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All That Chat board down- Page 5

All That Chat board down

Jenna Maroney Profile Photo
Jenna Maroney
#100All That Chat board down
Posted: 1/19/11 at 2:50pm

"Remember when they banned the use of names of fictional characters as handles?"

I tried to sign up for ATC with this username, and I was rejected. I didn't bother to try a new handle.

#101All That Chat board down
Posted: 1/19/11 at 3:43pm

As mentioned before, I read both ATC and BBW on a daily basis, as well as Broadway Stars, an excellent site for theater news without any posting. ATC can certainly get insulting and condescending, but I do think that's true of most sites, theater or otherwise, where the posters are anonymous. For example, if you look at certain political sites you'll find name calling and insulting far worse than anything done on here or ATC. But once the poster is required to provide their real name, as in say letters to the Editor of various newspapers or magazines, then the conversation becomes much more civilized.

PB ENT. Profile Photo
#102All That Chat board down
Posted: 1/19/11 at 5:15pm

"Their only income is banner ads and that basically pays to keep the site live. No reviewer is paid there - no one is paid there, just as no "reviewer" or reporter is paid here." ~ bk

The income situation was also my understanding and I can attest that no reviewer is paid at ATC or BWW or BW Stars (which is a very comprehensive informative site as well ran by James Marino).

As mentioned, Ads plus huge web memberships = income. Income = more features = more Ads/exposure= more income etc. etc.

Each site has its own financial interest, demographics, rules, personality. Why don't people just read and post where you want. Not like posters can change anything. BWW regional writer "Philadelphia/South Jersey"

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#103All That Chat board down
Posted: 1/19/11 at 6:18pm

I am most amused that anyone with half a brain would think that anyone at talkinbroadway and ATC makes one cent off that site. They do not.

No one has suggested that. People are just questioning whether users should be the ones to fund security software that, in my opinion, the site should have been providing all along. If anything, ATC should be offering compensation for their negligence causing users' computers to be infected, not asking for more money.

The posters at ATC skew older than here - here there seem to be mostly teens and mostly teens who are aspiring performers.

When you make inaccurate statements like this, I find it hard to believe you read BWW as often as you claim, unless you're only checking the student board.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

#104All That Chat board down
Posted: 1/22/11 at 2:57pm

I wish ATC no harm, it is informative and interesting to read. Still, I can't help but be amused at how much the updates for their re-opening reminds me of the updates for "Spider-Man", often criticized at ATC. Here's hoping both have a speedy recovery.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#105All That Chat board down
Posted: 1/23/11 at 12:09pm

Well, they took down the donation button. Hm.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#106All That Chat board down
Posted: 1/23/11 at 12:37pm

Does anyone have any idea when the ATC will be up and running?

RaisedOnMusicals Profile Photo
#107All That Chat board down
Posted: 1/23/11 at 12:56pm

No clue, nor do I think anyone not associated with the website does, but it is surprising that there have not been any updates in over a week. You'd think that the administrators would want to give their subscribers more frequent updates. I mean, they must know by now ABOUT when the site will be secure, don't ya think?

CZJ at opening night party for A Little Night Music, Dec 13, 2009.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#108All That Chat board down
Posted: 1/23/11 at 1:24pm

Probably not.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#109All That Chat board down
Posted: 1/23/11 at 1:51pm

I am most amused that anyone with half a brain would think that anyone at talkinbroadway and ATC makes one cent off that site. They do not.

"No one has suggested that."

Oh, really?

"I do not quite understand Ann's 'volunteer' status. Props to her, if she's been working all those years for free."

"All That Chat is not the only Internet site that calls its moderators/owners 'volunteers.' Does anyone understand the economics involved... are they really just volunteers?"

"That's not to say that ATC's moderators worked for free"

I spend no time on the "student" board here - I don't even know what that is. I occasionally spend time on THIS board and on THIS board I see a LOT more teens than adults. But you knew that, didn't you?

ljay889 Profile Photo
#110All That Chat board down
Posted: 1/23/11 at 1:54pm

^ You don't seem to mind this board when you want to sell some of your albums.

#111All That Chat board down
Posted: 1/23/11 at 2:34pm

ljay889 ,I wouldn't bring up the Kritzerland releases. Considering the obscure shows like CRY FOR US ALL he's given us on cd I'd think that would be the last thing you'd try to throw in his face. Thank god he's doing it! He's probably my only hope for DONNYBROOK and ALL IN LOVE.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#112All That Chat board down
Posted: 1/23/11 at 2:47pm

I think it's a perfect time to bring it up. It's more than a little amusing (and pathetic) that he has no problems bashing the board in this thread, but then in the same breath, using it to his benefit when he wants to sell something. More than a little hypocritical, no?

#113All That Chat board down
Posted: 1/23/11 at 2:57pm

I don't characterize it as "bashing".

If however, you want to use the word "bash", I'd say he was an equal opportunity "basher".

May I remind you :
I find both rather intolerable most of the time

It is silly that the word "bash" is used haphazardly to describe that someone has anything negative to write about something.

It isn't bashing when he says that the board to him skews younger. It is just his opinion. Just as you have your opinion. You may not agree with him, but he is not "bashing".

After Eight
#114All That Chat board down
Posted: 1/23/11 at 4:54pm

To musicalsFan:

I feel that the sentence you cited, "I find both rather intolerable most of the time," qualifies fully as bashing.

And I agree with both ljay and adamgreer here. As one who has bought many of the Kritzerland recordings, I find it unseemly to come to a site to advertise one's wares and to disparage that very site. It also strikes me as bad business sense.

I don't know the demographics of Broadway World, as I don't read every thread. It does not seem to me to skew mostly teen. But even if it did, what would be the problem? Why assume a teen can't write as well, or have as insightful opinions of a work as an older person? Just because someone has seen every Rose since Merman doesn't mean that he/she is as intelligent or has as good taste as someone in high school.

The fact is, I'm very impressed with the enthusiasm, intelligence, and writing skills of the younger people in this group, though they may be in their 20s. I frankly find their analyses more cogent than many oldtime theatregoers more than twice their age. And they have better manners, too.

So let's stop age snobism.

And I would also argue against biting the hand that feeds you.

Updated On: 1/23/11 at 04:54 PM

buddy 11432 Profile Photo
buddy 11432
#115All That Chat board down
Posted: 1/23/11 at 6:31pm

He pulled my quote, so I need to respond:

I'm not bashing anyone. But I am asking how people can spend so much time volunteering without getting paid, especially in these bad economic time. It was not meant as an anti-ATC comment. Since the person who quoted me seems to have inside information, perhaps he can answer my question.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#116All That Chat board down
Posted: 1/23/11 at 6:59pm

I occasionally spend time on THIS board and on THIS board I see a LOT more teens than adults.

Really? So you know the ages of every poster and can accurately make this claim? Or you're making wide-sweeping assumptions in an effort to disparage BWW posters?

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

esparza 333
#117All That Chat board down
Posted: 1/23/11 at 7:08pm

I agree after eight, I am 14 years old and joined the board when I was 11 and feel that my postings are as valuable as anyone else's.

Current Avatar:The sensational Aaron Tveit in the soon to be hit production of Catch Me If You Can.

#118All That Chat board down
Posted: 1/23/11 at 7:53pm

"Really? So you know the ages of every poster and can accurately make this claim? Or you're making wide-sweeping assumptions in an effort to disparage BWW posters?"

I am not disparaging anyone, although I'm close to disparaging you for reasons you well know. I make this claim because the majority of posts that I've seen are made by teenagers who admit they're teenagers. I'm not saying it's bad that they're teenagers, I said that this board skews young and ATC doesn't. Anyone who knows me knows that I have consistently given opportunities to young performers, from eight to eighteen. I mean, I had to correct you once already - of course, you ignore the fact that you were wrong then, just as you'll ignore the fact that you're wrong now. So it was, so it shall always be.

But you keep trying, dear heart, really. It's fun.

As to giving the occasional head's up here, I do it as a courtesy. If you think that courtesy results in a lot of sales, think again.

Several people are behaving rather peculiarly in this thread. I'm not the only one who has mentioned the differences between these two boards and I don't consider anything I've said as biting the hand that feeds me. If you, AdamGreer think that's "pathetic" that says more about you than it does me.

My posting in this thread about this topic is my personal observation. I guess those of us who make a living in this business aren't allowed personal observations, eh?

But hey, you want to make this about something it isn't, don't buy the CDs.

Updated On: 1/23/11 at 07:53 PM

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#119All That Chat board down
Posted: 1/23/11 at 8:33pm

I mean, I had to correct you once already - of course, you ignore the fact that you were wrong then, just as you'll ignore the fact that you're wrong now. So it was, so it shall always be.

Hmmm, not exactly. I interpreted "that anyone at talkinbroadway and ATC makes one cent off that site" to be referring to income from banner ads, etc. (which, as I correctly stated, was not being discussed), not as to whether Ann and the mods are unpaid volunteers. Misinterpretation of your statement, but not technically wrong. If we want to get picky, I could say YOU were wrong because the site DOES make money from banner ads.

I make this claim because the majority of posts that I've seen are made by teenagers who admit they're teenagers. I'm not saying it's bad that they're teenagers, I said that this board skews young and ATC doesn't.

Maybe the people who admit their age are teenagers, but the majority of posters don't admit their age. So you're already basing this assumption on an inaccurate sampling. How old am I? How old is adamgreer? ljay? LizzieCurry?

Now who's ignoring the fact that you were wrong?

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how
Updated On: 1/23/11 at 08:33 PM

#120All That Chat board down
Posted: 1/24/11 at 1:25am

One of my New Year's resolutions was not to get sucked into these personal attacks and pedantry. I said very clearly that IN MY OPINION this board skews young. That has been my observation. The fact that you name three people who may or may not be young does not mean I am wrong nor does it change MY OPINION based on what I see here.

But you knew that. And I am done with this. I made some general comments that were my personal opinion and which did not include any attack on a specific person, unlike you and some of your pals, who immediately turned this into a personal attack. That, I'm afraid, is the only "pathetic" thing that's going on here, and if you and your cronies are indeed older, try behaving like it.

RaisedOnMusicals Profile Photo
#121All That Chat board down
Posted: 1/24/11 at 10:26am

Number 1: There is finally a new update posted about reopening ATC. They are in the "final stages" of preparing to reopen, and when it does, posters will have to create a "high security" password and re-enter their e mail address before posting for the first time.

Number 2: As an avid reader of both boards, it is also my sense that this board does "skew" younger than ATC. Without doing some type of demographic study, it remains my sense and my sense only. So what. All points are equally valid. It just seems to me based on some of the posts I've read on this topic that those here who may be younger are defensive about that fact. Don't be.

CZJ at opening night party for A Little Night Music, Dec 13, 2009.

April Saul
#122All That Chat board down
Posted: 1/24/11 at 10:54am

I really enjoy both boards, but that last heated exchange really flies in the face of the posters who said the ATC board was far more nasty than this one! The truth is that people on both boards argue passionately about issues they feel strongly about, but it would be great if folks could do it without getting so personal...just my opinion here!

#123All That Chat board down
Posted: 1/24/11 at 11:17am

Of course this board skews younger than ATC. Are people really doubting that?

#124All That Chat board down
Posted: 1/24/11 at 7:43pm

What I miss about the absence of ATC is the sense of theater oral history it chronicled. A post saying it was the 25th anniversary since show x opened brought out wonderful reminisces. Recently someone posted how perched near the theater box office he heard Barbra's first audition for "Funny Girl." Thrilling. I think that's why there's the impression that BWW skews younger.
