How was Betty vocally? Similar to Bette and Bernadette, or did she use any of the higher keys that were used for Donna? Also, did you Stage door and if so, who all came out? Glad to hear the production is in solid shape in comparison to the gem of the Broadway production that sadly just left us!
I didn’t see Donna, but she did use some of the higher keys. I thought she was great vocally.
The eating bit was very funny, though not as funny. She did a few ad libs of “OH MY GOD!” to the dumplings. It didn’t seem to last as long as it did on Broadway though.
Also, here are the bows:
I didn’t see Donna, but she did use some of the higher keys. I thought she was great vocally.
The eating bit was very funny, though not as funny. She did a few ad libs of “OH MY GOD!” to the dumplings. It didn’t seem to last as long as it did on Broadway though.
Also, here are the bows:
I did go to the stage door, but it was confusing as I was waiting at the wrong door. I saw Nic and a few others come out.
We were the only people waiting and they come up this giant ramp and I thought I saw her walking and she was about to get into a car a bit down the ramp and I yelled to her that she was amazing. She said thank you so much for coming and walked up the ramp and said “what’s your name?” I said my name and she said “it’s nice to meet you charlie, I’m Betty.” And I said “I know” and then she introduced me to her assistant and her police escort lol Then we talked for a few minutes, she signed my Playbill “to Charlie - Love, Betty” and then her assistant asked if we wanted a picture and then she gave us a big hug and walked away.
broadwayboy -
I am trying to shoot you a PM but for some reason it is not letting me type you a message. Shoot my a message on Facebook (my name is Charlie Murphy, my profile pic is me holding a SpongeBob Playbill) or on Instagram (n2nbaby). I may have something for you. :)
Broadway Star Joined: 5/15/11
She had a police escort? She isn’t Beyoncé !!
n2nbaby said: "Also, here are the bows:
Saw this - damn near cried my eyes out - and had a flashback to the Shubert Theater of how incredible and joyous the show was, and how this looked exactly like it. I’ll take the little differences you mentioned that are in the new tour, and will be absolutely thrilled to see this next Friday. THANK YOU for the review, and I’m looking forward to others today as more people come back to the forum with their thoughts.
Just noticed in that video they have "christmas" lights instead of lamps above the hudson river valley scene!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
I'm thrilled to read these good reports of the show. As I have serious health issues right now I can't travel, otherwise I'd have been there last night. Hopefully my situation will soon be rectified and I'll be able to catch the tour in Orlando.
We wish you a speedy recovery Dollypop. Your enthusiasm cures all; I have no doubt you’ll be circling the passerelle again in no time.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
That curtain call video made me really happy! Thanks, n2nbaby!
I hope to catch the production in Tempe, but I am not sure yet. I'll be doing everything in my power to get there! I love "Hello, Dolly!" so much and have been so sad since it closed so just knowing that this production is playing somewhere brings me so much joy.
The curtain call video didn't give the warm fuzzys the New York one's do. Especially when Betty comes out. But it is only cell phone video. I guess no shaking of hands or any of that due to the fake passarelle?
Updated On: 9/26/18 at 11:16 AMBroadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
ozjust4 said: "That curtain call video made me really happy! Thanks, n2nbaby!
I hope to catch the production in Tempe, but I am not sure yet. I'll be doing everything in my power to get there! I love "Hello, Dolly!" so much and have been so sad since it closed so just knowing that this production is playing somewhere brings me so much joy."
I agree with you. Now the "Dolly Glow" is spreading across the country!
I don't know. Betty looks kind of frumpy and uncomfortable in that curtain call. Looking forward to this. Dolly is such a great show,
I noticed in those bows that they cut two women and two men from the non-dancing ensemble.
Bette's Turban said: "I don't know. Betty looks kind of frumpy and uncomfortable in that curtain call. Looking forward to this. Dolly is such a great show,"
I wouldn't say frumpy and uncomfortable since her smile is beaming but a very mannered curtain call-bows.
Robbie2 said: "Bette's Turban said: "I don't know. Betty looks kind of frumpy and uncomfortable in that curtain call. Looking forward to this. Dolly is such a great show,"
I wouldn't say frumpy and uncomfortable since hersmile is beaming but a very mannered curtain call-bows."
Well you are right. Upon second viewing I could tell that at the very end she was smiling and beaming. And perhaps frumpy is not the word I should have used. But she still looked uncomfortable. And of course I am just talking about that little clip of the bows. My judgement might also affected by that woohooing from whomever that was by whoever recorded. If you watch the endless videos of the Broadway curtain calls with all three different Dolly's; the joy comes thru. Again.. I am only commenting on this short little video clip which really tells me nothing..
Wow, what a great clip. Thanks for sharing. Really looking forward to seeing it!
Bette's Turban said: "Robbie2 said: "Bette's Turban said: "I don't know. Betty looks kind of frumpy and uncomfortable in that curtain call. Looking forward to this. Dolly is such a great show,"
I wouldn't say frumpy and uncomfortable since hersmile is beaming but a very mannered curtain call-bows."
Well you are right. Upon secondviewing I could tell that at the very end she was smiling and beaming. And perhaps frumpy is not the word I should have used. But she still looked uncomfortable. And of course I am just talking about that little clip of the bows. My judgement might also affected by that woohooing from whomever that was by whoever recorded. If you watch the endless videos of the Broadway curtain calls with all three different Dolly's; the joy comes thru. Again.. I am only commenting on this short little video clip which really tells me nothing.. "
That was me that recorded it and I was woohooing due to the fact I couldn’t clap due to me filming the curtain call and wanted to express my love for the case. I filmed the curtain call because I know this board had a lot of Dolly fans who won’t be able to see the tour and was lucky enough to be the first stop on the road.
Next time i me I suppose I just won’t.
n2nbaby said: "Bette's Turban said: "Robbie2 said: "Bette's Turban said: "I don't know. Betty looks kind of frumpy and uncomfortable in that curtain call. Looking forward to this. Dolly is such a great show,"
I wouldn't say frumpy and uncomfortable since hersmile is beaming but a very mannered curtain call-bows."
Well you are right. Upon secondviewing I could tell that at the very end she was smiling and beaming. And perhaps frumpy is not the word I should have used. But she still looked uncomfortable. And of course I am just talking about that little clip of the bows. My judgement might also affected by that woohooing from whomever that was by whoever recorded. If you watch the endless videos of the Broadway curtain calls with all three different Dolly's; the joy comes thru. Again.. I am only commenting on this short little video clip which really tells me nothing.. "
That was me that recorded it and I was woohooing due to the fact I couldn’t clap due to me filming the curtain call and wanted to express my love for the case.I filmed the curtain call because I know this board had a lot of Dolly fans who won’t be able to see the tour and was lucky enough to be the first stop on the road.
Next time i me I suppose I just won’t."
Oh I did not mean to insult you. Thank you so much for posting the video. The woohooing is loud and a pet peeve. Just call me old and cranky. But I am very grateful you posted the video and I am so happy you had a great time. I love Betty and I can't wait to see her in this.
DottieD'Luscia said: "I noticed in those bows that they cut two women and two men from the non-dancing ensemble."
to be exact, there's three fewer ensemble members on the tour then in the Broadway production. Broadway had 24 members in the ensemble while the tour has just 21.
ACL2006 said: "DottieD'Luscia said: "I noticed in those bows that they cut two women and two men from the non-dancing ensemble."
to be exact, there's three fewer ensemble members on the tour then in the Broadway production. Broadway had 24 members in the ensemble while the tour has just 21."
Do you think the orchestra is reduced a little as well? Kind of bummed about the fake passarele. I thought the bows on broadway became iconic with this production. It was such a moment and somewhat to do to with it.
Second and final Preview Show now well underway, sitting here patiently waiting for more reports that’ll come later tonight after those in attendance have had their Dolly Glow recharged. :)
Bette's Turban said: "Robbie2 said: "Bette's Turban said: "I don't know. Betty looks kind of frumpy and uncomfortable in that curtain call. Looking forward to this. Dolly is such a great show,"
I wouldn't say frumpy and uncomfortable since hersmile is beaming but a very mannered curtain call-bows."
Well you are right. Upon secondviewing I could tell that at the very end she was smiling and beaming. And perhaps frumpy is not the word I should have used. But she still looked uncomfortable. And of course I am just talking about that little clip of the bows. My judgement might also affected by that woohooing from whomever that was by whoever recorded. If you watch the endless videos of the Broadway curtain calls with all three different Dolly's; the joy comes thru. Again.. I am only commenting on this short little video clip which really tells me nothing.."
It was only the first night...the joy will happen for Betty during the curtain call. She'll be at ease I bet and cherish the curtain calls soon enough!