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bare The Complete Studio Recording- Page 21

bare The Complete Studio Recording

#500re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/14/07 at 5:51pm

If I see one more person use the term "mom and pop" I'm going to internet stangle them. :)

#501re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/14/07 at 5:53pm

While I did send an angry email and got my cd this afternoon, I was more angry over their lack of communication regarding the delay in shipping and I stated as such. I don't care how much of a mom and pop operation you are, if you have a website (as they do) it takes all of 5 minutes to update it informing your customers. Finding out that some customers were getting emails from Damon explaing this situation while others were not was the final straw for me. I could've waited another week for the cd, but they way they have handled this is what got me angry, not the actual delay.

#502re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/14/07 at 6:10pm

> I know that everybody is, obviously, wanting to get this cd as
> soon as possible but also think about it this way. We've been
> waiting over 3 years for a full show cd so it's not that big of a
> deal if we have to wait a couple of extra days to get it. I'm
> just saying.

Awwww...don't encourage people to be rational about this. I'm loving all the wailing and gnashing of teeth.

#503re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/14/07 at 6:31pm

So I just listened to the entire cd and my first impression is HUGE disappointment. The whole things lacks energy and passion to me. Many of the performances come across as actors merely singing words on a sheet of paper than an actual performance, like they aren't really thinking about what they are singing. And I'm not a big fan of the "stripped" down arrangements for some of the songs. One of my favs (cheesy as it is) was 911! Emergency and this version lost all spark and fun. And the woman playing Sister

DrTheatre Profile Photo
#504re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/14/07 at 6:31pm

I got nothing at all either. I order mine at 12:03pm pst time too. Oh well....maybe it will come by Christmas!

"In the U.S.A. You can have your say, You can set you goals And seize the day, You've been given the freedom To work your way To the head of the line- To the head of the line!" ---Stephen Sondheim

#505re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/14/07 at 7:04pm

I sent them an email and got a reply saying it would arrive today. Well, guess what. No shipping confirmation or Bare CD.

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#506re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/14/07 at 8:25pm

I've yet to receive confirmation either for my CD, yet I will refrain from the sending of a(n) nasty email. I truly respect what they are doing and I'll be patient.

MovieGuy1031 Profile Photo
#507re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/14/07 at 8:28pm

I sent them a rather polite e-mail, simply asking a question regarding the receipt I received awhile ago, and have yet to receive a reply to that.

APPARENTLY, the only way to get a reply or a CD is to be rude.

"The nice thing about the rain is that it always stops... eventually."

- Eeyore

#508re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/14/07 at 8:33pm

Yeah, at this point it's not about being patient. The point is, I was being patient and did not send an email because I knew only one or two people were mailing out the CDs. I did not want to seem pushy and thought by me not hounding them with e-mails, I would just receive my CD when the first batch was sent out.

I don't think people are complaining about having to be patient. I think those of us who were patient and did not send an email are being 'punished'. It's clear 'Daniel' is sending the CD out to those who e-mail him, which I guess is to basically shut them up. This isn't how you do things. Daniel should have sent the CDs out in order.

This is a case of someone not knowing a thing about customer serivice and being the only 'rep' available. I am sorry, but this has just been a horrible experience. If Daniel or Damon needed help, they could have asked people who live in the L.A. area to help out. They should have also just sold the EXACT number of CDs they had. No more, no less until more became available.

I finally sent an email today, but I shouldn't have to do that.
Updated On: 11/14/07 at 08:33 PM

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#509re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/14/07 at 8:38pm

I didn't send a rude e-mail and mine was still shipped. You don't have to be rude. You shouldn't be rude. What's the point of that?

MovieGuy1031 Profile Photo
#510re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/14/07 at 8:41pm

I'm jealous, CatsNY.

Help me get mine somehow, Hahaha!

"The nice thing about the rain is that it always stops... eventually."

- Eeyore

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#511re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/14/07 at 8:43pm

I believe there's nothing much we can do at this point.

#512re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/14/07 at 10:24pm

Class-Action Lawsuit.

Only kidding, mostly, but seriously this is just getting rediculous. Someone needs to send a link of this thread to the powers that be at this "mom and pop" corp.

MovieGuy1031 Profile Photo
#513re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/14/07 at 11:44pm

I wrote an e-mail today around 1:00pm.

I got an e-mail back that my order had shipped around 10:00pm.

I'm starting to think thats the only way to get your order up and moving... making yourself known.

To me, it seems pretty ridiculous. You don't have to go jogging the memories of amazon and such, but you know "mom" and "pop" and "etc."

Blech. Oh well. Mine's on its way!

"The nice thing about the rain is that it always stops... eventually."

- Eeyore

#514re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/15/07 at 12:07am

Looking at this whole situation, they basically set themselves up to fail. For starters they severely underestimated sales and by adding the promise of same day shipping it only gets worse. Even if they got a few hundred initial orders, it's still a lot for two people to process in one day. Their second mistake was lack of communication. When they missed the boat on same day shipping they should have sent out an email immediately instead of basically waiting for the complaints to start coming in. And if they couldn't keep up with the number of emails they were getting in regards to the delaying of shipments, a simple autoreply email stating the facts would have smoothed things over a little. If this is such a labor of love project and they are truly aware of the dedication and passion of the bare fans, you would think they'd make a better attempt at some form of customer service. Even the smallest efforts are better than silence.

#515re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/15/07 at 12:21am

I e-mailed today and got a reply saying they were waiting on more envelopes (really!).

That was early this afternoon, and still no shipping confirmation.

Apparantly, there's an envelope shortage out in CA.

...this bird is singing.

DrTheatre Profile Photo
#516re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/15/07 at 1:12am

I sent a very nice e-mail today and still have gotten nothing at all.

I am really starting to get mad!

"In the U.S.A. You can have your say, You can set you goals And seize the day, You've been given the freedom To work your way To the head of the line- To the head of the line!" ---Stephen Sondheim

DMsquared2 Profile Photo
#517re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/15/07 at 1:21am

"Good things come to those who wait."

#518re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/15/07 at 6:30am

haha Someone above mentioned a Class Action Lawsuit. I just read that someone is suing that Hannah Montana girl since this person wasn't able to get concert tickets and according to the official site for the show, those who sign up for the fan club will be offered a chance to get the tickets first. Bogus lawsuit.

I think what we have here is different and while I wouldn't sue. I can probably guarentee if 'Daniel' continues to do customer service like this, he will get a lot of angry customers.

That being said, I'd just like to ask how many of you plan to order the BARE instrumental-only recording that's supposed to come out before Christmas???
HAHAHAHAHA I'd rather jump off a high bridge than order from these folks again. :)

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#519re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/15/07 at 9:35am

Got mine.

I just want to know, what is with the lyric changes? Random things that really didn't need to be changed. My biggest problem is with "Wonderland". The extended rap is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I hate to say it, but this recording just reminds me of High School Musical.

Rentheadut Profile Photo
#520re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/15/07 at 10:37am

Well it appears I'm being punished. I was informed this morning that my order was canceled--guess my email was the rudest of them all...or something.

So who want's to burn it for me?! lol re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)

"The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous." -Carrie Bradshaw

tazber Profile Photo
#521re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/15/07 at 11:03am

Why would they cxl your order? Was there a reason given?

....but the world goes 'round

Rentheadut Profile Photo
#522re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/15/07 at 11:39am

There was no reason. He basically said that he took the email as a complaint and that Damon said to DEFinitely refund all complaints. I'm confused...


"The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous." -Carrie Bradshaw

#523re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/15/07 at 11:48am

So glad to see they finally got their **** together, haha!!

Anyways, I watched the DVD last night, and I thought it was really interesting. They left out anything that happened in New York though, which disappointed me. It was like....first we wrote the show, then we did it in a tiny theatre in LA, and people sat on the stairs, then mr. what's his name wanted us to work on it for the public theatre, Dodgers liked it...then it was like 20 minutes in the recording studio.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#524re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/15/07 at 11:56am

I just got the recording. I listened to it for the first time last night, which was also the first time I'd ever heard the whole show. I have (and love) the sampler CD, but I never got to see the show or hear it all the way through. I think the vocals are far superior on the sampler, but I really love the arrangements on the studio recording. Some of the plot points are a bit cliché, and yet I still found it to be very moving, which think speaks very highly for the material and the performances on the album. Given that I knew some of the music and the basic plotline going in, I was surprised at how much hearing the score in its entirety was able to affect me. I'm glad it was recorded.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 11/16/07 at 11:56 AM
