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Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years

Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years

esparza 333
#1Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years
Posted: 5/17/09 at 9:53am

He has been snubbed for The Odd Couple, Butley, November, and Waiting for Godot. I forget how his reviews were in Odd Couple but his performance in the other three were pretty much well received ( correct me if I'm wrong). I could understand the Godot snub since this year the play categories are so crowded but why do you think he was snubbed the other years?

Current Avatar:The sensational Aaron Tveit in the soon to be hit production of Catch Me If You Can.

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#2re: Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years
Posted: 5/17/09 at 10:01am

He was not snubbed for either The Odd Couple or Butley. His performances in those were absolutely terrible. I do think he deserved a November nomination though.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#2re: Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years
Posted: 5/17/09 at 10:39am

Snubbed? Hardley.

He practically plays the same character no matter what. My favorite would have been for Godot, however.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

TimesSquareRegular Profile Photo
#3re: Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years
Posted: 5/17/09 at 11:14am

He's become much too predictable: you can almost hear his line readings before he opens his mouth. Adequate but nothing special in NOVEMBER, and his performance in BUTLEY was a major disappointment. ( I rushed home after that performance to watch the DVD with Alan Bates, to help erase the memory of Lane's misguided approach.)

I'll be seeing GODOT next week, so can't comment on that eyt.

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#4re: Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years
Posted: 5/17/09 at 12:07pm

re: Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years

I can't picture him as Gomez in The Addams Family. Mainly for casting as I picture Gomez as a dashing, Old World-style Latino. Not to mention hot; I think both Gomez and Morticia should be hot in a sultry kind of way.

I thought Raul Esparza would be the perfect Gomez. Wasn't he being considered?

We shall see how Lane pulls it off. After all, it is a comedy. And there are outlandish aspects to Gomez' character that he may land well.
Updated On: 5/17/09 at 12:07 PM

#5re: Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years
Posted: 5/17/09 at 12:32pm

re: Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years

Except that The Addams Family musical isn't based off the TV show or movies, where Gomez is the sexy ladies man. Instead, he is a short, somewhat rotund, greasy little man.

Mike3 Profile Photo
#6re: Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years
Posted: 5/17/09 at 12:58pm

I understand the comment (complaint) about Nathan Lane playing a similar character in several (all) performances.

You know what's interesting? There is at least one very notable exception. I saw Nathan Lane performing with Marian Seldes in Terrence McNally's DEDICATION OR THE STUFF OF DREAMS at Primary Stages in 2005. It was not a good play. Lane's character, though, was nothing like the character so many associate with him. None of the physical humor. None of voice inflection. None of the outrageousness. None. In fact, his character delivers a monologue about the theater in that piece that stays with me - just beautiful. Lane and Seldes were not the problem with that play.

In THE ADDAMS FAMILY, I suspect Gomez will be familiar to all of us - physical humor, voice inflection, outrageous. And it will be funny. But I suspect that is precisely why he has been cast, and how he will be directed.

On the other hand, these are the directors that gave us SHOCKHEADED PETER, so perhaps we are in for something surprising and unique.

#7re: Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years
Posted: 5/17/09 at 1:09pm

Ha ha!

Love the pic, timote316!

I can't wait to see the stage effects of Gomez and the toy train wreck sequence--I hope they will have that on stage, that would be hilarious and a sure crowd-pleaser. Updated On: 5/17/09 at 01:09 PM

#8re: Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years
Posted: 5/17/09 at 1:13pm

I don't think Nathan Lane has ever not played Nathan Lane.

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

Tom's Cat Profile Photo
Tom's Cat
#9re: Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years
Posted: 5/17/09 at 1:26pm

Performances that are "Pretty much well received" should not be honored with a Tony award. They should be reserved for exceptional performances. I know that's not always true - but it should be.

And he can be wonderful! I was lucky enough to catch him in Trumbo, Red, White, and Blacklisted. He was fabulous and within 5 minutes of the start of the play you forgot who you were watching. Some actors are better when you take away the glitz - he might be one of them.


#10re: Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years
Posted: 5/17/09 at 1:26pm

His last great role was Max Bialystock. He coasted on Max's coattails for THE ODD COUPLE.

BUTLEY was a departure - a performance and production of which Simon Gray approved, despite the falling out he had with Liz McCann - but nobody else liked it because Lane wasn't Alan Bates.

NOVEMBER was him at the top of his game, playing a loud, ribald character he's known for. Tony worthy? Hardly.

He's excellent in GODOT, but not as good as the others in the category.

I heard he was very good in DEDICATION, as well. The play is iffy, but the monologue referred to above is a tremendous gift for any actor.

#11re: Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years
Posted: 5/17/09 at 1:35pm

esparza 333, are you just trying to get back at Lane because he got the part of Gomez that Esparza was rumored for?

If so, that's kind of petty.

#12re: Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years
Posted: 5/17/09 at 1:40pm

No, he's just a tween.

sally1112 Profile Photo
#13re: Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years
Posted: 5/17/09 at 1:43pm

I agree with some of the Lane plays Lane comments, but I still love him. There is something so charming to me about the way he plays Lane that I love. Even his one episode on Sex and the City is one my favorite moments of that series.

#14re: Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years
Posted: 5/17/09 at 1:45pm

esparza 333 joined this board when he was 11.

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

esparza 333
#15re: Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years
Posted: 5/17/09 at 1:52pm

"esparza 333, are you just trying to get back at Lane because he got the part of Gomez that Esparza was rumored for? "

Actually I didn't even know Esparza was rumored for Gomez. I was just wondering. I hadn't payed too much attention to Lane's past few productions besides Godot. I just noticed he has been on broadway every season for four years and he had not received tony nominations for any of these shows.

"No, he's just a tween."

I do not want my age to play into this. I should have researched it more. I was just curious since Lane has also given some excellent performances (Forum, The Producers). So please don't take this as a useless tween post.

Current Avatar:The sensational Aaron Tveit in the soon to be hit production of Catch Me If You Can.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#16re: Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years
Posted: 5/17/09 at 2:30pm

Additionally: sexy is more a state of mind. The character needs to FEEL sexy. Morticia needs to believe he is.

I am not a Addams Family fan, nor the biggest fan of Lane's...but I am increasingly more interested in this production. More so, BY FAR, than Spiderman.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#17re: Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years
Posted: 5/17/09 at 7:12pm

Lane was brilliant--absolutely brilliant--in TRUMBO. His other performances have all been variations on the same theme.

I sincerely feel that he needds to work with an excellent director to draw a good performance out of him.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

ljay889 Profile Photo
#18re: Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years
Posted: 5/17/09 at 7:15pm

Esparza333, who I believe is only 12, is more intelligent than many of the adult members of this board.

Jersey Girl2 Profile Photo
Jersey Girl2
#19re: Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years
Posted: 5/17/09 at 7:38pm

Butley- was bad.
It was the one show I almost walked out of.

"Forget regret or life is yours to miss."

#20re: Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years
Posted: 5/17/09 at 7:41pm

I don't think Nathan Lane has ever not played Nathan Lane.

I couldn't say it better myself. In response to this thread's overarching theme, 'snubbed' is most certainly not applicable to any of Lane's work in the last four years. 'Deservedly neglected,' I'd be much more inclined to say.

EponineAmneris Profile Photo
#21re: Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years
Posted: 5/17/09 at 9:31pm

I adore Nathan. Always have, always will.

I don't think he was "deservedly neglected" the last four years nor do I think he was "snubbed." No one, not even Nathan Lane, is assured of a nomination every time they take on a role.

I think he was overlooked in BUTLEY. He was riviting and it was the farthest thing from anything he'd ever done before or since.

Even though I wished he'd gotten one for NOVEMBER, I admit I can see the argument for "Nathan playing Nathan" in that one.

One can make the argument that since GODOT is nominated, HE himelf is re: Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years

Updated On: 6/21/09 at 09:31 PM

#22re: Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years
Posted: 5/17/09 at 11:07pm

Marshall Brickman wrote the role of Gomez with Lane in mind. No one else was considered. Since The Producers, he has starred in Trumbo, wrote a musical with Stephen Sondheim and starred in it, The Frogs, did the revival of Butley for his friend and colleague, Simon Gray, The Odd Couple - whether you liked it or not, was one of the most fiancially successful revivals of all time, November, a new play by Mamet, Dedication, a new play by McNally,and now Godot, a huge critical and box office success. I would hardly say he's been coasting since Max Bialystock. What have you all done in the last 8 years?

#23re: Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years
Posted: 5/17/09 at 11:29pm

I second what Flah just stated, Lane continues to devote his heart and soul to the theatre, instead of bitching at his appearance every season, rejoice you sinners!

AND, Lane as Gomez Addams is PERFECT casting for this project, you'll see, his turn will refresh your respect for his talents as he'll be sassy, surreal and sexy. Say that 8 performances fast a week my darlings!

#24re: Nathan Lane: Snubbed For Four Consecutive Years
Posted: 5/18/09 at 2:30am

The thing about Nathan Lane is that he really enables all around him to be the best they can be.
