Holy cow--this is a huge amount of money! Get it, Bette! https://www.broadwayworld.com/article/Bette-Midler-Will-Make-Bank-Doing-HELLO-DOLLY-Next-Year-20160125
I imagine they have a fairly large theater in mind, given this news!
Guess who will be paying thru the nose for it?
adamgreer said: "I imagine they have a fairly large theater in mind, given this news!"
Agreed. This also makes me wonder who else will be cast, given that such a large chunk is going to Bette. Do you think they'll have to get smaller names to make up the difference?
Is she that big of a draw
this news should shock absolutely no one.
Call_me_jorge said: "Is she that big of a draw
"Is she that big of a draw"
Call_me_jorge said: "Is she that big of a draW
Really? Her one woman play was a big sell out success. Bette as Dolly is going to be MASSIVE.
Updated On: 1/25/16 at 12:47 PMBroadway Legend Joined: 11/21/06
Who thought she'd be doing it for charity?
And the box office for this is likely to be huge, and entirely on her name. I think fondness or curiosity for the show is a distant second, as evidenced by the headlines her announcement made. Previous announcements of this show possibly returning were not major news.
Understudy Joined: 10/24/15
Out of curiosity, which is probably just showing my ignorance, but why is this publicly disclosed information, unless somehow there are taxpayer subsidies involved? I mean, I sure didn't hear announcements of how much per week some of the other famous divas who've been on Broadway over the last couple of years were pulling. And frankly, I certainly didn't need, nor did I necessarily want to know that stuff.
Featured Actor Joined: 7/9/05
It's as it should be. It sounds like she will be making 10% of the gross. A lot of stars command that attention. If the show pulls in 1.5 million a week that's about right. It's well deserved. No one will see the show without her.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
It actually seems like a reasonable salary to me.
I still wish we were getting a production of Rochelle, Rochelle: The Musical (One young woman's strange erotic journey from Milan to Minsk) instead.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
GoblinKing2 said: "Out of curiosity, which is probably just showing my ignorance, but why is this publicly disclosed information, unless somehow there are taxpayer subsidies involved? I mean, I sure didn't hear announcements of how much per week some of the other famous divas who've been on Broadway over the last couple of years were pulling. And frankly, I certainly didn't need, nor did I necessarily want to know that stuff."
Only if you consider Page Six to be "publicly disclosed." Which it's not.
Buscee said: "It's as it should be. It sounds like she will be making 10% of the gross. A lot of stars command that attention. If the show pulls in 1.5 million a week that's about right. It's well deserved. No one will see the show without her."
That absolutely makes sense. I am sure it will be making that kind of profit with her leading the company...
I also assume Midler will not be involved for a terribly long time- I'll Eat You Last was a limited engagement of less than four months, and she didn't even really have to move in that.
Actually, this time I assumed she's made a longer commitment. Not as long as her Dion replacement gig in Vegas, but more in the 9 months range, surely. If the show is being mounted around her participation as the event, it's hard to fathom a brief run. A year's announcement in advance suggests to me that she's going to commit to a sizable run. A year with two vacations? Possible this time.
I am in agreement that she deserves what she is getting paid for this what I don't understand is the need to publicize and discuss her salary or any other performer's salary for that matter. I don't care, it holds no bearing whether I'm going to like or see the production and it's really none of my or anybody else's business other than those directly involved.
If CZJ and Lansbury both received two weeks vacation for a 6 month run in Night Music, I would imagine Bette could get 3-4 weeks off if she committed to a one year run.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Salaries are discussed all the time. It won't affect whether I see it or not, either....doesn't make it any less interesting, even in an "ohmigod, what a lot of money" sort of way. I just hope I can afford whatever price they set, because this gal is GOING.
Since you didn't care, why did you bother to open the thread? To chastize those that decided to chat about it? Notice, no one is bashing her about it and the only one to even have a negative comment at all is Roxy. (Shocking, right?)
If I have to pay top price to see this, than so be it. Coming from Australia the trip is always a size able chunk of change. Dropping a few hundred on a ticket would be well worth it, but in saying that I wouldn't drop that much on say Hamilton
If you and others want to be fleeced over and over again, enjoy yourself.
See ya around kiddies .
Mr Roxy said: "Guess who will be paying thru the nose for it?"
I know two people who won't, but will find discount options that are even better.