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Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?

Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?

alphieboy Profile Photo
#0Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?
Posted: 6/29/05 at 6:13pm

I know this is a hard question, but who is your favorite original cast member of RENT?

I have come to love all eight cast members for diffrent reasons, and it seems to be always changing, but I say...

Idina Menzel as Maureen

And you?

"If I have something to say, the whole world (BroadwayWorld) should hear it." - Thenardier

Greekmusicalfan Profile Photo
#1re: Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?
Posted: 6/29/05 at 6:14pm


BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#2re: Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?
Posted: 6/29/05 at 6:15pm

Not a hard question at all...Idina Menzel.

MyNameInLights Profile Photo
#3re: Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?
Posted: 6/29/05 at 6:18pm

Anthony Rapp. That man breaks my heart every time.

"The stage is where I live and come alive and act out all the things that go on in my life. It's not just what I do for a living, it's my shrink and my love affair. No one in my life has ever or ever will kiss me on the mouth like this lover called my relationship with my performance."

Ann_Margrock Profile Photo
#4re: Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?
Posted: 6/29/05 at 6:24pm

Daphne Rubin-Vega

#5re: Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?
Posted: 6/29/05 at 6:25pm

Anthony Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?

What the puck?!

Jera Profile Photo
#6re: Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?
Posted: 6/29/05 at 6:26pm

I second Daphne Rubin-Vega, but Anthony is a close second.


"It's not a problem, it's just a challenge, it's a challenge, to resist temptation."

#7re: Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?
Posted: 6/29/05 at 6:26pm

Some of you folks are so young. How did you manage to see the original cast? Are you guys talking about the OBC album and not the play itself?

And just how many RENT threads are there anyway? Talk about an invasion.

Come November, I think it's sure bet that this message board will consist of nothing but RENT threads.

AnotherDay46 Profile Photo
#8re: Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?
Posted: 6/29/05 at 6:27pm

Adam Pascal...enough said.

And yes, I did see him in it. Updated On: 6/29/05 at 06:27 PM

Mother's Younger Brother Profile Photo
Mother's Younger Brother
#9re: Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?
Posted: 6/29/05 at 6:28pm


And yes, I did actually SEE him in it! :)

minimel8817 Profile Photo
#10re: Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?
Posted: 6/29/05 at 6:29pm

mine is split between idina and adam, they're both amazing...i never actually saw them in RENT, but i've heard the OBCR many times, seen a video of the the OBC and seen the 2 of them in other shows recently and theyre just amazing

Ann_Margrock Profile Photo
#11re: Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?
Posted: 6/29/05 at 6:29pm

I saw the original productionS. The NYTW production downtown and the Broadway production so I know what I'm talking about.

If the RENT threads bother you so much why even open them. Are you some sort of masochist or glutton for punishment?

So yea.........Daphne Rubin-Vega.

Adam's second, Anthony's third with Idina close behind. Then Jesse, Wilson and last but not least Fredi. Special cameo in my heart by the Seasons of love soloist.

EDIT: ugh I forgot Taye who's sandwiched somewhere in between Idina and Jess (get your mind out of the gutter)

Updated On: 6/29/05 at 06:29 PM

Greekmusicalfan Profile Photo
#12re: Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?
Posted: 6/29/05 at 6:29pm

Rent, Wicked and Idina are always hot topics around here, with about a thousand threads each *sigh*
You will soon get accustomed to it ! re: Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?

#13re: Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?
Posted: 6/29/05 at 6:29pm

Idina Menzel.

yes i saw it

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#14re: Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?
Posted: 6/29/05 at 6:30pm

We're so young? I missed the part where we all mentioned our ages.

If you're sick of the Rent threads, avoid 'em. No ones screaming and whining about Rent being the greatest show ever like when there was an overload of Wicked threads.

P.S. There's a word that starts with "b." One could see the OBC that way.

alphieboy Profile Photo
#15re: Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?
Posted: 6/29/05 at 6:34pm

Twang, if you did not want to contribute a vote, then their was no need for you to post. If you were just posting here because you felt the need to, or wanted to pass time, or can spend that time counting all the Rent threads:)

"If I have something to say, the whole world (BroadwayWorld) should hear it." - Thenardier

incendiary_wit Profile Photo
#16re: Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?
Posted: 6/29/05 at 6:35pm

ANTHONY RAPP! Forever and for always. I adore him in Rent as I adore him in every thing he does for one simple reason: HE IS AMAZING! And yes, I did see him in Rent. He's talented, brilliant, funny, charming, Post-Modern God...wait a minute *stops the NYTW references* But he is an amazingly sweet, wonderful man and I will now stop fangirling...this is me...stopping...stopped.


1. Ted Allen: Everyone has an interesting life if you ask the right questions.
2. Great buckets of Spoffnor, they're going to sing!
3. "I love shrubs that are historical." -Johnny and The Sprites
4. "We're not singing it to you, we're singing it for us." -Rosario Dawson, about La Vie Boheme
5. "The best moments in reading are when you come across something - a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things - which you had thought special and particular to you. And now, here it is, set down by someone else, a person you have never met, someone even who is long dead. And it is as if a hand has come out, and taken yours." -The History Boys
6. "Pass the parcel. That's sometimes all you can do. Take it, feel it and pass it on. Not for me, not for you, but for someone, somewhere, one day. Pass it on, boys. That's the game I want you to learn. Pass it on." -The History Boys
Updated On: 6/29/05 at 06:35 PM

Footlooser Profile Photo
#17re: Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?
Posted: 6/29/05 at 6:35pm

ANTHONY RAPP one of the greatest performers and an all around nice guy.

"You know just because you put a smiley face after it doesn't change the fact that it was an a-hole comment." ~ Sumofallthings

#18re: Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?
Posted: 6/29/05 at 6:36pm

"I saw the original productionS. The NYTW production downtown and the Broadway production so I know what I'm talking about.

If the RENT threads bother you so much why even open them. Are you some sort of masochist or glutton for punishment?"

I wasn't being sarcastic. I sincerely wanted to know how so many teens were so familiar with the original cast.

And I engage on these threads because I'm trying to understnd why the play is so popular.

Besides, it's a public form. As long as I don't attack anyone, why shouldn't I comment here? Only people who think this is the greatest musical ever are allowed to comment about it? Don't think so.

Updated On: 6/30/05 at 06:36 PM

Ann_Margrock Profile Photo
#19re: Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?
Posted: 6/29/05 at 7:00pm

You're right Tennessee and I apologize for coming off the way i did on my last post. :: WAVES WHITE FLAG :: :: RELEASES DOVES ::

re: Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?

Aigoo Profile Photo
#20re: Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?
Posted: 6/29/05 at 7:45pm

Adam. Adam Adam Adam Adam.

God! Adam!

This is my signature.

DirtyRottenBrandon Profile Photo
#21re: Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?
Posted: 6/29/05 at 8:27pm

Wasn't Norbert in the Original Cast like in the Ensemble? If he was then him for sure. If not, then Anthony Rapp. I know a lot of people love him, but I am not a Pascal man. I think his voice sounds constipated...

Gimme Great Big Stuff!

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#22re: Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?
Posted: 6/29/05 at 8:31pm

Anthony Rapp.


MissElphie Profile Photo
#23re: Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?
Posted: 6/29/05 at 8:45pm

Three way tie for me:
Anthony Rapp, Adam Pascal and Idina Menzel were all my favorites.

thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
#24re: Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?
Posted: 6/29/05 at 8:47pm

Norbert Leo Butz

Yes, he's technically considered OBC (he even considers himself as such) since he was an original understudy/swing. re: Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?
