Happy Birthday, Idina!

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#0Happy Birthday, Idina!
Posted: 5/30/05 at 10:16am

Its Idina's birthday today (I believe 35)! If anyone cares, post here LOL! Happy Birthday, Idina!

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#1re: Happy Birthday, Idina!
Posted: 5/30/05 at 10:17am

Whoops! Already posted on the OTB.

#2re: Happy Birthday, Idina!
Posted: 5/30/05 at 11:30am

She most of the time responds and reads her emails, so I'm going to email her a happy...birthday...thingy. She's 35? I thought she was 34. Oh well, age doesn't matter!
Updated On: 5/30/05 at 11:30 AM

#3re: Happy Birthday, Idina!
Posted: 5/30/05 at 11:35am

she responds?? to the emails on fanmail on her site?

#4re: Happy Birthday, Idina!
Posted: 5/30/05 at 11:50am

She might. But actually, I'm having a problem. I went to her website, and clicked fanmail, but it wouldn't give me her exact email address, and if I went through with emailing her, all of my email would be erased. So, does anyone have her actual email address? I doubt it though, but thanks anyway!

Edit: I almost forgot! Have a very happy brithday, Dee. You'll always be my fave actor. Enjoy being 34!
Updated On: 5/30/05 at 11:50 AM

minimel8817 Profile Photo
#5re: Happy Birthday, Idina!
Posted: 5/30/05 at 11:53am

She is 34...her bday is May 30th, 1971...just to set the record straight

#6re: Happy Birthday, Idina!
Posted: 5/30/05 at 12:31pm

Happy Birthday Idina!

"I'm mad, you're mad. we're all mad"... The Cheshire Cat

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#7re: Happy Birthday, Idina!
Posted: 5/30/05 at 12:32pm

I posted this OT, but whatever. Happy birthday, Idina! (Since you never do know who's reading...)

A work of art is an invitation to love.

58012dude Profile Photo
#8re: Happy Birthday, Idina!
Posted: 5/30/05 at 12:50pm

Happy Birthday Idina!

I love you! (as a singer)

I think you're the BEST female singer EVER! (i'm not joking)

Common Questions: Yes, my previous user name is idinamenzelfan500109 but that was on my other computer. No, I will never leave the boards. Yes, I do have very strong opinions. No, I am not a girl I am a boy. Everybody who gets annoyed with me, keep it to yourself.
Updated On: 5/30/05 at 12:50 PM

LyTeMyCanDyI Profile Photo
#9re: Happy Birthday, Idina!
Posted: 5/30/05 at 1:10pm

Happy Birthday!

Megan Mullally as Karen Walker on Will and Grace: "Tell me more. Tell me more. Like does he have a car?"

kim1061 Profile Photo
#10re: Happy Birthday, Idina!
Posted: 5/30/05 at 1:25pm

wow the big 3 4. happy bday to her.

A dancer might dream to see her name in lights and mean it, but all she really dreams is to make someone else feel the way she did when she first saw a dancer. And that is so beautiful-Anonymous

Kevo711 Profile Photo
#11re: Happy Birthday, Idina!
Posted: 5/30/05 at 1:46pm

Happy Birthday Idina!

ElphieDefiesGravity Profile Photo
#12re: Happy Birthday, Idina!
Posted: 5/30/05 at 1:56pm

Happy Birthday, Idina! re: Happy Birthday, Idina!

"Blow out the candles, Robert, and make a wish. Want something. Want something."

Wishes come true, not free.

cosmic Profile Photo
#13re: Happy Birthday, Idina!
Posted: 5/30/05 at 2:03pm

on my digital cable show tunes station they list that idina is only 30 as a fact. i didn't think so though. i knew she was older than 21 when she did rent.

#14re: Happy Birthday, Idina!
Posted: 5/30/05 at 2:08pm

Happy Bday Idina, you were an amazing Elphaba and you gave me chills during Defying Gravity!

You'll always be my favorite green girl and Maureen.

Thenardier Profile Photo
#15re: Happy Birthday, Idina!
Posted: 5/30/05 at 2:09pm

С Днём Рождения (опятre: Happy Birthday, Idina!, Идина!

Happy B-day again Idina!

#16re: Happy Birthday, Idina!
Posted: 5/30/05 at 3:13pm


"He who falls in love with himself will have no rivals" -Benjamin Franklin

Dreamcatcher Profile Photo
#17re: Happy Birthday, Idina!
Posted: 5/30/05 at 3:45pm

Yay, Happy Birthday Idina! re: Happy Birthday, Idina!

I wanted to get something that an "ex"-junkie like him would really appreciate and cherish....it's a brick of heroin shaped like a heart. -Scrubs

MissElphie Profile Photo
#18re: Happy Birthday, Idina!
Posted: 5/30/05 at 5:29pm

Happy Birthday Idina! Hope it's a great one!!!

#19re: Happy Birthday, Idina!
Posted: 5/30/05 at 5:39pm

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Make it the best!!

GirlforTartaglia Profile Photo
#20re: Happy Birthday, Idina!
Posted: 5/30/05 at 6:09pm

Happy Birthday Idina!

And the other thing about the Phantom Lady was, Bert, she realized, in the city that never sleeps... What did she realize, Kitten? That all the songs she'd listened to, all the love songs, that they were only songs. What's wrong with that? Nothing, if you don't believe in them. But she did, you see. She believed in enchanted evenings, and she believed that a small cloud passed overhead and cried down on a flower bed, and she even believed there was breakfast to be had... Where? On Pluto. The mysterious, icy wastes of Pluto.

ozdustgirl2 Profile Photo
#21re: Happy Birthday, Idina!
Posted: 5/30/05 at 7:08pm

Happy Birthday Idina, Have the best year of your life, you are my favorite actress and have a blast with the RENT film

"There are times when were dirt broke, and hungry and freezing and I ask myself why the hell am I still living here?...And then they call!" ~ Mark Cohen RENT movie

MyDreamsRecurring Profile Photo
#22re: Happy Birthday, Idina!
Posted: 5/30/05 at 7:17pm

yay, happy birthday to idina!

"No two shows are alike in the making. Each show is a living piece of your life in a small unreal world with its own character and integrity; its own new set of memorable experiences and incredible happenings. You begin to love and adapt to its strangeness. Dreams harden into substance. Values come into focus. You wish it would never end. The dream world vanishes like mist before a rising sun; part of you vanishes with it. And back you land in the real world with a thud- fogged, uneasy, jittery, difficult to get along with. There is only one cure. A new show. A new, small unreal world; new visions, experiences, incredible happenings. Again you love it, adapt to it, wish it would never end. But end it does. Another part of you vanishes. That's show business."-Anonymous

XOsweet_dancerOX Profile Photo
#23re: Happy Birthday, Idina!
Posted: 5/30/05 at 7:41pm

Happy Birthday Idina! You are awesome and i hope you enjoy being 34!

Kristin Chenoweth could barely control a Great Dane she trotted onto the stage. "Great, they gave me a dog that weighs five times what I do", she quipped. For the record, she weighs 93 pounds, and has a Maltese.

Dirty Rotten Scoundrel
#24re: Happy Birthday, Idina!
Posted: 5/30/05 at 8:47pm

woot woot happy 34th to idina!!!!!!!!!!!!
