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Andy Karl performance schedule- Page 6

Andy Karl performance schedule

#125Andy Karl performance schedule
Posted: 6/24/17 at 6:17pm

Notreallysilent 2 said: "I have a question about his scheduled week off. Before when clicking on Ticketmaster for one of the performances in the week of the 26th it would give you a note saying Andy was going to be absent and who was going to be playing Phil (I believe it was Sean was the 26-28 matinee and Andrew as the 28 evening to the rest of the week). However I was checking again and now there is no note for any of the performances. Is Andy now going to be in for that week or do you think it's just Ticketmaster just took down the note?"

Sorry, what week was this supposed to be for?

EDIT: nevermind - read farther down and see that it's supposed to be this week coming?

Updated On: 6/24/17 at 06:17 PM

Notreallysilent 2
#126Andy Karl performance schedule
Posted: 6/24/17 at 6:38pm

Well it was supposed to be for this upcoming week, but It doesn't seem that Andy is going in vacation anymore, so I don't think it will happen.

stephimarie Profile Photo
#127Andy Karl performance schedule
Posted: 6/24/17 at 11:42pm

Yeah both Andrew and Sean (the two Phil understudies) said they don't have any performances scheduled at the moment so I'm assuming Andy is scheduled for this coming week

Skimbleshanks2 Profile Photo
#128Andy Karl performance schedule
Posted: 6/25/17 at 6:46am

Why do you think his vacay got canceled?? Are they worried about ticket sales dipping even lower? That was my first thought... 

That and he'll probably have a whole lot of vacation time by the end of the year LOL

"See that poster on the wall? Rocky Marciano." - Andy Karl as Rocky in 'ROCKY'

#129Andy Karl performance schedule
Posted: 6/25/17 at 11:54am

I live in London but was away during its run at The Old Vic last year so didn't catch it. I don't understand why it wasn't sent to the West End (Old Vic isn't sometimes classed as proper West End) before coming here. Perhaps due to theatre availability or producers thought it would play better to an American audience and that it would struggle playing night after night in the WE - a big budget musical that's neither a veteran tourist trap (Wicked, Phantom, Les Mis), doesn't appeal to kids (Lion King, Matilda), doesn't have the uniqueness of Book of Mormon and wouldn't attract the upscale play audience.

Still, from what I've read, the humour sounds very wry and sharp, something that the Brits would love and that it would face the same problems in NYC as in London.

but I suppose my question is that I'm here in NYC until the end of July - should I seek it out or count on it coming back to London some time? I don't think WE audiences will be that concerned they're second choice.

#130Andy Karl performance schedule
Posted: 6/25/17 at 12:07pm

Callum- don't walk, RUN to the August Wilson as soon as you can to catch this performance with this cast. It is incredible. It is simply a joy. The set, the music, the performers- it takes you on an unexpected emotional journey.

It is far too easy to get an affordable ticket- the $40 lottery is easy to win, TKTS or rush will also score you good seats. I recommend the front of the mezz so you can see all of the details in the set and clever Broadway magic. Don't miss it!

Malka2 Profile Photo
#131Andy Karl performance schedule
Posted: 6/25/17 at 3:23pm

I agree, don't risk missing this show! And as great as other leads might be, there's something absolutely unmatchable about Andy Karl as Phil. 

#132Andy Karl performance schedule
Posted: 6/25/17 at 3:56pm

I third the motion.  

Callum, you should see it now.  Not just for Andy's performance, but because if it does close early on Broadway, I think that would jeopardize its return to the West End.  Investors might not be willing to risk it again, despite how well it did there the first time.

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#133Andy Karl performance schedule
Posted: 6/25/17 at 4:01pm

Groundhog Day is among the very, very top of my theatre recommendations for friends and family. Do not miss it!

#134Andy Karl performance schedule
Posted: 6/25/17 at 5:34pm

Run don't talk to this gem of a show!  He is so wonderful in it and it's just a great show.  

#135Andy Karl performance schedule
Posted: 6/25/17 at 9:58pm

So I should see it then? Andy Karl performance schedule

#136Andy Karl performance schedule
Posted: 6/25/17 at 10:03pm

Callum_brown1 said: "So I should see it then? "


Yep. I agree with the advise you've been getting. See it while you can.


Skimbleshanks2 Profile Photo
#137Andy Karl performance schedule
Posted: 6/29/17 at 6:40am

Does anyone else find it annoying that ORFEH uses ANDY KARL's social media to promote her own / friends' stuff like jewelry lines etc.? It's tacky...

Does she post on social media for him???

"See that poster on the wall? Rocky Marciano." - Andy Karl as Rocky in 'ROCKY'

Malka2 Profile Photo
#138Andy Karl performance schedule
Posted: 6/29/17 at 2:47pm

This is a sidebar question skimbleshanks, but I'll answer it:

Does anyone else find it annoying that ORFEH uses ANDY KARL's social media to promote her own / friends' stuff like jewelry lines etc.? It's tacky...

Social media accounts belong completely and solely to the person whose account it is. I know that for many celebs it's become one more way to build their brand and for their fans to feel connected to them and in many cases "grab" some more of them (think of how every post by Chrissy Teigen is turned into a news article about her life/marriage/parenting), but it's important to remember that these are real people living their lives who have zero responsibility to give us any more of themselves than what they do on stage.

As much I love the insta-stories and tweets and posts that we get from so many Bway cast members, we have absolutely no right to expect anyone to share any personal part of their life with us on social media, just because they've got fans. Andy seems much more committed to his work than to building a "brand", but at the end of the day everyone is entitled to share as much or as little as they want with the public.

#139Andy Karl performance schedule
Posted: 7/5/17 at 7:08pm

Has anyone heard any updates as to when Andy is out coming up?

#140Andy Karl performance schedule
Posted: 7/5/17 at 9:10pm

Nothing's been officially posted that I've seen.  Although with a 4 show(5 w/Friday) weekend coming up leading right into Monday night kicking off another full week, I wouldn't be surprised if Andy was given a performance off.

Lucky for us, but not the show, you can wait until close to curtain and get great seats at TKTS, if you're really worried.

Updated On: 7/5/17 at 09:10 PM

#141Andy Karl performance schedule
Posted: 7/5/17 at 11:42pm

Thanks. Not worried, I've seen him 5 times. Asking for a friend :)

#142Andy Karl performance schedule
Posted: 7/10/17 at 1:16pm

FYI, Andrew Call is on tonight as Phil Connors.  Per his Twitter.

Also, apparently Jordon Grubb played the Sheriff and Buster yesterday. Instead of changing from one to the other, he did both parts as the Sheriff. The joys of live theater. 

Greenifyme2 - Did your friends get to see Andy? Hope their tickets weren't for tonight, even though Andrew is great from all reports. 

phan24 Profile Photo
#143Andy Karl performance schedule
Posted: 7/10/17 at 1:41pm

Random: Saw the show this past Friday and Andy is no longer wearing his big bulgy black knee brace, but instead now only wears skin-colored tape.

#144Andy Karl performance schedule
Posted: 7/10/17 at 1:58pm

Yeah, he switched to the sleeve brace about a month ago.

Can't believe Andy just did a 5 show weekend with that injury. I'm glad he's been able to recover and do the show so consistently. He's a true pro. 

Updated On: 7/10/17 at 01:58 PM

#145Andy Karl performance schedule
Posted: 7/10/17 at 4:29pm

Forgive my ignorance as I am only an occasional theatergoer and have a hard time getting to New York from the West Coast.

I have seen that Groundhog Day is doing poorly at the box office and might close prematurely. Does anybody have any informed speculation on how soon that could be? I love the source material and have dug the music so want to make a plan to see it if it is indeed going to be put to bed. What would a window for that look like? 
Please forgive if this is a redundant question/topic.

stephimarie Profile Photo
#146Andy Karl performance schedule
Posted: 7/10/17 at 4:43pm

Do we think they just gave him a day off because of the busy weekend schedule and he'll be back tomorrow? Because I'm seeing the show tomorrow and really hoping to see him!

adamgreer Profile Photo
#147Andy Karl performance schedule
Posted: 7/10/17 at 5:13pm

10086Sundays said: "Yeah, he switched to the sleeve brace about a month ago.

Cant believe Andy just did a 5 show weekend with that injury. I'm glad he's been able to recover and do the show so consistently. He's a true pro. 


I agree with the sentiment, but just had to add that as someone who has torn an ACL and had it treated non-surgically, you don't "recover" from it. You simply learn to live with it and you learn your limitations. The ACL doesn't repair itself over time. You learn to compensate for it and get by through strengthening of the muscles, something that a good physical therapist helps you with. The only way to "fix" it is to have the surgery and get the graft put in. 

That being said, what he's doing is nothing short of amazing. I haven't seen the show,  but by all accounts it's a very physical role and the fact that he's up there 8 shows a week most weeks is incredible. 

#148Andy Karl performance schedule
Posted: 7/10/17 at 5:26pm

gf2020 - None of us have any insider intel, however the consensus seems to be that it won't make it past Labor Day.  Best case is New Years, but that's a long shot in my opinion.

stephimarie - I saw the show over the weekend and he seemed to be fine, so I think it's just a planned day off since they're going two weeks without one and he just did all of the weekend shows. 

adamgreer - Good point, I should have said overcome the injury not recover from it. And, yes, it is a very physical role and he's onstage basically the whole show. 


ETA - Callum - Did you make it to the show yet?  If so, what did you think?

Updated On: 7/10/17 at 05:26 PM

Leaf Coneybear Profile Photo
Leaf Coneybear
#149Andy Karl performance schedule
Posted: 7/10/17 at 5:40pm

I know this doesn't belong in this thread but it doesn't deserve its own, does Andy Karl stagedoor frequently? Thanks
