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All Rent Reviews (Place Here)- Page 27

All Rent Reviews (Place Here)

Marquise Profile Photo
#650Rent reviews--post here
Posted: 11/26/05 at 2:04pm

Melissa Levine in The Miami New Times crucified the film.
~ She loved Jesse, Anthony, Wilson Jermaine and Rosario.
~ But she tore it to bits.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#651Rent reviews--post here
Posted: 11/26/05 at 2:23pm

How do you love half of the cast but still tear apart the movie?

Teen Vogue gave Rent 3.5 bees (for buzz-worthy) out of 4.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#652Rent reviews--post here
Posted: 11/26/05 at 2:24pm

When will it be reviewed on Ebert & Roeper (not in the articles, on the TV show)?

pab Profile Photo
#653Rent reviews--post here
Posted: 11/26/05 at 2:28pm

Based on everything I have read, it seems that most of the published critics are split right down the middle on this one. I actually think that that is not a bad thing because whenever that happens, it seems that many people say, well, I'll have to go and see this one and decide for myself. I've always found it interesting how some people decide to see a movie based only on what other people have said about it.

Ebert and Roeper's TV reviews of RENT will appear this weekend, starting sometime today. If you subscribe to their podcast on iTunes it will usually update as soon as the show has been released to the stations to go on the air.

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#654Rent reviews--post here
Posted: 11/26/05 at 2:31pm

I didn't want to start a new thread but does anyone else think RENT has a good shot at getting a Golden Globe nod as well as Rosario possibly getting one?

I mean, the far, far, FAR worse Phantom of the Opera got quite a few GG nomiations so why not?

Mandi Moo Profile Photo
Mandi Moo
#655Rent reviews--post here
Posted: 11/26/05 at 3:00pm

I love the last line from the review in Us Weekly..."The movie will neither satisfy the musical's rabid fans, nor win any new converts."'s already done both.

It gave it 2 out of 4 stars.

MissMonika Profile Photo
#656Rent reviews--post here
Posted: 11/26/05 at 3:18pm

I love how a lot of the critics are totally slamming the movie but audiences in general seem to love it.

As for myself, I thought it was amazing for a movie adaption. Initally I was prepared to be disappointed but surprisingly, I loved it. I was totally bawling during Without You and I'll Cover You (reprise). I'm still in awe.

Yes, I'm pinay. And I'm proud of it!

#657Rent reviews--post here
Posted: 11/26/05 at 3:34pm

haha, very true. the audience LOVES it and it's getting so many new fans.. i cannot tell you how many people are IMing me like "Rent was amazing!"

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#658Rent reviews--post here
Posted: 11/26/05 at 4:02pm

My issue is when the critics start out by saying they didn't like Rent onstage. I don't think everyone that reviews the movie should have loved the show to be able to review it. But when they start off their review with a giant disclaimer like that, it's almost like admitting that they have too much baggage to be able to give a legitimate review.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#659Rent reviews--post here
Posted: 11/26/05 at 5:44pm

I agree orangskittles. It's like saying "Well, don't listen to me; I wasn't going to like this no matter WHAT they did with it!"
Updated On: 11/26/05 at 05:44 PM

#660Rent reviews--post here
Posted: 11/26/05 at 7:30pm

I just caught the end of Ebert and Roeper. I didn't see the review, only the recap. RENT got two thumbs up!

Pillowpants. 'Nuff said.

pab Profile Photo
#661Rent reviews--post here
Posted: 11/26/05 at 7:38pm

"Note: I gave the movie a "marginal thumbs up" on "Ebert & Roeper" because I felt people might want to see it based on what was good in it, but I am fine-tuning that to a **1/2 rating because, on the whole, I don't think the movie really works on its own, without reference to the theatrical version."
Ebert On RENT

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#662Rent reviews--post here
Posted: 11/26/05 at 7:54pm

I finally saw the movie and unfortunately, I was not that impressed.

Parts of it were great, but I think the ending left much to be desired - especially the full screen of Adam's face singing "Your Eyes."

I would give it a B/B-. It just did not harness the energy of the live musical, and I thought some of the things seemed a little hokey. I looked at my watch a few times during the movie to see how much longer there was (though I generally knew because I know the music well).

I did like the way Take Me or Leave Me Was Staged, and Tango Maureen, and felt that Idina did a pretty good job with OTM and La Vie Boheme.

It seem like the sum of parts was much greater than the whole.

I thought Rosario was fine, as was Traci - the only weak spot seemed to be Adam to me.

Sorry Em. I know you loves you some Adam.

#663Rent reviews--post here
Posted: 11/26/05 at 8:15pm

I saw the movie for the third time last night, and made my best friend come along -- she bought the OBC soundtrack years and years ago, because it was popular in HS for her at the time...and she listened to the music a lot at the time but I don't think really ever got into it. I think it was just the "cool thing" to do at the time? Regardless, she has never seen the show and I've been a Rent-head since 2000 and have been trying to talk her into seeing it with me on Broadway for a long time now. She has always said she had no interest. Finally, I was like - "That's it! You are seeing the movie with me, end of story" --- Her mom passed away 2 years ago. My dad passed away last year. It had a huge effect on me years ago when my dad was struggling with cancer, and I knew, or at least hoped, it would have some sort of profound effect on her as well. Well, when the movie was over, she was sobbing - she turned to me crying and gave me a hug and said "I miss my mom. You were right about this, you were right."

I was so thankful it did afterall, have an effect on her. I couldn't have wished for anything more. She went from two days ago still saying she had no last night saying "Do you want to see the movie again tomorrow? When can we see it on Broadway?"

Love it. I don't mean to sound corny but...If only more people would give it a chance and let the love of it enter their hearts...

"I would rather take a flawed movie that has as much heart and passion and life and joy and energy and truth in it as this film does over any film that is completely perfectly presented and perfectly constructed but has none of that heart and life." -Anthony Rapp
Updated On: 11/26/05 at 08:15 PM

neocomposer Profile Photo
#664Rent reviews--post here
Posted: 11/26/05 at 9:10pm

I finally saw it last night (Friday)...I waited for my boyfriend. We are both huge fans of the show, its message, and Jonathan Larson. To give a background on me, my first experience seeing Rent in New York was a very emotional one and came at just the right time in my life. I cried so much that people sitting around me were worried. It really changed my life. Though that sounds cheesy to me as I type it. It really did.

Seeing this movie was an amazing experience. I am not really an eloquent critic, but it doesn't matter because I don't have any critiquing that I would like to do.

The cast really made the movie. Not one of them were drab or too much. It was all so real. I was especially happy to see what wonderful actresses both Rosario and Tracie are. I was very touched by both of their performances, and am glad they were added to this production. I became attached to mimi and Joanne in a way that I had never been before!! I thought Idina was amazing. Over the Moon killed me, as did Take me or Leave me. Even thought it is a somewhat emotional song, it was still hilarious seeing everyone watch the woman drama! I thought that the relationship between Collins and Angel was done perfectly!! I think that even though they are much older now, the energy and love that Wilson and Jesse portray is so invigorating. I really have nothing bad to say about any of the cast, Anthony and Adam were certainly on fire. Anthony's La Vie Boheme was so great, and though I dearly missed the end of Goodbye Love and Halloween- I was still ok with the way that Mark was presented. Roger was so raw and beautiful, Adam has matured so much! Taye was his usual smooth, wonderful, self, and his

The montage for Without You was one of my favorite parts. Though I am still collecting thoughts on many other parts of the movie, that is one that sticks out in my mind.

I think that, in the end, this was a VERY difficult show to put in movie form, but I couldn't be happier with the way that it was done. It might not be perfect, or even close the same experience I had that night when I learned so much about myself, and others, in the Nederlander, but it was still an new and amazing vision of Rent that I am so glad the world can now watch over and over. Film has the ability to do many things that the stage cannot ever do, and vice versa. I believe that the production team and cast of the movie Rent took advantage of this oppurtunity to show different aspects of the story in a more in depth way, and it was fantastic.

I am so pleased.

"That Sondheim kid has a big future."-Nathan Lane

#665Rent reviews--post here
Posted: 11/26/05 at 9:45pm

I loved it totally and completely, both times I saw it. And my friends, some of whom had been getting SICK of me babbling about it the weeks before it came out, all loved it as well. The only issue I had was the fact that my friends who didn't know the OBCR didn't know what was wrong with Mimi at the end. She thought she had OD'ed. She also didn't realize Roger was HIV positive. I realize they were trying to make it very time-period, but not many people even know what AZT is anymore. This is kind of a call for the rest of Goodbye Love (I'm sure it would have helped.) Or even a simple explaination about what AZT is. ::shrug::

That being said, she still adored the movie. She just didn't know what was really happening at the end.

Billboard Girl Profile Photo
Billboard Girl
#666Rent reviews--post here
Posted: 11/26/05 at 10:40pm

"The only issue I had was the fact that my friends who didn't know the OBCR didn't know what was wrong with Mimi at the end. She thought she had OD'ed."

I actually thought that Mimi OD'd when I saw it on Broadway and didn't realize that wasn't the case until seeing the scene in the movie where Roger confronts Mimi's dealer who doesn't seem to know where she is.

Anyway, my review of the movie:

While it had its flaws, the things it got right more than made up for them.

I was impressed with the cast for the most part, with one notable exception. Idina nailed Over The Moon, but outside of that I didn't really find her convincing as Maureen. Adam's portrayal of Roger was impressively nuanced and multi-dimensional, from the emotionally shut down moments towards the beginning of the film to the raw passion in the later scenes. Anthony's Mark is a masterful example of how a simple gesture or facial expression can convey so much. Rosario really brought out the vulnerability of Mimi to an extent I wasn't expecting. Jesse absolutely lit up the screen every second he was on it and deserves an Oscar for his performance. Wilson truly brought Angel to life. Tracie sang her ass off and I hope to hear more from her in the future. Taye did well with what he was given, but Benny's role was unfortunately cut to the point where he was more a plot device than an actual character.

While I can understand why Halloween was cut, as much of the subject matter is covered in Goodbye Love and What You Own, cutting the second half of Goodbye Love was a big mistake. Eliminating the Mark/Roger fight and Mimi and Roger's goodbyes made the rest of the film a bit hard to follow for those unfamiliar with the musical, and cutting out Benny's "redemption" served to seriously weaken him as a character. I also felt that leaving out any mention of April's suicide was a misguided decision. I saw the movie with my mother, who had not seen the musical beforehand, and after it was over, she told me she was confused about what went on during One Song Glory. I explained how it's handled in the musical, and she said that knowing that April killed herself really helped explain why Roger was so bitter.

I liked that most of the songs were staged in a way that seemed faithful to the spirit of the stage versions, although the fantasy sequence of Tango Maureen seemed a bit too contrived - it would have been more effective to either switch to the fantasy tango much earlier in the song or to stay in the reality of the performance space. However, any objections I had to anything in this film were washed away by the sheer brilliance of the Without You sequence.

"There was this one time an alarm went off - it was in the middle of '24.' That's just wrong. Everyone knows everyone was watching '24' at that time." --NYU student quoted in the Washington Square News about students ignoring the frequent fire alarms in dorms

#667Rent reviews--post here
Posted: 11/27/05 at 12:53pm

I saw a screening last Monday, then saw it again on it's opening night. I'm glad I saw it twice (three times now as of last night), because my opinion of it has improved with each viewing. I still think it's a mess at points, though.

Some random thoughts:

I think I'm in the minority, but I thought Idina gave the best performance of the bunch. I liked Adam a lot, too. I thought Taye was wasted - his poor role has been shredded to bits. He also has the unfortunate distinction of playing the one character in the show we aren't supposed to adore, and it's even worse for him on film than it is on stage. Benny's completely whittled down to nothing, gets denied any sort of redemption and barely gets to sing a note.

I think the movie almost derailed immediately by the starting with "Seasons of Love." Tell me it's an homage to the stage version, tell me it's a prologue, I don't care. It sucks. It's boring. It's kind of creepy. Strangely enough, Thoms is the stagiest of the performers in this scene. She moves weird. She tries too hard. Full disclosure - I've always hated this song, but I'll admit it does work onstage. The opening of this film is so dull and inspired that I'm not sure it ever truly recovers.

We barrel full steam into the title song without a shred of exposition. That said, the song is executed pretty well, and it's certainly exciting. It's marred by Chris Columbus's uniformly lackluster (yet competent) direction.

Why Columbus and Steve Chbosky decided to have half of Mimi's signature song, "Out Tonight," take place with her all bundled up, walking down the street, I'll never know. It doesn't work as her club song, either, except during it's opening chords, when it looks for a moment like it's going to be a recreation of the stage version. It's not, and it's the biggest disappointment in the film.

"Out Tonight" isn't a total wash, as it clicks again at the very end, when Dawson climbs out on her fire escape and wails "at the moon like a cat in heat." The look on Pascal's face as she bursts into the apartment is touching, and it's one of the few moments or sheer excitement in the film. It segues right into "Another Day" and it's satisfying to finally see things start cookin' on screen.

"Another Day" is actually one of my favorite songs in the film. The movie really gets out of its own way for a moment. "Light My Candle" is another winning number. Pascal and Dawson really work well together.

I loved "Over the Moon." Idina really impressed me throughout, though "Take Me or Leave Me" had a strange sit-comy feel to it that I still don't know if I loved or hated.

So much music and recitative has been cut, and yet the damn thing still clocks in at two and a quarter hours. Any time it builds even a hint of momentum, it quickly grinds down to a halt again. Songs appear out of nowhere ("Life Support" is particularly jarring) and often end with a thud.

On stage, Act One was the course of just of few hours while in the film it's about three days. It loses a lot of it urgency that way, and just raises a bunch of questions that no one but me truly gives a crap about (Do they really go to Life Support every day? Why does Angel always take her wig off at those meetings?).

How do they all seem to know each other, yet Roger and Mimi have never met. And why change Mimi's relationship with Benny to two years ago? The fact that she'd have been seventeen aside, weren't they all tight with Benny two years ago? Wouldn't Roger and Mark have met Mimi then?

I really did wind up liking it, but I think the film just draws more attention to the flaws in the piece, rather than fixing the problems inherant in the stage production.

"How do you like THAT 'misanthropic panache,' Mr. Goldstone?" - PalJoey

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#668Rent reviews--post here
Posted: 11/27/05 at 12:57pm

Bumping this for new reviews/so people can see it on the first page and not post any new threads.

When will the E&R review be up online? (Theres usually a sound clip of the review on

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#669Rent reviews--post here
Posted: 11/27/05 at 1:08pm

"I think I'm in the minority, but I thought Idina gave the best performance of the bunch."

I hope you're not in the minority there. I felt she took some mis-steps (though they seemed to be more directorial choices anyway...) in "Over the Moon," but for me, other than that, she was perfection if there ever was such a thing.

I actually felt "Out Tonight," despite the weird strip joint that wouldn't be in the East Village, was wel-shot. I loved the shots of her running down the street wailing out the song.

I thought "Another Day" was pathetic. Inexcusably so.

And I very much agree with the last sentence of you review, Kringas. I didn't really end up liking the movie...just the performances and music, which never actually came together as a film for but. But yes, the film seems to draw attention to the piece's flaws, AND it happens to add to them, and it does not fix or tuck away any of the ones that already existed.

EverythingIsRENT Profile Photo
#670Rent reviews--post here
Posted: 11/27/05 at 1:10pm

Re: Benny and Mimi - Wasn't Benny married two years ago? If so, then why would any of the gang have met Mimi since Benny was cheating? Hmmmm.

I don't understand your complaint about Out Tonight, how else could it have been staged? Also, how many critics could have balked at the notiuon of all these events happening over the course of one evening? They had to stretch it out a couple days. It was fine.

And Mark's opening bit (December 24th...) is enough exposition for the next song. Sorry, I just feel you are being a bit nit-picky about some things.

Sunchips: Best Kept Secret in the chip aisle!!

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#671Rent reviews--post here
Posted: 11/27/05 at 1:13pm

Mark's opening bit didn't seem like enough to go into "Rent" for me. The song came out of nowhere...

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#672Rent reviews--post here
Posted: 11/27/05 at 1:13pm

Benny and Mimi had a thing two years ago, but I was always under the impression that Benny was *recently* married. Like, very recently. After Mimi.

Out Tonight could've been staged a million ways; the way it ended up *so* isn't the only way. It could've been in the club the whole time. It could've not included the club at all. I love it, but of course there are other ways to do it.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#673Rent reviews--post here
Posted: 11/27/05 at 1:21pm

Wasn't Benny married two years ago? If so, then why would any of the gang have met Mimi since Benny was cheating? Hmmmm. Was he? Can you point out text that supports that? If Benny wants a year in back rent, doesn't that mean that he only moved out a year ago?

I don't understand your complaint about Out Tonight, how else could it have been staged?

It should have been completely in her apartment, like it was on stage. Having her do it in the club added nothing (except perhaps making one think, "Wow, that's one talented stripper). The middle section, with her all bundled up and skipping down the street, is completely out of place. The song lost all heat and excitement.

And Mark's opening bit (December 24th...) is enough exposition for the next song
To you, perhaps. It just seemed like he had this information about the eviction before he returned to the apartment. If so, why does it seem like Roger is just finding this out?

"How do you like THAT 'misanthropic panache,' Mr. Goldstone?" - PalJoey

sadiem100 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/27/05 at 1:21pm

Since I refuse to start a new Rent thread, I was wondering if any of you wonderful people have any idea of how long it takes a movie to come out on dvd after being in theatres... (I'm wondering if it can be on my birthday wishes list DVD )

"Electricity sparks inside of me... and I'm free, I'm free."
Updated On: 11/27/05 at 01:21 PM
