Backstage at a Show?

philly03 Profile Photo
#1Backstage at a Show?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 3:37pm

WHich show was it & who'd you go back with? Also how'd it happen?

I almost did at Les Mis, but time constrants were an issue for the actor (a friend) that day (Mat. performance).

Jonny boy Profile Photo
Jonny boy
#2re: Backstage at a Show?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 3:38pm

I WAS going to get to go backstage at Mermaid with a friend in the cast, but I was there over Thanksgiving and they were on strike=-(

Updated On: 12/22/07 at 03:38 PM

#2re: Backstage at a Show?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 4:10pm

LB with one of the producers.

PlayhouseBeauty Profile Photo
#3re: Backstage at a Show?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 4:13pm

I have been backstage a few times at The Drowsy Chaperone, my cousin is the wardrobe supervisor there. Everyone is so nice...The last time we went which was just a week ago, we walk in and the doorman knew who we were which i thought was we went upstairs and just hung out in the wardrobe area...When we were walking up to the wardrobe area Bob Saget and Troy Britton Johnson were talking and we had to excuse ourselves through them and they said Hi to us and I am very shy so i politely bowed my head and said hello then freaked out later in the wardrobe area...Also many years ago I was backstage at Big: The Musical, that was alot of fun for an eleven year old! :)

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#4re: Backstage at a Show?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 4:13pm

Rent with Marcus Paul James through my personal trainer two summers ago.

#5re: Backstage at a Show?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 4:21pm

Little shop of horrors with Rob Bartlett, my dad is a comedian and he and Rob Bartlett did a radio show together a while ago

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#6re: Backstage at a Show?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 4:37pm

Cue someone saying they can't understand why people want to go backstage.

mywonderwa11 Profile Photo
#7re: Backstage at a Show?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 4:44pm

"Somethin's comin', I don't know what it is but it is gonna be great!"
Updated On: 1/16/09 at 04:44 PM

lesmis Profile Photo
#8re: Backstage at a Show?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 4:54pm

I've been backstage at Mamma Mia with a cast member

#9re: Backstage at a Show?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 5:02pm

I've been backstage at Legally Blonde, led on a tour by Gaelen Gilliand. My friend's dad knew someone backstage so they got myself and some visiting friends some passes. I'm a techie so seeing how all the sets worked and all that was really amazing.

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#10re: Backstage at a Show?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 5:10pm

Also cue someone saying that it's so small backstage, why would anyone want to be back there?

AngActing Profile Photo
#11re: Backstage at a Show?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 5:14pm

"My Favorite Year" (Vivian Beaumont Theatre - Lincoln Center) -- hanging with Tim Curry.

Love and Stage Lights, Angela Theresa

Mbmusic Profile Photo
#12re: Backstage at a Show?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 6:05pm

I have been backstage at 3 broadway shows. I went backstage at the August Wilson Theater, but at the time it was known as the Virginia Theater. The show was Little Women and I was with a family member who knew John Hickok. It was a cool set, but that theater is pretty small.

The second show I got to go backstage at was Curtains. That was pretty fun as the Hirshfeld is a big, classic theater.

Then, I've been backstage at Les Mis at the Broadhurst several times as I know a cast member and have performed in shows with him. Going backstage at Les Mis meant the most to me because it's my favorite show and seeing the barricade up close and how the show works was something truly special. But, the Broadhurst isn't the biggest of theaters either. Only seats around 1200.

WickedOne2 Profile Photo
#13re: Backstage at a Show?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 6:33pm

Jersey Boys with a cast member

"I wish the stage were as narrow as the wire of a tightrope dancer, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." Goethe

Gingersnap2 Profile Photo
#14re: Backstage at a Show?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 6:37pm

Several times at "The Phantom of the Opera" with Hugh Panaro, once for a backstage tour after he left...with a friend who knows the stage manager.

A couple of times at "Lestat" and at "Company" in Seattle...again with Hugh.

Once at "Hairspray" when I dropped by with a couple of friends to say hi to Tommar Wilson.

philly03 Profile Photo
#15re: Backstage at a Show?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 7:30pm

So basically everyone knows someone personally or thorough a fmaily memeber. Interesting!

What exactly happened backstage at Les Mis? Everyone I've talked to who got aa "tour" backstage siad the way they control the baricades and all that jazzzz

And anyone been backstage to THE WOMAN IN WHITE, SUNSET BOULEVARD, or MISS SAIGON? Those are wehere the true innovative sets (sort of) were!

Dre2387 Profile Photo
#16re: Backstage at a Show?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 8:23pm

I went backstage at Dirty Rotten Scoundrels after a mat. with a cast member.

<--- the set of A Midsummer Night's Dream that I was assistant stage manager for during the 2007 season at the STNJ outdoor stage.

You must remember all the same that at the crux of every game is knowing when it's time to leave the table... And it's important to be artful in your exit. No turning back, you must accept the con is done... It was a ball, it was a blast. And it's a shame it couldn't last. But every chapter has to end, you must agree.
~Dirty Rotten Scoundrels~

There's a special kind of people known as show people. We live in a world full of dreams. Sometimes we're not too certain what's false and what's real. But we're seldom in doubt about what we feel.

It is a far, far better thing I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest I go to, than I have ever known.
~A Tale of Two Cities ~

#17re: Backstage at a Show?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 8:50pm

I've been behind WICKED alot...and it is SCARY Back there, its really dark, and on stage I keep thinking I'm gonna fall through a trap door like Idina.

Hopefuly I will be going behind LM but Im' not sure

maya5892 Profile Photo
#18re: Backstage at a Show?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 8:51pm

Let's see...I went backstage to The Wedding Singer, Legally Blonde, Altar Boyz, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Avenue Q, All Shook Up and Wicked. All of which are due to a family relation in one of those broadway websites. Here are some highlights:

The Wedding Singer - I met everyone and they were so sweet. Tina was on for Julia, I guess Laura was sick. BUT, Tina was sick too so I felt bad. Anyway it was Stephen Lynch's birthday so I got to witness some birthday festivities. Also, got to walk on stage :)

Legally Blonde - I met all of the principals, and went in LBB's and Orfeh's dressing room. By the way, Orfeh shares her room with the understudy Bruisers :) Haha anyway so when we went to LBB's she was really sweet but seemed in a hurry. But on the way out I saw Jerry Mitchell, and was so shocked and excited I rambled some nonsense, I don't even know what I said. But then we took the tinyest little elevator ever up to Orfeh's and I got to put on the pregnant belly from the end of the show! Haha it was a lot of fun.

Altar Boyz - I went backstage before the show, and I was with none other than Ellen Greene while she was getting pics for a photo op with But I got to meet the whole cast in costume, and they were all sweet.

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels: I got a tour with Bryan D'arcy James, and her was so nice. His sister was visiting that night and she took the tour with us

Avenue Q: Wow, this was a fun one. I met everyone afterwards, but when I met, Jordan Gelber, who plays Bryan, he recited his haftarah portion for me. Hilarious.

All Shook Up: Met the whole cast, but I got a one on one tour with the director, and went to pretty much every dressing room, the wig room, blah blah. But then we got to stand on stage at the Palace Thearer, and it was unforgettable. The feeling of standing on a Broadway stage really is something that sticks with you.

FINALLY Wicked: Saw it with Megan Hilty and Shoshana Bean. Met them all, but my fav part was when I took a look at the call board. I have a pic and it said to be quiet in the wings. All too familiar to what I face in HS.

re: Backstage at a Show?

P.S. Seeing SA and Wicked in NY soon and I'm going backstage then, too re: Backstage at a Show?

BrianIdol Profile Photo
#19re: Backstage at a Show?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 8:51pm

went backstage with the stage manager of Gypsy 2003 revival, and even got to meet Bernadette in her dressing room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AKDPerformer Profile Photo
#20re: Backstage at a Show?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 9:01pm

Went backstage/onstage of Mary Poppins.

"We need people not to come to Broadway shows wearing shorts and flip-flops. We are working hard up here folks. Find a pair of socks."-Joanna Gleason "I hear L. Ron Hubbard is gonna blow the ladies...and all that jazz! C'mon babe! We're gonna unicorn hug, I bought some NyQuil Wal-Mart?!"-Bebe Neuwirth singing ATJ to Musical Mad Libs at DQYNJ :)

philly03 Profile Photo
#21re: Backstage at a Show?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 9:56pm

So all of you people knew someone directly related to the production? Or did you just see the stage manager and like "YO You ar eyou the stage manager" and lala backstage you went ... ? Haha, I've heard about the WICKED tour on Saturday Monrings but how exactly did the rest of you get back there?

Mbmusic Profile Photo
#22re: Backstage at a Show?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 10:10pm

Well, every time I've ever been backstage, I've known someone in the show. I personally don't really have the guts to ask a cast member that I don't know if they would give me a backstage tour.

maya5892 Profile Photo
#23re: Backstage at a Show?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 10:34pm

"So all of you people knew someone directly related to the production? Or did you just see the stage manager and like "YO You ar eyou the stage manager" and lala backstage you went ... ? Haha, I've heard about the WICKED tour on Saturday Monrings but how exactly did the rest of you get back there?"

I've never known anyone in the show, just people associated with Broadway in general who are close - very close - with people in the show. I think it would be a little awkward if you just ASKED to go backstage.

BrianIdol Profile Photo
#24re: Backstage at a Show?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 10:36pm

sometimes I just ask to go backstage..and it's worked a couple time:) The other times i've known someone in/or involved in the show, but it NEVER hurts to ask!
