I've seen both Jaquel and Kyle. Loved them both; two different takes on the character. I follow the Twitter account for understudies, and they posted Edwin Bates was on and I walked to the theatre, and he was not on. I'm sorry I didn't get to see him but thrilled to be attending the last show in the same seat I saw the first preview.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/27/19
Seeing multiple reports that the show was canceled 20 minutes after it was supposed to start tonight. Anyone know what happened? (Not the first time this has happened, right?)
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/1/14
Last night's performance was cancelled. My friend (visiting from out of town) was in his seat when an announcement was made, at 7:05, that the performance would be starting late in 10-15 minutes. He then said that at 7:15, it was announced over the God mic that the performance was cancelled, with no explanation. Anybody know what happened? I'm guessing there was a last-minute call-out and not enough covers to fill all the roles. He said three performers were already listed as being out, including Jaquel Spivey.
Didn't this happen a few weeks ago as well? Probably another last minute call out and not enough covers.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
LarryD2 said: "Last night's performance was cancelled. My friend (visiting from out of town) was in his seat when an announcement was made, at 7:05, that the performance would be starting late in 10-15 minutes. He then said that at 7:15, it was announced over the God mic that the performance was cancelled, with no explanation. Anybody know what happened? I'm guessing there was a last-minute call-out and not enough covers to fill all the roles. He said three performers were already listed as being out, including Jaquel Spivey."
Has Spivey shown up at even half of his scheduled performances?
JSquared2 said: "LarryD2 said: "Last night's performance was cancelled. My friend (visiting from out of town) was in his seat when an announcement was made, at 7:05, that the performance would be starting late in 10-15 minutes. He then said that at 7:15, it was announced over the God mic that the performance was cancelled, with no explanation. Anybody know what happened? I'm guessing there was a last-minute call-out and not enough covers to fill all the roles. He said three performers were already listed as being out, including Jaquel Spivey."
Has Spivey shown up at even half of his scheduled performances?"
Doesn't seem like it.
I said this earlier in another thread, but I’m kind of baffled that the production just never announced an alternate for Spivey. I’m sympathetic if he’s been having health issues, or even if he’s missing shows just for self-care. But it feels like the production has been pretty opaque about how many shows he’s been missing/when he’s going to be out. People can say “it doesn’t matter because he’s not a big star” all they want, but I’ve seen multiple people express disappointment that they missed him (myself included). Also, the fact that multiple performances have been cancelled recently seems to suggest there aren’t a sufficient number of standbys in general.
Jason Veasey tested positive for COVID so he will be out for a while. Unfortunately that stretches his two understudies thinner than before, especially since Kyle also covers Usher. Last week, other cast members were out ill as well or had other engagements.
I said in a previous post, with only five understudies covering seven roles, they are already stretched super thin, and so extended absences really cause lots of problems for the company, especially since they are in a stretch of 16 shows in 11 days. It’s hard…
Jaquel, per his Insta, had a very bad cold/flu last week and tried to power through but some days wasn’t able to and had to tap out. Since both understudies for Usher cover other roles (Kyle for 4/5/6 and Edwin for 2/3 and dance captain), they can’t officially announce either of them as an alternate unless they hired someone else to address the shortfall. It’s a mess…
Broadway Star Joined: 4/30/22
All is not well backstage at this one. And that’s putting it mildly.
They should have hired an alternate or standby for the role of Usher after it won the Tony award.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
Saw the matinee today which was in great shape despite 4 understudies being on. Got a chance to see Kyle as Usher and he really is a great singer. I think I slightly prefer Jaquel in the first half for the vulnerability and I found it easier to empathize with him, but I thought Kyle was excellent in the scenes following Boundaries. I'd say their Memory Jar/A Strange Loop performances were about on par though they did different things with them, so regardless of who you're seeing you're in good hands.
I'm surprised the theater hasn't closed the balcony as there were quite a few empty seats in the mezzanine (granted it's a weekday matinee but I'm not sure if their other performances are that much more filled), but I do think the Lyceum has pretty good sightlines all around, as I was way on the left side of the mezz and could still see everything perfectly fine. Also I thought the balcony bathroom was pretty much the worst bathroom on Broadway but I think the mezzanine one edges it out (I was pretty surprised to find that a bathroom existed at all on the mezzanine level).
Damn - 4 Understudies?! I’m actually excited to be going again tonight (Front Row - Lottery!)
If Kyle was on as Usher, I’m assuming J.M Reese was on as #5, and Zachary Meyers is on as #1.
So who was the last understudy on and for which role? (#2 or #3?)
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
Edwin Bates was also on as 3
Tonight: Edwin Bates (Usher), Zachary Meyers (#1), and Jon-Michael Reese (#5).
Today, Edwin Bates was on as Usher and Jon-Michael Reese was on again as #5.
Edwin took ill had to tap out mid-show (right after the “Guardians” scene) and “Didn’t Want Nothin’” was done without them - then they shut down for 10-15 minutes before announcing that Kyle was swinging in as Usher. He got rapturous applause multiple times during the show and there was even a small standing O after “Memory Song”.
At curtain, John-Andrew pushed him forward for an extra bow. It was so wonderful and he was so visibly moved. As always, the understudies are worth going nuts over for this show.
Apparently, yesterday's performance was cancelled.
Understudy Joined: 12/16/22
I've seen a few people on other social media sites say that they wanted to buy tickets for this show, but couldn't risk it because they wouldn't be in the city for long and had heard how many performances were being cancelled. This is honestly kind of a sad situation.
I'm sure the backstage drama will start to come out once the show as closed. With a nine-performance schedule this week, what are the odds they actually do all nine shows?
I rushed tonight's show so here's hoping, but I would honestly rather they take care of themselves before anything else, especially as the show is winding to a close.
A lot of the cast have been dealing with exhaustion or were sick recently with various issues (including a few with COVID), including understudies, and some of them came back before they were feeling 100%, which made it very hard to get through the show. Many of them were also furious with the horrible schedule leading up to Christmas (16 performances in 11 days, including multiple two-show days).
Whats all the drama and going on backstage? You can message me if you prefer. Happy holidays everyone! Anyone going to the last show?
I feel so lucky that when I saw this a few weeks ago there was only one understudy on for Thought 6. It's really a shame that all these cancelations are happening, especially so late in the run. It's already one of the shortest-running Tony winners ever, and these illnesses and mishaps aren't helping its numbers any.
Jimbo2 said: "Whats all the drama and going on backstage? You can message me if you prefer. Happy holidays everyone! Anyone going to the last show?"
I know there is quite a bit of drama, but I'd rather not disclose since I don't want to betray the trust of those who have said things to me (including cast), if that's alright.
I am going to the final performance though and I will be in A LOT of tears since this show has grown to be a major part of me.
I will be at the last show too. Crying like crazy, I'm sure!
I went tonight and the show went forward with only Jon-Michael Reese on as #5 (Jason is supposed to be back Wednesday night).
Apparently in addition to COVID, the cast (among other casts) have been passing around a very bad flu that’s been wreaking havoc on voices and making it impossible to sing without injury. Jaquel was back tonight after having been out since Tuesday.
Also, Jaquel just posted on Insta to confirm that he will not be performing in weekday matinees for the remainder of the run.
quizking101 said: "Apparently in addition to COVID, the cast (among other casts) have been passing around a very bad flu that’s been wreaking havoc"
The fact that covid isn't the only thing going around right now is called common knowledge.