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Bloopers in Broadway shows?- Page 4

Bloopers in Broadway shows?

#75re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 6/27/08 at 11:13am

I've seen SO many Rent bloopers...the Captain Crunch box flying into the audience, Mark's scarf getting stuck in the camera/projector/answering machine, Mark's camera falling off the platform during Life Support, Maureen's sunglasses breaking during Over the Moon, Mimi's hair extensions falling out, Roger's guitar strings popping, a certain swing who can't dance for his life falling during Contact, line flubs, mics going out, the candle not lighting, Mimi's slipping on the bars during Out Tonight, the champagne glass somehow getting stepped on, a Mark somehow knocking his glasses off his face, and then messing up the Nanette Himmelfarb line (that I have audio of, lol)...

And then you have the legendary Rent bloopers, like the projector falling over, the understudy Mimi who got her hair set on fire and fell off the bars, all in one day, the Mark and Roger who both managed to break their hand/finger on stage during different shows, the Roger whose pants split, the Roger who burned his fingers while trying to light the candle, the Maureen who threw her drumstick into the audience, and had to ask for it back, the Alexi Darling who forgot to underdress her Contact costume and was standing on stage in her underware...ah Rent. How I love you.

wow, i've seen most of these. i see the show way too much!!!

"Sometimes on the strip, the dreams you come in with, ain't the dreams you leave with" ~Rock of Ages
"I'm a butterfly, trivial and small, and in the greater scheme of things, I don't mean much at all." ~The Story of My Life
"Forget Regret, or life is yours to miss." ~Rent

bwayfan45 Profile Photo
#76re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 6/27/08 at 11:17am

Spring Awakening: Before "The Dark I Know Well" Lauren Pritchard had Lilli Cooper's mic, during the scene change she quickly ran to put the mic stand in place and hit the platform in the middle of the stage and fell on her face. The whole theater was silent. Even though she was never asked about it at the stage door she seemed really upset, I asume she was upset about it.

Wedding Singer: during the Finale, one of the impersonators' mic was falling of the mic stand the whole song, so at certain points you never heard her, so a few of her lines were missed.

Wicked tour: During the catfight the curtain was stuck blocking half of the set, It was there up until the part where the witches started attacking each other.

During the finale the bubble malfunctioned and Glinda walked to stage right and did her speech and song on stage.

Legally Blonde: In the bathroom scene before Laura Bell introduces Enid her shoe got stuck. I don't know on what, because I was sitting in the front row, so all I saw was her strugling and smiling. after she was free, she giggled a little to herslef and resumed the scene. When she was telling Enid to step in to the shower she was like "careful now, dont get stuck!"

Wherever we go, we rep our people and the beat goes...
Updated On: 6/27/08 at 11:17 AM

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#77re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 6/28/08 at 3:06am

Last night at Legally Blonde one of the inmates kept getting out of step during "Whipped into Shape". She'd stop and just stand there until a particular move came up and then get back into things. She'd be fine for a little bit but then be out of step again and have to stop. I ended up watching her for most of the number.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

verynewyorkcurious Profile Photo
#78re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 6/28/08 at 3:09am

I saw NOVEMBER Tuesday night. Great great crowd. Everyone was fantastic on stage.

Someone said the wrong line, and then they all cracked up. They were trying to hold it in and it looked like they were tearing up.

andrewcomp Profile Photo
#79re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 6/28/08 at 10:51am

Whoever said Mimi's falling off the bars--no? The only time a Mimi has ever fallen off those bars was during an understudy rehearsal, so no one even saw it, and she was okay and ended up going on later that night.

#80re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 7/26/08 at 7:19pm

I recently saw a local production of Ah! Wilderness. The theater I saw it at is outdoors, and the stage has a few different levels. Towards the end of the show, on the lowest level, a bed was supposed to be pushed out from the level above the lowest. The stagehands pushing it must have not been pushing straight, because it got caught on the side of the stage, and they couldn't get it out for quite some time. The actors handled it well, though. :P

Also at one performance of Rent, Tamyra choked on the 'champange' during Happy New Year. That was hilarious.

musicalmaster703 Profile Photo
#81re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 7/26/08 at 8:18pm

In early July when Rickey Tripp was on for GP in In The heights he dropped one of the cans and whispered something to the likes of "oh Sh^t" then made an awesome sweep across part of the stage to get it.

cglaid Profile Photo
#82re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 7/27/08 at 5:19pm

There were a few flubs in Boeing Boeing last night. I don't remember what happened exactly but in the scene where Mary & Gina meet one another, Gina reacted to something Mary said and they both started laughing. Mary was laying on the floor with Mark so the audience couldn't really see her laughing but I could, since I was in a box. Also, during the final scene Bradley broke one of his wine glasses. He said something like "I broke my glass, does that mean bad luck?" And then he asked Mark, "Do you want some wine?" to which Mark replied, "Yes, but in my glass," and the two laughed. It was cute.

I saw the show in early June and found Bradley & Kathryn exceedingly annoying, but last night, not so much. What a funny show. They all work so well together.

#83re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 7/27/08 at 6:08pm

February 14th Les Miserables Revival: During A Little Fall of Rain, one actor dropped his gun down the barricade and it landed next to Eponine.

MimiLovesBroadway Profile Photo
#84re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 7/27/08 at 10:06pm

The only one coming to my mind is when I saw Legally Blonde. It was during Chip on My Shoulder and Christian Borle was drinking the red bull and he started to like choke on it and he looks over at LBB when he's done coughing and goes "I'm okay now." I haven't seen too many bloopers...yet

~One day, both of you will need my sympathies and will I be there...probably." - Robin De Jesus In The Heights

#85re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 7/27/08 at 10:41pm

At Gypsy on Thursday, Patti nearly made Boyd break character, and she nearly did herself. After Rose meets Herbie, there's some line relating to butter (I don't remember what it is) and Patti said it and looked at Boyd as he turned away from the audience to hide his smile.

Later, when Tessie's talking to Rose before Louise's strip, Alison Fraser said something, I don't even remember what, and Patti just stood there for a long time, visibly trying with all her might not to start cracking up.

winston89 Profile Photo
#86re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 7/28/08 at 3:30am

There are two that come to mind.

The most recent one was in Wicked. It was right before One Short Day where Elphaba tells Glinda to come with her to the Emrald City. Elphaba and Glinda hug before Elphaba says the line " Come with me to the Emerald City." Which of course starts the song. Elphaba was played by Block and Glinda was played by Kessbaum. When the two of them hugged Block got her hair stuck in the hair clip that was in Kessbaum's hair. They both broke character trying to get the hair unstuck and they were laughing so hard. The ensemble just came on thinking that they were in the right spot even though they were clearly thrown off. They were laughing during most of the first verse of the song.

The second was a while ago during a performance of Rent during "You'll See." Matt was playing Mark and his mic went out. I have seen mics go out before and they just grab one of the hand mics that was on stage and go on. Justin Johnson was right by the hand mic that was going to be used next in Tango Maureen. Of course it was off but the sound guy wasn't paying attention and never turned it on. Mark has the most lines in that song so the music just played and they went on without him. The song/scene made no sense to anyone who hadn't seen it but because it wasn't my first time seeing the show and because I knew the lyrics really well without Matt singing I was fine. But, it was clear that he was frustrated.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

greybaby231 Profile Photo
#87re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 7/28/08 at 8:02am

Richard Blake completely forgot the words to "Serious", and sat there for a few seconds until the chorus started.

Cearsgk Profile Photo
#88re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 7/28/08 at 4:03pm

At Roundabout's revival of Apple Tree, in the middle of Forbidden Fruit, Marc Kudisch had to lie on the stage trying to look like a snake AND pull an apple out of his pocket AND all the while singing, ", seeds, flesh and core", a tongue twister all by itself! It didn't go well, and he quickly said something to the conductor, like, "let's try that again", and it was done. My husband and I remember it well, not because it was a rare Broadway blooper but because Kudisch handled it so well, if you weren't listening closely at that very moment, you'd never have noticed! Can't wait to see him in 9-5!

"It ain't no myst'ry If it's politics or hist'ry The thing you gotta know is Ev'rything is show biz" - Mel Brooks

#89re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 7/28/08 at 5:43pm

This isn't a blooper, because I haven't seen many Broadway shows and can't think of any now, but in Annie Get Your Gun a loooong time ago, some guy dropped his gun that he threw in the air during the opening number. It came down with this really loud BANG and it was kinda scary. But nothing fun/funny.

Updated On: 7/28/08 at 05:43 PM

#90re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 7/28/08 at 6:03pm

At the 7/26 8PM performance of Damn Yankees: After re-enacting Jane Krakowski's "Whatever Lola Wants" dance, Sean Hayes stood with his left profile facing the stage. The crowed cheered and laughed loudly at his mockery of the dance. After 15 seconds or so, Hayes, overcome by the humor, had to turn his face to the rear of the stage and laugh - and the crowd cheered louder.

It's was just like SNL moments when cast members can't keep a straight face during skits. I'll never forget it!

"Let dreamers dream what worlds they please, those Edens can't be found. The sweetest flowers, the fairest trees, are grown on solid ground."
-Bernstein's Candide

#91re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 8/22/08 at 11:11am

Last night in Avenue Q, Kate's Monsterssori School sign was folded up and wouldn't come down no matter how much they pulled the ropes. Brian turned towards the audience and said "Excuse me" he ran into the building and up to the sign, while Christmas Eve re-covered Kate's eyes with the blindfold. When Brian got up there he tried to untangle it, but he was twisting in the other direction so it prompted Princeton to yell, "The other way! You're making it worse" and he put his hand his head.
They finally got it down and everyone cheered.

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#92re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 8/22/08 at 12:12pm

8/15 performace of Grease:

1. During the dance Janine DiVita (Rizzo) is dancing with Matt Hydzik (on for Derek Keeling). The line is "How about being my partner for the dance contest?" But instead she says "How about taking me to the dance?"

2. When Will Blum comes running out swinging his arial for the brawl with the Flaming Dukes the end snaps off and flies into the audience. Luckily, no one was hurt.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#93re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 8/22/08 at 12:23pm

On the Johnny Carson show, Christine Lahti told a story about doing CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF with Treat Williams at some regional theater. In the scene where Brick throws his crutch at Maggie, she ducked. When she got up (Maggie then goes and fetches the crutch for Brick) no crutch was to be found. She looked around and saw that it had landed near an audience member in the audience, so she stayed in character, stepped off the stage and grabbed the crutch. At which point, the audience member grabbed it and started pulling. She looked back at Treat Williams who was laughing his ass off. The stage crutch had fallen behind a set curtain and the crutch in the audience belonged to that audience member.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

Weez Profile Photo
#94re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 8/22/08 at 12:32pm

I wonder what I'd do if a cast member tried to steal one of my belongings. Probably let them and hope they got it back to me during interval/curtain-call. Failing that, go round to the stage door and kick up a stink. XD

toddlisatyriem Profile Photo
#95re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 8/22/08 at 12:57pm

Still my favorite blooper is the "flower blooper" from Wicked! LOVE LOVE LOVE Jennifer Laura Thompson! Too funny!"" name="allowFullScreen" value="true">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344">

#96re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 8/22/08 at 10:20pm

in rent the first two times i saw it they couldnt get the candle lit. the last time they couldnt get it lit because THEY DID HAVE THE MATHCES!!!!HAHAHA and when they sang things about it being lit they would just laugh. "that was my last match hehehe"
there was a video of ashley brown in mary poppins walking out of a door and it wouldnt open and kept trying but just said something clever and walked off stage which she would have been walking into a wall if it were a real house.

winston89 Profile Photo
#97re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 8/22/08 at 10:27pm

I saw Poppins a couple of weeks ago. There were two bloopers. The first one was the scene right before Spoonful of Sugar. When the kids were making the icing with Robertson Ey. He is supposed to get burned by the hot water faucet and fall into things thus creating the big mess in the kitchen. However, the hot water faucet didn't go off when it was supposed to so the kids and Roberson Ey were stuck ad libbing. I thought the kids did a good job under the situation.

Also, the umbrella didn't come out during Anything Can Happen. It was actually a good thing because I never really liked it. One of the cast members said that it wasn't really working during the afternoon performance so they didn't use it that night. I still think that they should get rid of it.

And, I know that a poster said earlier in this page that the incident where the actress playing Mimi fell off the bars in Out Tonight happened in a rehearsal and not a performance. It was in the Playbill Yearbook that it happened to an actress during a performance.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

#98re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 8/23/08 at 12:08am

neverminid, i had posted a not blooper. lol Updated On: 8/23/08 at 12:08 AM

#100re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 8/23/08 at 7:57am

During Popular in Wicked Kendra throws the lipstick onto the bed and it rolled right under Steph's leg and onto the floor. Kendra watched it rolling around then proceeded to hop after it singing "Why is this lipstick rolling around on the floor" and when she finally grabbed it she yells out "TOUCHDOWN". All the while Steph is sitting on the bed losing it and then she puts her arms up in the air as if she making the touchdown sign...LOL.

Just last week nobody could throw anything right in Wicked. When Aaron throws Ben's book in DTL it landed on the stairs. He started running,had to turn around and go to the stairs and get it and run all the way around the stairs. When Katie Adams threw her wand of during Popular she almost impaled the guy that catches it. It flew like a javalin at him.

Don't believe everything that you hear! Only the peeps involved know the truth!
