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Worst performers ever

Phillypinto Profile Photo
#1Worst performers ever
Posted: 9/9/14 at 8:45pm

who are the worst broadway stars, or performers that you just can't stand.

Use my fabulous TodayTix code: JEYCY

#2Worst performers ever
Posted: 9/9/14 at 8:55pm

Daphne Rubin Vega as Fantine in Les Mis

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#2Worst performers ever
Posted: 9/9/14 at 8:58pm

The above in Rent.

Poster Emeritus

#3Worst performers ever
Posted: 9/9/14 at 9:10pm

Also Peter Joback truly sucked as the Phantom.

 Musical Master Profile Photo
Musical Master
#4Worst performers ever
Posted: 9/9/14 at 9:10pm

John Stamos in BYE BYE BIRDIE, GOD was he awful.

NoName3 Profile Photo
#5Worst performers ever
Posted: 9/9/14 at 9:16pm

I think it is ugly and mean-spirited of you to create an entire thread about Nancy Hess. I'm sure that she is lovely and talented offstage.

Updated On: 9/9/14 at 09:16 PM

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#6Worst performers ever
Posted: 9/9/14 at 9:18pm

^ LOL. I would say Wendy Williams but she only did Chicago- still awful though!

Darreyl with an L!

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#7Worst performers ever
Posted: 9/9/14 at 9:23pm

The Hoff in J/H

Poster Emeritus

#8Worst performers ever
Posted: 9/9/14 at 9:24pm

Emily Skinner was terrible in Billy Elliot. Terrible. Zero chemistry with anybody. Horrible comic timing.

RaisedOnMusicals Profile Photo
#9Worst performers ever
Posted: 9/9/14 at 10:25pm

This is really a mean spirited thread. What's the point? I've seen many truly terrible performances--that's life in the theater. Deal with it and move on. To give a bad review to a performer that's currently on stage is one thing, but to troll the historical annals in order to trash actors is another.

CZJ at opening night party for A Little Night Music, Dec 13, 2009.

Wickedmonkey332 Profile Photo
#10Worst performers ever
Posted: 9/9/14 at 10:28pm

I believe the "worst performers ever" are the people who judge and criticize the talent and passion of others who have made a life for themselves doing what they love.

Hackasaurus_Rex Profile Photo
#11Worst performers ever
Posted: 9/9/14 at 10:49pm

There should be a requirement with these kinds of threads that the original poster must attach a link to anything that they have ever created, presented, accomplished, or performed. Generally the sad fact is, 99.9% of the people who crap on others anonymously from behind their computers have neither the talent nor the guts to accomplish anything close to the work they criticize. Worst performer.... hands down, you.

mjohnson2 Profile Photo
#12Worst performers ever
Posted: 9/9/14 at 10:58pm

Philip Seymour Hoffman in DEATH OF A SALESMAN
Sutton Foster in everything
Ethan Hawke in MACBETH

Anything regarding shows stated by this account is an attempt to convey opinion and not fact.

#13Worst performers ever
Posted: 9/9/14 at 10:59pm

I'm not a fan of Victoria Matlock's acting or singing. Her acting is equivalent to the acting from Kristen Stewart and Megan Fox. She also shrieks too much when she sings and is also very inconsistent.

Elfuhbuh Profile Photo
#14Worst performers ever
Posted: 9/9/14 at 10:59pm

There is a reason why these performers are on Broadway or some other professional stage, and we aren't. This thread is meaningless.

"Was uns befreit, das muss stärker sein als wir es sind." -Tanz der Vampire

mjohnson2 Profile Photo
#15Worst performers ever
Posted: 9/9/14 at 11:04pm

Yes, you are not allowed to criticize anybody if they do their job better than you can. /s
We can say whatever we want about these performers because we are the ones who pay for tickets, and their responsibility is to put on a good performance, and if they do not then we can criticize them for it.

Anything regarding shows stated by this account is an attempt to convey opinion and not fact.

#16Worst performers ever
Posted: 9/9/14 at 11:10pm

You know, some of you make a great point. No more negative comments should ever be shared on the board ever again. We should only talk about the good performers and the best shows. We should never mention the bad ones or talk about why their performances were not good.

Or, we can cut the bull$h!t and remember that criticism is part of the art. Not every performer is good in all that they do, and that is worth talking about. Some performers are notoriously bad, and yet keep getting work. This too is worth talking about. There is nothing wrong with discussing the bad, so climb down off of your high horses.

Phillypinto Profile Photo
#17Worst performers ever
Posted: 9/10/14 at 12:41am

THANK YOU jimmycurry01!! I can take it when someone says to me that they didn't like something I did on stage and that's fine. As someone who loves the theatre and hasn't seen every single show on broadway, I'm interested to know who sucked in their show. This thread is definitely not meaningless because it is worth talking about the bad performances. Ive even seen interviews of actors before that have admitted that they sucked in a broadway show before or were miscast. If you have a problem with this thread then don't look at it :) It's people like hackasaurus_Rex that can't handle the criticism.

Use my fabulous TodayTix code: JEYCY
Updated On: 9/10/14 at 12:41 AM

Hackasaurus_Rex Profile Photo
#18Worst performers ever
Posted: 9/10/14 at 1:55am

Believe me I can handle it... as is evident by the fact that I never questioned or engaged in argument with any of the opinions opposite to mine expressed after my post. Anyway, I didn't mean to pee in your pool. I very much look forward to seeing Phillypinto's name in lights! Carry on!

The Josh Profile Photo
The Josh
#19Worst performers ever
Posted: 9/10/14 at 2:30am

One time I saw a really bad high school production of Pippin.

madbrian Profile Photo
#20Worst performers ever
Posted: 9/10/14 at 7:14am

Though I wouldn't label him as the worst performer ever, the worst performance I can recall is Richard Kind as the replacement Andre in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

binau Profile Photo
#21Worst performers ever
Posted: 9/10/14 at 7:44am

I personally don't mind the idea of people who are not aspiring to be actors, singers or dancers criticising actors or participating in this thread...but I cringe at the idea of 'theatre acting students'/wannabe failed actors etc. sitting down and criticising people they couldn't do better than. I don't know why I have this double standard.

"You can't overrate Bernadette Peters. She is such a genius. There's a moment in "Too Many Mornings" and Bernadette doing 'I wore green the last time' - It's a voice that is just already given up - it is so sorrowful. Tragic. You can see from that moment the show is going to be headed into such dark territory and it hinges on this tiny throwaway moment of the voice." - Ben Brantley (2022) "Bernadette's whole, stunning performance [as Rose in Gypsy] galvanized the actors capable of letting loose with her. Bernadette's Rose did take its rightful place, but too late, and unseen by too many who should have seen it" Arthur Laurents (2009) "Sondheim's own favorite star performances? [Bernadette] Peters in ''Sunday in the Park,'' Lansbury in ''Sweeney Todd'' and ''obviously, Ethel was thrilling in 'Gypsy.'' Nytimes, 2000

icecreambenjamin Profile Photo
#22Worst performers ever
Posted: 9/10/14 at 8:30am

I think this thread should be changed to "Worst Performances Ever."
It is extremely rude to say that the PERFORMER it self is terrible when maybe the role they were in just didn't fit them. An example of this is Daphne Rubin-Vega in Les Miserables.

Elfuhbuh Profile Photo
#23Worst performers ever
Posted: 9/10/14 at 8:48am


"Was uns befreit, das muss stärker sein als wir es sind." -Tanz der Vampire

#24Worst performers ever
Posted: 9/10/14 at 8:55am

Exactly. Read the title and the OP's comment in the original post. We're supposed to trash performers - not performances. How juvenile.

And yes, we can critique performances - which is done ad nauseum in the threads about the performances when they are given. And in numerous other threads.

When children come on the board they feel the need to start threads to draw attention to themselves. Threads about nothing.

Carry on.

Updated On: 9/10/14 at 08:55 AM
