Broadway Show Bloopers

#25re: Broadway Show Bloopers
Posted: 7/20/04 at 2:57pm

this isn't really a blooper. i saw wicked (sorry) back in february and Eden forgot to bring her lunch during the Dr. Dillamond scene. she searches through her bag and then goes 'i must be buying today.' will goes 'do you have money?' eden goes 'well..i don't need to eat.' will goes 'not eating is BAAAAAD!'. this caused eden to crack up. then they continued with the scene. it was soo funny.

"People asking questions, lost in confusion. Well I tell them there's no problems, only solutions." ~The one and only John Lennon

M J R Profile Photo
#26re: Broadway Show Bloopers
Posted: 7/20/04 at 2:59pm

Opening night of Ragtime in Los Angeles (tour) -

The door of the house falls over, lands on an actress. They drop the curtain. Announce a 15 minute pause, and start the show all over again.

"High time we made a stand and shook up the views of the common man" - Tears for Fears

#27re: Broadway Show Bloopers
Posted: 7/20/04 at 3:05pm

eee. was she alright?

"People asking questions, lost in confusion. Well I tell them there's no problems, only solutions." ~The one and only John Lennon

M J R Profile Photo
#28re: Broadway Show Bloopers
Posted: 7/20/04 at 3:09pm

Yeah - She got a big round of applause on her "second" entrance

"High time we made a stand and shook up the views of the common man" - Tears for Fears

#29re: Broadway Show Bloopers
Posted: 7/20/04 at 3:10pm

I saw these seventh graders do Millie once....

#30re: Broadway Show Bloopers
Posted: 7/20/04 at 3:13pm

ok good.

"People asking questions, lost in confusion. Well I tell them there's no problems, only solutions." ~The one and only John Lennon

#31re: Broadway Show Bloopers
Posted: 7/20/04 at 3:33pm

This wasn't mine, but I read a post in another thread where Glinda's bed didn't come out on time in Wicked, and Idina had to yell for them to bring it out. A big oops for the techies, hehe.

bdwaygirl Profile Photo
#32re: Broadway Show Bloopers
Posted: 7/20/04 at 3:37pm

One of the times I saw AIDA, the boat wouldn't leave the dock, so the King of Nubia and the boatman just jumped out and ran offstage.

Taboo near the end of the run, Euan was waiting for the music to start for Come On In From The Outside and nothing was happening, so he started singing without it, then the band started playing and Euan says, "Now they f'ing start" and was laughing, which set most of the audience off. He restarted the song with the band, then when Liz came out she sang:

Oh what of wisdom
It evades me now
*If I could chase the band away*
You know I'd show you how

and they were both laughing. When Cary came out, Euan straighted himself out for the rest of the scene, though he did seem a little bit more smirky than usual after that. And everyone was smirking through the finale until the final lineup!

I hung out with Cheyenne Jackson in his dressing room waayyyyyy before he tickled D2.

"unleash the girly"

Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.

Puppies are babies in fur coats.

Tinfoil...The Terrorizing Terminator

#33re: Broadway Show Bloopers
Posted: 7/20/04 at 7:34pm

Two moments--

On the Tonys this year when Hugh Jackman was doing "Not the Boy Next Door", and he went to spin the microphone under his leg and knocked the mic off the stand. I felt bad for Hugh, but he recovered well, and said in the middle of the lyric "It's live", and joked it off-- if you remember.

Next, when I saw a regional production of Dracula a few years ago at some Equity theatre in West VA, Dracula's first entrance came from the back of the house-- he was rigged to fly over the audience and through these two sliding "stone" doors and into the castle. The guy who was playing Dracula vomited over the audience as he flew over them, and the stagehands forgot to open the doors and he slammed into them and passed out. Someone came out and said the cast had been out the night before and Dracula had a hangover..... so hysterical!

And if she'll say, "My darling, I'm yours!" I'll throw away my striped tie and my best pressed tweed, all I really need is the girl...

#34re: Broadway Show Bloopers
Posted: 7/20/04 at 7:37pm

I love seeing bloopers once in a while, it reminds you that even actors or human (for those of us who sometimes though otherwise!)

BroadwayMonkey Profile Photo
#35re: Broadway Show Bloopers
Posted: 7/20/04 at 7:47pm

Hmm....I suddenly have lost all recollection of the bloopers I've seen. Curse my short term memory.

Real men are tenors.

#36re: Broadway Show Bloopers
Posted: 7/20/04 at 7:48pm

When i saw Wicked my second time:

I was in the front row bc I won the lottery and I was in the last seat in the center section. In the beginning of "What is the Feeling" after Idina says "Blonde" Kristin throws her notebook off-stage, but when I saw it she missed and hit the guy in the last seat in the front row. You could tell she was frazzeled and when she was supposed to sing she was like "buh nuh nuh nuh nuh so sudeen and new" and idina looks at her and bursted out laughing throughout "I felt the moment I laid eyes on you"...then they pulled it together even though EVERYONE around me in the audience was laughing for a few mins!

Oh and a not so funny one:

When i saw wicked the first time, in "March of the Witch Hunters" when someone slammed their weapon on the stage it broke and hit someone in the row i was in (second row)

liotte Profile Photo
#37re: Broadway Show Bloopers
Posted: 7/20/04 at 7:57pm

I was at that performance of Wicked when Kristin threw her notepad into the audience. I was in the second row behind the guy who got it, and he gave it to me (as I am a big Wicked fan and he didn't want it). I asked Kristin to sign it at the stage door after the show, and she said how embarrassed she was! Now I have a signed prop from the show!

#38re: Broadway Show Bloopers
Posted: 7/20/04 at 8:28pm

Really!? awesome! i was at the stage door too that night! look at my fan photos...the pic of kc and i sticking out our tounges at each othert is from that night

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#39re: Broadway Show Bloopers
Posted: 7/20/04 at 9:09pm

"This wasn't mine, but I read a post in another thread where Glinda's bed didn't come out on time in Wicked, and Idina had to yell for them to bring it out. A big oops for the techies, hehe."

Yep, that was the show that I was at. Not only did she yell for the techies to bring it out, it started coming out part way, then got stuck again, and Idina was left pushing the damn thing out while Kristin tried to continue Popular. When it was all over, Kristin deadpanned, "It was slow...but it was goooood."

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

#40re: Broadway Show Bloopers
Posted: 7/20/04 at 9:28pm

When I saw The Producers in L.A. with Jason Alexander and Martin Short, there is the scene they're waiting for Rodger on the couch and Martin Short was scooting closer and closer to Jason Alexander until they were face to face and they stared at each other for about a min. and Jason Alexander burst out laughing and couldn't stop for about 5 min. And when he was done, he asked Martin Short where they were and he said somthing like I don't know. This caused even more laughing. But then they got back on track.

EVIE Profile Photo
#41re: Broadway Show Bloopers
Posted: 7/20/04 at 10:41pm

Well, it wasn't Broadway but during one of the Rent tour's stops in San Francisco a couple of years back, during Over the Moon, when Maureen starts with the "gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta..." Maggie Benjamin's mike went flying off her head and she screamed "Shiiiiiit!" as she tried to catch it. It was pretty funny!

broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
#42re: Broadway Show Bloopers
Posted: 7/20/04 at 10:47pm

"Anybody here see WHISTLE DOWN THE WIND in London at one of the many performances where the stage wouldn't rise like it should after several numbers?"
I did! Needless to say, we had an extra ten minute intermission.

#43re: Broadway Show Bloopers
Posted: 7/20/04 at 11:29pm

these are hilarious. I haven't been to too many shows where stuff like this happened. I would be dying!

"[My son]'s really into my music, but one day we were listening to Billy [Joel] in the car and he said, 'Daddy, I think Billy's songs are a little better than yours." (Michael Cavanaugh)

#44re: Broadway Show Bloopers
Posted: 7/20/04 at 11:41pm

I saw The Producers in February, when Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick were there. Bialystock (Lane) was telling Bloom (Broderick) that a rule of being a Producer was that you never spend your own money. He then said "That's taboo." You could see Broderick chuckle, and then Nathan started to laugh. He then stopped the show, and explained to the audience that he added that line in honor of his friend, Rosie O'Donnell who spent all her money funding Boy George's musical "Taboo", which had just closed days earlier. It was really funny.

Then, during the song "Betrayed", where Bialystock reaches the part about Intermission, he put his hand to his ear like a phone and said "...and then he stopped the show to explain a really lame joke" and that people were going to post this all over the internet. Funny part was that during intermission, I called my girlfriend, telling her about the stoppage, and now I am posting it. Classic Nathan Lane.

chinkie azn jai Profile Photo
chinkie azn jai
#45re: Broadway Show Bloopers
Posted: 7/20/04 at 11:56pm

WhatDoINeedWithLove, im soo jealous! hahah I just looked at your pictures. wow and you got pictures with the original principals of wicked. I envy you. LOL.

"Chicago is it's own incredible theater town right there smack down in the middle of the heartland. What a great city! I can see why Oprah likes to live there!" - Dee Hoty :-D

Paul LW Profile Photo
Paul LW
#46re: Broadway Show Bloopers
Posted: 7/21/04 at 12:04am

Both my stories have to do with RENT AND "Over the Moon" crazily enough...both were Broadway.

1st one...Maureen is going and gets to the line "...We only Coke..." and everyone knows that when she says Coke into the mic it is supposed to echo....but It didn't...and so she laughs...grabs the mic...and goes "...coke....coke...coke...coke....." each time dipping the mic like it was her salsa partner!

2nd one...and I already read this happened to! During the "gotta gotta gotta gotta" her Mic flies off and she just screams and goes "WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" and then holds it in her hand until "FIND A WAYYYYYY"

I thought they were really funny.

amasis Profile Photo
#47re: Broadway Show Bloopers
Posted: 7/21/04 at 10:11am

I didn't see this happen, but I read the story in the New Yorker a few years ago. In JCS, Tony Vincent was out and his understudy was on for Judas. I've never seen JCS, so I don't know at which point in the show it happened, but somewhere in in the beginning of Act 1 Judas was singing and he made a particularly emotive move toward the audience, and then... disappeared into the orchestra pit. There was a brief, stunned silence from the orchestra, and then the music continued, and the writer said you can see the understudy climbing his way back on stage with the help of the conductor. Poor guy; at least he wasn't seriously hurt... Apparently he received a standing ovation at the end, and the writer wrote: "A guy gets nailed to the cross and everything is ho-hum, but the understudy falls into the orchestra pit and everybody feels his pain." It was kinda funny.

This one I saw when I watched Miss Saigon in '92. Right before the 'telephone' song (where Chris calls his friend to tell him that he'd be taking his leave), the actor who played Chris was running toward the phone, collided with another actor and fell off the stage. He was literally hanging at the edge over the pit, and another actor pulled him back on stage. He bounced on, grabbed the phone, and started singing his part without missing a beat. Amazing concentration. re: Broadway Show Bloopers Updated On: 7/21/04 at 10:11 AM

#48re: Broadway Show Bloopers
Posted: 7/21/04 at 10:46am

I have a couple from the tour of Titanic in Wilmington. Firstly to corw's nest for the guy who yells out "ice berg ...." was being lifted and all throughout the theater you hear this sound of a construction fork or something like it going and then it stops, and as the boat is sinking etc, and the safety boats are leaving i was watching this ensemble woman as a maid or something of the sort and for some reason she was smiling while everyone else is wailing and crying i found it really amusing cause for some reason this girl was smiling. they weren't that good but they do.

#49re: Broadway Show Bloopers
Posted: 7/21/04 at 11:32am

two from beauty and the beast...

~ just after the first replacements took over, apparently Mrs Potts fell over on stage onenight and she couldn't getback up by herself due to the costume, so poor teenie Sarah Berry was left trying tp pick her up mid scene.

~ once, when mrs Potts was pouring tea from her arm, they cued teh wrong audio effect and the beast's roar sounded instead of teh sound of tea being poured.
