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HELLO, DOLLY! Previews

RippedMan Profile Photo
#750HELLO, DOLLY! Previews
Posted: 7/27/17 at 12:14pm

I saw this last night from the balcony. First off, the production is first rate. The set kept surprising and surprising. I loved it from a design/direction standpoint. I don't know where they're storing all those sets! 

I'm not sure I was super taken by Midler's Dolly. I think I'd rather see someone who can really hit those notes in the role. But she was funny. But, to me, she played it like I'd expect her to play it. There weren't any really surprising moments for me. I think the girl playing Minnie really delivered. She was fantastic. 

I'm def. going to go back to see Donna Murphy because now I'm just curious to see another take on it and maybe that will help me appreciate Midler more.

Robbie2 Profile Photo
#751HELLO, DOLLY! Previews
Posted: 7/27/17 at 9:28pm

RippedMan said: "I saw this last night from the balcony. First off, the production is first rate. The set kept surprising and surprising. I loved it from a design/direction standpoint. I don't know where they're storing all those sets! 

I'm not sure I was super taken by Midler's Dolly. I think I'd rather see someone who can really hit those notes in the role. But she was funny. But, to me, she played it like I'd expect her to play it. There weren't any really surprising moments for me. I think the girl playing Minnie really delivered. She was fantastic. 

I'm def. going to go back to see Donna Murphy because now I'm just curious to see another take on it and maybe that will help me appreciate Midler more.


"I believe you will...btw, Donna is TERRIFIC!


"Anything you do, let it it come from you--then it will be new." Sunday in the Park with George

Johntlew2 Profile Photo
#752HELLO, DOLLY! Previews
Posted: 7/28/17 at 12:27am

I hear you Ripped Man. But next to Barbara Cook...Bette is my all-time heroine! This huge fan was driven solely by her star power. Now I do want to See Donna in role. I have a pretty good recording but have heard she looks fab too. I managed to send a short tweet to Ms Murphy and actually got a very short "Thank you" back.  I tweeted a complement from something I just saw her do on youtube. For Sondheim's birthday at Lincoln center in 2011. She plus a few others wearing red. "Leave You" from Follies.

#753HELLO, DOLLY! Previews
Posted: 7/28/17 at 12:34am

Does this show match up to a second viewing? Or is there more than just 'seeing Bette'?

#754HELLO, DOLLY! Previews
Posted: 7/28/17 at 12:19pm

If I were living in NYC I would view a second time with Donna Murphy. I would never tire of seeing Bette in it again. There are still many who have or will come see Bette in the role. Many are Fans of Bette...many are probably not..

#755HELLO, DOLLY! Previews
Posted: 7/28/17 at 12:32pm

I can't help but imagine how it would have been received if it was a Donna Murphy vehicle to begin with. 

Stage Door Sally Profile Photo
Stage Door Sally
#756HELLO, DOLLY! Previews
Posted: 7/28/17 at 3:27pm

Unfortunately, it wouldn't be nearly as successful as it is. A huge percentage of the audience is drawn to the show for Bette, nothing more. But once inside, magic hits and they realize just how wonderful this show is and why it is a classic. Boom.

EthelMae Profile Photo
#757HELLO, DOLLY! Previews
Posted: 7/28/17 at 4:02pm

In answer to posts here about whether or not Dolly is worth seeing again without Bette, the answer is yes. Now let me say first, I Iove Bette in the show. I've seen her 3 times. She's funny, delightful and has that rare star presence. I've seen Donna 4 times. And she is lovely in the role. Love hearing her belt certain numbers and totally own the role. So either lady will give you an enchanting evening. (Just a mention: I did think, last night, some of Midler's stuff wasn't landing. Now this could be the audience last night. I think many New Yorkers have already seen it, for instance, no entrance applause for Mr. Creel last night and the hat shop scene wasn't getting as many laughs as usual. And as much as I love Midler, Murphy is, at times, less shticky, which can be a welcome. Maybe I've seen it too many times now!)

Missed Kate Baldwin last night for the first time. While her understudy was fine, I appreciated Baldwin even more. Love the way Midler gave the understudy a last separate bow. Classy thing Midler seems to do with the understudys. Not sure if this was the first time Baldwin was out. Don't have my program here or I would have mentioned the understudy's name.

MusicAndPassion Profile Photo
#758HELLO, DOLLY! Previews
Posted: 7/28/17 at 5:53pm

The understudy for Kate Baldwin was Analisa Leaming. I saw the production on Wednesday evening and thought Ms. Leaming was simply divine. Her voice was gorgeous and I prefer her Ribbons Down My Back to Baldwin's on the recording. 

EthelMae Profile Photo
#759HELLO, DOLLY! Previews
Posted: 7/28/17 at 5:56pm

Is Kate Baldwin out this week, does anyone know? Again, while Ms.Leaming was fine, I thought, I missed Baldwin's funny take on Molloy which you don't often see.

RippedMan Profile Photo
#760HELLO, DOLLY! Previews
Posted: 7/28/17 at 9:55pm

I saw the understudy as well, and hope to get back to see Donna and Kate on Tuesday. 

I only know Midler from "Hocus Pocus" and while it is one of my favorite movies, she's not the "idol" that I think she is for some people. Totally fine, I get that. But I did find her interesting, but to me, her shtick and humor didn't quite land. For instance, her table eating bit. It was funny and I could appreciate it for what it was, but I wasn't barreled over the way some people were. I think Lupone and Ebersole are giving more interesting performances, to be honest. 

But that said, Donna is one of my favorites. Her "Will I Leave You?" from Follies is one of my favorites, and I've watched her "I Read" from Passion way too many times to count, so I'm excited to see her in a comedic performance.

Johntlew2 Profile Photo
#761HELLO, DOLLY! Previews
Posted: 7/30/17 at 4:28am

HELLO, DOLLY! PreviewsHELLO, DOLLY! PreviewsI thought I saw Bette back in the 1980s....but it was 1979! Concord Pavilion.


Updated On: 7/30/17 at 04:28 AM

VotePeron Profile Photo
#762HELLO, DOLLY! Previews
Posted: 7/30/17 at 11:03pm

I think Analisa Leaming made her Irene Molloy debut tonight! (And if it wasn't, Donna was super friendly by stepping aside and giving her another bow at the end!!) I was initially sad about missing Kate Baldwin who was sensational a month ago, but Analisa was magnificent in every way, and acted like she had been performing the role for ages. Her voice, chemistry, and poise blended together as an unforgettable and truly wonderful performance. Can't wait for her to be a leading lady of her own one day, and not always the back up!

Itonlytakesajourney Profile Photo
#763HELLO, DOLLY! Previews
Posted: 7/31/17 at 5:52am

Does anyone know if Kate will be back on tomorrow for the 7 PM show? I'm sure Analisa is terrific, but I'd prefer to see Kate as it's my first time at the show. Profile Photo
#764HELLO, DOLLY! Previews
Posted: 7/31/17 at 10:11am

Does  Taylor Trench wear a wig or has he let his hair grow?

To seek revenge may lead to hell yet everyone does it but seldom as well......

#765HELLO, DOLLY! Previews
Posted: 8/5/17 at 9:19am

Note to EthelMae: You can never see HELLO DOLLY! too many times. NEVER.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

poisonivy2 Profile Photo
#766HELLO, DOLLY! Previews
Posted: 8/5/17 at 10:01am

FYI three's a non-premium orchestra seat for tonight's performance ... 

Also August 9 and August 18 ...

CT2NYC Profile Photo
#767HELLO, DOLLY! Previews
Posted: 8/5/17 at 10:32am

poisonivy2 said: "FYI three's a non-premium orchestra seat for tonight's performance ... 

Also August 9 and August 18 ...

Actually, 3 available for tonight, orchestra seats B 3, G 4, and K 7 for $229 each on Telecharge.


EthelMae Profile Photo
#768HELLO, DOLLY! Previews
Posted: 8/5/17 at 10:37am

CT2NYC: I've been trying to log onto Telecharge all morning with no luck. You haven't had any problems? Thx!

EthelMae Profile Photo
#769HELLO, DOLLY! Previews
Posted: 8/5/17 at 10:38am

Thx, Dollypop!

EthelMae Profile Photo
#770HELLO, DOLLY! Previews
Posted: 8/5/17 at 10:45am

Bette Midler continues her love fest. Last night, I was lucky enough to be in the 2nd row. There were 2 small boys in front of me in the 1st row. And as Bette took her curtain call, she saw them and reached down to shake their hands. They were a bit hesitant at first, looked over at their Mom and Dad, who nodded to them, and they reached out and shook her hand. I had tears down my face. I know I've gone on about this production on this board, but I tell you, it's a miracle elixir.

poisonivy2 Profile Photo
#771HELLO, DOLLY! Previews
Posted: 8/5/17 at 10:50am

Isn't this like the 10th time you've seen this, and the third time in a week? You are aware that there are other shows in NYC to see right?

Itonlytakesajourney Profile Photo
#772HELLO, DOLLY! Previews
Posted: 8/5/17 at 11:07am

Honestly what a magical production. If I could see the show again, I would, but for now that one performance was good enough. Having seen both Donna and Bette (through unconventional ways, I suppose), both of their performances are good. They both have little differences that are charming, like Bette uses movement for humor and Donna is more of a facial expression/joking kind of Dolly. 

EthelMae Profile Photo
#773HELLO, DOLLY! Previews
Posted: 8/5/17 at 11:48am

Poisonivy2: I appreciate your concern for business of other shows here in NYC, but will you please get off my back in regards to my attending Hello, Dolly? Nothing personal, but your remarks are getting personal.

CT2NYC Profile Photo
#774HELLO, DOLLY! Previews
Posted: 8/5/17 at 12:00pm

EthelMae said: "CT2NYC: I've been trying to log onto Telecharge all morning with no luck. You haven't had any problems? Thx!

I checked on the app, not the website, and seats are still available on there. If you can't access the website, just call 212-239-6200.

