
Ben Platt at the Grammys- Page 3

Ben Platt at the Grammys

Andy51 Profile Photo
#50Ben Platt at the Grammys
Posted: 1/29/18 at 11:40pm

There were similar issues with his rendition of Finishing the Hat:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-S5IbVFVck  (discussed in a thread here a while back).  I think there are serious questions about the range of his artistry.  He may well turn out to be a one hit wonder.  But, if so, at least he was indeed wondrous.

Mildred Plotka Profile Photo
Mildred Plotka
#51Ben Platt at the Grammys
Posted: 1/29/18 at 11:51pm

I keep reading things like “He can’t shake his Evan Hansen character”. He was doing the same things before Evan Hansen. The ticks and manuerisms many equate with his portrayal are really just his own ticks and mannerisms. He did them in Pitch Perfect. He did them in Book if Mormon. I wish the guy no ill will, and I’m glad so many were moved by his Evan Hansen performance, but personally I find him to be one of the most overrated performers in recent memory. I can’t see him taking on a classic role like Tony in West Side and being able to sing the role as written. All the riffing just reads to me as a lack of ability to sing properly. So he can sing and cry at the same time. Super. Color me unimpressed. I just don’t get the appeal.

"Broadway...I'll lick you yet!"

SempreLiberal Profile Photo
#52Ben Platt at the Grammys
Posted: 1/30/18 at 12:24am

Dear Evan Hansen has that combination of angst and buzz that has been propelling it further than I thought it would go.

Nothing against Ben Platt, as I think he is a good actor and singer, but I think re. the Tony’s, DEH’s buzz completely overwhelmed the other shows’ chances.

Andy Karl delivered a far better performance, acting, singing, comedic touch, sensitivity, etc.

And Great Comet was a superior show, with music and staging that was truly innovative and not of the moment.

I actually think Ben could have a nice career in the studio doing more pop-ish, angst-y songs., and he might do less legitimate theatre.

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#53Ben Platt at the Grammys
Posted: 1/30/18 at 4:06am

i think his voice is terrific on the recording of DEH, but Somewhere was just not the song for him. of all the songs of Bernstein’s to do, i understand why they chose it for the fact that it is a well known song but he was done a disservice by it.

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

darquegk Profile Photo
#54Ben Platt at the Grammys
Posted: 1/30/18 at 8:58am

In terms of "unconventional renditions," over the years I have grown increasingly attached to the infamous Tom Waits version from the PETA commercials before "Angels" became their de facto theme song. It's worn down and weary and broken, but there's a sense of defeated hope in it rather than the anthemic optimism of the traditional rendition.

CallMeAl2 Profile Photo
#55Ben Platt at the Grammys
Posted: 1/30/18 at 10:57am

Singing aside - what was with that lighting? Why would you hide an performer that is acting his face off in shadows? Ben might as well as had a bag over his head. 

And the shirt - homage to DEH? I can't think of any other way to read it. It certainly wasn't edgy-pop-star-performing-at-the-Grammys. 

#56Ben Platt at the Grammys
Posted: 1/30/18 at 11:07am

LuPone, having originated the role of Evita on Broadway, was the obvious and logical choice to perform in honor of Llod Webber. Exactly what connection to Bernstein does Platt have that made him the choice to perform?

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#57Ben Platt at the Grammys
Posted: 1/30/18 at 11:08am

Fosse76 said: "LuPone, having originated the role of Evita on Broadway, was the obvious and logical choice to perform in honor of Llod Webber. Exactly what connection toBernstein does Platt have that made him the choice to perform?"

Lmao! That’s exactly what I asked when he was announced to be part of this. It was less of a Bernstein tribute and more of a Ben Platt showcase. Smh. He was probably rolling in his grave.

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire https://theaterworkersforaceasefire.com/statement

adamgreer Profile Photo
#58Ben Platt at the Grammys
Posted: 1/30/18 at 11:11am

Fosse76 said: "LuPone, having originated the role of Evita on Broadway, was the obvious and logical choice to perform in honor of Llod Webber. Exactly what connection toBernstein does Platt have that made him the choice to perform?"

A wealthy and powerful producer for a father?

bdn223 Profile Photo
#59Ben Platt at the Grammys
Posted: 1/30/18 at 11:22am

adamgreer said: "Fosse76 said: "LuPone, having originated the role of Evita on Broadway, was the obvious and logical choice to perform in honor of Llod Webber. Exactly what connection toBernstein does Platt have that made him the choice to perform?"

A wealthy and powerful producer for a father?

Thank you for finally mentioning the Elephant in the room....being the lead producer of Wicked  his father has become a mini Scott Rudin or Weinstein, though not as much an in your face producer nor a sexual predator like the latter. This is not to say Ben isn't a talented performer, but his last name has most certainly helped open doors.  

broadwaynerdnewbie Profile Photo
#60Ben Platt at the Grammys
Posted: 1/30/18 at 11:22am

Call_me_jorge said: "Fosse76 said: "LuPone, having originated the role of Evita on Broadway, was the obvious and logical choice to perform in honor of Llod Webber. Exactly what connection toBernstein does Platt have that made him the choice to perform?"

Lmao! That’s exactly what I asked when he was announced to be part of this. It was less of a Bernstein tribute and more of a Ben Platt showcase. Smh. He was probably rolling in his grave.

*rolls eyes*

Updated On: 1/30/18 at 11:22 AM

broadwaynerdnewbie Profile Photo
#61Ben Platt at the Grammys
Posted: 1/30/18 at 11:25am

bdn223 said: "adamgreer said: "Fosse76 said: "LuPone, having originated the role of Evita on Broadway, was the obvious and logical choice to perform in honor of Llod Webber. Exactly what connection toBernstein does Platt have that made him the choice to perform?"

A wealthy and powerful producer for a father?

Thank you for finally mentioning the Elephant in the room....being the lead producer of Wickedhis father has become a mini Scott Rudin or Weinstein, though not as much an in your face producer nor a sexual predator like the latter. This is not to say Ben isn't a talented performer, but his last name has most certainly helpedopen doors.

He’s literally been fairly upfront about how his last name has definitley helped him so it might be an elephant in the room for fans but he’s never denied this. But it’s disengenous to think his talent hasn’t also served him well, his last name might help get him in the door but it’s his talent that keeps him there.

RaisedOnMusicals Profile Photo
#62Ben Platt at the Grammys
Posted: 1/30/18 at 12:00pm

SempreLiberal said: "Dear Evan Hansen has that combination of angst and buzz that has been propelling it further than I thought it would go.

Andy Karl delivered a far better performance, acting, singing, comedic touch, sensitivity, etc.

OK, I see that you only joined the board about a month ago, so you missed the months of discussions about this very point that took place before the Tonys were awarded. But to summarize, while some felt  the way you did, the vast majority here (of which I was one) thought that while Karl gave a terrific performance, Ben's performance was one for the ages, one that whoever saw it will remember for the rest of their lives. It was considered to be one of the greatest male performances of the past 10 years, if not longer.

In addition, very very few people thought that Great Comet, as innovative as it was, was a better show than DEH. The proof of that is pretty self evident. 


CZJ at opening night party for A Little Night Music, Dec 13, 2009.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#63Ben Platt at the Grammys
Posted: 1/30/18 at 12:39pm

No, there is no proof of that.   Since when is financial success or longevity a sign or proof of excellence? 

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#64Ben Platt at the Grammys
Posted: 1/30/18 at 12:44pm

RaisedOnMusicals said: "SempreLiberal said: "Dear Evan Hansen has that combination of angst and buzz that has been propelling it further than I thought it would go.

Andy Karl delivered a far better performance, acting, singing, comedic touch, sensitivity, etc.

OK, I see that you only joined the board about a month ago, so you missed the months of discussions about this very point that took place before the Tonys were awarded. But to summarize, while some felt the way you did, the vast majority here (of which I was one) thought that while Karl gave a terrific performance, Ben's performance was one for the ages, one that whoever saw it will remember for the rest of their lives. It was considered to be one of the greatest male performances of the past 10 years, if not longer.

In addition, very very few people thought that Great Comet, as innovative as it was, was a better show than DEH. The proof of that is pretty self evident.

One can’t “prove” something was a better show, given how subjective that is. 

BuddyStarr Profile Photo
#65Ben Platt at the Grammys
Posted: 1/30/18 at 1:06pm

CallMeAl2 said: "...And the shirt - homage to DEH? I can't think of any other way to read it. It certainly wasn't edgy-pop-star-performing-at-the-Grammys."

LOL, I had thought the same thing!

#66Ben Platt at the Grammys
Posted: 1/30/18 at 1:29pm

Why are you all excusing him, saying it’s not his fault, he was directed this way? I’m sure he will have had a lot of say in how he sings the song. Like others, I felt there was a lack of connection with the material.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#67Ben Platt at the Grammys
Posted: 1/30/18 at 1:38pm

Mildred Plotka said: "I keep reading things like “He can’t shake his Evan Hansen character”. He was doing the same things before Evan Hansen. The ticks and manuerisms many equate with his portrayal are really just his own ticks and mannerisms. He did them in Pitch Perfect. He did them in Book if Mormon. I wish the guy no ill will, and I’m glad so many were moved by his Evan Hansen performance, but personally I find him to be one of the most overrated performers in recent memory."

I don't feel as strongly as you do, but yep — people were praising him for things he was doing in DEH when really it wasn't more than an amplification of what he was doing in BoM. I enjoyed him in both shows, but come on. He didn't have to do be this quirky at the Grammys either, unless it's all he can do.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

RaisedOnMusicals Profile Photo
#68Ben Platt at the Grammys
Posted: 1/30/18 at 3:10pm

dramamama611 said: "No, there is no proof of that. Since when is financial success or longevity a sign or proof of excellence?"

I don’t disagree with this in theory. It was a response to the poster who stated that Great Comet was “superior” to DEH, as if that were objectively true. Longevity, commercial success, critical acclaim, awards won  and other “facts”  may be indicators of excellence, but not proof, as to my knowledge nothing in and of itself “proves” it when it comes to any art form.  

CZJ at opening night party for A Little Night Music, Dec 13, 2009.

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#69Ben Platt at the Grammys
Posted: 1/30/18 at 4:23pm

“very very few people thought that Great Comet was a better show than DEH”

i highly doubt that this statement is accurate, i for one do think Great Comet is a better show and was robbed of more than one Tony last year.

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#70Ben Platt at the Grammys
Posted: 1/30/18 at 4:46pm

Fosse76 said: "LuPone, having originated the role of Evita on Broadway, was the obvious and logical choice to perform in honor of Llod Webber. Exactly what connection toBernstein does Platt have that made him the choice to perform?"

Larry Kert, Rosalind Russell,
Nancy Walker and Comden
and Green all wanted too much

And Carol Lawrence and Chita
Rivera just don't have those
notes any more.

CallMeAl2 Profile Photo
#71Ben Platt at the Grammys
Posted: 1/30/18 at 4:55pm

Fosse76 said: "LuPone, having originated the role of Evita on Broadway, was the obvious and logical choice to perform in honor of Llod Webber. Exactly what connection toBernstein does Platt have that made him the choice to perform?"

Obviously there is no connection to Bernstein . My guess is that the producers were thinking of something old (LuPone) paired with something new (Platt). Also, Platt is the breakout star of the past year on Broadway, and the favorite to win the show album Grammy, so they were hitching on to a rising star. They wanted to use a little of his current heat.

Mildred Plotka Profile Photo
Mildred Plotka
#72Ben Platt at the Grammys
Posted: 1/30/18 at 5:03pm

I know many who enjoyed Great Comet more than Dear Evan Hansen. To each their own, but enough with the stating opinion as fact.

There seems to be a trend for certain shows on this board when anyone dares to cyriyique it or state that it wasn’t their cup of tea. They get hanged up on by the rabid fans and told they’re wrong. It happened when anyone said they didn’t enjoy Hamilton. It happened with Nezt to Normal. And it happened with Evan Hansen. It reads to me like people feel their experience was tarnished knowing not everyone loved it as much as they did. Maybe it’s the younger demographic these shows attract? I just don’t get why people care if people didn’t enjoy a particular show they’re in love with. I’m a big fan of War Paint yet managed not to jump down anyone’s throat who didn’t. Others hating a show I love doesn’t make my love of it any less.

The same goes for performers. Platt seems to be the latest that people freak out and question someone’s taste if they criticize anything about him. Or the show he was in.

I think we start to see criticism of certain shows after they’ve seen around for a while. People start to avoid threads on the topic until the rabid fans calm down a bit or move on to their next obsession.

"Broadway...I'll lick you yet!"

Gensho Profile Photo
#73Ben Platt at the Grammys
Posted: 1/30/18 at 6:32pm

I enjoyed his performance, but also agree with some of the criticisms stated here. I’m not sure if his suit hadnt come back from the dry cleaners in time, but the Charlie Brown t-shirt did him no favors. He is cute though, so I could overlook that. The shirt was very Evan Hansen. I mean he won a Grammy earlier in the day for that show, but if he’s going to dress like Evan then he should have done a number from that show.
We have to remember that Ben is really young. He’s 24. He’s doesn’t have many credits under his belt, I mean, he has some major credits, but still not many. He doesn’t really have the emotional maturity to handle Somewhere or Finishing a Hat quite yet. But I think he’ll get there. He just needs to experience life a bit more. And best to select more age appropriate songs.
I thought he was marvelous as Evan Hansen. He displayed an emotional range unusual for someone of such a young age and his voice was fantastic. Of course the music was literally written for him. But the character was young, so it worked for him. I think he will have a successful career ahead of him.
I don’t think Bernstein would have been rolling in his grave. Ben’s an incredibly handsome and talented young man, just the type of thing the Bernstein would have loved. If he was alive, though, he would have taken out those riffs.

#74Ben Platt at the Grammys
Posted: 1/30/18 at 6:48pm

“ He doesn’t really have the emotional maturity to handle Somewhere”

Given the fairytale circumstances of his life, why would he ever want to be “somewhere”?
