He was. The only company he was never a part of was the 1NT.
I've seen Stephen Ashfield twice now -- once shortly after BOM opened in the West End and then again last September -- and, honestly, he didn't blown me away either time. Not that he's bad; it's just that I have seen better McKinleys (with Grey being perhaps my favorite). I have also seen worse (who will remain nameless).
Ashfield's been playing the role for over 3 years now, and I felt he looked a bit rundown last fall. Hopefully, the trip 'cross the Pond will energize him, in the same way that going to London took both Gavin & Nic's performances to a new levels.
Understudy Joined: 7/30/15
Ashfield is a scene-stealer and an utter delight. In my opinion he's the most well-balanced McKinley, and he takes advantage of every little moment he has on stage.
https://instagram.com/p/BMczUbPgCRb/ Nikki is on maternity leave.
And Kim Exum is the new Nabulungi. She has no history with the show -- come to think of it, if you don't count company transfers, this is the case with all of the Nabulungis except Asmeret Ghebremichael.
Has anyone seen the second national tour of the Book of Mormon yet? I am seeing it in the Hershey Theatre on November 23rd and was wondering if the touring cast was good!
If I'm correct, it is Gabe Gibbs that is starring as Elder Price?
Broadway Star Joined: 10/31/16
I just saw the tour in Milwaukee. Yes, Gabe is Elder Price. I've seen the show a few times but have only actually seen Nic in the role of Elder Price (outside of those naughty bootlegs of the OBC circulating) - Gabe's performance still has a way to go. Part of MKE's problem is the acoustics in our theater but to me he lacked power as well as some confidence - though he had just swapped in for Ryan Bondy and this was his first city. Cody Jamison Strand as Cunningham is absolutely fantastic. As close to Josh Gad as you can get but with his own take. My favorite Cunningham by a mile. We had a newcomer, Bryce Charles, as Nabalungi. She's an understudy and it was her first time ever performing the role. She will be a star someday - I couldn't believe it. The rest of the cast is solid, not the caliber of the current Broadway cast (but for Cody), but it's still a great show. Hopefully you have a better venue than our huge, acoustically-challenged theater, because that definitely factored in for me.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/31/16
Saw this tonight via the lotto, and I have to say that the magic was a little bit lost. It wasn't a laugh-a-minute experience like the first time. The two leads felt a little "eh." They were fine, I guess, and hit the notes, and whatnot, but there didn't seem to be much spark. There wasn't this kinetic energy. The ensemble was busting it though, and I thought Ashfield felt a bit boring? I don't know. It didn't do anything for me. The whole performance felt obvious.
But on a side note: Daniel Breaker is in this?! He was great, but I was so surprised!
Daniel Breaker's been in the show for over a year.
I've seen Ashfield twice in London and twice here, and I loved him in both, although he's been doing the role for a LONG time all together, so I guess that's not totally surprising.
the last time I saw the show(May '16) I thought the energy was a little low, too. Maybe it's time to clean house and bring in some fresh faces.
It wasn't even that the show had low energy, it's just that no one's energy matched. Nic was on hyper drive. And his vocals felt very forced and cartoony. So it was hard to root or care for his characer, where as Andrew was this really sweet naive guy. And the guy playing Cunningham was hilarious, but his energy was more low key. A lot of his lines were delivered in a near whisper, which is funny but it didn't synch up! The ensemble was manic and super hyper. But Ashfield's take - while funny - was a little more subdued then the rest. It all felt disjointed and some of the bigger jokes didn't land. Like the Scrotum joke. I just remember laughing more.
Isn't January the usual contract end date for the two leads? Do we know if the current lead will be extending or if they will be leaving? Both leads have been with the show for quite some time and Nic is currently on his third Broadway run with the show. Could they be getting tired of it by now? I'd really love to see Nic go on to play King George in Hamilton, perhaps he could do the tour. That would be near perfect timing between his end with Bom and the opening of the Hamilton tour. Just a thought.
Call_me_jorge said: "Isn't January the usual contract end date for the two leads? Do we know if the current lead will be extending or if they will be leaving? Both leads have been with the show for quite some time and Nic is currently on his third Broadway run with the show. Could they be getting tired of it by now? I'd really love to see Nic go on to play King George in Hamilton, perhaps he could do the tour. That would be near perfect timing between his end with Bom and the opening of the Hamilton tour. Just a thought.
Nic mentioned in his Show People interview that he's contracted until February and gave no clues of what's happening next.
Here's the interview in question:
And yes, we should start hearing about late Jan/early Feb cast changes in the next few weeks.
I believe Daniel Breaker is approaching three years with the show. He was in the cast when I saw it in June 2014. (I find him to be one of the most interesting actors around, and I kind of wish he'd move on to some new projects -- but I understand that a good paycheck is a good paycheck).
Nic' going on 6 years with BOM(Broadway standby, tour, West End, back to Broadway). I think it's time he's moved on to something else.
Two leads left the tour on 12/31: https://www.instagram.com/p/BOtIeLPA14J/?taken-by=iamoge
Conner Peirson is the new Cunningham! I'm so happy for him! https://www.instagram.com/p/BOta9JrB80t/?taken-by=codycobbler
That still leaves the new tour Nabulungi a mystery (for now), and of course, much of Broadway being up in the air.
LizzieCurry said: "Two leads left the tour on 12/31: https://www.instagram.com/p/BOtIeLPA14J/?taken-by=iamoge"
Cody Jamison Strand just tweeted: "I'm not done with BOM, yet. Just the tour. My reign will be long and treacherous."
Sounds like Broadway could be on the horizon. Or London? I think they're due for a cast change in the West End in the next month or so. (And Cody would be a vast improvement over Brian Sears.)
Take note of Cody's hashtag #pippip!
LizzieCurry said: "Take note of Cody's hashtag #pippip!"
Thanks, I missed seeing that hashtag on his earlier tweet.
So happy for Cody. Well-deserved!
Looks like I'm going to have to book another visit to the Prince of Wales Theatre.... :)
I've seen Conner both on tour and on Broadway and he is one of my favorite Cunninghams and I'm so happy to see him getting promoted to full time.
So glad that Cody's reign continues as he is just an overall blast to watch on stage and tends to change up his Naba names fairly frequently.
Chris O'Neill finished up his run in the show last night. Surprised they didn't make an announcement. Any ideas who might replace him? https://www.instagram.com/p/BQtkDoIhsQX/
From the looks of tweets I saw when he left the West End, I think it's Brian Sears.
Daniel Breaker also had his last day on Sunday. Wonder who the new Mafala is? Looks like Rouleau is currently on vacation. Dom Simpson has been covering most of the dates since Feb. 14. & is on through Feb. 26.