Every Roxie and Velma who can't do the original choreography. I think that's almost all of them.
Swing Joined: 8/7/07
1. Les Miz Revival (everything and everyone...just not right)
2. In My Life (I can't believe nobody post this one yet)
3. The Year of Magical Thinking (Um....What?!?!?)
4. Aida (What key are you singing in?)
5. The Pirate Queen (really?)
6. The Fantasticks (Snapple Theatre)...painful, just painful
7. Hot Feet (enough said)
8. [Title of Show] (stupid)
9. Light in the Piazza (just Katie Clarke)
10. The Phantom of the Opera (I haven't seen anyone I like yet!)
Leading Actor Joined: 11/16/06
Jerry Mathers in Hairspray - he looked like a deer in headlights, could barely carry a tune, etc.
I know I'll be in a real minority here, (even among the critics) but Jackie Hoffman and Mary Testa grated on my last nerve in Xanadu.
Harry Hamlin in Chicago. Completely lifeless. At least Lisa Rinna was trying.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/15/05
If I were an actor, this is a thread that I'd surely check out!
Swing Joined: 8/7/07
If I were an actor, I think I would be devastated by this. Hmm, how insensitive of me to post.
Hailey Duff in Hairspray.
worst performance? mmmmmm..
Andrea McArdle - Beauty and the Beast - The sun will not come tomorrow after that fiasco.
Mari Lou Henner - Chicago - She sing and dance, but not at the same time.
The chick who played Abigail in "The Cruicible" with Liam Neason. - Evil yes, would we believe he would fall for her? ummmmm...no way.
"Brian Dennehy in the My Fair Lady concert."
I thought he was charming as Alfie Doolittle. He was no Stanley Holloway, but he was good.
Jerry Mathers in HAIRSPRAY. It was painful to watch.
Ali Ewoldt--yeah that's her.
She's not TERRIBLE, but..I was suprised she was on a broadway stage and not some regional theatre's stage.
and like I've said, I haven't seen many bad performances :)
Stand-by Joined: 6/10/07
Maggie Lacey as Rachel in Inherit The Wind was really bad. Then again, I've never seen a production where someone did that character well.
Cass, are you really saying that Vanessa Redgrave's performance in The Year of Magical Thinking is one of the worst performances you've ever seen? Because, um, well, wow.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
Nancy Opel as Yente in FIDDLER ON THE ROOF (she was so much better in GYPSY)
Marian Seldes in DEATHTRAP. (Overacting up a storm!)
Michael Hayden in CAROUSEL (You'd never now he was on stage if it wasn't for the follow spot)
Ashley Judd in CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF ( A totally one-note performance)
"Michael Hayden in CAROUSEL (You'd never now he was on stage if it wasn't for the follow spot)"
Dolly, I agree 100%. He was bland, espeically in the vocal department. He sang the most unthrilling Soliloquy I've ever heard in my life. John Raitt, who was in his mid 70s at that time, probably could have done a better job.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/25/05
Carole Lawrence in KISS OF THE SPIDER WOMAN. She was understudying Chita the afternoon I saw it. Talk about going through the motions--she was a lifeless dancing robot; no passion, mystery, or power. When she flung her arms up in the dance numbers, she looked as if she were being forced to do so at gunpoint.
By coincidence, I also saw Nancy Hess understudying Vanessa Williams in the role, and she was absolutely dazzling.
Chorus Member Joined: 8/15/06
wow..this is one mean thread.you dont have to like the show...but the tearing people apart...come on guys!!!
did it ever occur to you that there are several actors who do go to this site and see what is written? especially people from the broadway community.
I dont know just seems that this is no longer a forum but a negative posting board and it will deter people from wanting to join and be part of what is supposed to be a forum about broadway and the shows. To rip people apart and then say they suck when they are doing the best they can is just mean spirited.
whoever started this thread ...isnt there anything else you can write about?'
did it ever occur to you that there are several actors who do go to this site and see what is written?
Awwww, which bad person mentioned you?
Broadway Star Joined: 6/28/07
I started this thread as a thread for talkin about bad PERFORMANCES not individuals, so I can't be blamed for what the forum turned into
Broadway Star Joined: 5/24/06
Oh please, it's discussion. It doesn't have to be all happy.
If professional actors don't want to get their poor sensitive ego's bruised by this kind of discussion, they wouldn't open this kind of topic, or even BECOME A PROFESSIONAL ACTOR IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Discussing anything calls for bringing up the worst and the best, that's just how it works.
Come on Vincent. Liza and John Simon were still old chums after he said she had a "beagle face."
Oh and Lizzie,
Your response to Vincent's rambling made me fall out of my chair. Espeically the picture.
Mandy Bruno--Les Mis Revival
And I usually feel sad when Eponine dies . . .
Broadway Star Joined: 5/24/06
haha yeah, I'm definitely saving that picture
Swing Joined: 8/9/07
I am a performer and yes, it's true. This criticism is brutal, but it comes with the territory. If one cannot take it.....either don't check your reviews or try another career.
"Ali Ewoldt-She's not TERRIBLE, but..I was surprised she was on a broadway stage and not some regional theatre's stage."
I agree with this comment. I have seen a lot of regional talent on the Broadway stage. Sometimes even community theatre. LOL. I laugh because it's true.