Dames at Sea Previews

haterobics Profile Photo
#25Dames at Sea Previews
Posted: 9/24/15 at 11:25pm

RippedMan said: "But did it feel $157 Broadway?"


Why would you pay that? http://www.broadwaybox.com/shows/dames-at-sea/

#26Dames at Sea Previews
Posted: 9/24/15 at 11:31pm

I saw the show tonight. Tongiht is the first time I have had a piece of the production actually affect my enjoyment of the show. I had TDF seats in the last row of the mezz which is a great view, but they were unfortunately next to the lighting booth. Whoever was working the lighting booth was talking at full volume the entire show and it was incredibly distracting. Like over the book scenes and songs. I know it is the first preview, but when you are charging regular prices ( yes, even TDF since that approaches $50 now anyway) I thought it was incredibly distracting and unfair to paying audience members. Does anyone have some suggestions on how I can contact the theater about this?

That being said, I thought it was a near flawless first preview. The cast is is excellent. Lesli Margherita is truly incredible. It is a perfect part for her, and she nails it. Mara Davi is equally wonderful and John Bolton and the rest of the cast are excellent. Hopefully I can catch the show again at some point because I think this could be a really wonderful show. I hope it finds an audience. 

Cupid Boy2 Profile Photo
Cupid Boy2
#27Dames at Sea Previews
Posted: 9/24/15 at 11:37pm

dave1606 said:  "Does anyone have some suggestions on how I can contact the theater about this?"


Sorry to hear that happened. Perhaps you could try writing a letter addressed to the house manager. The producers may be another option.


haterobics Profile Photo
#28Dames at Sea Previews
Posted: 9/24/15 at 11:40pm

Was it sold out? Why stay there?

Movidude742 Profile Photo
#29Dames at Sea Previews
Posted: 9/25/15 at 12:51am

sorano916 said: "For those there tonight, did anyone notice this?


Lesli's Twitter: "So karma got me @mattoverthere and I stood onstage w only a wig cap on..."


It would have been tough to miss.  IT was in the one scene that perhaps should have been reconsidered  especially in light of the Mikado controversy.  The Singapore Sue number.  I don't know if someone else made contact with her wig, but yeah it dropped off her head and John Bolton in full fu-manchu get up picked it up and tossed it offstage.  IT did seem to amuse everyone on stage, Lesli most of all


RippedMan Profile Photo
#30Dames at Sea Previews
Posted: 9/25/15 at 2:31am

I'd imagine most first previews are full houses? 

Keiichi2 Profile Photo
#31Dames at Sea Previews
Posted: 9/25/15 at 3:37am

So, Whizzer, are you planning to attend the previews of The Gin Game sometime soon?  I would love to hear your thoughts on it.

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#32Dames at Sea Previews
Posted: 9/25/15 at 6:07am

I'm seeing The Gin Game tonight, though truthfully now all I want to do is see Dames at Sea again!

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#33Dames at Sea Previews
Posted: 9/25/15 at 8:34am

Wednesday night can't get here soon enough!

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

Ado Annie D'Ysquith Profile Photo
Ado Annie D'Ysquith
#34Dames at Sea Previews
Posted: 9/25/15 at 9:34am

I don't like the Playbill cover. It's too cluttered with legs for my taste.

But I'm still really interested in this show and I'm glad to hear so much enthusiasm for it! Remember to use your word-of-mouth...remember what that did for GGLAM!


little_sally Profile Photo
#35Dames at Sea Previews
Posted: 9/25/15 at 10:07am

What was the running time last night?

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

newintown Profile Photo
#36Dames at Sea Previews
Posted: 9/25/15 at 10:23am

Is the show accompanied by two pianos and percussion (as written), or more?


And where are the musicians? In sight. Or down the street?

Anakela Profile Photo
#37Dames at Sea Previews
Posted: 9/25/15 at 10:55am

"What was the running time last night?"

It's short. Barely two hours, and that's including a few minutes late start, what felt like (but might not have been) an extended intermission, and the do-over of the opening credits bit. For an 8pm curtain the second act started at 9:20pm, ended at 10pm and I was out on the street by 10:05pm.


WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#38Dames at Sea Previews
Posted: 9/25/15 at 12:25pm

The orchestrations are the Tunick orchestrations that I believe he wrote for the cast recording. I don't have the Playbill in front of me, but I think there were 7 or 8 people in the orchestra. Many of the numbers seemed to have extended dance breaks- I don't know if Tunick also wrote new orchestrations for these sections or if someone else did, but they are congruent with the existing work if they were done by a different party.


Maybe some will have objection to them not using the two pianos, but because of my familiarity with the cast recording I was pleased to hear those orchestrations live.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

#39Dames at Sea Previews
Posted: 9/25/15 at 1:13pm

Eight piece orchestra, per the NYT yesterday.


Has the theater been renovated at all since ROA?

Updated On: 9/25/15 at 01:13 PM

little_sally Profile Photo
#40Dames at Sea Previews
Posted: 9/25/15 at 2:00pm

neonlightsxo said: "Eight piece orchestra, per the NYT yesterday.




Has the theater been renovated at all since ROA?


Gosh, I hope so. It was such a dump the last time I was there.


A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

newintown Profile Photo
#41Dames at Sea Previews
Posted: 9/25/15 at 2:55pm

If it's only eight pieces, then it's definitely not the Tunick orchestrations, which are for 15-20, depending on the number of strings. It may be a drastically-reduced version of Tunick, at best.


Interesting that ibdb doesn't mention orchestrations at all - merely identifying Encores' Rob Berman as musical supervisor and dance arranger.

Smaxie Profile Photo
#42Dames at Sea Previews
Posted: 9/25/15 at 3:44pm

Playbill Vault has Tunick credited for Orchestrations.  http://www.playbillvault.com/Show/Detail/Cast/14132/Dames-at-Sea-at-Helen-Hayes-Theatre#credits

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.

#43Dames at Sea Previews
Posted: 9/25/15 at 4:15pm

I didn't see many open seats to move to, though I guess I should have found a house manager/usher to do that.

I did, however contact the producers today and they have offered me tickets to come back which was very nice. They are also making sure that this does not happen again which I hope no one else had to experience. Anyway I am very happy with how it was handled and I'm looking forward to seeing the show again. 

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#44Dames at Sea Previews
Posted: 9/25/15 at 4:28pm

I just got home and the Playbill has Tunick as the orchestrator as well. I (wrongly) assumed that since he orchestrated for the cast recording that they were just using those orchestrations. To my ear the sound was very similar. If he did re-orchestrate everything that would also explain the additional dance music.


Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

theatregeek6 Profile Photo
#45Dames at Sea Previews
Posted: 9/25/15 at 7:17pm

Wizzer seeing it tonight -you have set expectations high!



btw. If I ever have an issue (and it's very rare) I always ask to speak with the house manager.   They will rely do whatever than can to make your evening enjoyable

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#46Dames at Sea Previews
Posted: 9/25/15 at 7:43pm

I am planning my Nov 3 trip, and this has put a huge crimp in it.  I was in a high school production of Dames--it was a blast to do, but not something I'd ever want to pay good money to see on stage.  But the positive reviews from people I trust make me feel like I should add this to my list.  I am gonna bet that it won't be a huge hot ticket in early Nov and I can hold off and wait to buy cheaper seats--I hope.

theatregeek6 Profile Photo
#47Dames at Sea Previews
Posted: 9/25/15 at 10:27pm

Just got out from preview #2.    Have to agree I felt really happy leaving this show-reminds me of how I felt after leave 'Drowsy Chaparone'.  Cast was firing on all cylinders.  Leslie Margharita was born for this role.   Audience was VERY enthusiastic - felt like more theatre peoe and insiders.  


After spring awakening and Fun Home this week (both of which I loved) it was nice to have a light evening.  2 hours to the minute including intermission    If finance ly possible I would drop the interval and make it 1:45 straoght through



To to the question of the condition of the Hayes-it is beyond a dump.  Really appalling for a Broadway house.  

JoseLee_ Profile Photo
#48Dames at Sea Previews
Posted: 9/25/15 at 10:59pm

Without knowing anything about it, my first thought was 'on the town-female version'. Do the shows have anything in common? I hope they make a cast recording.

sing_dance_love Profile Photo
#49Dames at Sea Previews
Posted: 9/25/15 at 11:05pm

Just got home from tonight's preview. I'm in heaven. The cast is beyond talented, incredible dancing, great voices (those Dames at Sea harmonies!), and they are true comedians!


It truly felt from a cast, creative team, and technical standpoint that everyone was really on the same page on the world being created. The tone felt just right, a knowing wink to the silliness, but trusting in the style and old-fashioned American optimism of this kind of show. And then just upping the ante with thrilling dance number after dance number.


Margherita is a riot. Davi is performing with such confidence, assurance, and ease. Gardner and Tedder are goofy, sweet, tap-happy delights. And Kropp is effortlessly sweet and taps like a dream.


The choreography ranges from charming and appropriate to jaw-dropping. Davi and Gardner during the Choo-Choo Honeymoon dance break took me to church.


Seriously, this just lifts your heart till you're dancing on air. That has as much impact to me as the most touching and thought-provoking of dramas. 


Bravo to all involved.

"...and in a bed."
Updated On: 9/25/15 at 11:05 PM
