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Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 11/16/07 - Jilani- Page 12

Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 11/16/07 - Jilani

Raviolisun Profile Photo
#275re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2
Posted: 5/17/07 at 8:57pm

Psh, he's fabulous now.

One time, Patti LuPone punched me in the face...

It was awesome.
- theaterkid1015

D2 Profile Photo
#276re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2
Posted: 5/17/07 at 8:57pm

re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2

Cheyenne Jackson tickled me. AFTER ordering SoMMS a drink but NOT tickling him, and hanging out with Girly in his dressing room (where he DIDN'T tickle her) but BEFORE we got married. To others. And then he tweeted Boobs. He also tweeted he's good friends with some chick on "The Voice" who just happens to be good friends with Tink's ex. And I'm still married. Oh, and this just in: "Pettiness, spite, malice ....Such ugly emotions... So sad." - After Eight, talking about MEEEEEEEE!!! I'm so honored! :-)

Jane2 Profile Photo
#277re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2
Posted: 5/17/07 at 8:59pm

"Psh, he's fabulous now."

I know that kimosabe, I'm saying he started being fabulous as far back as third grade~


D2 Profile Photo
#278re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2
Posted: 5/17/07 at 9:08pm

Sister Pilar didn't think so.

Cheyenne Jackson tickled me. AFTER ordering SoMMS a drink but NOT tickling him, and hanging out with Girly in his dressing room (where he DIDN'T tickle her) but BEFORE we got married. To others. And then he tweeted Boobs. He also tweeted he's good friends with some chick on "The Voice" who just happens to be good friends with Tink's ex. And I'm still married. Oh, and this just in: "Pettiness, spite, malice ....Such ugly emotions... So sad." - After Eight, talking about MEEEEEEEE!!! I'm so honored! :-)

Jane2 Profile Photo
#279re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2
Posted: 5/17/07 at 9:17pm

Are you going to tell us what you did to cause the slap? you don't have to.


D2 Profile Photo
#280re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2
Posted: 5/17/07 at 9:26pm

I honestly don't remember what I did to provoke her. Probably just being an 8 year old boy. I do remember she was a foul-tempered little thing, her answer to everything was a slap and I was often her target. One day I just had it and gave her a taste of her own medicine.

Cheyenne Jackson tickled me. AFTER ordering SoMMS a drink but NOT tickling him, and hanging out with Girly in his dressing room (where he DIDN'T tickle her) but BEFORE we got married. To others. And then he tweeted Boobs. He also tweeted he's good friends with some chick on "The Voice" who just happens to be good friends with Tink's ex. And I'm still married. Oh, and this just in: "Pettiness, spite, malice ....Such ugly emotions... So sad." - After Eight, talking about MEEEEEEEE!!! I'm so honored! :-)

AnnaK<3LMIP Profile Photo
#281re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2
Posted: 5/17/07 at 9:39pm

Congrats D2!!

And sorry everyone for not doing the choosing! I was going to do it during my study hall right in the morning, but then we had some stupid fire drill and we were out for the whole period. And later my power went out for like 2 days.

But congrats too Perfectly Marvelous and D2!

I mean, Denzel Washington? Gun to my head..of course.

Raviolisun Profile Photo
#282re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2
Posted: 5/17/07 at 9:53pm

Haha, I know, J2.

One time, Patti LuPone punched me in the face...

It was awesome.
- theaterkid1015

MotorTink Profile Photo
#283re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2
Posted: 5/17/07 at 10:32pm

Ok, here goes with mine ( I am horrible at this):

If you were to sit in a high political position for one day and could only help solve one issue, what would you focus your efforts on?

If you could spend your day with one broadway diva (male or female) who would it be and what would you do (PG-13 rated Mr.)?

When you pass this earth at age 158, what are the words you want to be remembered as?

If you had one day with me, what would we do? re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2

K, maybe you will get more questions later!!

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

D2 Profile Photo
#284re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2
Posted: 5/17/07 at 10:41pm

If you were to sit in a high political position for one day and could only help solve one issue, what would you focus your efforts on?
Cleaning up the mess this country is in, particularly in the field of education.

If you could spend your day with one broadway diva (male or female) who would it be and what would you do (PG-13 rated Mr.)?
She's not a diva, but I am head over heels in love with Susan Stroman and I would just love to watch her as she works on a show.

When you pass this earth at age 158, what are the words you want to be remembered as?
He was well preserved, and funny to the end.

If you had one day with me, what would we do?
I'd help you pack.

Cheyenne Jackson tickled me. AFTER ordering SoMMS a drink but NOT tickling him, and hanging out with Girly in his dressing room (where he DIDN'T tickle her) but BEFORE we got married. To others. And then he tweeted Boobs. He also tweeted he's good friends with some chick on "The Voice" who just happens to be good friends with Tink's ex. And I'm still married. Oh, and this just in: "Pettiness, spite, malice ....Such ugly emotions... So sad." - After Eight, talking about MEEEEEEEE!!! I'm so honored! :-)

miss pennywise Profile Photo
miss pennywise
#285re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2
Posted: 5/17/07 at 10:50pm

You slapped a nun...and didn't like DOUBT.

That makes total sense!!!

(I'm sorry, but when I read about you and Sister Pilar, my heart was filled with vicarious vindication. It's not so much about nuns, per se, but the whole freaking Catholic Church! Your little story just made up for the eighteen years I spent in Catholic halls of education. Yes, E-I-G-H-T-E-E-N! THANK YOU, D2!) re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2

"Be on your guard! Jerks on the loose!"


"If any relationship involves a flow chart, get out of it...FAST!"

~ Best12Bars

D2 Profile Photo
#286re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2
Posted: 5/17/07 at 11:02pm

You are very welcome, Miss Pennywise. re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2

And as for DOUBT, perhaps there is a connection to that childhood incident, I never really thought about it. But truthfully I just felt it was overrated. Also, I never saw Cherry Jones - I saw Eileen Atkins. Most people I know who saw both said it was a completely different play with Atkins, and not necessarily as good.

Cheyenne Jackson tickled me. AFTER ordering SoMMS a drink but NOT tickling him, and hanging out with Girly in his dressing room (where he DIDN'T tickle her) but BEFORE we got married. To others. And then he tweeted Boobs. He also tweeted he's good friends with some chick on "The Voice" who just happens to be good friends with Tink's ex. And I'm still married. Oh, and this just in: "Pettiness, spite, malice ....Such ugly emotions... So sad." - After Eight, talking about MEEEEEEEE!!! I'm so honored! :-)

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#287re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2
Posted: 5/17/07 at 11:10pm

I saw the Atkins, Eldar, Malone cast as well, and I loved it, so the excuse of a different cast isn't valid =)
I loved all of them. Ron Eldar was the best!
Anyways, I didn't like many shows that people loved on here, like your favorite Sweeney Todd, so don't worry, it's ok to be 'you' and have your own taste, not based on critics or the BWW,*cough* community.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

wonderwaiter Profile Photo
#288re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2
Posted: 5/17/07 at 11:13pm

No questions from me, but plenty of congratulations for you D2! I know I'm late to the game (work is crazy right now but this time in a good way), but I hope you had much fun as Celebrity of the Day.

And no one grew into anything new, we just became the worst of what we were."

D2 Profile Photo
#289re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2
Posted: 5/17/07 at 11:18pm

Thanks, WW! It's been fun.

Muscle, I know I'm in the minority about DOUBT, and I don't really care. re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2

Cheyenne Jackson tickled me. AFTER ordering SoMMS a drink but NOT tickling him, and hanging out with Girly in his dressing room (where he DIDN'T tickle her) but BEFORE we got married. To others. And then he tweeted Boobs. He also tweeted he's good friends with some chick on "The Voice" who just happens to be good friends with Tink's ex. And I'm still married. Oh, and this just in: "Pettiness, spite, malice ....Such ugly emotions... So sad." - After Eight, talking about MEEEEEEEE!!! I'm so honored! :-)

miss pennywise Profile Photo
miss pennywise
#290re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2
Posted: 5/17/07 at 11:27pm

I'm driving to Philadelphia on Sunday to see Cherry Jones' last performance in DOUBT, and I can't wait. It will be my 4th time seeing it. Clearly, my childhood nun traumas had no effect on MY enjoyment of the play! re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2

But, you, D2, are my true hero. (Actually, in her own way, Sister Aloysius is a nun-slapper, too!)

"Be on your guard! Jerks on the loose!"


"If any relationship involves a flow chart, get out of it...FAST!"

~ Best12Bars

D2 Profile Photo
#291re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2
Posted: 5/17/07 at 11:32pm

Awww, shucks.


I'm pretty gobsmacked by you too, Miss P!

Cheyenne Jackson tickled me. AFTER ordering SoMMS a drink but NOT tickling him, and hanging out with Girly in his dressing room (where he DIDN'T tickle her) but BEFORE we got married. To others. And then he tweeted Boobs. He also tweeted he's good friends with some chick on "The Voice" who just happens to be good friends with Tink's ex. And I'm still married. Oh, and this just in: "Pettiness, spite, malice ....Such ugly emotions... So sad." - After Eight, talking about MEEEEEEEE!!! I'm so honored! :-)

miss pennywise Profile Photo
miss pennywise
#292re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2
Posted: 5/18/07 at 12:20am

What a sweet thing to say...especially because this is YOUR day, not mine!!!

Hope you enjoyed sharing as much as I enjoyed learning.

"Be on your guard! Jerks on the loose!"


"If any relationship involves a flow chart, get out of it...FAST!"

~ Best12Bars

Guido Contini Profile Photo
Guido Contini
#293re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2
Posted: 5/18/07 at 12:24am

Am I the only member of BWW that has NOT been COTD yet?

"Applause begets applause in the theatre, as laughter begets laughter and tears beget tears." CLAYTON HAMILTON, "Theory of the Theatre" "I think theater ought to be theatrical ... you know, shuffling the pack in different ways so that it's -- there's always some kind of ambush involved in the experience. You're being ambushed by an unexpected word, or by an elephant falling out of the cupboard, whatever it is." TOM STOPPARD

son_of_a_gunn_25 Profile Photo
#294re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2
Posted: 5/18/07 at 12:46am

Don't worry Guido. You'll be it someday. Just not today. re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2

My avatar is a reminder to myself. I need lots of reminders...
Updated On: 5/18/07 at 12:46 AM

justagirl2 Profile Photo
#295re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2
Posted: 5/18/07 at 1:19am

I haven't been either, Guido. Save the best for last, right? re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2

Congratulations, Deet! I'm awful fond of you!

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#296re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2
Posted: 5/18/07 at 1:21am

I've never been MBCotD either.

Congrats again D2!

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

Guido Contini Profile Photo
Guido Contini
#297re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2
Posted: 5/18/07 at 3:35am

well I'm in justy (and the wiz's) can i complain? re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2

"Applause begets applause in the theatre, as laughter begets laughter and tears beget tears." CLAYTON HAMILTON, "Theory of the Theatre" "I think theater ought to be theatrical ... you know, shuffling the pack in different ways so that it's -- there's always some kind of ambush involved in the experience. You're being ambushed by an unexpected word, or by an elephant falling out of the cupboard, whatever it is." TOM STOPPARD

D2 Profile Photo
#298re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2
Posted: 5/18/07 at 7:58am

Be careful what you wish for, folks - you just might get it! I have to pick a new MBCotD in two hours, and you've given me some ideas... re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2

Cheyenne Jackson tickled me. AFTER ordering SoMMS a drink but NOT tickling him, and hanging out with Girly in his dressing room (where he DIDN'T tickle her) but BEFORE we got married. To others. And then he tweeted Boobs. He also tweeted he's good friends with some chick on "The Voice" who just happens to be good friends with Tink's ex. And I'm still married. Oh, and this just in: "Pettiness, spite, malice ....Such ugly emotions... So sad." - After Eight, talking about MEEEEEEEE!!! I'm so honored! :-)

Broadwayboobs Profile Photo
#299re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/17/07 - D2
Posted: 5/18/07 at 8:04am

D2..sorry I missed your day know I think you are one of the sweetest,nicest posters around here and you so deserved your day to shine..hope people went easy on you..sorry you have to give up your crown soon..but you will always remain a CotD to me.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Ralph Waldo Emerson
