
Rupauls Drag Race Season 10- Page 6

Rupauls Drag Race Season 10

#125Rupauls Drag Race Season 10
Posted: 5/29/18 at 7:22pm

If I was voting (I'm too lazy to go to the VH1 website), I would vote for Asia.  I liked her conversation with Vixen (not that Vixen learned anything) and really liked how she called out Aquaria on her comments about the double save.  She comes across as someone who "owns" her opinions, whether or not it is the popular opinion.  She speaks from her heart and not what she thinks people want to hear.  I respect her for that. UPDATE:  I voted for Asia.

Updated On: 5/29/18 at 07:22 PM

Stage Door Sally Profile Photo
Stage Door Sally
#126Rupauls Drag Race Season 10
Posted: 6/2/18 at 11:15am

Dela's show Friday night was terrific. One.Class.Act.

He announced there are still some seats for tonight.

#127Rupauls Drag Race Season 10
Posted: 6/2/18 at 1:27pm

Roscoe said: "Sorry to see Monet go -- one of the least deserving eliminations in the history of this show, I think. Kameron and Aquaria would have been far more worthy departures. I'm not sure I give a damn about this season any more. Especially after watching RuPaul have to drag a performance out of Eureka in that Butch Photo challenge -- is she really going to crown her as the Next Drag Superstar?

I think I'm over it.


if that one upset you... wait until NEXT weeks elimination. you'll be furious.

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#128Rupauls Drag Race Season 10
Posted: 6/2/18 at 3:40pm

Whence, pray tell, comes your insider info, robsky? I don't care who goes home as long as Eureka and Asia make it to the finals.

#129Rupauls Drag Race Season 10
Posted: 6/3/18 at 12:10pm

Someone in a Tree2 said: "Whence, pray tell, comes your insider info, robsky? I don't care who goes home as long as Eureka and Asia make it to the finals."


a friend who works on the production... if you wanna know i’ll DM you. But if you search the reddits you can find out who it is

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#130Rupauls Drag Race Season 10
Posted: 6/3/18 at 6:25pm

Thanks, but no. One of my few reliable TV pleasures these days is looking forward each week to the live broadcast of RPDR every Thursday night. Happy not to have the outcome spoiled. :Rupauls Drag Race Season 10

Valentina3 Profile Photo
#131Rupauls Drag Race Season 10
Posted: 6/5/18 at 9:38am

I swear if they kicked out Asia I'm going to be so mad and...I guess I'll tweet about it.

Caption: Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.

Lavieboheme3090 Profile Photo
#132Rupauls Drag Race Season 10
Posted: 6/8/18 at 7:55am

Did anyone else think that was one of the more meh lip sync songs?

I kept waiting for it to take off, but the whole song felt like a 2 minute introduction, and we didn’t get to see either girl shine with that song selection.

#133Rupauls Drag Race Season 10
Posted: 6/8/18 at 8:57am

Robsky said:  if that one upset you... wait until NEXT weeks elimination. you'll be furious.


I wasn't furious.  The ongoing adoration of Asia continues to mystify. 

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog: http://www.roscoewrites.blogspot.com/
Updated On: 6/8/18 at 08:57 AM

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#134Rupauls Drag Race Season 10
Posted: 6/8/18 at 10:03am

^ Respectfully disagree-- Asia is maybe the only grownup left in the room, and as I've said before, maybe one of only 2 still there who has the soul of a bonafide drag queen. 

Wondering why so many of the "good" twin looks last night were so sad and wimpy. I guess we're getting to the bottom of the barrel on polished looks the queens brought with them. Lord knows I'm not a big Aquaria fan, but her lavender show girl look was miles better than everyone else's happy princess ensembles. If it was an acting/psychotherapy challenge, Asia should have taken the crown. If it was a runway look challenge, I'm good with Aquaria winning. (How the hell can the girls know which is which? How can we?)

#135Rupauls Drag Race Season 10
Posted: 6/9/18 at 8:04am

Of the remaining 4, there is no one that I would have any interest going to the club and paying cover to see.  While I agree, Asia is the only grownup and sensible one left, she is not a "star" either.  I am more entertained by her commentary than her drag.  Her drag at times, has moments, but not enough to call her a winner.  Aquaria is stunning.  Her design and visual are way ahead of the others, especially at such a young age. Would I want to pay and go see her at the club?  No.  I don't think I would be entertained by her.  If she was taller, I think she would have a more lucrative career as a runaway model.  That is how gorgeous I think she is.  Kameron does absolutely nothing for me...in or out of drag.  She should be the next one to go.  Then there is Eureka.  She does have the looks, at times, and can be funny.  However, after one or two numbers, I think her act would get tired to me.  So, although I am looking forward to watching the finale, the actual crowning will be hohum to me.

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#136Rupauls Drag Race Season 10
Posted: 6/10/18 at 2:35am

Sooo... AS4 is filming in August (much to my chagrin because it's far too soon)... and we have some queens.

Valentina, Monet, Naomi ANNNNDDDDD the return of Team Latrila from AS1 Manila & Latrice.


Oh... and the Season 10 finale taped last night. We shouldn't talk about it...

#137Rupauls Drag Race Season 10
Posted: 6/10/18 at 8:36am

This is not RuPaul's Grown Up Race.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog: http://www.roscoewrites.blogspot.com/

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#138Rupauls Drag Race Season 10
Posted: 6/10/18 at 5:59pm

LATRICE THE BEAST! I dont care who else is on AS4, Latrice had BETTER take that crown.

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#139Rupauls Drag Race Season 10
Posted: 6/11/18 at 2:20am

I ADORE Latrice!! She is everything to me!!

Darreyl with an L!

Mildred Plotka Profile Photo
Mildred Plotka
#140Rupauls Drag Race Season 10
Posted: 6/11/18 at 3:45am

I'm excited for the return of Latrice and Manilla (Ongina is heavily rumored, too! YAY!), but not looking forward to Valentina and that gigantic chip on her shoulder.   I'm sure her fans will be bullies this time around, too.  And she'll basically do nothing about it.

"Broadway...I'll lick you yet!"

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#141Rupauls Drag Race Season 10
Posted: 6/11/18 at 9:38am

Having met Valentina several times, I have to say she is consistently one of the nicest and sweetest people to her fans out of all the Queens from the show.

Valentina3 Profile Photo
#142Rupauls Drag Race Season 10
Posted: 6/11/18 at 10:24am

She should get better at social media though.

Caption: Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.

Kad Profile Photo
#143Rupauls Drag Race Season 10
Posted: 6/11/18 at 11:43am

It is way too soon for another All Stars, especially after AS3 went off the rails.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

RippedMan Profile Photo
#144Rupauls Drag Race Season 10
Posted: 6/15/18 at 1:25am

Oh hm... if Eurkea doesn't win I'd be pissed. She has nailed it this season. 

And I'm all here for LaTrice. 

#145Rupauls Drag Race Season 10
Posted: 6/15/18 at 8:40am

Wow.  Michelle Visage and Asia should just get a room somewhere.  Did Asia donate a kidney to the Visage family or something?

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog: http://www.roscoewrites.blogspot.com/

Kad Profile Photo
#146Rupauls Drag Race Season 10
Posted: 6/15/18 at 9:48am

A season that started out so promisingly sure has ended up being very humdrum. I'm not particularly invested in any of the top 4.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#147Rupauls Drag Race Season 10
Posted: 6/15/18 at 1:10pm

The Vulture recapper seems to have an inexplicable hard*n for Aquaria that is utterly lost on me. Don't they watch the same ego-driven confessionals that the rest of us see? I get that RuPaul and Michelle et al don't know the content of those confessionals as they judge the runway each week, but I hate the mismatch of this queen getting such inordinate praise for her runway looks (which are certainly polished and expensive, no question), when everything we see backstage is so aloof and constipated and relentlessly self-aggrandizing.

And honestly for me, the most staggering runway look of the whole season belonged to ASIA-- that astonishing dandelion ensemble that is right up there with the best DragRace looks of all 10 seasons. 

I know it's falling on deaf ears, but I'll still rave about EUREKA and ASIA till the end of time, despite hearing everywhere that Aquaria has it in the bag (the bag borrowed from the estate of Jan Maxwell, no doubt).

Updated On: 6/15/18 at 01:10 PM

#148Rupauls Drag Race Season 10
Posted: 6/15/18 at 1:38pm

Asia certainly scales bold heights of competence, no question about that.  If the Visage has her way, it'll be Asia all the way.  Aquaria's got the looks and all, but there's just no there there, I'd say.  Either of them would be okay winners, more in the Violet Chatchki vein of Looks: Ten, Substance: Three.  I can't say they belong in the same company as Raja or Sharon Needles or even Chad or Alaska.

Kameron's out because of too many low scores.  Which for me leaves Eureka.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog: http://www.roscoewrites.blogspot.com/
Updated On: 6/15/18 at 01:38 PM

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#149Rupauls Drag Race Season 10
Posted: 6/15/18 at 2:28pm

I must say, last night went a very loooong way in making me give a sh*t about this season.  I, like many, have been less than thrilled about how it's gone the last few weeks.  But, by the end of last night, I found myself caring about each of them to some degree.  I've actually grown to like Aquaria.  Sure, she's full of herself...but she's not mean or cruel.  I mean...these are people who make a living selling t-shirts with their cartoon likenesses on them.  The kind of need to be full of themselves. She reminds me just a little of America's Sweetheart Tyra Sanchez.  Tyra could turn a look, but never was in the bottom so she never had to lip synch.  I don't think I realized till last night just how well Aquaria can turn it out as a dancer.  And she shined in that mediocre number.  They all did.  It's helping slog through to the end.  

I still don't think a single one of this final four can compare to any of the Season 9 final four.  But...it is what it is.  And it turns out I don't hate any of them, so I guess that's a win for me.  
