
Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London- Page 10

Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London

#225Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/23/18 at 5:25pm

broadwayboy223 said: "I dont think I can ever un see Ana's tweets. It was pretty cringe worthy"

What'd they say?

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#226Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/23/18 at 5:35pm

broadwayboy223 said: "I dont think I can ever un see Ana's tweets. It was pretty cringe worthy"

What'd they say?


Ana Villafañe defending Sierra and then deleting her tweets:

Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London

Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London

#227Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/23/18 at 5:39pm

curel1 said: "broadwayboy223 said: "I dont think I can ever un see Ana's tweets. It was pretty cringe worthy"

What'd they say?

Ana Twitter “live your Puerto Rican dreams girl”

Updated On: 4/23/18 at 05:39 PM

#228Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/23/18 at 5:51pm

http://www.playbill.com/article/sierra-boggess-withdraws-from-west-side-story-concert Sierra has withdrawn from the production!  “After much reflection, I've realized that if I were to do this concert, it would once again deny Latinas the opportunity to sing this score, as well as deny the IMPORTANCE of seeing themselves represented onstage. And that would be a huge mistake.

#230Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/23/18 at 6:24pm

Missed opportunity. She would have sung the score beautifully. Reminds me of Prince of Egypt a couple years ago. A FREE one night only concert reading to let the show be heard. Canceled days later because the cast was "too white." Just let talented people sing the score. Its a concert.

#231Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/23/18 at 6:43pm

Where was the outrage when Solea Pfeiffer played Maria at the concert version of WSS at the Hollywood Bowl?

asoftplacetoland Profile Photo
#232Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/23/18 at 7:09pm

fashionguru_23 said: "My question now is, are we going to slam every high school that does West Side Story if they don't have a Latina actress as Maria or Anita?"

LOL, my high school did WSS two years ago and we had a white girl play Maria (who sported blonde hair and blue eyes). And then Tony was actually played by a black guy. The girl playing Anita was also white and just wore a black wig. Every single other person was white and the only actual Puerto Rican person we had was in the back of all the numbers because it was his first year. I was not in it. However, I attended a performance and it was terribly cringey. Only do shows that you have the actors for. I understand it’s high school but it’s just not a good look. 


Elfuhbuh Profile Photo
#233Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/23/18 at 7:50pm

So what this ordeal has taught us all:

1. White people think that fans saying a white actress is not appropriate for a Latina role means that white people are being oppressed in the entertainment industry, and that we’re literally having our God-given right to every single role, whether it be written as white or not, torn violently from our fingers and given to the undeserving POC.

2. Progress isn’t allowed to be a thing, because this kind of problematic casting was considered okay in the past, so that means sensibilities and opinions on this sort of thing aren’t allowed to change as generations pass.

"Was uns befreit, das muss stärker sein als wir es sind." -Tanz der Vampire

#234Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/23/18 at 7:54pm

Tapping23 said: "ScottyDoesn'tKnow2 said: "I don't know if this is something people just don't want to get because it's really obvious. Reminds me of that scene inOrange is the New Blackwhen one of the flashbacks shows a black girl getting a tour from a private, all-white school and she gets excited to see they have a theatre program and she then she sees an a rehearsal of that high school's production of Dreamgirls with all white people playing all the characters. She ends up crying and not out of joy.

It's pretty clear from a lot of these posts that there's a willingness to be tone-deaf.

This made me role my eyes so hard it gave me a headache. This was not a full Concert, they were not doing any scenes, i do not feel she had any reason not to do this concert and support her decision fully. I think a full production or concert should be cast accordingly but this was not. Educational theater is a different but an all white production of Dream Girls would obviously be innapropriate. I have seen all white (mostly really bad bad bad) productions of WSS in highschools and yes (clutch your pearls) all white productions of the wiz. I have also seen a black and asian Dorothy, a black harold hill, a black Julian Marsh, and a latin Rolf with an asian Maria, a black female Judas, and a very odd production of Cinderella with a very heavy latin kid playing the fairy godmother. Which would have been fine if his costuming hadn’t been awful but he sang that R&H score to jesus. People need to back up take a breath and realize there little circle is not the only thing happening in the world.

I am really happy I gave you a headache as it sounds like you deserve one. Also "roll" not "role" and "their" not "there". Furthermore, a lot of Maria's songs have her singing in accent and has bits of dialogue where Sierra was probably going to do the accent like she did in the video posted before. It's also ironic you talk about people realizing "there" [sic] little circle is not the only thing happening in the world when all of the uproar about the uproar is about people holding dear to a time that is passing them by and not liking that the rest of the world is moving along and calling things out that are no longer acceptable because the world has opened up to new perspectives and new voices being heard.

Charley Kringas Inc Profile Photo
Charley Kringas Inc
#235Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/23/18 at 8:01pm

I feel fragile!

oh so fragile!

so much bile in my fragile spleen!

and I spew it

on all those who think that whites are mean (la la la la la)

teh_pretty Profile Photo
#237Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/23/18 at 9:14pm

Tapping23 said: "So glad you corrected my grammar. Good on you. I just hope you stretched before trying to kiss your own butt for your percieved wokeness and garbage moral superiority.Youcompletely missed what I said first and projected your bs argument on me. This concert was not the show or a full reading of the show. I highly HIGHLY doubt she was going to do the accent but thank god you know and thank god you referenced the video she herself said was bad. If the issue is having a latina playing the role then make sure you complain at every girl who plays the role who is not. Or is it as long as they are a person of color? What i find hysterical is how easy you are all fooled by people who claim to want things to be different and more diverse and just go along as nothing changes. You all are fighting the wrong people but will takeSierra leavig this concertas a win when it has been nothing but an empty display of fake moral outrage from a bunch of people who do nothing more than complain. The problem is I do get it and what happened here was a joke."

I've abstained from adding to the conversation even though it's baffled me, but...


This is very much a grey issue - the world has not yet reached a consensus so you can't expect the response to be black and white ("it has to go both ways" ). Of course there are still some white women playing Maria. There probably will be for a long time yet. Does that make it right, to have a white woman don bronzer and a wig and do an offensive accent? Nope. We can't make sweeping generalizations. We have a long, long way to go. But when the concert she was cast in is so popular and widely publicized, of course the optics look bad and people will be upset. The PROMS could have made a wonderful choice with any appropriately skilled actress of Latina descent, and instead cast entirely inappropriately. They are being made as an example, and hopefully with this instance in the public eye of the theatre world, maybe wiser decisions can be made.

Updated On: 4/23/18 at 09:14 PM

#238Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/23/18 at 9:20pm

I agree that Maria should be played by a Latina actress- however, people have brought up some interesting points. Several suggested Solea Pfeiffer, who I saw play the role at Kennedy Center, is an obvious choice- however, she is of biracial ethnicity African American and white- and not Latina. How would people feel about an Asian or black actress who could pass as Latina playing the role? Doesn't that bring us back into the slippery slope of a Latina passing white actress being acceptable for the role (as when the show/movie were first performed)? I saw MaryJoanna Grisso do the role at Signature and on tour and she is a Latina-passing Italian-American actress. Would we now be offended by her casting were she to reprise the role? If Evita is revived again soon, would people be upset by someone like Caroline Bowman or Desi Oakley playing the lead? Curious about all these things and would love to hear thoughts!

#239Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/23/18 at 9:45pm

Tapping23 said: "ScottyDoesn'tKnow2 said: "Tapping23 said: "ScottyDoesn'tKnow2 said: "I don't know if this is something people just don't want to get because it's really obvious. Reminds me of that scene inOrange is the New Blackwhen one of the flashbacks shows a black girl getting a tour from a private, all-white school and she gets excited to see they have a theatre program and she then she sees an a rehearsal of that high school's production of Dreamgirls with all white people playing all the characters. She ends up crying and not out of joy.

It's pretty clear from a lot of these posts that there's a willingness to be tone-deaf.


This made me role my eyes so hard it gave me a headache. This was not a full Concert, they were not doing any scenes, i do not feel she had any reason not to do this concert and support her decision fully. I think a full production or concert should be cast accordingly but this was not. Educational theater is a different but an all white production of Dream Girls would obviously be innapropriate. I have seen all white (mostly really bad bad bad) productions of WSS in highschools and yes (clutch your pearls) all white productions of the wiz. I have also seen a black and asian Dorothy, a black harold hill, a black Julian Marsh, and a latin Rolf with an asian Maria, a black female Judas, and a very odd production of Cinderella with a very heavy latin kid playing the fairy godmother. Which would have been fine if his costuming hadn’t been awful but he sang that R&H score to jesus. People need to back up take a breath and realize there little circle is not the only thing happening in the world.

I am really happy I gave you a headache as it sounds like you deserve one. Also "roll" not "role" and "their" not "there". Furthermore, a lot of Maria's songs have her singing in accent and has bits of dialogue where Sierra was probably going to do the accent like she did in the video posted before. It's also ironic you talk about people realizing "there" [sic] little circle is not the only thing happening in the world when all of the uproar about the uproar is about people holding dear to a time that is passing them by and not liking that the rest of the world is moving along and calling things out that are no longer acceptable because the world has opened up to new perspectives and new voices being heard.

So glad you corrected my grammar. Good on you. I just hope you stretched before trying to kiss your own butt for your percieved wokeness and garbage moral superiority.Youcompletely missed what I said first and projected your bs argument on me. This concert was not the show or a full reading of the show. I highly HIGHLY doubt she was going to do the accent but thank god you know and thank god you referenced the video she herself said was bad. If the issue is having a latina playing the role then make sure you complain at every girl who plays the role who is not. Or is it as long as they are a person of color? What i find hysterical is how easy you are all fooled by people who claim to want things to be different and more diverse and just go along as nothing changes. You all are fighting the wrong people but will takeSierra leavig this concertas a win when it has been nothing but an empty display of fake moral outrage from a bunch of people who do nothing more than complain. The problem is I do get it and what happened here was a joke.


Speaking of projecting bs arguments and generalizing people in an "all in one" package. You have a real bone to pick and are ready to sweep everything into black and white. Talking about people being easily fooled, your whole post and the one before it are typical rantings from the most classic anti-diversity playbook. You are drinking the kool-aid like everybody you accuse of doing, but yours is just a different flavor. You haven't said anything most people who regularly engage in this discussion (and gasp even disagree with each other some times even if they're coming from the same place) haven't heard a million times before. Talk about eye roll inducing and just plain boring.

My post was about some of the more simplistic takes expressed in this thread that I think are incredibly backwards and you think it's your opportunity to go into a rant about some version of "you people". And you have no idea what people do for a living or how they volunteer their time or how they live their life but it's easy for you to do the easy thing during a politically-tinged argument and paint people with a broad brush and antagonize them and make yourself feel better pretending they're all people who don't do anything but complain. Whatever helps you live with yourself.

Updated On: 4/23/18 at 09:45 PM

BWAY Baby2
#240Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/23/18 at 9:47pm

For all of you color counters who pretend to want justice- but really want an unfair advantage since oppression is a fact of history- so now to level the playing field- let's get whitey. Well, what it got you is Trump- more visibility for white supremacists- and a backlash that actually stymies diversity.  But in spite of your complaining and victimization, plenty of progress is being made for true equality and justice- and I say in spite of the victims who demand that every project have a POC- that every award have nominees of POC- regardless of if they deserve the recognition or not- that is beside the point- the color of the skin is all that matters. I say PHOOEY. 

#241Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/23/18 at 9:59pm

BWAY Baby2 said: "For all of you color counters who pretend to want justice- but really want an unfair advantage since oppression is a fact of history- so now to level the playing field- let's get whitey. Well, what it got you is Trump- more visibility for white supremacists- and a backlash that actually stymies diversity. But in spite of your complaining and victimization, plenty of progress is being made for true equality and justice- and I say in spite of the victims who demand that every project have a POC- that every award have nominees of POC- regardless of if they deserve the recognition or not- that is beside the point- the color of the skin is all that matters. I say PHOOEY."

Oh how enlightening. Blaming people for bringing attention to the poison that has been seeping under the surface on those bringing attention to it rather than those who actually think like that and wanted life to be like that all along. Oh yeah, let's pretend it's the people posting on social media that has turned everybody racist and into Trump voters and they were not already inclined to be that way already. I mean think about it...does that sound like what a normal, rational person would do? "I usually don't hate black people, but they complain so much that I will turn racist!" No. If they sounded moderate before and then became a giant poster child for the alt-right after having a social media fight with people, it's because people have already tapped into something that person was already displaying and recognized it because their life experience has honed their skills in a way to recognize it. Let's not pretend there were all these great, admirable people who turned vile now. I mean you used so many red flag buzz words. "Unfair advantage", "Get Whitey", "oppression is history", etc. You really could not have made my point better.

And keep holding on to the idea that Trump and co. dominating the narrative and direction of this country for all time (did we forget that it was the economy and blaming Obama and "neo-liberal" globalization and immigrants that inspired those people to vote more than anything?) They aren't having the best of times right now either and people are still fighting back and younger people are the ones leading the charge.

And who decides what's "true equality and justice"? I'm sure many people tried to dismiss many of the issues activists were fighting for in the 1960s as "unimportant" and thought they were just complaining too much and why weren't they just happy they were no longer slaves. If you look at anti-suffragette and anti-civil rights rhetoric from back in the day, it's not so different what people are saying in here.

The truth is, all of this is happening because social media and younger generations of POC who now feel more empowered than their family members in previous generations are speaking out and social media is giving them a way to do it. Many POC are the ones speaking out and those who support them are the ones listening and being allies. Is progress only important if people like you are leading that way? The hell with everyone else and their points-of-view, right? Keep them silent, it was more comfortable for you that way.

I'm not saying social media isn't some times a cess pool and like everything else, there will be mistakes made and people may act before thinking. But let's not pretend it's only those complaining about lack of diversity that is guilty of that of which this thread is a great illustration. 

Updated On: 4/23/18 at 09:59 PM

BWAY Baby2
#243Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/23/18 at 10:14pm

I think having a conversation about racial attitudes is a good thing- and hopefully, we read other points of view and appreciate and respect them- even if we are coming from a different perspective. The acceptance of diversity- and as a gay person- the acceptance of gay marriage and health benefits- tax advantages reserved in the past only for straight people- etc. has been so gratifying for me. I do not complain about the remnants of homophobia but just live my life and hope people treat me fairly.  That is all I can do. to me, as a white person- it looks like things have gotten a lot better for blacks in particular- of course things could still improve- but that will also involve- in mu opinion- changes in the black community itself. The issues of police mistrust is huge- but disrespect toward policemen is never the answer. I have no answers- but progress has been made in many areas- and will continue to be made. May be too much to expect people to relax. Was reading the Kanye West is a supporter of Trump- and that is causing all kinds of reactions- I don't see why- he is a very wealthy person and his priorities are different than many other peoples. I just wish we could all relax and keep our criticisms a bit more civil and less hysterical- and I include my self in that.

#245Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/23/18 at 10:33pm

I seriously appreciated the last two posts in this thread from Tapping23 and BwayBaby2, and I apologize about my tone.

BWAY Baby2
#246Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/23/18 at 10:38pm

So great to read the last few posts- progress is being made when we can begin to be civil and respectful of opposing points of view. These last few posts give me hope for a better future for all of us.

GeorgeandDot Profile Photo
#248Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/23/18 at 10:47pm

Just don't cast white people as people of color. It makes people feel like sh*t. Conversation over.

#249Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/23/18 at 11:25pm

So, I ask most sincerely should one have to prove ethnicity next time the "correct casting Police" come after someone. If you have one Latinx parent would it be OK?   One grandparent?  I mean who is judging here.  Do you have to show your birth certificate? What does it require to allow someone to play Maria?  Concert or staged version? Without all this hoop-la.  Do you have to look hispanic and also be hispanic? I have many hispanic friends with blonde hair and blue eyes. I have African American friends with the same.  At this point we start stereotyping. And this is never good.  Do I have to announce that I am the correct ethnicity before or after I sign for the role? 

 This reminds me of the terrible reverse when non-Jews in Nazi Occupied Europe had to prove their non-Jewishness with all kinds of documents in order to survive. (And of course some of them had to hide their Jewishness that showed up in their documents)

Is this really so different?  And are we going to go after age next?  Let us say a great star is performing a role that is written for a 20 year old.  And she is 45.  (And this has happened many times.)  So will we demand that she give up the role because she kept 20 year olds out of a job?

I believe and celebrate the diversity of Broadway and am thrilled when I see persons of color in the many shows that I attend.  This is one of the many things I love about Broadway and opera. (where an African American can play an Asian, or vice versa.  The important thing has always been how well they sing.)

 What I don't celebrate is the unwanted power of Social Media to create such an unjustified furor. It is scary to me. I hope that Ms. Boggess will get a good replacement engagement.  She deserves it.  

So again I ponder --- who is next?  And what new casting restrictions will be proposed by the guardians of all that is correct in international musical show casting? 



RippedMan Profile Photo
#250Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/23/18 at 11:50pm

What I find interesting is the Italian person "passing" as Latinax or the Asian-American "passing." Is that okay? I'm honestly curious. It's like Fiddler on the Roof. If the guy playing Tevye is dark-haired, it's fine. He may not actually be Jewish, but he looks it. Whereas if it was a blonde guy, we'd all be like WTF. I don't know what's right and what's wrong in that instance. I mean, certainly, a woman who is Italian is nowhere near someone who is Puerto Rican, and, in that case, is she more capable of playing the part than Boggess? Is it purely that Boggess is clearly a red-head, and this Italian girl is dark haired, so we didn't think to care/ask? 

#251Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/24/18 at 12:02am

As an Asian-American, I want to say race is beyond color of your skin. There have been blonde/blue-eyed people playing Latinx characters before in recent shows about Latinx people written by Latinx people that passed muster because they themselves are Latinx. Some of those actors feel really strongly about the concept of passing as well. 

Case in point:


“I am very passionate and vocal about issues facing people of color, so I find it odd that I am often referred to as a white boy. I totally acknowledge the privilege that comes from being "white passing," but it bothers me when my Caxcan-native and Mexican roots are erased. When people refer to mixed people as white, they are feeding into the same systems of oppression that erase the stories of POC. There's a lot of pressure to either tokenize or whitewash myself, and I hope I do not do either of those.”

It reminds me of the whole Evita conversation about Eva Peron being a white person. I think there's a lot of mixed communication because for many POC, it's beyond casting somebody who looks the part and beyond skin deep. Portraying somebody of a certain heritage and ethnicity and culture carries a big responsibility especially when many of those stories aren't told often compared to "default" stories. These opportunities also don't come around often so people feel like when there's that rare opportunity, they want to give it to somebody who most closely embodies the character. Race and ethnicity is beyond skin color but how one is raised, their life experiences, and how they grew up and the people they grew up with. The fact that some have a hard time grasping that sort of shows they simply haven't grown up in the same world that one who is a lot more attuned to race and color has. It's like what Julie Taymor said about The Lion King. She said for white people it's not about race at all, but for a young black child seeing a black man be king on stage, it's all about race. She's right and hit the head on why this type of discussion always ends up in a huge fight because one side simply doesn't understand why the other always has to see things through that lens, but they do because that's how their entire life has been shaped. It's hard to understand unless you lived it.

However, I do get why some are pushing back a bit because the idea of acting is being able to play somebody who you are not. I think the history of whitewashing, white actors playing POC and looking like they are doing a caricature while denying POC actors at the time the ability to play roles due to marketing, AND the somewhat racist push back (not saying everyone here who pushed back is racist but these conversations tend to invite a lot of racist rhetoric and myths about the best actor for the role always being the white actor) makes this issue more complicated and contentious than anybody intends for it to be but it just happens and a lot of heated insults and hurt feelings (not just from those people accuse of being fragile because let's face it, everyone on both sides is being fragile here) happen.

Updated On: 4/24/18 at 12:02 AM

Dancingthrulife2 Profile Photo
#252Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/24/18 at 1:48am

BWAY Baby2 said: "For all of you color counters who pretend to want justice- but really want an unfair advantage since oppression is a fact of history- so now to level the playing field- let's get whitey. Well, what it got you is Trump- more visibility for white supremacists- and a backlash that actually stymies diversity. But in spite of your complaining and victimization, plenty of progress is being made for true equality and justice- and I say in spite of the victims who demand that every project have a POC- that every award have nominees of POC- regardless of if they deserve the recognition or not- that is beside the point- the color of the skin is all that matters. I say PHOOEY."

I'm sure the best way to treat a cancer is to pretend that it never exists. "oppression is a fact of history" Just wow.

BWAY Baby2
#253Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/24/18 at 3:51am

And sometimes the treatment of cancer with chemo actually kills the patient. Racism- or reverse racism- is wrong is my point- and the fact that slavery once existed does not justify current racist attitudes or push back- to level the playing field. Maybe you want it to be that way to give you the advantage this time- but that type of thinking is passe- and justice demands equality at all levels starting NOW.

Updated On: 4/24/18 at 03:51 AM

binau Profile Photo
#254Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/24/18 at 4:14am

We *cannot* start to turn this conversation and further divide by cultural identity once we accept we should divide by ethnicity. That leads to a whole bunch of impossible situations to deal with, for example:

* it would mean only Japanese heritage people should be in Pacific Overtures, or Thai people in the King and I. Practically impossible and of course no one would think this. Ethnicity of south East Asian should be sufficient.
* it would mean that only Canadians can play Canadians, Americans American, British British and Australians Australian. Equally absurd, practically impossible. Ethnicity of Caucasian should be enough.
* you are essentially saying Patti LuPone had no business playing an ethnically white woman. Ridiculous - what a talented performance that would have never happened. This is exactly why where possible it’s better to consider the best person for the best role.
* you could take this further and say only gay people can play gay people.

I’m so angry sometimes at my ‘left-wing’ colleagues (a movement I want to be associated with) because they take good ideas and just take them to absurd levels. This slippery slope of infinite divisions is why ‘identity politics’ just can’t always work. You need to be more balanced and realise for both practical and ethical reasons there is a limit to it. Wanting African ethnicity Celie is ok. Not wanting a white woman to play an ethnicallly white woman even if she is the most talented is not ok.

"You can't overrate Bernadette Peters. She is such a genius. There's a moment in "Too Many Mornings" and Bernadette doing 'I wore green the last time' - It's a voice that is just already given up - it is so sorrowful. Tragic. You can see from that moment the show is going to be headed into such dark territory and it hinges on this tiny throwaway moment of the voice." - Ben Brantley (2022) "Bernadette's whole, stunning performance [as Rose in Gypsy] galvanized the actors capable of letting loose with her. Bernadette's Rose did take its rightful place, but too late, and unseen by too many who should have seen it" Arthur Laurents (2009) "Sondheim's own favorite star performances? [Bernadette] Peters in ''Sunday in the Park,'' Lansbury in ''Sweeney Todd'' and ''obviously, Ethel was thrilling in 'Gypsy.'' Nytimes, 2000
Updated On: 4/24/18 at 04:14 AM
