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"Bullets Over Broadway" Previews- Page 7

"Bullets Over Broadway" Previews

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#150Bullets Over Broadway on TDF
Posted: 3/15/14 at 4:14pm

To Newintown

You owe an apology to all the weasels in the animal kingdom by comparing them to Michael Riedel.

Poster Emeritus

#151Bullets Over Broadway on TDF
Posted: 3/15/14 at 5:54pm

Premium Seating started way before The Producers. Garth Drabinsky did it for Ragtime - with one big difference. The premium price included a souvenir program and admission to a private lounge with complimentary refreshments and "members only" restrooms. Sort of like the Admiral's Club at the airport.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#152Bullets Over Broadway on TDF
Posted: 3/15/14 at 6:18pm

i got pretty good seats in the orch. for $99.


bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#153Bullets Over Broadway on TDF
Posted: 3/15/14 at 7:22pm

For those wondering about the mezzanine, I was in row N and it was a perfect view. I don't think being at the back of the mezzanine would limit your view either.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

de_lovely Profile Photo
#154Bullets Over Broadway on TDF
Posted: 3/15/14 at 8:11pm

Saw the show this past Thursday from a lovely fourth row center orchestra seat. Someone earlier described the production as "polished" I think, and I couldn't agree more. Even with a few mic problems, the whole thing was just so seamlessly carried off. Now it may not be super original, but it's definitely following a tried and true formula. The whole thing has this almost gilded quality- I found myself admiring the money they'd obviously poured into the production (even if aspects of it were rather predictable). I've seen Bridges, If/Then, Gentlemen's Guide, and Beautiful this past month, and I think of all of them, this is the one that is going to be most successful down the line drawing tourists into the theater.

The sets and the choreo elevate the whole show, and even if the critics don't like it, I think it will have an audience and win a number of Tonys.

Up In One Profile Photo
Up In One
#155Bullets Over Broadway on TDF
Posted: 3/16/14 at 1:41pm

Not hearing the same passion behind these posts as many of the If/Then and Rocky fans have posted. Sounds like a show for my elderly mother in law - not that there's anything wrong with that.

You know your in a lackluster season when the posts sound more like horse race handicapping.

Up In One

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#156Bullets Over Broadway on TDF
Posted: 3/16/14 at 1:44pm

"Not hearing the same passion behind these posts as many of the If/Then and Rocky fans have posted. Sounds like a show for my elderly mother in law - not that there's anything wrong with that."

I would say the reviews for Bullets on here have been about as divided as the reviews for If/Then and Rocky... Quite a few people (myself included) absolutely adored it, and some others have just thought it was okay.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

#157Bullets Over Broadway on TDF
Posted: 3/16/14 at 9:03pm

Here's a cute story about Karen Ziemba bonding with her canine co-star.
NY Post story about KZ and the dog

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#158Bullets Over Broadway on TDF
Posted: 3/17/14 at 12:18am

Okay, so previews are past the handful now and where are the damn photos of the curtain and some quickie peaks of the cast in costumes? I mean, even a curtain call photo would suffice. None have surfaced anywhere yet for this musical. Ugh!

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#159Bullets Over Broadway on TDF
Posted: 3/17/14 at 1:13am

Brody, not sure of you are being sarcastic or not, but if you are not, I do have a curtain picture I can upload for you Bullets Over Broadway on TDF

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

HorseTears Profile Photo
#160Bullets Over Broadway on TDF
Posted: 3/17/14 at 1:16am

There are some pics of the intermission on Instagram. And Jordan Roth, who apparently is allowed to take pictures in the theatre, has a blurry pic of the cast bowing, with a Manhattan skyline set behind them, at the first preview. I'm assuming that's Marin in the gold in the center and Karen Z. in the red on house right?

Noted Broadway producer Jordan Roth takes illegal photo of Bullets Over Broadway set

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#161Bullets Over Broadway on TDF
Posted: 3/17/14 at 1:21am

Here's my curtain picture.


"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#162Bullets Over Broadway on TDF
Posted: 3/17/14 at 10:01am

bwayphreak234 - no sarcasm intended. I was genuinely surprised that no one had yet posted any curtain photo, etc. Especially as we all have been curious to see what the actual costumes, sets, etc would look like. Thank you for your photo and horsetears for that link. Hopefully those are special curtain call costumes for the ladies as they definitely do not look reminiscent of the film's costumes.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#163Bullets Over Broadway on TDF
Posted: 3/17/14 at 10:05am

Don't you know taking these pictures is illegal and immoral? Wink Wink

Seeing it 3/31 .

Poster Emeritus

Jane2 Profile Photo
#164Bullets Over Broadway on TDF
Posted: 3/17/14 at 10:33am

lol, "elderly," such a favorite word around here!


#165Bullets Over Broadway on TDF
Posted: 3/17/14 at 10:40am

Any word on how the front row rush seats are?

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#166Bullets Over Broadway on TDF
Posted: 3/17/14 at 10:41am

Elderly is the polite way of saying Old Fart

Poster Emeritus

jkstheatrescene Profile Photo
#167Bullets Over Broadway on TDF
Posted: 3/17/14 at 2:28pm

Isn't that show curtain also in AFTER MIDNIGHT? Bullets Over Broadway on TDF

Baby Jack Profile Photo
Baby Jack
#168Bullets Over Broadway on TDF
Posted: 3/17/14 at 10:16pm

I did rush on Friday and was in the center of the first row. When I first got to my seats I thought "Oh lord this is way too close and the stage is too high" but it didn't end up posing a problem. I had a wonderful view of the entire show. I really liked the show but agree with many who say that the ending Banana song should be cut. I was confused for the whole number as to why it was there.

jaxandmci Profile Photo
#169Bullets Over Broadway on TDF
Posted: 3/18/14 at 1:49pm

I saw this Saturday evening (03/15) and so wanted to love it. My excitement level was soaring when the curtain went up and the show was off to a huge start. Fantastic sets, glorious costumes, a catchy score, a seemingly perfect cast. By the time we finished the wildly outrageous I Want A Hot Dog For My Roll, I was thinking it was going to be the best show of the season.

But then, something happened. I can't say exactly what but about 2/3 through Act One, I found myself bored. Really bored. The momentum had fizzled. At intermission, I was hoping that things would turn around in Act Two but alas, they didn't and the boredom continued to mount. Perhaps the 2:45 run time of the preview I saw will be trimmed before opening to tighten things up but for me, there were too many long stretches of nothing. The show would benefit by eliminating some numbers and replacing others with more show stoppers (like the formerly mentioned Hot Dog). It’s the kind of show that can utilize them and they should be nonstop.

I’ll say it’s technical perfection. But what made such a great 98 minute story on film takes way too long to tell on the stage in musical form. My partner and I didn’t discuss the show until we left and as it turns out, he lost interest in it around the same time I did.

I contrast Bullets Over Broadway with a show that the following day, I found near perfect (a sentiment seemingly shared by much of the audience): Aladdin.

And for those of you wondering: the stage at the St. James is extremely high for Bullets. I usually am a front rower but settled for third row orchestra. I’m so glad I did. It is the closest I would recommend sitting. The stage floor was at or above the tops of the heads of the front row (with no pit to act as a buffer) and was even worse for those on the orchestra sides due to the odd angles of the stage there.

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#170Bullets Over Broadway on TDF
Posted: 3/18/14 at 2:06pm

I contrast Bullets Over Broadway with a show that the following day, I found near perfect (a sentiment seemingly shared by much of the audience): Aladdin.

You are the first person here to use "perfect" and "Aladdin" in the same post. Not being snarky, just surprised.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

broadwaydevil Profile Photo
#171Bullets Over Broadway on TDF
Posted: 3/19/14 at 1:50am

It just popped up on TDF for lots of dates!

I grabbed a ticket, can't wait!

Scratch and claw for every day you're worth! Make them drag you screaming from life, keep dreaming You'll live forever here on earth.

#172Bullets Over Broadway on TDF
Posted: 3/19/14 at 12:50pm

I purchased two tickets on TDF for $49 each for Friday Evenings performance.
Updated On: 3/20/14 at 12:50 PM

#173Bullets Over Broadway on TDF
Posted: 3/19/14 at 9:36pm

Intermission. I am enjoying it. So much better than If/Then.

RaisedOnMusicals Profile Photo
#174Bullets Over Broadway on TDF
Posted: 3/19/14 at 10:19pm

Looking forward to your post show thoughts.

CZJ at opening night party for A Little Night Music, Dec 13, 2009.
