when i was in 9th grade, i saw the producers and was offended by the "keep it gay" scene. i'm heterosexual, but i thought it would be offensive to people who were gay. i talked to some people i knew who were gay and most of them said they were not offended by it, so i figured that if they're not, i shouldn't be....i saw it again freshman year in college and was less offended....all of the producers is offensive (please they do a figure 8 of a swatstika haha), so i'm not offended by it anymore
"I was offended by Spring Awakening. I hope musical theatre isn't turning to that. A cheap rip off of another bad musical currently running. "
Little_Sally said she was offended by Corpus Christi. It was probably about Teh Gays...specially about Christ as a gay person.
I actually missed that show when it toured here in SF. They showed it several times at the Grace Cathedral.
In 1999....I was a much different person (Think of a Zealot, Xtian Warrior) and I was totally offended by RENT...I never listened to it until the movie version came out :P
If I was the same person...I would have been offended by Spelling Bee's incorporation of Jesus Christ in the show, Avenue Q, Wicked...because of the Witches (I didn't watch the 1st and 2nd Harry Potter) and Jersey Boys because of all the profanities!!!!
but now...I have a much open mind enjoy theater for what it has to offer.
I am excited to see Spring Awakening and the touring production of Big Voice from the original cast :P
Updated On: 8/22/07 at 03:41 PM
My cousin was slightly offended by BKLYN, but I think that was just because it just so happened to be that the antagonist was black and Brooklyn was white.
BIG: The Musical...when the kids on stage uttered the word "a**hole". Come on...did they HAVE to? I was waiting for them to say "f**k you" at any moment.
A lot of moms also won't take their kids to Hairspray because Edna is played by a man. It's pretty pathetic.
"My cousin was slightly offended by BKLYN, but I think that was just because it just so happened to be that the antagonist was black and Brooklyn was white."
Brooklyn was Latin/Mexican/Spanish (Whatever "Espinosa" is) Hhahahah
You can be Black and have a Latin last name. Just look at the Domincan Republic.
Anyway, I have never been offended by a show, mostly because I read about them before I go. The web makes it too easy to be informed. I was surprised that Maureen mooned Benny in "Rent", but the actress playing her had a great ass, so it was OK.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/19/03
"J. Edgar" on LA theater works on public radio-for reasons that should be self evident to anyone who heard it.
To some extent "Xanadu" because of the rather creepy sub-text of "Ha-ha, Isn't this funny what the music theater had fallen to (making musicals out of crappy movies)" When the truth of the matter is that it really isn't funny at all. (However, I found the show quite funny).
"I wouldn't exactly say Equus "offended" me but it just made me uncomfortable. I still think it's a great work though."
Really great theatre should make you uncomfortable. It should make you think, see things you thought you were certain of in a different light, it should educate, sometimes it can even enlighten.
Updated On: 8/22/07 at 05:35 PM
MAMMA MIA - with some of the coarsest acting, worst choreography, ridiculous plot points, ugly costuming, poor blocking, shoe-horned songs into the book, all topped off by the over extended curtain call, offended me.
Well some of the jokes in Spamalot I found to be completely unfunny and sometimes offensive. I have serious issues with that show. Its enjoyable, but I am not pleased by it.
I know its not a show, but I found Borat to be the most offensive thing I have ever experienced in my life. (Sorry I had to let that out)
Ditto the Borat comment, OOTI.
I know lots of folks who were offended by The Pillowman. I think part of the problem was that when they performed it locally, they advertised it as a straight comedy, so people were expecting something light.
I also was a bit offended by "Spamalot" in some of its stereotypes. And though it is my favorite play OF ALL TIME, I remember several people leaving "The Pillowman" at intermission, and during the child torture scene due to offensive material. (This was on Broadway)
I was at a production of MARAT/SADE and many people walked away seeming a bit disturbed and offended by it. I enjoyed myself very much, however. It was a great production as well.
I enjoyed PILLOWMAN, also. I didn't hear anyone talking about being offended by it after the performance, though.
Urgh agreed with BORAT. As far as films go, SO many people were offended by Little Children.
But yes. Shows.
Swing Joined: 6/2/07
My alltime favorite show is Hairspray but it offended me about the whole Special Ed thing..I did not think in this day and age that was appropriate.
I have a child special ed who went to this show for her 13th birthday. I took all her friends. They all know she has a learning disability. After the show she told me she was embarassed when they kept talking about how Tracy had to go to special ed classes...
think the writers could of changed this to either tracy being truant or maybe little disruptive in class.
Either way, in the year 2007 there are so many more kids mainstreamed into regular classes.
This is such a great show and I always wonder why they would put down this segment of the population..........
I understand that view, but to be fair it is taking place in the early 60s.
I was mildly offended my the depiction of theatre kids in High School Musical
The Drowsy Chperone my inteligence was bruised.
Leading Actor Joined: 3/13/07
Must have been badly bruised WickedBoy63. It seems to have rendered you unable to spell the word Chaperone.
Updated On: 8/22/07 at 09:20 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/13/05
High School Musical offends me because of it depiction of theatre as well...especially because it takes itself seriously.
I know the film is silly, but I get a vibe from it that it is trying to be serious. That what irks me. If it didn't, I would not mind at all, and would probably just laugh.
I may be biased though, since I despise it.
haha- Don't kill me, but I've always thought that at least the depiction of Ryan and Sharpee are pretty accurate. I've seen MANY high school theatre students just like that. The movies themselves are crap though.
History Boys disgusts me.
Hairspray is an insult .