
Is the Great Comet really that confusing - Page 3

Is the Great Comet really that confusing

Andy51 Profile Photo
#50Is the Great Comet really that confusing
Posted: 1/6/17 at 11:10am

I read the relevant 70 pages of War and Peace before the show.  It is in fact surprisingly light reading, and I think it enhanced my enjoyment of the show both because I didn't have to waste a second of mental work to follow it and because I could better appreciate the brilliance of the adaptation.

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#51Is the Great Comet really that confusing
Posted: 1/6/17 at 12:08pm

Hellob said: "I was there today and was my third time. Each time during intermission I have a lot of people sitting around me who are utterly confused and I end up spending the entire time explaining what's going on. I don't think it's hard to follow and I never even looked at the family tree thing before the first time. I mean, the opening number explains it and I feel like each character reintroduced themselves later. What gives?"

Hellob, next time you go, tell those people, whatever they do, under no circumstances should they even consider going to see THE PRESENT.


Updated On: 1/6/17 at 12:08 PM

#52Is the Great Comet really that confusing
Posted: 1/6/17 at 2:43pm

Yeah, I'm in the "what's to be confused about?" camp -- it seemed pretty straightforward to me.  I only got lost, the first time I saw at Kazino a few years back, during the Abduction scene, with Balaga and all the running around.  I just had no idea what was going on, but I rolled with it, and was soon back on track. The next time I saw it I realized that Mr. Toschi and Mr. Steele had evidently fumbled some words that first time, it was clear as day the second time, and the third, and most recently the fourth time, and I'm sure it'll be just as clear next time I see it.


"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog: http://www.roscoewrites.blogspot.com/

#53Is the Great Comet really that confusing
Posted: 1/6/17 at 2:50pm

Well I guess what confuses me is why does there have to be an 'abduction'?  It seems Natasha was ready and willing to go with Anatole.  Or is the definition of abduction in Russian lit similar to 'elopement'?

Kad Profile Photo
#54Is the Great Comet really that confusing
Posted: 1/6/17 at 2:56pm

 You can abduct willing people. It is an unlawful leading or taking away of someone.

She is being taken away in the dead of night under false pretense (Anatole cannot legally be married to her as he already is married to another woman).

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."
Updated On: 1/6/17 at 02:56 PM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#55Is the Great Comet really that confusing
Posted: 1/6/17 at 4:46pm

But she is also running away because she wouldn't get permission to go with him.  Even her aunt asks why she felt the need to be sneaky.  And yes, it's similar to the idea of elopment- as that was often because permission wouldn't be granted.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.
Updated On: 1/8/17 at 04:46 PM

defygravity2 Profile Photo
#56Is the Great Comet really that confusing
Posted: 1/6/17 at 5:20pm

Saw it last night and was able to easily follow the story....go, me!  I had read this thread and warned my friends to pay very close attention during the first song and read the Playbill synopsis before the show because I had read many people were very confused about storyline. We all went in not knowing anything about the story, read the Playbill ahead of time, and loved the show!

#57Is the Great Comet really that confusing
Posted: 1/6/17 at 6:43pm

I must have been confused when I watched it in Nov...I left at intermission! lol Even Josh Groban could not stop my headache and I am a fan!

Skimbleshanks2 Profile Photo
#58Is the Great Comet really that confusing
Posted: 1/7/17 at 10:17am

I'm confused about JOSH GROBAN... Is he single? I know he recently broke up with 2 BROKE GIRLS star KAT DENNINGS... but why?? Is he nice? A player? A cheater?? He's such a talent but seems mysterious in his personal life...I wonder what the deal is...

Any input??

"See that poster on the wall? Rocky Marciano." - Andy Karl as Rocky in 'ROCKY'

#59Is the Great Comet really that confusing
Posted: 1/7/17 at 10:27am

Skimbleshanks2 said: "I'm confused about JOSH GROBAN... Is he single? I know he recently broke up with 2 BROKE GIRLS star KAT DENNINGS... but why?? Is he nice? A player? A cheater?? He's such a talent but seems mysterious in his personal life...I wonder what the deal is...

Any input??



No input because who cares

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#60Is the Great Comet really that confusing
Posted: 1/7/17 at 10:56am

Skimbleshanks2 said: "I'm confused about JOSH GROBAN... Is he single? I know he recently broke up with 2 BROKE GIRLS star KAT DENNINGS... but why?? Is he nice? A player? A cheater?? He's such a talent but seems mysterious in his personal life...I wonder what the deal is...

Any input??



It's none of our business. 

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

After Eight
#61Is the Great Comet really that confusing
Posted: 1/7/17 at 11:16pm

It's not do much that it's confusing; as presented here, it's simply not interesting.

I wouldn't even waste my time looking at the program as they tell us to do. It won't make the dullness any less pervasive. Moreover, to tell the audience to do what the show should be doing reeks of arrogance. Let the creators do the work audiences are paying them to do.


#62Is the Great Comet really that confusing
Posted: 1/7/17 at 11:48pm

I couldn't disagree more! I found the characters all believeable and entertaining, mainly due to the portrayal. When I listened to the cast recording, I was worried at how dumb Natasha sounds, but Denee plays off her naivety and innocence that makes the character, although not relatable, definitely convincing. I find the last few songs in the show really add some heart that elevates this spectacle of a show even further.

#63Is the Great Comet really that confusing
Posted: 1/8/17 at 2:09am

Roscoe said: "Yeah, I'm in the "what's to be confused about?" camp -- it seemed pretty straightforward to me.  I only got lost, the first time I saw at Kazino a few years back, during the Abduction scene, with Balaga and all the running around.  I just had no idea what was going on, but I rolled with it, and was soon back on track. "

Hah, I got lost during this number too but because I got uber distracted by the shakers getting passed around and being bummed I couldn't get one. LOL. Such a frenetic, high energy number, so much fun.

JudyDenmark Profile Photo
#64Is the Great Comet really that confusing
Posted: 4/26/17 at 3:17pm

Reviving this thread because I have a plot question.

Background: I saw the show a few weeks ago and couldn't see about 90% of it from where I was sitting. Natasha was the only person I could see in the opening number and so didn't learn who was who, and as a result was pretty lost for the whole thing. I loved the technical design of the production, but because I had no idea what was happening for the majority of it and usually couldn't tell who was singing, was pretty bored and honestly hated the show. 

Since so many people clearly love it, I'm giving it another chance next Thursday, this time from front row mezzanine. To prepare myself for Take 2, I have been reading the study guide on their website, and in the plot summary, it says, (in the early part of Act 2) "Just as the men set "The Abduction" in motion, it is halted by a bold Marya D. who denies Andrey entrance to her house." Is that a typo? At this point there has been no mention of Andrey in the plot summary other than at the very beginning... does he suddenly show up? Or did they mean Anatole?

Clearly this thread thinks I must be a moron for not understanding this show, haha, but I see a lot of things, consider myself a reasonably intelligent and educated person, and honestly had very little clue what was happening. I'm looking forward to my second chance next week. and am hoping to come around on the whole thing!

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#65Is the Great Comet really that confusing
Posted: 4/26/17 at 3:23pm

Yes, they mean Anatole. 

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

hork Profile Photo
#66Is the Great Comet really that confusing
Posted: 4/26/17 at 3:25pm

Andrey isn't here.

Kad Profile Photo
#67Is the Great Comet really that confusing
Posted: 4/26/17 at 3:30pm

Where were you that you missed so much of the show, crouching behind the sound booth?

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#68Is the Great Comet really that confusing
Posted: 4/26/17 at 3:44pm

Reading through this thread again... It's kind ridiculous to me that nobody (as of yet?) has mentioned Malloy's intention to put Tolstoy's WORDS on stage. Most of the show , lyrically, is directly adapted from Tolstoy. That is why there are lyrics that read like stage directions- you're supposed to hear the poetry of the words and the music tells you the underlying emotion. As for self-narration- well, musicals have been doing that for a long time, no?

JudyDenmark Profile Photo
#69Is the Great Comet really that confusing
Posted: 4/26/17 at 3:48pm

Kad said: "Where were you that you missed so much of the show, crouching behind the sound booth?"

Front row of the house-left orchestra (Row B). The raised platform with chairs and tables was directly in front of us, and I had two very large and tall men sitting in those chairs. So what I saw was their backs... and a sliver of show when I could bend my head in between and around them. What I *could* see was often negated by an incredibly bright spotlight which made me have to cover my eyes with my hand. I'd say about 10% of the time I had an excellent up-close view of some of the actors (like, I could see the first part of "No One Else" fairly clearly), otherwise it was a great view of those men's backs. No bueno.

(Edit: grammar)

Updated On: 4/26/17 at 03:48 PM

#70Is the Great Comet really that confusing
Posted: 4/26/17 at 3:59pm

I did what Andy51 did and read the relevant portion of the novel on the night before the show. I had already started the novel but skipped ahead.

After reading the complaints, I was concerned that I would be lost and that my wife and daughter would be confused and hate the show as a result. So I gave them a quick tutorial on the basic plot and characters at lunch, leaving out the conclusion. It worked as intended, and most of the story isn't all that confusing anyway.

I do understand why some people, especially non-theatre goers, would be confused. There's a lot going on, and the show doesn't give the audience much of a chance to catch up.

While I'm accustomed to race-blind casting, many people are not.

Personally, I loved the show, but I understand that it's not going to be everyone's taste.

And JudyDenmark, front mezzanine is a great place to watch the show. If you don't like it there, it's just a musical you don't like. Updated On: 4/26/17 at 03:59 PM

#71Is the Great Comet really that confusing
Posted: 4/26/17 at 4:08pm

Rachel Chavkin and Dave Malloy don't strike me as the kind of artists who spoonfeed a story to their audience. They lay it out for you in the opening number (repeatedly) and expect you to pay attention. Is that unreasonable?

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#72Is the Great Comet really that confusing
Posted: 4/26/17 at 4:10pm

It's not at all confusing.

newintown Profile Photo
#73Is the Great Comet really that confusing
Posted: 4/26/17 at 4:17pm

"It's kind ridiculous to me that nobody (as of yet?) has mentioned Malloy's intention to put Tolstoy's WORDS on stage. Most of the show , lyrically, is directly adapted from Tolstoy."

As the show is in English, not Russian or French, then the words we hear belong to a translator/adapter, not Tolstoy.

JudyDenmark Profile Photo
#74Is the Great Comet really that confusing
Posted: 4/26/17 at 4:22pm

bear88 said: "And JudyDenmark, front mezzanine is a great place to watch the show. If you don't like it there, it's just a musical you don't like."

Thank you! I suspect that may be the case.. not sure if the music is my cup of tea... but I think I owe it to the show to form my opinion based on seeing and experiencing it as it was meant to be seen. Definitely going in with an open mind. 
