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Broadway star with the most absences??- Page 2

Broadway star with the most absences??

#25re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 9:15am

If a performer cannot sustain 8 performances a week for health or any other reason and they know it in advance, they should withdraw from the show or never commit to it in the first place. That was one of my many gripes about Phantom when it opened: Sarah Brightman was only able to do 6 performances (granted, that was advertised in teeny print). But it isn't THAT difficult a role and she was miked anyway. Whatever the aesthetics involved, the performer OWES it to everyone who's paid $120.00 plus in the hopes of seeing them. If they can't do it, live theatre isn't for them. Real pros like Ethel Merman, Carol Channing and Hugh Jackman know this and deliver.


jaystarr Profile Photo
#26re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 9:17am

How about Ann Reinking for CHICAGO REVIVAL in 1996 & 1997 run ?

J re: Broadway star with the most absences??

#27re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 9:35am

Both CHICAGO and A CHORUS LINE feature extremely demanding dancing. A sprained ankle or a pulled muscle can put a performer on the disabled list for a while.


"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

Mealz1042 Profile Photo
#28re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 9:36am

Frenchie Davis, anyone?

<-- Gwen Stewart, SOLoist at the last show of RENT
Cages or wings? Which do you prefer? Ask the birds. Fear or love, baby? Don't say the answer Actions speak louder than words. (Tick, Tick... BOOM!)

LeaGirl Profile Photo
#29re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 10:29am

I really, really hate threads like this but I just had to reply to Ed above... Ed... I'm pretty sure ALL the Christines do 6 shows a week - and that there is an alternate who does two shows a week, that's just how the part is done.

Anyhow, I saw Sarah Brightman's alternate, it was Patti Cohenour and she was WONDERFUL. I feel like we knew ahead of time we were seeing the alternate as she had two set nights a week that she did.

Now what would you say if today I started over? Without a thing but this taped together four leaf clover And I'll pretend like everything is already alright And I'll run toward the sun till the castle's out of sight

#30re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 10:35am

Yeah, Laura Benanti was replaced and then asked to return back to the show she was already replaced in.

#31re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 10:36am

I'm not sure you saw what I was driving at. I saw Patti Cohenour (a Thursday preview) and she was fine -- in fact, much better than anything I've seen Sarah Brightman do in other venues. I guess in the days of these over-glizted shows that who plays what doesn't seem to matter so much anymore, it's to be expected.


#32re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 11:42am

In defense of the ACL cast:
Part of their problem is Baayork is ADAMANT that they keep the ORIGINAL choreography, as Bennet did it for the original cast. She has not modified it to fit body/dance style (hence why Charlotte looks awful in "Music and the Mirror") Consequently, some of them are being asked to dance a role that doesn't match their body's physiology (is that the right word?), and we all know, when you bend a foot in a direction it can/should not bend, it gets hurt.

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#33re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 11:57am

"Whatever the aesthetics involved, the performer OWES it to everyone who's paid $120.00 plus in the hopes of seeing them"

Just for the record, performers owe us NOTHING. When they are sick or out, it isn't a personal affront to fans. Get over it people! Sheesh. These aren't trained animals, they are human beings. IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU! Also, if you really liked theatre, enjoy the understudy-in a few years they might be the next big thing.

I'm totally sick of these threads. Anyone who wants to post one should be made to post their professional record.

If you went to see a show twice and someone was out both times, then have a friend (if you have any) burn some sage around your ass, because you are an unlucky person and it must suck to be you.

If someone is out so much that it is noteworthy (can the Donna Murphy and Boyd Gaines haters please give it a rest already) then they have something SERIOUS going on in their lives. It is not about a diva turn. If it were, then Donna would not be a respected working actress who keeps getting high profile jobs.

Everyone on the inside knows these things, it is the disgruntled theatre-philes who act a fool about this nonsense.


"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

#34re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 12:09pm

Do Broadway contracts specify the amount of sick/personal/vacation time like my job does? Because they should. If Donna Murphy is disabled, she can take her sick time, her personal time, her medical leave and then it's out. I think people would be much more understanding if it were announced "Donna Murphy has a bruised shin and will be taking 4 weeks of sick leave. During those four weeks, Linda Muggleston will be playing her role. Murphy is scheduled to return full-time August 4th." rather than "She was out Tuesday, Wednesday night and all weekend and went on Wednesday matinee, and Thursday night."

AngActing Profile Photo
#35re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 12:12pm

As Betty stated . . . I don't feel any performer owes me anything, except their best performance in the show when they report to work. As that is what I give when I am in a show! As should anyone . . . at work, give it 110% to the best of your abilities each time you check in for your job; whatever it may be.

On the thread . . . Tim Curry missed quite a few Broadway "Spamalot" performances when he was in it. I even heard rumor he was 'fired' for missing so much. Nevertheless, he ended up doing the London run; thus, I will assume that was just that -- a rumor!

I still love Tim Curry, too and has never been absent in the numerous performances I've seen him in -- "Me and My Girl" (once in Washington DC--198re: Broadway star with the most absences??; "My Favorite Year" (twice 1992--Lincoln Center) and "Spamalot", "All About Eve" (reading-one time 2003) and (one time-London 2007). Yet, I heard quite a few Tim Curry fans bought tickets to "Spamalot" in New York . . . and often were disappointed to find he was absent on the day(s) they went.

Love and Stage Lights, Angela Theresa

#36re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 12:44pm

Sorry, had to respond to your rude remarks. I OWE it to the organzation by whom I'm employed to show up as scheduled, to give advance notice when I am going on vacation and to present a statement from my doctor when I call in for unexpected or extended illnesses or other emergencies. If I DON'T follow their procedures, I don't get paid. Maybe if these repeat no-shows were not paid for excessive absenteeism, plus the bad press that could result, they might think twice before disappointing their audiences and co-workers. And yes, actors, like all true professionals, OWE it to not only to their audiences, but their co-workers, the people who in one way or another rely upon their presence. Fortunately, 99 percent of all actors I've been dealing with for the past 52 years subscribe to the same work ethic.


Tom1071 Profile Photo
#37re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 12:58pm

My vote goes to the cast of Spring Awakening (with a couple of exceptions).

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#38re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 1:05pm

"I OWE it to the organzation by whom I'm employed to show up as scheduled, to give advance notice when I am going on vacation and to present a statement from my doctor when I call in for unexpected or extended illnesses or other emergencies."

Ed, actors do all of this. You are missing the point. The problem is if an actor calls in sick and is giving same day notice (which we all do)or has an extended absence, it is pretty clear that you personalize it. You are not viewing the actor as a person, you are looking at them as a commodity for entertainment. They have no control over any or most of this.

I can understand disappointment when actors are out, but I don't understand tantrums, tirades, and trash talk.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#39re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 1:23pm

all memebers of "chorus line" and "chicago".and "hairspray"...

I wasn't going to bother, but it's too tempting.

I have seen the full cast of A Chorus Line (as well as Chicago) several times, with all MEMBERS in attendance. The dancing in both shows is very demanding. Try doing that 8 shows a week and let us know how it goes. (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

Sleeper2 Profile Photo
#40re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 1:25pm


Missed constantly and now has disappeared completely.

AngActing Profile Photo
#41re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 1:41pm

>> Ed, actors do all of this. You are missing the point.

Thank you, Betty . . .

>> The problem is if an actor calls in sick and is giving same
>> day notice (which we all do)or has an extended absence, it is
>> pretty clear that you personalize it.

Right, and also, as in any job -- I certainly do not want some person with a flu or bronchitis or other contagious "bug" coming to work and giving me the germs! Particularly, in a profession such as acting/singing!!! Your flu could turn into pnemonia in my system -- and no thank you! Do not come to work with me when you are sick!

Also, on another note. I have done shows with pulled ligaments, muscles and other injuries -- and paid a huge price with my health. I have one ankle (five pulled ligaments) which snaps out-of-place all the time and affects my mobility as I age. If I had followed the doctor's orders and left the show for a few days -- I may have healed correctly.

>> You are not viewing the actor as a person, you are looking at
>> them as a commodity for entertainment. I can understand
>> disappointment when actors are out, but I don't understand
>> tantrums, tirades, and trash talk.

And when actors show up "under the weather" there's even more 'trash talk' about hitting wrong notes, or 'weak performances' etc. And for $120.00 a seat, well, I'd like to give you a full, healthy and inspiring 110% performance; not just a "best I can do today because I feel like crap" show.

Love and Stage Lights, Angela Theresa

JB Fan
#42re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 2:05pm

I am not an actor. If I get a cold, lose my voice, have a cough, I can still go to work and get my job done. No one cares if I have the sniffles, no one cares if my voice is husky.

A slight head cold, most people can function and can still go to work.

This is different for a performer. They have a cold, and if they sing or speak on their chords, they can cause more damage.

I think there is a huge reason why all professional productions make sure to hire understudies (often more than one for each role). People are allowed to miss performances if they are "under the weather".

I would rather see a healthy understudy than a sick person.

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#43re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 2:07pm

I think it can fall under that category of "You're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't." (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

#44re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 2:10pm

I've alreay sent you a PM on this. Let's face it: you are not going to budge from your opinion nor I from mine. Let's both of us move on to other things besides this nonsense. Have a good day.


LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#45re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 2:12pm

Everyone just listen to JB Fan.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#46re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 2:14pm

Totally agree.


Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#47re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 2:31pm

I'm cool Ed. I tried to message you back but you don't accept PMs. We both have different opinions and it's all good. Just don't refer to me as "dear". It's a pet peeve of mine. :)

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

WestVillage Profile Photo
#48re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 2:32pm

"In defense of the ACL cast:
Part of their problem is Baayork is ADAMANT that they keep the ORIGINAL choreography, as Bennet did it for the original cast."

I don't think that is Baayork's choice; I believe the Bennett estate demands the use of the original choreography for any major professional productions. Just like I'm sure the upcoming revival of Dancin' will use Fosse's original choreography. Wouldn't be Dancin' without it, and wouldn't be ACL without it.

#49re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 3:04pm

Why are we so bitchy about people who complain about stars being out? Yes, the work is demanding - those two or three hours they work each night (and matinees) but a lot of people have hard demanding jobs and they're not out two or three times a month. Some of the stars in the old days were famous for almost never being out - regardless of the "demands of the role" everyone like to cite here. Mary Martin, Carol Channing, Streisand (out like once during the run of Funny Girl), Ethel Merman were all famous for going on almost always - you know - "The show must go on!"
I saw four shows a couple of years ago and only Boy from Oz (unlike Light in the Piazza, Avenue Q, and The Producers) had no leads absent. I think it's more of a current state of Broadway they players are out often.
