
Cast Recordings That Took You Years to Fall in Love WIth- Page 2

Cast Recordings That Took You Years to Fall in Love WIth

gertrudejessalynn Profile Photo
#25re: Cast Recordings That Took You Years to Fall in Love WIth
Posted: 1/30/06 at 6:29pm

Hairspray... I own that cast recording, I should at least try to listen to it.

Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to

My Strongest Suit Profile Photo
My Strongest Suit
#26re: Cast Recordings That Took You Years to Fall in Love WIth
Posted: 1/30/06 at 10:18pm

The Light in the Piazza. I bought it because I saw the performance from it on the Tony's and while I liked it, I was a little confused as to what the plot was and such. Anyways, I saw the show twice when I was in NY a couple weeks ago and now... well, you know the rest. re: Cast Recordings That Took You Years to Fall in Love WIth


NCGuy Profile Photo
#27re: Cast Recordings That Took You Years to Fall in Love WIth
Posted: 1/30/06 at 10:37pm

I had a vinyl copy of "She Loves Me" that I bought at a flea market years ago, and for the longest time I couldn't get into it (I've never seen a stage production of the show). I finally "got it" after hearing Barbara Cook singing the three SLM selections on her first Carnegie Hall album. I love the OCR now (still prefer the Carnegie Hall performances, though).

thejcm Profile Photo
#28re: Cast Recordings That Took You Years to Fall in Love WIth
Posted: 1/30/06 at 10:46pm

I had the following recordings for at least a year before I started listening to them...and when I did I didn't stop listening to them for about a month.

The Who's: Tommy OBCR
Chicago NBCR
Cabaret NBCR
Into the Woods OBCR

All of those took me forever to get in to because I was brought into Broadway through RENT and Rocky Horror and didn't like anything that was remotely old...not even before 1990. Now I can't get enough of that older sound.

"Who says you can't bend over backwards and eat bugs if you want to? I guess the bugs would probably say you can't do that that, but assuming that they are willing and consenting bugs, then there's no problem. Let's wig out eating bugs." -RuPaul

LaVieHilary Profile Photo
#29re: Cast Recordings That Took You Years to Fall in Love WIth
Posted: 1/31/06 at 12:13am

Like other people...yes Hair Spray

also the first time i heard evita i was a bit ehh..
now i love it!

Light in the Piazza with Megan and Emi
"Girl you got money runnin' in yo bloodline."-Carl the Bartender

LightMyCandle Profile Photo
#30re: Cast Recordings That Took You Years to Fall in Love WIth
Posted: 1/31/06 at 12:55am

I will second "Company."

i'm a tough act to follow because when i'm done i take the microphone with me.

ALWrules Profile Photo
#31re: Cast Recordings That Took You Years to Fall in Love WIth
Posted: 1/31/06 at 1:30am

Not quite "years" but it took a while for Wicked. When I saw the show, I then realized that the music wasn't the most important element. Another that took a while was "Anyone can Whistle." I third Company and add in Into the Woods. I think Sondheim in general takes longer than average to get used to.

Keep your morals, I don't have time. Keep your lovers, I'm changing mine! -The Likes of Us

sweetestsiren Profile Photo
#32re: Cast Recordings That Took You Years to Fall in Love WIth
Posted: 1/31/06 at 2:15am

I got The Light in the Piazza recently, and it feels like it's taking me forever to warm up to it. It's very pretty, it just hasn't hooked me in yet.

#33re: Cast Recordings That Took You Years to Fall in Love WIth
Posted: 1/31/06 at 2:35am

the biggest example i can think of is that it took me a few years to really love parade. i listened to it once (i was probably 14 at the time) and i just couldnt understand music that wasnt base at that point. but as my musical tastes became more sophisticated, i appreciated it. Same goes for the classic sondheim shows. i got those when i was thirteen and it took some time for my ear to grasp them. Same goes for floyd collins, heh. but now that i can appreciate sondheim and guettel, i would never go back!

Eastwickian Profile Photo
#34re: Cast Recordings That Took You Years to Fall in Love WIth
Posted: 1/31/06 at 5:40am

Marie Christine, Myths and Hymns

Patronus Profile Photo
#35re: Cast Recordings That Took You Years to Fall in Love WIth
Posted: 1/31/06 at 6:51am

It's interesting to hear that a couple of posters didn't like Wicked at first and then grew to love it.

I had the exact opposite reaction. I enjoyed it very much the first time I heard it and liked it less and less as I listened to it more. Perhaps, it's because I am now able to place the book (of the musical) in between those songs.

Cast Recordings that took me a while to fall in love with:
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
Romance, Romance

#36re: Cast Recordings That Took You Years to Fall in Love WIth
Posted: 1/31/06 at 8:37am

Both "Chess" and "The Life" took me a suprising amount of time to get into and appriciate.

thez914 Profile Photo
#37re: Cast Recordings That Took You Years to Fall in Love WIth
Posted: 1/31/06 at 2:54pm

I still can't get into LaChiusa's The Wild Party.

"Art is always in crisis: you must work fast to write in the breath on the window." -Edward Bond

lovinlife Profile Photo
#38re: Cast Recordings That Took You Years to Fall in Love WIth
Posted: 1/31/06 at 3:32pm

I first saw Wicked and heard the music for what I'd hoped to be the last time. Now, I carry it on me always.

"All I want is the truth, just give me some truth!"- J. Lennon

#39re: Cast Recordings That Took You Years to Fall in Love WIth
Posted: 1/31/06 at 4:15pm

I wasn't a big fan of HAIR (OBC), but when they did the concert I started listening to it again and fell in love. I adore the concert CD.
ZORBA was another one that took a little time and PACIFIC OVERTURES (which I now just love!)

Nothing took years though.

zippyjen Profile Photo
#40re: Cast Recordings That Took You Years to Fall in Love WIth
Posted: 1/31/06 at 4:21pm

phantom of the opera
years ago i hated it! now i find the music beautiful and romantic. Tastes change.

"At the opening night party, they had clowns on stilts, jugglers, a chocolate fountain, popcorn, hot dogs. [My son] looked at me like I had been holding back. Like, 'This is what you do?' I had to tell him, 'No, no, darling. Opening nights don't usually look like this.' It's usually a dark bar with a bottle of vodka." ?Chitty Chitty Bang Bang's Jan Maxwell plus i proudly share the title of the shortest member over the age of 10 with wickedrentq!

drumtilyoudrop Profile Photo
#41re: Cast Recordings That Took You Years to Fall in Love WIth
Posted: 1/31/06 at 6:12pm

I'm ashamed to admit this, but Les Miserables took me a while to get into.

"We can't go in the fire swamp! We'll never survive!" " Nonsense. You're only saying that because no one ever has."

Piazzaslight Profile Photo
#42re: Cast Recordings That Took You Years to Fall in Love WIth
Posted: 1/31/06 at 8:39pm

When I saw the Concert version of PASSION last March, I LOATHED it. Now I own the DVd and think it's actually very good.]

WICKED and PIAZZA also took me a few listens to get in to.

MARGARET: "Clara, stop that. That's illegal." - The Light in the Piazza

"I'm not in Bambi and I'm not blonde!" - Idina Menzel

Piazzaslight Profile Photo
#43re: Cast Recordings That Took You Years to Fall in Love WIth
Posted: 1/31/06 at 8:39pm

Double post, sorry!

MARGARET: "Clara, stop that. That's illegal." - The Light in the Piazza

"I'm not in Bambi and I'm not blonde!" - Idina Menzel
Updated On: 1/31/06 at 08:39 PM

Overthemoon6 Profile Photo
#44re: Cast Recordings That Took You Years to Fall in Love WIth
Posted: 1/31/06 at 8:43pm

Hairspray and Sweet Charity.

And then, do you know Monseiur Marius, I believe I was a little in love with you.

Overthemoon6 Profile Photo
#45re: Cast Recordings That Took You Years to Fall in Love WIth
Posted: 1/31/06 at 8:45pm

OO, sory for the double post, but Aida took me a long time, too.

And then, do you know Monseiur Marius, I believe I was a little in love with you.

wherethehorizonlies Profile Photo
#46re: Cast Recordings That Took You Years to Fall in Love WIth
Posted: 1/31/06 at 10:08pm

I'm not going to lie, it took me a really long time to get into Sweeney Todd. A friend had lent me the video of the original and I watched about 30 seconds and was way too freaked out to keep watching it. Then another friend sent me the OBCR for my birthday and it took me awhile to listen and even then I only would listen to the first disk...thankfully I've moved on, absolutly love it and am currently listening to the new recording (which I love!!) as we speak...

also A Little Night Music took me quite some time and now it is also one of my favorites

We cannot know what will occur/Just make our journey worth the taking/And pray we're wiser then we were/In the beginning" ~Children of Eden "Risk is everything" ~The Light in the Piazza "I can just see us now in our bathing dresses...you in a nice navy and me? Stripes perhaps." ~Sweeney Todd Tovah Won Me Ovah '06

wickedrentq Profile Photo
#47re: Cast Recordings That Took You Years to Fall in Love WIth
Posted: 1/31/06 at 10:46pm

Not that I hated any of these, but there def was a point when I began listening to them a lot more than when I first got them.

Evita and the Secret Garden--I liked both, but hardly listened to them, until seeing the Evita tour and Secret Garden concert...I really fell in love w/ the music at those performances and now I listen to the two all the time

Also, Spelling Bee grew a lot on me since the first time I got it/listened to it.

"If there was a Mount Rushmore for Broadway scores, "West Side Story" would be front and center. It snaps, it crackles it pops! It surges with a roar, its energy and sheer life undiminished by the years" - NYPost reviewer Elisabeth Vincentelli
