Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/21
While the All that Chat thread about the show is particularly vicious (even for them), that crowd skews older, so I'm not totally surprised by the substance of some of their reactions. The tone? That's another story, but one commenter does seem to be a recurring provocateur.
Updated On: 4/17/22 at 09:08 AM
Question - I listened to the Off Broadway cast album and pretty much hated it. I am guessing if I didn't enjoy that I probably won't enjoy the show? Or is this one of those shows that the music is much better in the context of the actual production? I just found the score to be slightly monotonous and grating on my first listen.
YvanEhtNioj said: " ... There were A LOT of whites people sitting around me who were obviously VERY uncomfortable at the use of N throughout the show (though I think they got desensitized to it by the end)
Theres no set list in the playbill (unless I missed it) but this show is FULL of amazing songs. None of which will ever get sung at Marie’s Crisis because, again, N bombs galore. ...”
Thank you for the ‘N’ word alert.
I hate that word. Skipping this, no matter how great the other pieces are.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/10/04
ColorTheHours048 said: "Listening to the cast recording this morning, I can definitely appreciate some of Michael R. Jackson’s score, but I think my primary issue with the show last night (aside from the book, which I maintain I found to be too much of a therapy session) was Jaquel Spivey’s performance as Usher. Where Larry Owens’s vocal performance feels outspoken and brash, Jaquel feels withdrawn and constantly introspective. It makes the final moment - “A Strange Loop” - feel like a continuation of everything he’s already been doing rather than a moment of personal epiphany. Felt very passive and so none of the emotional journey he was apparently going through connected, for me."
agree.I felt like he learned nothing from his journey and i didn't care for the show at all. People around me were holding their heads in their hands for a good portion of it seemingly wanting to vacate as soon as possible.
Anyone know why Larry isn't doing the role anymore?
bwayphreak234 said: "Question - I listened to the Off Broadway cast album and pretty much hated it. I am guessing if I didn't enjoy that I probably won't enjoy the show? Or is this one of those shows that the music is much better in the context of the actual production? I just found the score to be slightly monotonous and grating on my first listen."
I would 100% recommend seeing it in person. When you get the full context, I think you might actually enjoy it.
This is DEFINITELY NOT a show for everyone, but once you get past then surface use of the N word in every single song I think you get a very beautiful and funny show. I myself wasn’t bothered by it at all but I know some people might find it hard to overlook
Was very surprised at how many parents brought young kids with them. that was definitely..a choice.
I’m happy that there is finally a broadway musical centered around a modern black POV. I can’t remember in recent years any musical that showcases what it feels like to be black in America currently. Let alone being black and queer without it feeling cheesy
Swing Joined: 4/1/15
I'm a Black man, and I too was uncomfortable with the flagrant use of the N-word. It's an offensive word with terrible history and present. It is just unnecessary to use it as conspicuously as it is used in this show.
Updated On: 4/17/22 at 10:27 AM
I was surprised to discover how much I missed Larry Owens in this. His bravura performance brought a lot of the show into a focus, and it just isn’t quite the same without him. Owens was brash, very funny, and had a certain performative sanctimoniousness that papered over his clear insecurity. And having an experienced comedian in that role made segments like “Writing a Gospel Play” turn into showstoppers. Spivey, I felt, seemed semi-defeated from the start and sort of plateaued at that level. It’s a very different take on the character, one that’s more introverted and insular.
But I still think the musical shines. The Thoughts have only become stronger. And while some elements of the show have been slightly sanded down (the Inwood Daddy sequence especially, if one can imagine- the meth use has been replaced with poppers), Jackson still is determined to skewer and illuminate a lot: the pandering vapidity of theater gatekeepers, the bigotry and sleaziness of the white gay community, the homophobia and materialism of black Christianity, the facile commercialism of black respectability. These are largely unflattering- but also truth, and truth we seldom see onstage, and often delivered with acidic humor. Yes, the n-word is slung around a lot- from the mouths of black performers, put there by a black writer, and they all know what they’re doing. There’s a reason why Jackson reserves his most sympathetic portrait for the older tourist theatergoer who chats with Usher- the only kindness he receives in the show, and the sort of person who is largely dismissed as a joke- who advises him if he’s not afraid of writing the truth, then it’s not worth writing.
Do we know why the role was recast?
Larry Owens is running for Fayette County Coroner so he's too busy to play Broadway.
I sat in orchestra E at yesterday’s matinee, and there was definitely a sound mixing issue going on…
That being said, this show completely floored my husband and I. This was my first time seeing it, so I have no prior productions to compare it to. I have been listening to the cast recording nonstop since its Broadway transfer announcement, and it completely surpassed my very high expectations as to what I would be seeing on that stage.
I cannot say enough good things about the Thoughts’ performance and how they are so brilliantly intertwined and used throughout the whole show. Antwayn Hopper, James Jackson Jr., John-Michael Lyles, John-Andrew Morrison, Jason Veasey, and especially L. Morgan Lee are all doing the most up there! They should all be nominated for a Tony as group.
I think the songs that really really blew my mind in terms of staging and execution were “Exile in Gayville” and the entire last 20 minutes from “AIDS is Gods Punishment” through “Memory Song”, I was completely drop jawed.
The audience was extremely receptive, and the energy was palpable. It made me sad about said sound mixing issue, because a lot of the words to the beyond brilliantly staged “Tyler Perry Writes Real Life”, for instance were missed. I did however notice that the sound mixing improved as the show went on.
I’m assuming that most people here saying they cannot “connect” to this show are white, and I think this is perfect example of our privilege. There are things that I will never experience like Usher because of my gay cis-gender whiteness, and I so I am beyond grateful that Michael R Jackson wrote this show for so many different reasons. My husband and I learned so much yesterday and this show has spawned so many interesting conversations between he and I that continue today.
This show definitely goes into my top 10 favorite theatrical experiences, and I can’t wait to return to see it again. Also, this will clean up at the Tonys!
Kad said: "(the Inwood Daddy sequence especially, if one can imagine- the meth use has been replaced with poppers), Jackson still is determined to skewer and illuminate a lot: the pandering vapidity of theater gatekeepers, the bigotry and sleaziness of the white gay community, the homophobia and materialism of black Christianity, the facile commercialism of black respectability. These are largely unflattering- but also truth, and truth we seldom see onstage, and often delivered with acidic humor. Yes, the n-word is slung around a lot- from the mouths of black performers, put there by a black writer, and they all know what they’re doing.
I wish they would’ve kept meth instead of poppers tbh. The amount of guys who want to do meth with you on Grindr is pretty frequent in NYC sadly.
I think that for it to be a real honest portrayal of many black people, they had to use it. Let me preface by saying Black people are not a monolith and we are not all the same - however, we can’t deny that that word is thrown around a lot casually by our community. I think I love the contrast of using it in casual banter between the actors but also using it in a derogatory term the way Indood Daddy did. It completely changes your POV from “black people say this like it’s nothing” to “ummm…that’s no okay for him (inwood daddy) to say and that’s really ****ed up”.
I don’t know the name of the song but the one where he is on Grindr looking for sex and being written off because of his race hits so close to home for many black men. Even though the gay community preaches about acceptance and love…Deep down we are just as racist and judgmental as the outsiders. It’s a really hard conversation to have with a lot of white gays because they’re instant reaction is (like in the musical) “it’s just a preference” or “no that’s no true IM not racist”. I really hope that this musical leads to open conversations among the gay community about issues that we like to sweep under the rug.
I absolutely agree the meth use should have been kept- despite it being widespread in the gay community, it is rarely, if ever, actually depicted. It’s basically an open secret, and one that’s ruining countless lives.
Kad said: "I absolutely agree the meth use should have been kept- despite it being widespread in the gay community, it is rarely, if ever, actually depicted. It’s basically an open secret, and one that’s ruining countless lives."
Wow. I really wish they would have kept the meth reference, this scene would have hit so much harder.
Swing Joined: 8/10/17
I’ve listened to parts of the cast album (although admittedly not the whole thing) and wasn’t enjoying it too much. I think my main problem with the songs/setup of the show was that it (and the lyrics in particular) doesn’t follow the classic storytelling rule of “show, don’t tell” - they flat out “tell” you everything. Of course, I understand that the Thoughts are meant to center what Usher is thinking rather than show his experiences from a wider POV. And maybe bluntness is the point. It just wasn’t my cup of tea. I think it’s an important show, and I definitely need to see the full piece at some point. I’m just not particularly in love with this show based on the album alone
Broadway Star Joined: 2/16/16
Well now I’m torn on listening to the cast recording or going in blind. I don’t want to be lost due to the sound mixing issues. Is the show sung-through?
Alexander Lamar said: "Well now I’m torn on listening to the cast recording or going in blind. I don’t want to be lost due to the sound mixing issues. Is the show sung-through?"
The show is not sung-through, and I would recommend a listen to the cast recording before the show,
At the matinee yesterday there was someone involved with the show sitting in 3rd row center. Maybe he was checking on sound?
who was the guy who threw up flowers to each of the cast? His energy & emotions were sincere.
well I couldn’t get Row D but I’m going back on May 4th matinee Row C seat 2.
Also, it needs to be said - the American Beauty reference in the shower was the hardest I’ve laughed in A GOOD WHILE.
Updated On: 4/17/22 at 07:09 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/30/15
Sending u a message now
Stand-by Joined: 5/22/14
I couldn’t “connect” with the show cuz it was an undisciplined, sloppy mess without compelling characters. I was praying for an intermission to hightail it out of there, but no luck.
Stand-by Joined: 5/22/14
I couldn’t “connect” with the show cuz it was an undisciplined, sloppy mess without compelling characters. I was praying for an intermission to hightail it out of there, but no luck.
n2nbaby said: "Also, it needs to be said - the American Beauty reference in the shower was the hardest I’ve laughed in A GOOD WHILE."
The moment that got me was the “I’m looking to take lo*ds in the Lucky’s bathroom on 52nd”. I was DYIIIINNNGG. Every Hells kitchen gay knows that Lucky Burger is where you end up on a Saturday night after making mistakes at Rise. I definitely appreciated that laugh.
I’ve been casually singing “looking? Into? Hung?” all day.
JaglinSays said: "I couldn’t “connect” with the show cuz it was an undisciplined, sloppy mess without compelling characters. I was praying for an intermission to hightail it out of there, but no luck."
That is an opinion, not a fact, FYI.