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Election 2024

#350Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 7/25/24 at 10:55am

Joe doesn't really believe the people rule, nor does he wholly believe in fundamental American values of justice.  Was Joe OK with states attempting to pull Trump off the ballot?

Referring to the Colorado case, Biden insisted Trump supported an insurrection, even though Trump had not been convicted of any such thing.  He said he would let the court decide if the 14th amendment applied (gee Joe, how very fundamentally American....too bad you couldn't be consistent, you know, being you're the president and all).  It was very Un-American to not let the courts decide whether Trump supported insurrection before he, as the President of the United States, demanded - emphatically so - Trump was guilty.  Biden could have and should have shown much more restraint regarding his personal opinion.  After all, he likes to claim he is the President for ALL people.  He claimed to be unifying, but his own words demonstrated otherwise.  This example certainly wasn't the only time.

I feel strongly about what I'm now going to address, so I am going to bring it up regardless of the attack some of you will fling my way.  Maybe you can find within you to attack the argument instead of attacking me, you know, like the forum rules state?

Biden followed Obama's example of disregarding the most fundamental principle in our justice system, the presumption of innocence. Obama, in March 2012, recklessly and incorrectly (virtually) convicted George Zimmerman, with planned comments, not spontaneous reactionary comments (which would have been bad, but less bad), in support of Trayvon Martin's side of the story, when the FACTS demonstrated, CLEARLY, Zimmerman was the victim of a continuous assault by Trayvon Martin.  The evidence showed, again clearly, Trayvon Martin was NOT defending himself when the violence started.  Anyone who believes otherwise believes so NOT based on the evidence.

You all (including Obama) were brainwashed by if not a corrupt media, a wholly inept media.  None of you can make an argument in opposition to my claims regarding this case, yet you're CERTAIN I am wrong.  I'm not wrong about that, am I?  Fundamentally, if I am correct, that's insane.  I get the emotional aspect.  Take the emotion out and then re-read what I just said about the Zimmerman case.  If you do and remain emotional rather than rational, then what does that say?

I bring this up because it is demonstrative of how I feel about important aspects of the Democrat party and the liberal-friendly media - and the fact I am extraordinarily familiar with the evidence in this case and know what I'm talking about - and can defend my position on it using evidence rather than ignorant assertions that are contradicted by evidence such as have been and still are made today by millions of useful idiots on the other side of the argument (including Obama).

I feel extraordinarily passionate about the truth of that case, because America became much more divided and damaged because of it, perhaps irreparable in our lifetimes, because the reaction to that case, mostly by people on the left, was so incredibly absurd.  The criticism Obama takes from the right in regard to being racially divisive was warranted.  You can draw a line straight back to the reaction to this incident leading to a downward direction in racial tensions.  And Obama lead that charge.

You can believe whatever you want about Trump, but Trump's "insurrection" is not backed by nearly the evidence that Obama ignored when he threw an American citizen under the bus rooted in what he should have known was ignorance.

I am not arguing Trump or the Republican party is without flaws or even that they have fewer flaws.  Given my beliefs on policies, the (flawed) Republican party is more likely to represent my interests than the Democrat party.  And that is why I will vote for Trump in 2024.  That does not make me evil, anymore than you are for voting for your (flawed) Democrat representatives.

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#351Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 7/25/24 at 12:36pm

Forget policy preferences. A man who can not accept democratic election results is UNFIT for office. His wackadoodle conspiracies shake the very foundations on which America is built. You risk losing the very thing Republicans value most - freedom.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#352Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 7/25/24 at 12:50pm

P.S. You really think the Trayvon Martin case was the start of racial tension spiral? Don’t you remember the whole Obama birth cert thing?

Anyway, before you complain about me not answering your questions, I-gotta go. I’m on the move, with limited mental energy right now. Have a nice day!

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

#353Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 7/25/24 at 1:09pm

Jay Lerner-Z said: "Forget policy preferences. A man who can not accept democratic election results is UNFIT for office."
So too was a man who planned his comments about a significant case where he effectively (more than effectively) publicly condemned the wrong person....UNFIT for office.


Jay Lerner-Z said: "P.S. You really think the Trayvon Martin case was the start of racial tension spiral? Don’t you remember the whole Obama birth cert thing?"

No, I think the incorrect and reckless reaction to the shooting case caused a massive acceleration in racial tension, not remotely similar to the Obama birth cert thing.

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#354Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 7/25/24 at 1:25pm

Husband and I have decided that, if possible due to health issues, we would like to attend the Inauguration Ceremony of Kamala Harris as our 47th President.  That is Monday, January 20, 2025.  That is also a Federal Holiday, Martin Luther King, Jr., Day.  How appropriate!

Non sibi sed patriae

hork Profile Photo
#355Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 7/25/24 at 2:14pm

I'd love to live in your optimistic world, but sadly I don't think she has much of a chance of winning.

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#356Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 7/25/24 at 3:53pm

Silence!  Kamala has made her decision!

Non sibi sed patriae

ACL2006 Profile Photo
#357Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 7/25/24 at 4:44pm

Odds that #45 dumps Vance and swaps in a different VP? Several reports are indicating he'll do so, and possibly pick a woman instead.

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#358Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 7/25/24 at 5:01pm

Quick poll:

Should parents have more voting power than non-parents?

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#359Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 7/25/24 at 6:17pm

Just got an email from Mark Kelly via Kamala Harris… does that mean what I think it means?

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#360Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 7/25/24 at 7:47pm

Today, I researched info for nine of the possible VP candidates who seem to be "favorites".  My "dream VP" would be openly-GLBTQ and/or have military service.  For that and other reasons, my two personal frontrunners are (in this order) Buttigieg (openly-Gay and Navy veteran) and Kelly (Navy and Space veteran).  But, I will enthusiastically support Kamala's decision. 

Non sibi sed patriae
Updated On: 7/25/24 at 07:47 PM

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#361Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 7/25/24 at 8:17pm

So, everyone knows that her VP has to be a white, straight, man. Those are just the facts regarding what America is "comfortable" with. Whatever. It will be Mark Kelly, Josh Shapiro or Andy Beshear. All solid, great candidates. 

Meanwhile, the other side is collapsing because of JD Vance's polling at negative six. You read that correctly. Turns out that deeply hating women in every capacity doesn't really work in America. Huh.

Election 2024, one year from today, predictions

Updated On: 7/25/24 at 08:17 PM

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#362Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 7/25/24 at 8:30pm

Sutton Ross said: "
Election 2024, one year from today, predictions

I was wondering if you would pop in.  Welcome.

And for reasons I don't quite understand, that graphic reminds me of Faye Dunaway.

Non sibi sed patriae
Updated On: 7/25/24 at 08:30 PM

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#363Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 7/25/24 at 8:40pm

Thank you! It absolutely reminds me of her as well. This is an art gallery I found years ago when I was visiting your great state of California. I've purchased many prints from them ever since. Take care.


South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#364Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 7/25/24 at 9:19pm

Without naming names, someone adding to these boards is a total moron. They don't recognize what happened between election day 2020 and J6.  The person dosen't recognize all the convictions on meddling in Atlanta, they don't recognize the facts of those two months that are everywhere and have been adjudicated. They don't acknowledge the scores of court cases thrown out, the fake electors and, and the myriad of other things that went on in that time frame. Instead their lifeless time is spent in here writing paragraphs of stupidity, on and on. 


ACL2006 Profile Photo
#365Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 7/25/24 at 9:41pm

#45 is now refusing to debate Harris because the debate won't move to FOX instead of ABC. His camp is ****ting bricks right now.

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.

#366Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 7/26/24 at 8:52am

South Florida said: "Without naming names, someone adding to these boards is a total moron. They don't recognize what happened between election day 2020 and J6. The person dosen't recognize all the convictions on meddling in Atlanta, they don't recognize the facts of those two months that are everywhere and have been adjudicated. They don't acknowledge the scores of court cases thrown out, the fake electors and, and the myriad of other things that went on in that time frame. Instead their lifeless time is spent in here writing paragraphs of stupidity, on and on."

South Florida doesn't recognize the hypocrisy for calling someone out for voting for a candidate with serious flaws, who represents the party who best represents his/her interests when he/she does the same.  If he/she doesn't understand this, perhaps he/she knows someone who can explain it to him/her.

South Florida also doesn't recognize that attacking a perceived stupid argument and demonstrating a superior argument should be easy, so instead attacks the person perceived to be stupid.  South Florida not only breaks forum rules in doing so, but demonstrates exactly what too many lefty's do; throw tantrums, pervert the opposition's argument and have to assert, repeatedly, the opposition is stupid, as well as evil, to present themselves as superior.  And yet they don't understand when those on the right accuse them of being entirely disinterested in merit.

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#367Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 7/26/24 at 10:57am

Pauly3 said: "South Florida said: "Without naming names, someone adding to these boards is a total moron. They don't recognize what happened between election day 2020 and J6. The person dosen't recognize all the convictions on meddling in Atlanta, they don't recognize the facts of those two months that are everywhere and have been adjudicated. They don't acknowledge the scores of court cases thrown out, the fake electors and, and the myriad of other things that went on in that time frame. Instead their lifeless time is spent in here writing paragraphs of stupidity, on and on."

South Florida doesn't recognize the hypocrisy for calling someone out for voting for a candidate with serious flaws, who represents the party who best represents his/her interests when he/she does the same. If he/she doesn't understand this, perhaps he/she knows someone who can explain it to him/her.

South Florida also doesn't recognize that attacking a perceived stupid argument and demonstrating a superior argument should be easy, so instead attacks the person perceived to be stupid. South Florida not only breaks forum rules in doing so, but demonstrates exactly what too many lefty's do; throw tantrums, pervert the opposition's argument and have to assert, repeatedly, the opposition is stupid, as well as evil, to present themselves as superior. And yet they don't understand when those on the right accuse them of being entirely disinterested in merit.

South Florida is a valued member of these boards.  Pauly1-2-3 is not.  South Florida's posts are pithy and readable.  Pauly1-2-3's posts are tedious claptrap copied directly from the filthy MAGA handbook.  South Florida raises up people.  Pauly1-2-3 continually pushes them down.   South Florida represents the best that America has to offer.  Pauly1-2-3 represents the.....well, you know.  South Florida, we hope, will choose to remain a member of BWW for many years to come.  It is way past time for the bullying troll currently known as Pauly3 to be given a timeout, or better yet, to be removed permanently from this website.  BWW should represent the BEST of us.

.Enough of that nasty thug.  

KAMALA  #47  !!

Non sibi sed patriae
Updated On: 7/26/24 at 10:57 AM

#368Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 7/26/24 at 11:29am

Highland Guy said: "Pauly3 said: "South Florida said: "Without naming names, someone adding to these boards is a total moron. They don't recognize what happened between election day 2020 and J6. The person dosen't recognize all the convictions on meddling in Atlanta, they don't recognize the facts of those two months that are everywhere and have been adjudicated. They don't acknowledge the scores of court cases thrown out, the fake electors and, and the myriad of other things that went on in that time frame. Instead their lifeless time is spent in here writing paragraphs of stupidity, on and on."

South Florida doesn't recognize the hypocrisy for calling someone out for voting for a candidate with serious flaws, who represents the party who best represents his/her interests when he/she does the same. If he/she doesn't understand this, perhaps he/she knows someone who can explain it to him/her.

South Florida also doesn't recognize that attacking a perceived stupid argument and demonstrating a superior argument should be easy, so instead attacks the person perceived to be stupid. South Florida not only breaks forum rules in doing so, but demonstrates exactly what too many lefty's do; throw tantrums, pervert the opposition's argument and have to assert, repeatedly, the opposition is stupid, as well as evil, to present themselves as superior. And yet they don't understand when those on the right accuse them of being entirely disinterested in merit.

South Florida is a valued member of these boards. Pauly1-2-3 is not. South Florida's posts are pithy and readable. Pauly1-2-3's posts are tedious claptrap copied directly from the filthy MAGA handbook. South Florida raises up people. Pauly1-2-3 continually pushes them down.South Florida represents the best that America has to offer. Pauly1-2-3 represents the.....well, you know. South Florida, we hope, will choose to remain a memberof BWW for many years to come. It is way past time for the bullying troll currently known as Pauly3to be given a timeout, or better yet, to be removed permanently from this website. BWW should represent the BEST of us.

.Enough of that nasty thug.

KAMALA #47 !!

He hasn't been bullying anyone. He is articulately and soundly stating his points. You can't get someone banned because they disagree or challenge you. Your comment calling him a nasty thug should be grounds for a timeout.

#369Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 7/26/24 at 11:39am

ACL2006 said: "#45 is now refusing to debate Harris because the debate won't move to FOX instead of ABC. His camp is ****ting bricks right now."

He is not refusing. He is waiting until she is formally nominated as the democratic candidate before scheduling a debate, and given all the shenanigans as of late it's a reasonable decision.

#370Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 7/26/24 at 11:40am

Thank you, ddaguza.  You are 100% correct.

Highland Guy, both South Florida and YOU, as well as others, are the ones doing the pushing down, not because I have trolled anyone, but because you simply disagree with me politically.  You offer tantrums, and nothing more in rebuttal to anything said you disagree with.  You have NO argument to what I just stated.  None.

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#371Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 7/26/24 at 11:52am

dadaguza said: "ACL2006 said: "#45 is now refusing to debate Harris because the debate won't move to FOX instead of ABC. His camp is ****ting bricks right now."

He is not refusing. He is waiting until she is formally nominated as the democratic candidate before scheduling a debate, and given all the shenanigans as of late it's a reasonable decision.


Non sibi sed patriae
Updated On: 7/26/24 at 11:52 AM

#372Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 7/26/24 at 11:58am

Also, Highland Guy, attacking the commenter rather than the comment, having done so yourself prior AND after YOU reported the commenter for doing the same, is ANOTHER of your textbook examples of hypocrisy.

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#373Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 7/26/24 at 11:59am

Highland Guy said: "dadaguza said: "ACL2006 said: "#45 is now refusing to debate Harris because the debate won't move to FOX instead of ABC. His camp is ****ting bricks right now."

He is not refusing. He is waiting until she is formally nominated as the democratic candidate before scheduling a debate, and given all the shenanigans as of late it's a reasonable decision.

KAMALA #47 !!

The Convicted Felon is AFRAID to debate a strong woman of color.  After all, she might remind the world of this filth that spewed from his mouth:  "You can do anything.  Just grab 'em by the P***Y."

Non sibi sed patriae
Updated On: 7/26/24 at 11:59 AM

#374Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 7/26/24 at 12:15pm

Highland Guy said: "Highland Guy said: "dadaguza said: "ACL2006 said: "#45 is now refusing to debate Harris because the debate won't move to FOX instead of ABC. His camp is ****ting bricks right now."

He is not refusing. He is waiting until she is formally nominated as the democratic candidate before scheduling a debate, and given all the shenanigans as of late it's a reasonable decision.

KAMALA #47 !!

The Convicted Felon is AFRAID to debate a strong woman of color. After all, she might remind the world of this filth that spewed from his mouth: "You can do anything. Just grab 'em by the P***Y."


Afraid of spontaneous cackling and word salads. frown

Updated On: 7/26/24 at 12:15 PM
