
How About Laura Osnes & Sierra Boggess For SIDE SHOW?

How About Laura Osnes & Sierra Boggess For SIDE SHOW?

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#1How About Laura Osnes & Sierra Boggess For SIDE SHOW?
Posted: 3/28/12 at 1:51am

If the revival is actually happening, wouldn't these two be great together??

Theatreboy49 Profile Photo
#2How About Laura Osnes & Sierra Boggess For SIDE SHOW?
Posted: 3/28/12 at 3:08am

That is some pretty great casting. I am a fan of both and they'd get me in the theatre. Also for whatever it's worth, Norm Lewis told me at the P&B stage door that the original cast is supposed to get together this year for a concert!

<------ Me and my friends with patti Lupone at my friends afterparty for her concert with audra mcdonald during the summer of 2007.
"I am sorry but it is an unjust world and virtue is only triumphant in theatricle performances" The Mikado

ReggieonBway Profile Photo
#2How About Laura Osnes & Sierra Boggess For SIDE SHOW?
Posted: 3/28/12 at 6:37am

^I've heard the same from Alice Ripley.

Hanna from Hamburg Profile Photo
Hanna from Hamburg
#3How About Laura Osnes & Sierra Boggess For SIDE SHOW?
Posted: 3/28/12 at 7:49am

WOW, I'd go to that concert!!!

". . . POP . . ."

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#4How About Laura Osnes & Sierra Boggess For SIDE SHOW?
Posted: 3/28/12 at 10:03am

When is that happening?

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#5How About Laura Osnes & Sierra Boggess For SIDE SHOW?
Posted: 3/28/12 at 10:17am

Betsy Wolfe and Erin Davie have been attached to the new incarnation of the show for a few years. Expect to see them as Daisy and Violet when it does materialize in D.C.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#6How About Laura Osnes & Sierra Boggess For SIDE SHOW?
Posted: 3/28/12 at 10:18am

I think Betsy and Erin are arguably getting a little too old for these parts.

newintown Profile Photo
#7How About Laura Osnes & Sierra Boggess For SIDE SHOW?
Posted: 3/28/12 at 10:21am

Delving deeper, MB, I would say that the show itself is arguably of too limited appeal to be successfully revived in a commercial venue.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#8How About Laura Osnes & Sierra Boggess For SIDE SHOW?
Posted: 3/28/12 at 10:23am

I would probably agree but would be a good title for Roundabout or MTC etc.

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#9How About Laura Osnes & Sierra Boggess For SIDE SHOW?
Posted: 3/28/12 at 10:28am

Michael Bennett, I would disagree. When the original production opened, Alice Ripley was 34 and Emily Skinner was 27. Betsy Wolfe is 30 and Erin Davie is 33, I believe, and I think both of them still look particularly young. Sierra Boggess is 30 and Laura Osnes is 27, so it's not like the suggestion of using them is providing a younger alternative.

I may be remembering incorrectly, but are Daisey and Violet's ages even specified in the script? In real life, they lived until age 60, though I know the show is in no way an actual biographical depiction of them at all.

In regards to the commercial viability of the piece, Roundabout hosted the workshop Bill Condon did with Wolfe and Davie a few years ago. They didn't commit to a full production then because of Condon's busy film schedule, but I could certainly see them being interested in bringing it to New York if it's well received at the Kennedy Center. With a piece this risky (and this heavily revised,) it's very smart it to go out of town and have an opportunity to really find its voice first, especially after how it got burned the first time around.

How About Laura Osnes & Sierra Boggess For SIDE SHOW?

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.
Updated On: 3/28/12 at 10:28 AM

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#10How About Laura Osnes & Sierra Boggess For SIDE SHOW?
Posted: 3/28/12 at 10:39am

I'm thinking more in terms of this being something that might come to the city in another 2-3 years and that perhaps by the time it did, the creative team could potentially decide to go younger in their casting. No dissent on Davie or Wolfe who are both beautiful, but also rather sophisticated (perhaps thats where my feeling of them being too 'old' for the roles stems from).

The real sisters may have lived until 60 but I think in the musical they are supposed to be late teens, early 20s.

#11How About Laura Osnes & Sierra Boggess For SIDE SHOW?
Posted: 3/28/12 at 11:33am

Oh man I love the idea of Osnes and Boggess together. If they can't do this then they should definitely play sisters in something else.

I'm so excited for the reunion concert! That would be amazing.

Here I Am Profile Photo
Here I Am
#12How About Laura Osnes & Sierra Boggess For SIDE SHOW?
Posted: 3/28/12 at 4:52pm

Ohh yes, I absolutely LOVE the idea of Osnes and Boggess! Betsy Wolfe and Erin Davie are both amazing (I've been a huge Erin Davie fan since 'Grey Gardens') and I could definitely see them in the roles as well.

bookofmel Profile Photo
#13How About Laura Osnes & Sierra Boggess For SIDE SHOW?
Posted: 3/28/12 at 6:14pm

I loved Erin Davies in A Little Night Music. I think she'd be fantastic in Side Show, even if she is in her thirties.

BwayBaby18 Profile Photo
#14How About Laura Osnes & Sierra Boggess For SIDE SHOW?
Posted: 3/28/12 at 6:38pm

How About Laura Osnes & Sierra Boggess For SIDE SHOW?

If it can't be Rachel York and Sara Gettlefinger this is the next best thing...

#15How About Laura Osnes & Sierra Boggess For SIDE SHOW?
Posted: 3/28/12 at 7:18pm

To hijack a bit about this reunion concert, I think it would actually just be depressing.

Much as I LOVE both of them, Ripley and Skinner could not plow through this score even once today.

#16How About Laura Osnes & Sierra Boggess For SIDE SHOW?
Posted: 3/28/12 at 8:00pm

I think Osnes and Boggess would be awesome.

That said, the show will should not and will not be revived on Broadway. Ever.

The reason it's been 'in the works' since like 2008 is because it is truly a poorly structured show as a whole, I doubt the creators have been able to fix it. The problems are large.

There are some great songs, and the cast recording definitely makes the show seem MUCH better than it actually is. There is probably 30-45 minutes of unrecorded music/sung-through scenes that are not on the album. They certainly selected the better stuff and left the rest out.

Beyond the unrecorded music, the overall structure of the show is a complete mess, the situations and the characters are shoehorned into odd places (such as the conjoined twins singing "I will never leave you"...duhhhhhh. Also, one of the twins 'getting off' in a tunnel of love while the other sits beside with ANOTHER man?! wtf). You end up not believing these characters, the choices they makes, the things they say, and where the plot goes.

It's overall a let down of an evening. An awesome concept that is poorly executed, mainly because of Bill Russell (book/lyrics).

It's been said before on these message boards, but have the people who are huge fans of this show ACTUALLY SEEN a production?

With that: I leave you with an example of some of the unrecorded Bill Russell lyrics.. (All of this is sung...sincerely)

What have we done?

Lost our jobs

Closed a door

Opened more
My beauties
My loves
I can see us floating to the stars
In a magic boat propelled
By your talent and unparalleled beauty

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#17How About Laura Osnes & Sierra Boggess For SIDE SHOW?
Posted: 3/28/12 at 8:14pm

I saw the West Coast premiere, and I loved it -- even though, yes, some of the lyrics are atrocious.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#18How About Laura Osnes & Sierra Boggess For SIDE SHOW?
Posted: 3/28/12 at 8:42pm

i would love to see megan hitly play either daiys or vilot. she would sing the heck out of those songs! not sure who i would choose to play the other twin.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
jamiekennywicked Profile Photo
#20How About Laura Osnes & Sierra Boggess For SIDE SHOW?
Posted: 7/1/12 at 1:37pm

How about Annaleise (sp?) Van Der Pol for Daisy and Laura for Violet?

''With the number of people I ignore, I'm lucky I work at all in this town'' - Helena Bonham Carter

#21How About Laura Osnes & Sierra Boggess For SIDE SHOW?
Posted: 7/1/12 at 1:44pm

If you apply the time line of the musical to their real lives the twins would have been 28 at the end of the show. However, the time line of the musical is very skewed in terms of the actual time line of their lives. The musical ends at the Texas Centennial, which took place in 1936, with Tod Browning coming to see them at the Centennial to offer them roles in Freaks, which was released in 1932. So make of it what you will.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#22How About Laura Osnes & Sierra Boggess For SIDE SHOW?
Posted: 7/1/12 at 2:10pm

I think Osnes and Boggess' voices are way too similar,
can either of them belt ala a young Ripley?

Ossie def has a belt but it's not as strong as Alice's was.

Wolfe and Davi look scarily alike.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#23How About Laura Osnes & Sierra Boggess For SIDE SHOW?
Posted: 7/1/12 at 2:18pm

What about the Strallen sisters?

Or Morgan James and some other person? Kerry Butler?

Or Colleen and Miranda? Updated On: 7/1/12 at 02:18 PM

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#24How About Laura Osnes & Sierra Boggess For SIDE SHOW?
Posted: 7/1/12 at 2:29pm

My dream revival would be Side Show with these two in the Circle in the Square. The space could be converted into a circus tent.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "
