RippedMan said: "Tickets were also bought for the tour "
What tour are you referring to? Are they relaunching the cancelled tour?
Sho-Tunes-R-Us said: "RippedMan said: "Tickets were also bought for the tour "
What tour are you referring to? Are they relaunching the cancelled tour?"
He's saying that he still doubts the NYC run will happen, because tickets were also bought for the tour that was cancelled.
Zenobia said: "Having seen the show several times in London - if they use the same set (and I'm sure they will) they cannot bring the action downstage due to how the set is constructed. There's a lot of camera work though, so they might install extra screens up on the balcony and on the very sides of the orchestra where people might be able to see what they're missing (at least in part). But I would avoid the balcony and make sure to be able to see as much of the whole stage as possible."
If they use the entire stage and have screens or a scrim against the back wall the balcony will be hard pressed to see anything. And if they use scaffolding to elevate actors or musicians way upstage by the back wall the balcony will have a hard time seeing then as well. My guess is that extra screens will be put in on the sides (as Zenobia stated) similar to what they use for television Upfronts or Concerts to give the balcony a better view of things. And that could work well if video is incorporated already in the staging.
The best seats in the house at City Center, and you may quote me, are in the Grand Tier.
Surprised the tour cast are still involved given how much negativity they put out about the cancelled tour. But I guess a job is a job! I hope they keep the crazy staging and we don’t get a watered down version! It’s a long sit down! Too bad they couldn’t find a better venue for it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/2/14
I am going to assume the tour cast is contractually obligated to be involved.
Chorus Member Joined: 4/23/19
If he heals up by then. Transcribed from a video message posted to the tour's Facebook page:
"Hi, this is Meat Loaf, and I had planned on being in New York this week to help announce the exciting news about the Bat Out of Hell musical. But I got so distracted, thinking about the killer performances and the head-banging songs, that I fell right off a stage and banged myself up real good! Ouch! So let this serve as a warning: Bat Out of Hell will seep into your brain and make you lose all control! The leads of this show, Andrew and Christina, are true rock stars and they've never made our songs sound better; in fact, the entire damn show is so good it might be hazardous to your health! So see it at your own risk - but see it!"
But they burned them bad. Just surprised they all were like “okay sure.” Seems odd. And just surprised there were no other auditions or anything. Seems very strange. But I def want to see the show.
Well...I'm in. Third time better be a charm [tour canx for SF and DC previously]. Flying in from San Fransissyco August 19 and attending August 20 at 7pm. Center orchestra, row L, aisle seats. Happy to receive feedback from anyone re the location.
Sho-Tunes-R-Us said: "Well...I'm in. Third time better be a charm [tour canx for SFand DC previously]. Flying in from SanFransissyco August 19 and attending August 20 at 7pm. Center orchestra, row L, aisle seats. Happy to receive feedback from anyone re the location."
I think your seat will be great. It is 4 or 5 rows from the back of the house. I do not think it is a show one would want to sit to close to.
The one thing that my stage hand friend told me was that some of the delays that happened as far as officially announcing the run and starting ticket sales had to do with a back and forth between lawyers. I would guess some of it had to do with technical elements of the show since you cannot compromise the proscenium or the interior of the theatre. My other guess would be financial agreements especially if the producer cancels the show..
SmoothLover said: "Sho-Tunes-R-Us said: "Well...I'm in. Third time better be a charm [tour canx for SFand DC previously]. Flying in from SanFransissyco August 19 and attending August 20 at 7pm. Center orchestra, row L, aisle seats. Happy to receive feedback from anyone re the location."
I think your seat will be great. It is 4 or 5 rows from the back of the house. I do not think it is a show one would want to sit to close to.
The one thing that my stage hand friend told me was that some of the delays that happened as far as officially announcing the run and starting ticket sales had to do with a back and forth between lawyers. I would guess some of it had to do with technical elements of the show since you cannot compromise the proscenium or the interior of the theatre. My other guess would be financial agreements especially if the producer cancels the show..
Thanks. And we won't even THINK "cancel", hokay? <big grin>
RippedMan said: "But they burned them bad. Just surprised they all were like “okay sure.” Seems odd. And just surprised there were no other auditions or anything. Seems very strange. But I def want to see the show. "
Doing a show when you’ve had a troubled/failed history with it, sure, odd. Accepting a job because it’s offered and you need one? Not that odd.
Chorus Member Joined: 9/8/17
I wonder if Andrew will play all shows. Went to see him in London - his understudy went on. Came home and bought 1st row center seat to Boston opening night - tour cancelled. I LOVED being in the front row. It was so much fun !
He didn't do Wednesday Evening and Saturday Matinee in London and the two alternates went on for one show each. As his US Tour alternate Kaleb Wells is in the cast, I presume he will be doing a few shows as Strat, too, but it's anyone's guess which. Perhaps he'll also get one show each week only as it's not such a long run. I'd treat carefully around the matinees and maybe stick with Fri or Sat Evening as the safest option for the lead guy to be on.
We saw Polec at a Saturday matinee last June, so he did some matinees.
In any event, I've been listening to the cast recording and recalling how much fun I had at the show - even though it is incomprehensible, muddled and insane. I would see it again - my lovely spouse has no such interest.
I think they did a "sing a long" performance in London - I wonder if one will be designated for the City Center run.
Yea I came back to say, sorry, I remembered wrongly. He didn't do Mon Eve / Wed Eve / Sat Matinee for a while, then started doing the Saturday matinee, so the other two did Monday and Wednesday Eve. I forgot that the Monday performance existed. Still, in NY it will be 2 shows on Sat and 2 shows on Sun, which is a massive demand on a young voice, so I'm still quite sure he'll take one of these 4 off.
Swing Joined: 11/4/18
Not sure about the whole cast, but I know some of the leads are from the London / Toronto cast, not the US Tour company (except Andrew, who was both).
I find having most of the balcony partial view to be very strange. I mean why would you not book another house? The balcony is like a third or more of the entire theater. And then using video screens to compensate its like well why don't I just go home and watch television?
The producers have a terrible track record. I mean, the balcony of City Center is pretty damn huge. That's a large chunk of tickets that people are going to be wary of buying. Why not just come to Broadway in the summer after something closes? Like the Hair tour did, etc? This just seems odd planning and odd choices.
To me it is not worth keeping the integrity of the original staging. Just bring everything downstage for God's sake. And put screens up on the walls in the house on the Mezz and balcony levels.
Even the Upper Mezz at City Center has sightline problems when there is a screen on the back wall or something is elevated past a point upstage .There are also sightline issues as I said before with seats to the far right or far left in the Mezz and Grand Tier. It an actor is far upstage left for example they cannot be seen by many far house right patrons.
This whole thing is... questionable. Coming to a Broadway-adjacent theater at the end of summer? And one that is far more suited to concerts and ballet than a lavish musical production? With only the "timeless music of Meat Loaf" as the main draw?
It... would not be something I'd invest in.
Understudy Joined: 11/25/15
Very much looking forward to seeing this as I saw it in London and loved it! But the theater is making me a bit nervous. I have no idea how they are going to do this. The original show set was quite lavish and I just don't know how they are going to fit it into City Center.
P.S. This is a show people are going to either love or loathe.
I think they purposely did not want a Broadway house but I cannot remember the reasoning. I think it might have been less expensive for them and it does seat around 2400. And maybe if you cancel at City Center you do not lose as much as if you cancel on Broadway. The only thing is I do not think you can be considered for a Tony award at City Center.
Chorus Member Joined: 9/8/17
Think I'll plan a little mini-vacation. Bus or train to NYC on Friday afternoon. Hotel close to theatre district. BOoH Friday night then matinee on Sat. Maybe Frankie and Johnny?
I'm currently on treatment that causes extreme fatigue so I really have to pace myself. I'll call theatres to see if there is someway I don't have to stand for long periods of time. Problem is my medical issue isn't visible so maybe letter from doctor to verify?