm was lost on me because it wasn't very well executed. Sorry that something as inane as this thread provided an actual laugh for you.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/13/08
Jordan: Does Chris Rockaway know you're over him and that you've moved on? He'll be so sad.
Why isn't Marni Nixon appearing singing a medley of songs from MY FAIR LADY, WEST SIDE STORY and THE KING AND I? And where's her special Tony? Did they hide it in Jan's bag?
Technically didn't RENT perform shortly after the movie came out in honor of the 10 anniversary?
I think BKLYN should get to perform to celebrate it just becoming the 4,567th longest running show in Broadway history.