Understudy Joined: 7/9/22
The show is being filmed today. For the library? Or a pro shot?
Swing Joined: 12/4/22
I saw the Tuesday matinee on 12/27, with Kyle on for Usher and Jon-Michael Reese for #5. No sign of filming at that performance.
It was my second time and I just couldn’t love this show any more! Kyle’s voice is really amazing. I could watch this 7 times just to be able to follow each thought through the whole show. I love them all. John-Michael Lyles is magnetic with the looks he gives to the audience, and his lines as Agent Fairweather from “of course, of course” to “yes you think he sucks” make me laugh every time.
I think it was in their tiny desk concert where Michael R. Jackson said that for some people the show is a mirror and for others it’s a window. For me as a white theater lover, it feels like both. I appreciate learning about this young black man’s experiences, and I hear what he says about white audiences, slavery as a theater topic, and white girls in the world. I also think most people could see themselves in an I Want song that says “today I plan to change my whole life forever” and in a need to sometimes just repeat “oh my god” while thoughts swirl in your head.
What a gorgeously complex and beautifully crafted piece of art! I hope it’s released on video someday.
I'd assume they'd want to film without any u/s on?
Apparently Jason Veasey returned early last night since there was a snafu with callouts/understudies and he performed with a mask (per Equity protocol).
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/25/20
That's... weird. I feel like from the summer on this show has just been having so many covers on. At all times.
What a clusterf*CK.
Understudy Joined: 12/16/22
Yeah, it feels like there's more going on here than is apparent on the surface. I understand Jaquel and other members of the cast have been sick, but is this show really that much more impacted by the pandemic/ other illness than most other shows? It seems like everyone has been chalking it up to how difficult of a role Usher is, and that's true for sure. But there are other emotionally draining roles where the actor does not leave the stage and essentially carries the whole show (Hedwig comes to mind as an even more extreme example of this). I don't say this to disparage Jaquel or anyone else involved, it just makes me wonder if there are other factors going on that we're all not aware of.
Swing Joined: 12/10/18
Yeah, I can't help but feel the producers tried to crack down on/disincentivize absences and Jaquel took it in this direction. I just learned today that he hasn't been doing matinee performances regularly for weeks?! Why is the alternate (which he is if he knows he's going on every matinee) not billed as such? Bizarre... Seems like the producers don't want that to be formally announced/in place.
How is it this production and almost only this production that has these issues?
And for the record, Jaquel was out the two times I caught the show.
There is no official alternate for Usher. There never was.
Both understudies for Usher, between them, cover every other role in the show except for Thought #1. Depending on who else calls out in any given show, there is a strategic placement of understudies that will help determine who goes on - hence why some matinees will see Kyle and some will see Edwin.
I’ll use the Friday post-Thanksgiving matinee as an example. Jaquel was out, as were John-Andrew and Antwayn. Since Kyle, in addition to Usher) covers 4/5/6, he has to go on as #4 since Jon-Michael Reese went on as #6, meaning Edwin goes on as Usher.
Right, but I think Ferryman’s point is someone should be designated as an alternate if the lead has a schedule where he is consistently out for certain performances each week.
As I mentioned before, if the role was truly too much for Jaquel, then a standby/alternate should have been hired once the show won the Tony back in June. His attendance has not been good for months. This probably could have saved the show from canceling any performances.
Swing Joined: 12/10/18
Yeah, it seems fairly cut and dry to me. The production, in efforts to reduce weekly costs, most likely didn't want to designate an alternate due to some pay bump/stipend that's attached to the title. That and/or they don't feel like the role of Usher requires that support. This probably frustrated our leading man, understandably (to a point), and brought us here.
I also find it interesting my thread looking to explore/discuss Jacquel's Insta posts has been deleted. As have the Insta posts, by the way. I'm somewhat certain they weren't erased due to time...
Understudy Joined: 12/16/22
Yep. It also seems slightly offensive to Jaquel to basically say, "you're not a big enough star for us to announce when you're going to be out." I know he isn't a "name", but I can't think of another show where it hasn't been publicly announced when the lead won't be on at certain performances. If he was occasionally sick, that's one thing, but he has a schedule where he's no longer doing most matinees. By not announcing that, you're essentially telling the audience that he's completely interchangeable.
Stand-by Joined: 3/15/08
It feels like Kyle should have been designated an alternate Usher a long time ago. He’s incredible in the role.
Updated On: 12/28/22 at 11:25 PM
To me, this is Spivey's first professional gig, and one where he's on stage practically 100% of the time. How could he or the creatives have any idea what his stamina would be. That's not to say they've handled it well, because he or the producers haven't, but to imply he'll never be welcome on Broadway again is not very kind. Clearly he has the talent, and if the right role finds him here, he'll be welcome. I think the bigger question is, where are the leading roles coming up that would even consider his type?
I feel like if they extended FAT HAM and Marcel Spears has to go back to filling “The Neighborhood”, Jaquel would easily fit into the role of “Juicy”.
The Ferryman Himself said: "Yeah, it seems fairly cut and dry to me. The production, in efforts to reduce weekly costs, most likely didn't want to designate an alternate due to some pay bump/stipend that's attached to the title. "
Yes, but also no. Yes in that it is financial. No in that it's not about a pay bump. I'm sure an alternate does get paid more, but not that much more. However, if Kyle became the alternate, they would no choice but to hire another understudy. Alternates don't usually cover other roles and, even if Kyle could still officially be an understudy for Thoughts 4/5/6 it would be contractually commanded that, if Jaquel is out and he is available, he must go on. As was mentioned before, they couldn't play the understudy puzzle game with him where he could cover Thought 5 while Edwin goes on. Edwin would only go on if both Jaquel and Kyle were unavailable. So, it basically forces them to hire another understudy to cover Thoughts 4/5/6. It's the pay for a whole other actor that probably caused them not to bump up Kyle.
Understudy Joined: 12/16/22
quizking101 said: "I feel like if they extended FAT HAM and Marcel Spears has to go back to filling “The Neighborhood”, Jaquel would easily fit into the role of “Juicy”."
Totally agree with this, but I don't think it disproves the previous commenter's point. Fat Ham is also a show about the experience of being black, queer, and fat, and Juicy is an extremely similar role to Usher. I really can't think of other examples of a role like that. I do hope he's able to break out and find success on Broadway, though!
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
He was also just cast as Damian in the Mean Girls movie so I wonder if that would open up the opportunity for him to join the tour later on, or at least prove that he can also be cast in other types of roles
I am an unironic fan of Suessical and fantasize about a big-budget Suessical revival with Ariana DeBose as the Cat in the Hat and Jaquel as Horton. He has that vulnerable sweetness that would be perfect for Horton.
Swing Joined: 11/19/11
Does anyone know what the current merch situation is? A lot of it seems to be sold out online. I'm hoping to grab a window card when I see the show next week.
Swing Joined: 12/4/22
PriscillaN2N said: "Does anyone know what the current merch situation is? A lot of it seems to be sold out online. I'm hoping to grab a window card when I see the show next week."
As of the 12/27 matinee, they were showing window cards on the display with a price, so it appeared they weren’t sold out. I also saw the drink cups from the bar, and some shirts but not all (specifically not the one that said big black & queer ass American Broadway show). I think they still had a pin too.
Last night (12/30 evening) - They had the yellow hoodie ($50), regular sized windowcard ($20), lapel pin ($10), purple tee ($30), NEW black jacket with Thoughts on the back ($70), water bottle ($15) and magnet ($10)
Nicticorax said: "quizking101 said: "I feel like if they extended FAT HAM and Marcel Spears has to go back to filling “The Neighborhood”, Jaquel would easily fit into the role of “Juicy”."
Totally agree with this, but I don't think it disproves the previous commenter's point. Fat Ham is also a show about the experience of being black, queer, and fat, and Juicy is an extremely similar role to Usher. I really can't think of other examples of a role like that. I do hope he's able to break out and find success on Broadway, though!"
Isn't the reason the show was so championed because it was about a fat, black, queer in a leading role? So, yeah, no that's not a type that is going to be found in multiple shows. Especially on Broadway where everything is "type" as it is. I can see him doing a plethora of other shows, but maybe not something as specific as this.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/2/18
everythingtaboo said: "To me, this is Spivey's first professional gig, and one where he's on stage practically 100% of the time. How could he or the creatives have any idea what his stamina would be."
Fair. Also makes you think they should have thought harder before canning Larry Owens, who for my money was far better in the role and seemed able to show up at Playwrights. I still choose the Off-Broadway cast recording over the Broadway one.
Another frustrating thing about having no alternate is having every performance be a crapshoot. I want to see Kyle and would buy tickets to a performance if he were scheduled to be on. But who knows!