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Worst stage door experience

mmFan Profile Photo
#100Worst stage door experience
Posted: 12/19/17 at 10:12pm

I met Anthony Rapp as well after his one man show Without You.  I had lost my mom just beforehand as well, and he was very kind.

Impeach2017 Profile Photo
#101Worst stage door experience
Posted: 12/20/17 at 1:20am

SamIAm said: "You waited 16 HOURS? I find that very hard to believe. If you did, then that is obsessive. After 2 hours I would think you would understand that you weren't going to get your wish."

he lied, it was only 15 hours



Lot666 Profile Photo
#102Worst stage door experience
Posted: 12/20/17 at 8:08am

Impeach2017 said: "It's like some sort of gauntlet forced upon them - very creepy and sad."

What an absurd assumption. Broadway performers are not "forced" to exit the stage door and interact with fans. Many do it because they genuinely enjoy it, but those who don't want to don't do it.

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage
Updated On: 12/20/17 at 08:08 AM

#103Worst stage door experience
Posted: 12/20/17 at 1:24pm

I rarely stage door, so have little in the way of bad experiences to discuss.  However, I did hear several people mention back in the days of Next to Normal that there was a major incident with Aaron Tveit at the stage door.  I think he had a recurring role on one of those teenage shows at the time (Gossip Girl or something) and I recall it mentioned that a cadre of psycho Gossip Girl fans apparently tackled him, started mauling him, and had to be yanked off of him by the stage door security. I gather he stopped stage dooring for a bit after that.  Mercifully, I have never been on hand for any actions like that.  If events like that are true, it is a wonder that any actors do the stage door routine. 

theatregeek6 Profile Photo
#104Worst stage door experience
Posted: 12/20/17 at 1:54pm

I don't stagedoor any more (way too old) but what I have noticed is the insanity (and blocking of streets) for names like Tom Hanks or Nick Jona.  People are just too rude for words

2 'funny' stories


When Hamilton first opened I was waiting for a friend outside of the Rogers (not seeing any show, just meeting for dinner) and didn't realize I was really close to the stage door.  Nice young man passes me on his way in, says "oh, are you waiting?" (do people actually stage door BEFORE shows???) and I say I am waiting for a friend.  Hesays have a good night and goes in.  THEN I realize it was Jonathan Groff!!


Back when I was a teen (yes, do the math) people did not stage door.  My cousin and I would sometimes wait to get an autograph, and really no one was ever there.  After "SeeSaw' one night we went to the door to and the guard asked who were we there to see, we told him we wanted to get Michele Lee's autograph.  A moment later he comes back and she invited us in to chat!  How cool was that!



BroadwayRox3588 Profile Photo
#105Worst stage door experience
Posted: 12/20/17 at 2:58pm

Lot666 said: "Impeach2017 said: "It's like some sort of gauntlet forced upon them - very creepy and sad."

What an absurd assumption. Broadway performers are not "forced" to exit the stage door and interact with fans. Many do it because theygenuinely enjoy it, but those who don't want to don't do it.

Well said, Lot666.

jkstheatrescene Profile Photo
#106Worst stage door experience
Posted: 12/20/17 at 3:12pm

valerie30582 said:  "Don't even get me started about the Something Rotten stage door when the show first was literally a zoo."

Literally? Hmmm, maybe that's how the OOTI goat got the part... savvy casting people look everywhere for the next big star...

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#107Worst stage door experience
Posted: 12/21/17 at 10:04am

BroadwayRox3588 said: "Lot666 said: "Impeach2017 said: "It's like some sort of gauntlet forced upon them - very creepy and sad."

What an absurd assumption. Broadway performers are not "forced" to exit the stage door and interact with fans. Many do it because theygenuinely enjoy it, but those who don't want to don't do it.

Well said, Lot666.


Well, I'm sure some only tolerate it -- or else be lambasted on social media.


If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

harrisbenjaminco Profile Photo
#108Worst stage door experience
Posted: 12/23/17 at 2:45pm

That time some random lady punched three people at the deaf West spring Awakening stage door screaming racial slurs was an experience

haterobics Profile Photo
#109Worst stage door experience
Posted: 12/23/17 at 2:52pm

jkstheatrescene said: "Hmmm, maybe that's how the OOTI goat got the part... savvy casting people look everywhere for the next big star..."

Does the goat stage door?

#110Worst stage door experience
Posted: 12/23/17 at 4:01pm

haterobics said: "jkstheatrescene said: "Hmmm, maybe that's how the OOTI goat got the part... savvy casting people look everywhere for the next big star..."

Does the goat stage door?

Yes, but he'll only sign playbills of OOTI. No selfies and definitely will not sign anything from The Goat, or Who Is Sylvia.

Updated On: 12/23/17 at 04:01 PM

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#111Worst stage door experience
Posted: 12/24/17 at 9:27am

I can't say I have ever had a bad one although I don't do it very often. 
