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bare The Complete Studio Recording- Page 14

bare The Complete Studio Recording

#325re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/1/07 at 9:54pm

Did you get a confiramtion from the site or from your credit card/paypal? Because if it was just credit card or paypal then all that email was saying is that you have been charged.

Also on the myspace it says the second printing will be of 10,000 copies. Do we know how many were in the original round?

#326re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/1/07 at 9:56pm

k forget everything i said, teach me to read the whole thread first, haha.
Updated On: 11/1/07 at 09:56 PM

#327re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/1/07 at 10:13pm

haha it's ok

SO aside from DrTheatre who may or may not have confirmation of shipment, has ANYONE gotten an email yet?

#328re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/1/07 at 11:22pm

I wrote an email to the new customer service account (which you can find on the album's site) and they made it seem like no orders had been shipped yet, and that they would begin shipping them 7-10 business days from the order date.

#329re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/2/07 at 7:23am

I'm irritated at this point, but not in a mean way, just really disappointed. I thought they had finally gotten all the kinks worked out.

I ordered on the 30th, and if it would've been shipped on the same day, I would've had it by now.

Christopher_Acts Profile Photo
#330re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/2/07 at 9:43am

I received this e-mail too:

"It's taking some time to get everything in order and processed. Mr. Album is basically a company of one, and overwhelmed and overjoyed at the number of orders lol. I really appreciate your patience.

Look out for the email when it has been shipped! You will be in the first batch!

Mr. Album"

I ordered my CD at 1:30 PDT on Tuesday.

Still have not received shipping confirmation.

Sent an e-mail today saying:


I received an e-mail a few days ago regarding my Bare CD/DVD combo from paypal saying that my payment has been confirmed.

The payment is now posted on my credit card as well.

I still have not received an e-mail saying that my order has been shipped.

I ordered my CD on October 30th at 1:30PM PDT and received confirmation from paypal

I sent an e-mail on Wednesday, and received one back stating that my order would be shipping soon.

I understand that the demand was high for this CD. But it was advertised that after purchasing, orders will be shipped same day of purchase.

3 days later, I have received no confirmation, it’s rather unacceptable.

I have concerns that my order will not be met properly.

Please e-mail me back so you can give me further information regarding this order."

While I think that the place is legit, because they wouldn't go through the big production of a website, marketing videos etc, I'm more upset at the false advertising that was listed on the site.

You shouldn't promise things you can't deliver right?

"YOU PAY NOW" still bugs me.

Maybe Mr. Album is a 2 year old little girl?

Rentheadut Profile Photo
#331re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/2/07 at 10:01am

Like everyone else, I have yet to receive an email stating my cd has shipped. However, Daniel from the Bare customer service email stated I would receive my cd within 7-10 days from when I ordered it. It's not Amazon and I think we all need to realize that. Also, why in the world would they post videos to the website of the people performing if it wasn't legit?

"The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous." -Carrie Bradshaw

#332re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/2/07 at 11:16am

They just had to be all independent and crap about this album. Why couldn't Sh-K-Boom have done this album. They've done stuff like this before (Bright Lights, Big City, The Bubbly Black Girl). I don't even care about the stupid documentary. All I want is to finally have the complete score of Bare on my iPod.

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

#333re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/2/07 at 11:51am

The thing that irks me most is the lack of communication. If they sent an email to everyone who has PAID saying something like "Due to the overwhelming demand for the CDs we have not been able to provide same day shipping as previously promised but please know we are working as fast as we can to get this album to you. Thank you for your understanding" Then, i would be a little less worried.

#334re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/3/07 at 5:38pm

I don't know if this has been posted (I honestly don't feel like reading the thread to find out), but I got this email 2 days ago regarding the CD:

Hi there. We received your order (ID # XXXx) at 8:15PM PDT - you made it into the first batch by about 400 CDs and 90 minutes! Your order has been received - it has not been processed or shipped. Like the Purchase Page on said, you will receive your order within 7-10 business days.

You WILL receive an email when your order has shipped.

Hope this clears things up! And thank you for your order.

Daniel - bare Customer Service

This was a response to an email I sent them politely asking what was up with my CD! I don't know if anyone else got this particular email .. but I still haven't received a shipping notification yet.

Updated On: 11/3/07 at 05:38 PM

#335re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/3/07 at 5:55pm

Ok so the earliest anyone will get it is next Weds. and the latest is next saturday. lets all just keep our eyes out.

DrTheatre Profile Photo
#336re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/3/07 at 6:08pm

Did anyone hear the clips on their myspace page. There is something missing in them, I hope I get it soon, cause I am starting to like the recording with Michael Arden much better after hearing the new version of POAG.

"In the U.S.A. You can have your say, You can set you goals And seize the day, You've been given the freedom To work your way To the head of the line- To the head of the line!" ---Stephen Sondheim

#337re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/3/07 at 6:20pm

Yeah, i wasnt too fond of the new arrangements for POAG. And honestly as of right now I'm not too fond of the Matt. I really, really hope that the clips just sounded odd or out of place because they were on myspace and not the actual disc. Heres hoping we hear something soon.

DrTheatre Profile Photo
#338re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/3/07 at 6:44pm

very true. The arrangements for POAG were a little off. I did not hear much drums or percussion like the original in which I was very found of. At times, maybe I thought it was going to build up to that point and it just never did. I also hope that it was just the myspace thing and nothing else and that it sounds way better on the disc itself.

OH and in terms of the confirmation, I am sad to report that it was for another item in which I purchased, not for Bare. So I am basically in the same boat as everyone else...still waiting...

"In the U.S.A. You can have your say, You can set you goals And seize the day, You've been given the freedom To work your way To the head of the line- To the head of the line!" ---Stephen Sondheim
Updated On: 11/3/07 at 06:44 PM

badkarma719 Profile Photo
#339re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/4/07 at 2:59am

I just got paid on Fri and went cashed my check and then found somewhere to get a CC from, so I orderd mine the site now says its on its second batch which is different from saying it will be 3 to 4 weeks..

I miss the hundred page thread that went on from the ATA showing to the cancelation of the Dogers show and after

FG AND FB if your out there PM ME

In the words of the great MargoChanning " -- Your One Stop on the Internet for All Things Broadway, Nasty Political Discussions, Meltdowns, Name-Calling and General Nonsense along with being a Premiere Pick-up Joint for Hotties, Shut-ins, Rambunctuous Teenagers With Bad Grammar, and All Manner of Bitter, Jaded Theatre Queens with WAY Too Much Time on Their Hands"?

vinnylin Profile Photo
#340re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/5/07 at 4:31pm

The BARE site FAQ has been updated concerning shipping, as follows. (I just got around to checking the site today and have no idea when that announcement was made, so sorry if this is old news to some of you.):

From the FAQ:

"Q: I've placed my order. I have not received a shipping confirmation yet. What gives?

A: This means your order has not shipped yet. As stated on the Purchase page, if you made your order in the first pressing, YOUR ORDER WILL SHIP in 7-10 BUSINESS DAYS AND YOU WILL RECEIVE AN EMAIL CONFIRMING THAT YOUR ORDER HAS SHIPPED"

The site has also stopped taking web orders:

"In order to process and ship the present amount of orders more efficiently, sale of the bare album online has been temporarily put of hold.


An announcement will be made when orders are again being accepted.


Thank you!!!"

I would assume, of course, that the 7-10 days to ship applies only to the first batch of orders taken. If they manage to stick to this schedule, then they should be shipping and sending out email notifications by the end of this week. Let's hope!

"This is wanting something, this is reaching for it, This is wishing that a moment would arrive. This is taking chances, this is almost touching, what the beauty is." --The Light in the Piazza
Updated On: 11/5/07 at 04:31 PM

#341re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/5/07 at 4:52pm

Ok, so it is pretty obvious at this point that some one screwed up. If the album is not ready and that is the reason for all of the changes in dates and shifty uses of language then they should just fess up. At his point I would rather just have my money back and wiat for them to figure their stuff out.

#342re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/5/07 at 4:57pm

I hear that.

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

DrTheatre Profile Photo
#343re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/5/07 at 5:08pm

"been temporarily put of hold"

What is "put of hold"?

"In the U.S.A. You can have your say, You can set you goals And seize the day, You've been given the freedom To work your way To the head of the line- To the head of the line!" ---Stephen Sondheim

#344re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/5/07 at 5:37pm

This is the best part of the FAQ:

"Q: October 30th... really?

A: Yes. Look at this way – we (meaning the producers and writers) all have other gigs immediately following that date. It has to ship that day; it’s the date we all collectively agreed to work backward from. "

Whoever said this basically set themselves up for failure. They have been promising for over a month to send out the CD on the SAME day it was ordered. I understand it's just one or two people mailing these out, but seriously, if they wanted to see how many people were going to order CDs they could have put up a poll or taken pre-orders. I don't buy that "we had no idea this many people would order." There is a reason most places take pre-orders.

Like I said, I feel bad that it's only a few people doing the work, but they could have prepared A LOT better than this.. Organization is key.

#345re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/5/07 at 6:25pm

Apparently all of their "commitments" caught up with them and now they cant ship as quick as promised.

Rentheadut Profile Photo
#346re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/6/07 at 4:32pm

I told myself that I would be patient but this is starting to get a little ridiculous. A week later and not ONE person has received a confirmation that their order has shipped? You'd think at least one of us would have seen it shipped....

"The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous." -Carrie Bradshaw

#347re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/6/07 at 5:05pm

They've also taken contact information off of the website. I wanted to send them a link to this thread.

brainlessorwise Profile Photo
#348re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/6/07 at 5:34pm

Its a little strange. I come here every day hoping to see at least a few "I got my shipping email" posts, but nothing. I'm thinking allowing for pre-orders might have solved some of their problems, but at this point we have to just hope and wait.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#349re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/6/07 at 6:26pm

Waiting is the hard part. Updated On: 11/14/07 at 06:26 PM
