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You know you're a Broadway musical fan when...- Page 2

You know you're a Broadway musical fan when...

alicia_11212 Profile Photo
#25re: You know you're a Broadway musical fan when...
Posted: 7/23/06 at 7:44pm

Ooohhh... some more.

Whenever someone uses the expression "hold down the fort", you sing whistfully in your head, "take care of things while I'm gooooone. Do you homework, have some fun, ...etc. Or similarly, if someone says anything about "thinking big", you say back "aim hiiiigh, why rent when you can buy!!" (John & Jen)

In the grocery store when you walk down the baking aisle and see the sugar, you're like "sugar sugar sugar!!" (TTB)

When you go into work in the morning and someone gives you a half-hearted "good morning", you wanna sign back "good mornin', good mOoOrnin'! (<--debbie reynolds mimi-riffs),it's great to stay up late!" and then maybe start tapping... (Singin' in the Rain)

"We all get blue, I say, Hang on tight, I'll be your bodyguard." -Tick, tick..BOOM!
Updated On: 7/23/06 at 07:44 PM

Salad_Fingers85 Profile Photo
#26re: You know you're a Broadway musical fan when...
Posted: 7/23/06 at 8:01pm

-When Your Answering Machine says "SPEAK"- Rent
-When Parents are scolding for bad test scores and you break out into "I'm Not That Smart"- Spelling Bee
-You think you are so cool because you know some italian words after seeing Light in the Piazza
Umm can't think of any others and the last one is more just because im lame!

jasonf Profile Photo
#27re: You know you're a Broadway musical fan when...
Posted: 7/23/06 at 8:01pm

Or "Good morning, good day, isn't this a beautiful day?"

Alicia -- nice job using John and Jen!

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

achancetofly Profile Photo
#28re: You know you're a Broadway musical fan when...
Posted: 7/23/06 at 8:08pm

ILoveMyDictionary, hahahaah I totally agree with the Forbidden Broadway thing...I'll be halfway through a song from a musical, and then it'll suddenly turn into the lyrics from the FB version, hahaha.

And alicia, YAY FOR GELPHIE.


I don't see how anyone can NOT see it, both in the book and the musical. It's just so...obvious. I mean, jesus christ...if you read the book, it's ALL over it in little pieces subtext.

"Cages or wings, which do you prefer?"-- Tick, Tick...BOOM!

#29re: You know you're a Broadway musical fan when...
Posted: 7/23/06 at 8:14pm

You see a show, especially a mediocre one, numerous times

That's so me! I see shows just to see them. No one understands that. They're like, "But you didn't even like it that much." That's not the point!

I'm totally guilty of the ipod one too. That's exactly what it is. All showtunes with a couple of Broadway performers solo albums.

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

RobR Profile Photo
#30re: You know you're a Broadway musical fan when...
Posted: 7/23/06 at 8:19pm

You sing showtunes around the office at work - and try to get colleagues to join in with the harmonies and chorus numbers.

You can't remember the name of the guy you went out with, but know you dragged him along to an amateur production of 'Company' for a 2nd date.

You ask what production of any multiple recorded show, someone means when a fellow addict mentions a show ("Do you mean original cast? London revival? or off-off Broadway that played 2 weeks")
You spend several years with a fellow addict working out the beat possible cast for 'Follies' in the history of theatre - trust me I've done it every year for the past 10 years, it becomes addictive/obssessive/comforting.

John Gielgud remarked to Coral Browne, "you know, Coral, Judi Dench is going to play Lady Macbeth." "Oh, then I suppose we shall have the postcard scene!"

alicia_11212 Profile Photo
#31re: You know you're a Broadway musical fan when...
Posted: 7/23/06 at 8:34pm

jasonf: yup, listening to J&J right now. So rocks...

The line most prominantly in my head, when triggered by talking to my mother, is "How could I ever leave you, MOTHER (with bitter tone)..without your 'constant guidance' I wouldn't have a clue.." etc. Good times, and lets out some steam after I've argued with her on the phone.

"We all get blue, I say, Hang on tight, I'll be your bodyguard." -Tick, tick..BOOM!

#32re: You know you're a Broadway musical fan when...
Posted: 7/23/06 at 8:35pm

but only for now!

alicia_11212 Profile Photo
#33re: You know you're a Broadway musical fan when...
Posted: 7/23/06 at 8:45pm

achancetofly: yeah, totally. It's not even sub-text. It's like... RIGHT there in the text!!! I suppose you know of LJ wicked_fanfic then...

"We all get blue, I say, Hang on tight, I'll be your bodyguard." -Tick, tick..BOOM!

LifeoftheParty227 Profile Photo
#34re: You know you're a Broadway musical fan when...
Posted: 7/23/06 at 9:31pm

When a conversation goes something like this....

Me: So what'd you have for lunch today? (Avenue Q)
Friend: The worst pies in New York. (Sweeney Todd)

or when we randomly break out into song.

I will say something, like, uh oh!
And she'll say, "UH OH! I said, fine with me......" (The Color Purple)


Updated On: 7/23/06 at 09:31 PM

#35re: You know you're a Broadway musical fan when...
Posted: 7/23/06 at 9:34pm

When you relate historical figures, novels, or authors to their musicalized counterparts.

How to properly use its/it's: Its is the possessive. It's is the contraction for it is...

#36re: You know you're a Broadway musical fan when...
Posted: 7/23/06 at 10:11pm

When you were just watching Grey's Anatomy and one of the characters had melanomas and all you could think of was "and the leading cause of death... is melanoma."

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

JamesMacon Profile Photo
#37re: You know you're a Broadway musical fan when...
Posted: 7/23/06 at 10:21pm

Anytime I hear someone say, "purpose," I stop whatever I am doing and sing "Purpose" from Avenue Q.

#38re: You know you're a Broadway musical fan when...
Posted: 7/23/06 at 10:29pm

When you tell the girl at the MAC counter that she looks like Idina Menzel, and are shocked when she says she doesn't know who that is.

LittleBitRacist Profile Photo
#39re: You know you're a Broadway musical fan when...
Posted: 7/23/06 at 10:37pm

for me, the smallest mention of religion can lead to busting out in "Jeeeesus Chriist, Suuuuperstarrrrr"

ForTheLoveOfLea Profile Photo
#40re: You know you're a Broadway musical fan when...
Posted: 7/23/06 at 10:40pm

You make a facebook group entitled "I'd Do Stephen Sondheim"

You say "Dwarves are very upsetting" and your friends laugh even though you actually mean it. - Into the Woods

A good amount of your away messages are showtunes.

Your family makes seafood and you think "Look at them clams" or "this was a real nice clambake" - Carousel

Someone asks if you want to get ice cream and you can't help but say "Ice cream, vanilla ice cream. . ."

You organize your cast recordings alphabetically and have to redo the whole thing when you buy a new one so you don't lose your precious CDs

The singer's musical theatre anthologies are (almost) equivalent to the bible.

You have to put a CR on before school or work to keep your spirits up.

You name your car "Finch" because its green.

I'm not a dork or anything.

Thou giveth fever.

ILoveMyDictionary Profile Photo
#41re: You know you're a Broadway musical fan when...
Posted: 7/23/06 at 10:48pm

When your favorite show can run on you, and the friends you dragged to see the show, and the random people you told on the street to see the show, alone.

When you consider dressing up as Eponine for Halloween, even though you're way too old for the holiday.

When sitting in church you can't help but sing "Day by Day" And "Prepare Ye" and "Light of the World" and all the other songs from Godspell.

When reading Little Women, Romeo and Juliet, Jane Eyre, Phantom of the Opera, The Scarlet Pimpernell, The Diary of Anne Frank, The Bible, Les Mis, Wicked, and Princess and the Pea, you have to take frequent breaks to sing the songs where they should be. Updated On: 7/23/06 at 10:48 PM

waddledee524 Profile Photo
#42re: You know you're a Broadway musical fan when...
Posted: 7/23/06 at 11:47pm

You spend too much time on talking about how much of a musical theatre geek you are.

Hear the words I sing: war's a horrid thing. So, I sing sing sing... Ding a ling a ling.

EmieMarie Profile Photo
#43re: You know you're a Broadway musical fan when...
Posted: 7/23/06 at 11:50pm

you cant help but CUT LOOSE when you here a Kenny loggins song

Fear no more the heat o' the sun, Nor the furious winter's rages; Thou thy worldly task hast done, Home art gone and ta'en thy wages: Golden lads and girls all must, As chimney-sweepers, come to dust. ~Cymbeline

pab Profile Photo
#44re: You know you're a Broadway musical fan when...
Posted: 7/23/06 at 11:56pm

"And what's really funny - Pab, you put a link to a similar thread in that thread I linked..."

re: You know you're a Broadway musical fan when... Yeah, I have a theory that there are really only about ten threads on BWW. The titles change a bit but basically you can find a similar thread posted sometime earlier.

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#45re: You know you're a Broadway musical fan when...
Posted: 7/23/06 at 11:56pm

"You have an entire iPod that has nothing but musical cast recordings and solo albums by broadway actors on it."

That's me! I also do the La Vie Boheme thing too.

Ones I can think of:

When you have a picture of Stpehen Sondheim in you room.

When you sit anxiously in school witing for the Tony nominations to be announced, and the you complain to people the next day about the nominations you were unhappy with, and they give you a blank stare.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

#46re: You know you're a Broadway musical fan when...
Posted: 7/24/06 at 12:08am

You're at a ball game and you refer to half-time as INTERMISSION!

Becoz_i_knew_you21 Profile Photo
#47re: You know you're a Broadway musical fan when...
Posted: 7/24/06 at 12:24am

Any word sung in La Vie Boheme, you can no longer take seriously

The parodies of WICKED, Phantom, and ANNIE from Forbidden Braodway. I can never listien to those songs the same way.

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#48re: You know you're a Broadway musical fan when...
Posted: 7/24/06 at 12:31am

--When you get questions on Jeopardy correct only because you learned the knowledge from a musical

--You refer to broadway performers by their first name, and you can name their u/s, and you probably have numerous pictures with them...

--while walking around the city, you pass ensemble members of a show, and only you know who they are and that they are even IN a show

--Yes you have an Ipod full of broadway, but you also have numerous broadway playlists for your many moods (ie. Broadway love, Broadway dance, Angry Broadway)

--you are your most happiest at the theatre, or on stage.

and I'm guilty of most of the other ones, my friend mentioned a "goodbye party" and I started sing "goodbye! you were good but not good enough!" (spelling bee)...
and whenever I wear green, I wear my pink flip-flops :)

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

Lindsay Hameister Profile Photo
Lindsay Hameister
#49re: You know you're a Broadway musical fan when...
Posted: 7/24/06 at 1:06am

if u saw beauty and the beast with ashley brown and the droped $30 for disneys on the record cd with out ever knowin what it was other than Ashely Brown sang on it and u had to have a copy of her singing because her voice is jus that incredible

you cant fix stupid
