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Broadway star with the most absences??- Page 3

Broadway star with the most absences??

#50re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 3:08pm

Sorry about "dear." Thank you for letting me know about not being able to receive PMs -- I must have done something wrong when it was originally set up (I'm new to this board, more or less). I've contacted them and should receive a response in 24 hours.


#51re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 3:09pm

Sorry about "dear." Thank you for letting me know about not being able to receive PMs -- I must have done something wrong when it was originally set up (I'm new to this board, more or less). I've contacted them and should receive a response in 24 hours.


AKDPerformer Profile Photo
#52re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 3:28pm

"I would rather see a healthy understudy than a sick person."

I totally agree with that.

Also, we have to remember that calling out sick to an office job and calling out sick for a broadway performance are two completely different things. Our product and our work is our body/voice, etc. If you already put more pressure on what's damaged/infected or hurting your only digging yourself a deeper hole.

"We need people not to come to Broadway shows wearing shorts and flip-flops. We are working hard up here folks. Find a pair of socks."-Joanna Gleason "I hear L. Ron Hubbard is gonna blow the ladies...and all that jazz! C'mon babe! We're gonna unicorn hug, I bought some NyQuil Wal-Mart?!"-Bebe Neuwirth singing ATJ to Musical Mad Libs at DQYNJ :)

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#53re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 3:30pm

Sparkle, I understand your point, but I imagine it is a very difficult life for actors. Plus, actors are not working 2-3 hours a day. They have a full day, like you or I, and then head to the theatre. Many wake up, work out, do film or TV work during the day, go for auditions, run errands, etc. Then they head to the theatre for a show (after having a full day) and then have stage door after. I recently saw an interview with I believe it was Christine Ebersole where she talked about how your schedule is like no one else's (besides actors) and your personal life can suffer, as well as your health.

You are right-we all have daunting jobs and we all have our rows to hoe. I just cant helping viewing actors as people who sacrifice a lot to give us a few hours pleasure. I afford them every accomodation they need.

I also think demands are higher on stage actors now. They are less a "name" then their predecessors and need to work more (multi-task) to make ends meet. You cited a few leads with great track records and there are still plenty of them around now. It seems the few with bad records get focused on.

I think the dawn of the internet, digital cameras, blogs, videoblogs, fangirls (any maniacal fan-group) make it much harder to be a stage actor. I think it was a more subdued time for people like Merman, Martin, etc. Stress can also wear an immune system down. Not to mention if an actor suffers from depression or anxiety-that can be trying to while trying to negotiate a schedule.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

vinnylin Profile Photo
#54re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 3:55pm

That's actually a very good point, Bettyboy. Many of us probably have the impression that all stage actors have to do is show up at the theatre at 7:30, do their show and go home. Actors, particularly stage actors, are very hardworking people who have to do a lot not only for their craft, but to make ends meet while doing it.

I think it's part of live theatre that things don't always go as planned, including that an actor may not be able to make every performance. It also gives standbys and understudies a real opportunity, and I've seen some wonderful standby/understudy performances. I believe this has been discussed at length in prior threads.

An actor has a professional responsibility to try to attend all performances and to make sure he or she does what is necessary to put him or herself in that position (i.e. by taking care of his or her own health), but actors are human, and sometimes it's just not possible. I would venture to guess that most stage actors do whatever they can to make sure they make their performances. I'd only add that I think it's a little unfair to automatically assume that because an actor has missed a number of performances that he or she is simply being unprofessional. We don't always know what's going on, and an actor's absences may be the result of something truly serious and legitimate. I think Donna Murphy and her ruptured vocal cord during "Wonderful Town" (which nobody knew about until much later) is a good example of that. Ditto for Benanti and her broken neck (yikes!).

That said, and without intending to cast any dispersions, I seem to recall that two wonderful musical theatre actors -- Nathan Lane and Julie Andrews -- missed quite a few performances during their respective runs in The Producers (initial run) and Victor/Victoria.

"This is wanting something, this is reaching for it, This is wishing that a moment would arrive. This is taking chances, this is almost touching, what the beauty is." --The Light in the Piazza
Updated On: 10/19/07 at 03:55 PM

WestVillage Profile Photo
#55re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 5:27pm

"Many of us probably have the impression that all stage actors have to do is show up at the theatre at 7:30, do their show and go home."

I have plenty of actor friends/acquaintances who do just that. They sleep til 11am, get up, go to the gym, take a dance or voice class, run errands, do fun things like go to the movies in the middle of the afternoon, take the kids to after school activities, have an early family dinner and go to the theatre at 7:30 and are home by 11:30. Sure, some actors are workhorses and work all day plus work at night, but there are plenty who are quite content with their evening jobs (and making a good living at it), who have a very leisurely day. They have much more free time to do all the daily chores (laundry, groceries, banking, etc) that us 9-5ers have to cram into a weekend. They've even commented that they make full time salary for part time work. Of course, that is once they are into performance ... rehearsals is a different story, but that is for a limited period of time. But I'd trade their schedule for mine any day.

#56re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 5:54pm

i believe laura bell bundy has been missing quite a lof of blonde performances in the last few months.

SAluva2 Profile Photo
#57re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 6:20pm

btw I wasnt blaming Norbert Leo Butz or anything I know it was just bad luck. it just made me think about the question.

Rypm25 Profile Photo
#58re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 7:32pm

I may be wrong, but I seem to recall reading somewhere that Nell Carter was infamous for being absent for a performance...especially during "Ain't Misbehavin'."

theaterkid1015 Profile Photo
#59re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 9:43pm

In all fairness, there is sufficient evidence that suggests that Ethel Merman is a superhuman being not of this planet. But, that's a whole other thesis paper.

What bugs me, as someone else mentioned, is the way absences are handled. If it's a serious medical issue, (Donna Murphy's hemmorhage, Laura Benanti's back, etc.) it should be made known.

Some people paint, some people sew, I meddle.

#60re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 9:48pm

dancing through life, I do perform 8 shows a week. And have been a for 12 years. I have only missed one show. So thanks for the quip back,but I do try it, i DO do it. but hairspray is a lot of jumping and "chorus line" is demanding, for sure, but back in the day, those kids did NOT miss a show Bennett would have had their heads. It's just a different world, now.

And I know for a FACT the ACL cast was rarely all in attendance.

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#61re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/19/07 at 11:20pm

I was speaking about their attendance from personal experience. I have gone to performances where there are 4-5 people out at once, and I have gone on several occasions when nobody was out.I wasn't saying it doesn't happen. I know that for a FACT. (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

#62re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/20/07 at 12:19am

I don't have much to add to the actual question at hand, except that sh-t happens, people miss work. They're entitled, to a certain extent. No, I don't think it's okay to have excessive, unwarranted absences. I know people who have been professional singers for 40+ years and have only missed two performances to date. That being said, it's also not a performer's job to work when they're very sick or are faced other personal problems.

Anyway, what I am wondering about is this, because I have never encountered it firsthand:

I think people would be much more understanding if it were announced "Donna Murphy has a bruised shin and will be taking 4 weeks of sick leave. During those four weeks, Linda Muggleston will be playing her role. Murphy is scheduled to return full-time August 4th." rather than "She was out Tuesday, Wednesday night and all weekend and went on Wednesday matinee, and Thursday night."

Do they not do the former if someone takes a leave of absence?

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?

ScottyDoesn'tKnow Profile Photo
#63re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/20/07 at 12:43am

Would it be a possibility that it may be healthier for a dancer and singer to not be so adamant about sticking to the 8 shows a week schedule? I'm not arguing about the professionalism of it all, but do some of you feel it might be time to rethink that performance schedule for certain roles?

Or is the schedule fine and that the new generation of performers just aren't brought up with the same sort of work ethic?

"[Gore] was widely perceived as arrogant. If you know something, you're not smart. You're a smarty-pants. It's annoying. People get annoyed with your knowledge. It goes back to high school, to not doing your homework ... 'There's something I should know, I don't know why I should know it but someone knows it and I don't. So I'm going to have to make fun of him now.'" -Sarah Vowell, The Partly-Cloudy Patriot
Updated On: 10/20/07 at 12:43 AM

#64re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/20/07 at 1:25am

I think so, Scotty. Opera singers typically don't perform 8 shows a week, and most musicals are just as vocally demanding as operas. I'm not sure why shows aren't doublecast, it seems to be sort of taboo

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?

winston89 Profile Photo
#65re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/21/07 at 1:17am

I was asking a actor about this very subject. She said that on broadway you can just call out whenever you want to. I know that there are actors out there who do want to make sure that they can give the audience a preformance that is worht the money that they paid. But, I am sure that there are days when they were not feeling well and thought that it would be better to call in because if they went on they know that they would not be doing their best and the rest of the people in the audience paid a lot of money to see a good show.

Also, Laura Benatti hurt her vocal chords in the wedding singer and it was announced via myspace blogs ect that she was going to be out for the monthy of october and only for that month. Tina Maddigian came in anas the standby/understudy for that one month. Then Laura came back to work and resumed with the rest of the shows unfortunately hort run.

Burm it was not like she was just gone for that month because she wanted to be. There was a searous problem that was going on. She had hurt her voice and it would have been damaging for her to go up on the boards and preform. I still think that she is a great actress and it is not fair to be bshing her or anyone for that mater about them beintg not at a particulear preformance .

Most of the ticket buyers on broadway are ttourists anyway and they do not care who they see unless it is a astunt casted show. They just want to get a drink and walmk around and see all the pretty lights.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

Patti LuPone FANatic Profile Photo
Patti LuPone FANatic
#66re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 10/21/07 at 8:57am

Well, I must admit that I was a bit dismayed that Tony Yazbek was absent on the night I saw "A Chorus Line" on May 30, 2007. So, I tried the following day and was looking forward for him to sign the long ACL line poster. One of the cast members told me that T.Y. had been feeling under the weather.
I should have gotten his autograph the first time I saw him outside the Curran Theatre, when I saw ACL in SF on July 28, 2006. He was with his parents and didn't want to bother him. Oh well.
I think there are many who are too quick to judge artists who miss for very valid reasons. What's that saying :"Try walking a mile in my shoes"? I'm in absolute awe at the energy, the talent, the dancing... the effort that stage artists demonstrate. Two persons who come to mind are Tyler Hanes and Charlotte D'Amboise. Aside from being "easy on the eyes", I watched in awe as he performed those exceptional dance steps, along with the rest of the cast of course. Also, Charlotte is amazing during "The Music and the Mirror". She's graceful and majestic as she goes thru her dance and song.
We probably have no idea what strains, pressures and pains that these and other artists go thru during a performance (unless one is a performer). They are human beings... and as such... they need a "medical rest" every once in a while. I think there should be a documentary or show (like on Bravo) on "A Day In The Life" of a Broadway performer. Has this ever been done? Maybe then, detractors will realize the depth of the physical demands that performing puts on a person's body and voice.
Bravo, bravo to those wonderful singers, dancers and actors/actresses who "go on with the show" despite physical and vocal ailments..... and to those who need to rest their tired bodies / voices from time to time. Your efforts are appreciated by your loyal and understanding fans.
from RC in Austin, Texas

"Noel [Coward] and I were in Paris once. Adjoining rooms, of course. One night, I felt mischievous, so I knocked on Noel's door, and he asked, 'Who is it?' I lowered my voice and said 'Hotel detective. Have you got a gentleman in your room?' He answered, 'Just a minute, I'll ask him.'" (Beatrice Lillie)

#67re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 1/4/08 at 1:43am

"i believe laura bell bundy has been missing quite a lof of blonde performances in the last few months."

I heard the exact opposite. Apparently she was adamant about not taking any shows off. The first two shows she wasn't there were because her Mom was having major surgery. Becky Gulsvig went on for the matinée and Annaleigh Ashford went on in the evening. The next show was the MTV taping. That was the only time Annaleigh went on as Elle. A lot of people were saying that she should take a break as she was/still is having trouble with the last not in the act one finale.

verynewyorkcurious Profile Photo
#68re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 1/4/08 at 1:56am

even laura bell, as fantastic as she is, doesn't get that note every time..i don't really blame her though. In the MTV taping, she had to do it in two parts, and I actually think it's best that way.

i saw a clip on youtube of becky gulsvig doing 'so much better' and the note wasn't great, if i remember correctly.

#69re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 1/4/08 at 2:42am

oh goodness becky gullsvig did not come close to the amazingness of Laura Bell, but im sure she would do fine in somethign different. And it was her first time so... As for absences, give the people a break as long as they have legitimate excuses. As for La Chanze, i dont know why she was absent so much but Celie is a demanding part, however poorly written, and unless you get up their and perform that same role belting those beatiful arduous notes 8 times a week and see if your voice and body doesnt take a toll, then dont say a roll isnt demanding. that roll is easily as demanding as elphaba.

#70re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 1/4/08 at 3:13am

For the most part, I think this thread relies on far too much speculation. The board was attacking Miss Murphy that summer. And now, after she goes on record and discusses how ill she was - and that theproducers didn't want her to talk about it - everyone takes her off the Stone-Them-To-Death List.

That said, I did find it interesting that the winners of 2006 Tonys for Best Actor and Actress in a Musical were both performers that weren't playing 8-show weeks, or playing them often. And in contrast, loser Michael Cerveris missed no performances and fellow loser Patti missed one or two during a year-long run. In "Sweeney"! As if Sweeny Todd is an easy role to play! I'm not implying anything more, I just thought it was interesting... new crop of stars, with a new ethic. Updated On: 1/4/08 at 03:13 AM

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#71re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 1/4/08 at 4:21am

"From several insiders, she was not on medical leave during "Wedding Singer" (She was actually replaced)."

Well, your "insiders" are wrong, because Laura Benanti returned to the Wedding Singer after Tina Maddigan performed the role for an extended period of time. If she was replaced, why would she have returned to the show?

My "inside" source:

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611
Updated On: 1/4/08 at 04:21 AM

verynewyorkcurious Profile Photo
#72re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 1/4/08 at 12:42pm

I read on perez that fantasia had missed over 50 shows on color purple Updated On: 1/4/08 at 12:42 PM

keen on kean Profile Photo
keen on kean
#73re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 1/4/08 at 7:45pm

And Perez is SO reliable as a source on any subject...

SpellingBeeFan4Ever Profile Photo
#74re: Broadway star with the most absences??
Posted: 1/13/08 at 8:25pm

I say Anthony Rapp, due to him going home visiting his mom and whatnot.

He's a faker, and you've been taken in by his con. And in doing so, you are enabling him. He is doing more damage to aspergers than papa's words ever could. -Chane/Liverpool on me having asperger syndrome.
