
Maria Friedman's Brave Return Onstage- Page 2

Maria Friedman's Brave Return Onstage

#25re: Maria Friedman's Brave Return Onstage
Posted: 11/13/05 at 12:22am

She's doing something she's trained to do, which is perform on stage. While overcoming a sugery is difficult, she's not doing anything that would be considered an act of courage. The fact that she could further endanger her health by returning so soon is more foolish than brave. Going on with one's life after a major surgey is called living. If she feels that she is well enough to perform, than good for her. But I hate when people call people brave and courageous for doing things that they normally do. She's not running through minefields on her way to work. She had sugery. She recovered, and she's back at work.

wickedfreak Profile Photo
#26re: Maria Friedman's Brave Return Onstage
Posted: 11/13/05 at 12:42am

I love that woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#27re: Maria Friedman's Brave Return Onstage
Posted: 11/13/05 at 12:48am

"The fact that she could further endanger her health by returning so soon is more foolish than brave."

Ok....so let me get this straight...jumping out of a PLANE at 15,000 feet with a little tiny piece of silk strapped to your back is "brave", but dealing with breast cancer while performing on a Broadway stage is just "going back to work"?

I think I missed something here...I would say that the mere fact that she is out of bed and ready to take on New York less than ten days after receiving what could be a potentially life-threatening diagnosis shows a strength of character and dedication and commitment few can match.

Oh, and BTW isn't this the same thing as Lance Armstrong going on to win the Tour de France? I mean he had testicular cancer and his "job" was riding a bicycle, so the fact that he recoverd to come back to racing meant he was just "doing his job" right??? I guess then the seven Tour victories were just all in a day's work...

jem2 Profile Photo
#28re: Maria Friedman's Brave Return Onstage
Posted: 11/13/05 at 8:26am

Well said mysterychix, and others, but don't beat yourself about the head trying to make your point to Fosse76. He can't even spell "surgery". re: Maria Friedman's Brave Return Onstage

Without using the "b" word or "c" word he finds so disagreeable when describing Miss Friedman I would like to say I think she has loads of MOXIE and I admire her greatly. It's not every actor who would have surgery and then allow themselves to be cinched into a corset for hours every day and sing their lungs out. Appreciate her "on with the show" ethic. And wish her all the best.
Updated On: 11/13/05 at 08:26 AM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#29re: Maria Friedman's Brave Return Onstage
Posted: 11/13/05 at 8:43am

Fosse76, check back with us on the definition of "personal courage" in a few years, after you or a loved one has had a cancer scare.

Meanwhile, your opinions on the topic are immature and insulting to cancer survivors, their family and friends.

#30re: Maria Friedman's Brave Return Onstage
Posted: 11/13/05 at 9:23am

How rude.
How immature.
How distasteful.
How reprehensible.
And now I am going to say something I have never,ever said on a message board: WHAT A JERK!!!!!!!!!

#31re: Maria Friedman's Brave Return Onstage
Posted: 11/13/05 at 9:32am

My aunt had breast cancer (a really violent form of it the doctors said) and she was exhausted constantly. She was so depressed, she ached all over, in a lot of pain and frankly looked rough. When i told her about this she had tears in her eyes! Most of us know that doing a show can be like a marathon anyway but the fact she's doing such a major character and so soon after her op is amazing. How someone can compare cancer to skydiving is odd and quite frankly disrespectful. The woman deserves so much praise and i for one applaud her... she isn't letting this stop her doing what she blatently loves. I take my hat off to her and wish her all the best and applaud her courage!

Jesus Loves You... Everybody else thinks you're an idiot!

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#32re: Maria Friedman's Brave Return Onstage
Posted: 11/13/05 at 8:04pm

This woman is amazing.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#33re: Maria Friedman's Brave Return Onstage
Posted: 11/17/05 at 7:37am

She was just featured on The Today Show. What an amazing woman. She said she has seven rounds of radiation coming and possibly chemo. She plans on singing and dancing through all of it. I certainly hope she can, but if she has to have chemo, I am afraid it will be very very difficult.

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

chernjam Profile Photo
#34re: Maria Friedman's Brave Return Onstage
Posted: 11/17/05 at 7:53am

And a more extensive interview will be on tonight's NBC's news with Brian Williams at 6:30 (locally here in NY)

Mamie Profile Photo
#35re: Maria Friedman's Brave Return Onstage
Posted: 11/17/05 at 8:49am

I'd be surprised if Lynn Redgrave hasn't contacted Maria. Lynn performed while undergoing chemo for breast cancer. Lynn's was straight acting - no dancing or singing, so the challenge wasn't as strong. Still, she felt that having the show to do helped keep her focused and away from feeling sorry for herself.

I hope and pray that Maria is able to continue working but we should all be prepared for the fact that she'll probably have to cut down the number of shows she works in each week - and possibly cut them down drastically. Radiation can be debilitating and we know that's coming first. (And chemo's no treat). For her sake I hope she's able to stay here and keep working as much as possible. (Perhaps even one act at a time.)

A click for life.
mamie4 5/14/03

NYadgal Profile Photo
#36re: Maria Friedman's Brave Return Onstage
Posted: 11/17/05 at 9:03am

Dear Fosse,

Please read the following and then let me know if you still think her return isn't brave and courageous.

And, for the record, I am a breast cancer survivor. I have undergone two lumpectomies, radiation and chemotherapy. In MY opinion, what she is doing is brave and courageous.


How is the procedure performed?
The woman is put to sleep with conscious sedation or general anesthesia. The skin over the affected breast, chest, and upper arm is cleaned. An incision is made around the previous biopsy site and the surrounding skin is removed. The goal is to remove all of the cancerous breast tissue and leave the rest of the breast intact. Bleeding is stopped and the wound is irrigated. A small drain may be placed in the wound. The incision is carefully closed to minimize scarring.

Some lymph nodes under the arm may be removed to see if cancer has spread. This is called an axillary node dissection. It requires a separate incision in the underarm area. A small drain may be used here, too. The incision is carefully closed to minimize scarring. The lymph nodes removed are sent to a lab for analysis.

Bandages are applied and the woman is awakened.

What happens right after the procedure?
The woman will be kept in the surgery recovery room for a short period of time. She will have an intravenous line, or IV, and oxygen tube. The throat may be sore from the breathing tube used during the surgery. She will be asked to cough and breathe deeply to clean out the lungs and prevent pneumonia. Pain medication will be given as needed. The woman may be thirsty and nauseated, and she will have a bulky bandage and drains.

Back in the hospital room, the woman will usually need help getting up the first time. After that, she will be encouraged to get up and move about. Most women can go home the next day. The bandages and drains remain in place until they are removed by the surgeon.

What happens later at home?
The woman may need to periodically empty a reservoir attached to the drains. Care must be taken to keep all items clean to prevent infection. Proper hand-washing is very important before and after emptying the drains or changing dressings. The color and amount of drainage should be noted and reported to the surgeon.

Pain medications are given, but the pain usually is not severe. The surgeon will let the woman know what activities are allowed in the first few days after surgery.

After recovering from lumpectomy, most women undergo radiation therapy for the breast cancer. Women may have chemotherapy if the lab report shows that cancer has spread to the lymph nodes.

Many women feel sad or depressed after a lumpectomy. They may have concerns about body image and sexuality. Any diagnosis of cancer brings with it the fear of death.

What are the potential complications after the procedure?
Surgery can cause bleeding, infection, or allergic reaction to anesthesia. Other complications of surgery include the following:
Fluid can accumulate under the skin flaps if the drains are not being emptied often enough, or if they become plugged.
Cell death of the skin edges of the incision is uncommon, but it may occur if the skin flaps are very thin or if there is tension at the incision site.
Numbness along the skin in the underarm area and upper arm is caused by damage to the nerves that travel through the area of the lymph nodes removed during surgery. Although it might take some time, this complication may go away. Postmastectomy pain syndrome, or a severe, sharp, shooting, or burning pain along the chest wall. This is frequently caused by nerve damage.
Swelling of the arm on the side of the surgery, which is called lymphedema, is often a late complication, which means that it can occur months or even years after surgery. The cause is not known, but it is frequently associated with local infection.

...there is no need to go on. You get the point.

It's serious.

Maria Friedman's brave return onstage deserves applause and admiration.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."
Updated On: 11/17/05 at 09:03 AM

NYadgal Profile Photo
#37re: Maria Friedman's Brave Return Onstage
Posted: 11/17/05 at 9:19am

cour·age n.
The state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or vicissitudes with self-possession, confidence, and resolution; bravery.


"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

#38re: Maria Friedman's Brave Return Onstage
Posted: 11/17/05 at 9:37am

Now, I love you even more, addy.

I think Maria Friedman is amazing. I applaud her and wish her much luck and success here in the States.

You promised me poems. ~Tricky

PalJoey Profile Photo
#39re: Maria Friedman's Brave Return Onstage
Posted: 11/17/05 at 10:40am

To underscore Addy's point (if on a somewhat lighter note):

What makes a King out of a slave?
What makes the flag on the mast to wave?
What makes the elephant charge his tusk,
In the misty mist or the dusky dusk?
What makes the muskrat guard his musk?
What makes the Sphinx the seventh wonder?
What makes the dawn come up like thunder?
What makes the Hottentot so hot?
What puts the "ape" in apricot?
What have they got that FOSSE76 ain't got?

Mamie Profile Photo
#40re: Maria Friedman's Brave Return Onstage
Posted: 11/17/05 at 11:24am

Oh - thank you PJ! I just realized that this was my first out-loud laugh of the day. All the time I read it I was hearing Burt Lahr's voice too. Thank you so much!

A click for life.
mamie4 5/14/03

kec Profile Photo
#41re: Maria Friedman's Brave Return Onstage
Posted: 11/17/05 at 1:01pm

"All the time I read it I was hearing Burt Lahr's voice too."

I heard his voice as well! re: Maria Friedman's Brave Return Onstage Thanks, Pal Joey, that was a perfect song for this thread re: Maria Friedman's Brave Return Onstage

darkmist115 Profile Photo
#42re: Maria Friedman's Brave Return Onstage
Posted: 11/17/05 at 1:02pm

what an amazing story.
what an amazing woman.

i am seeing woman in whit december 4th, and can't wait.

kissmycookie Profile Photo
#43re: Maria Friedman's Brave Return Onstage
Posted: 11/17/05 at 1:44pm

Well said, Addy!

NYadgal Profile Photo
#44re: Maria Friedman's Brave Return Onstage
Posted: 11/17/05 at 8:30pm

Brava to Ms. Friedman.

Congratulations on your Broadway debut!

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

musicaltheater1 Profile Photo
#45re: Maria Friedman's Brave Return Onstage
Posted: 11/17/05 at 9:01pm

Brava, Ms. Friedman! She was just featured on NBC News tonight (US). The future is uncertain for her yet, she insisted that the show must go on. She mentioned that the role was written for her and that many lives (production) will be affected if she had left the show. Such courage and care for the people involved in the show. I hope the show does really well and she gets the Tony nod.

"I love acting. It is so much more real than life." Oscar Wilde
"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." Aldous Huxley
Updated On: 11/17/05 at 09:01 PM

YayJudyYayJudy Profile Photo
#46re: Maria Friedman's Brave Return Onstage
Posted: 11/17/05 at 9:04pm

The interview was very well done- it really showcased the show very nicely, and it really gave Maria a lot of praise- as she deserves.

I wish her the best- her support group really shows, and it's so nice to see.

Congrats to the whole cast and crew!

proudly changing my name frequently since 2004

chances are AndyF is posting above or below me...

"THIS is how you dress for the Tony's, get it!? Ok, see you at the after-party..." [YAHM]
