Joined: 12/31/69
The way this country's going, set The sound of Music in 2012 in the rural south- instead of the anschluss, Kentucky secedes from the union while the Captain and Maria are on their honeymoon and the captain refuses to serve in the new racist government's Navy, partly because he finds their politics abhorrent and partly because Kentucky is land-locked.
"I was being sarcastic with the racism comment. Flew right over yer head, di'nt it?"
It did! But only because I've met more than one Southerner who considered their geographic background a 'race.' They were strange, strange people!
And I only got through Liz & Dick because I just had some good Not Liz minutes before we watched it!
And I only got through Liz & Dick because I just had some good Not Liz minutes before we watched it!
I heard that was only way you could get through Liz & Dick: Sex or Alcohol...or a combo of both. I wonder if it will work for this particular broadcast?
Will it be broadcast live on a sound stage or live on a theater stage?
What will the show curtain look like?
Billy Ray Cyrus for Captain Von Trapp!
Whatever happens, I hope the last minutes are bum rushed by Bill Murray and Alfre Woodard sings 'Put a Little Love in Your Heart'.
Much more concerned about her acting than her singing. Especially since this is a live broadcast, which will be extremely challenging for a non-actor, especially such a huge role.
I find her painful to watch because her face is so expressionless when she sings. Yes, this is television, where facial expressions should be subtler than live theater, but even for television her face is rather blank-looking.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
A previous Fraulein Maria is not pleased:
Isn't she on an NBC show? How dumb is she to go against her parent company.
Billy Ray Cyrus as the Captain is an excellent suggestion, CarlosAlbert. With Myley as Liesl, Reba as Mother Superior, Dolly Parton as Elsa and Clay Aiken as Max.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/23/08
Who knows? She could be good. Petula Clark played Maria in the 1981 London revival, and the real Maria von Trapp said Petula was the best Maria she had ever seen. Listening to cast recording of the Petula Clark version, I can tell you she played Maria with a pop sensibility and I quite liked it. Therefore, Carrie Underwood could be quite good!
I imagine this is how people would have reacted if the Internet was prevalent in 1997 when it was announced that Brandy would play Cinderella in a television remake of Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella. And now, the Brandy version is considered a "classic" for my generation.
Is this going to be a movie? If I recall correctly wasn't it at one time discussed to be a live show?
Petula Clark is an actress.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/23/08
I think it will be good. I trust Zadan and Meron.
Yeah- I think she can handle the singing but Maria has so many dimensions and I don't believe Carrie can handle the acting. Hopefully, she will get a great director (like Jennifer Hudson did for Dream Girls) and maybe she will surprise everyone- at least that's what I'm hoping. I can't tell you how many local shows I have seen where the lead could sing but not act- it's painful! Part of me also believes Carrie is just too commercially pretty for the part- that's just my opinion. I'm looking forward to seeing who the rest of the cast will be.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
"Is this going to be a movie? If I recall correctly wasn't it at one time discussed to be a live show?"
It is being filmed live like the TV productions of Cinderella and Peter Pan from the 50's.
What a terrible idea. Are they seriously saying that of all the women who could have possibly been brilliant in this, Carrie Underwood was their top choice? That's ridiculous, what a missed opportunity. I have zero desire to see her take on this role, what a joke.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/23/08
I'm honestly more worried about this being a "live" broadcast. I'd rather see real Alps and magnificent scenery than fake mountains and abbeys.
I worry she won't be able to handle three hours of memorized dialogue
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/8/12
You complainers need to get over it...there was no way NBC was going to cast Laura Osnes or Annaliese van der Pol or Sierra Boggess in their multi-million dollar live production -- they could have never sold that to advertisers! If you have a problem with Carrie Underwood then don't watch the broadcast! Period.
Updated On: 11/30/12 at 02:35 PM
It is a good question why we accept a "standard" Brit or American accent in Sound of Music but would not accept a regional one. It's a convention we've grown accustomed to, and regional accents distract us and carry stereotypical baggage.
In any event, I seriously doubt Underwood will do this with a regional dialect.
Twang is not irrepressible. Just as Australians can sound generically American so can women from Oklahoma (hell, Chenoweth and O'Hara are from Oklahoma and Mary Martin was from Texas). She might be great.
And country singers don't have to sound country just as non-country singers can sometimes sing country.
No one objected to Gwyneth Paltrow in Country Strong (at least on those grounds, some people would object to Gwyneth in anything).
No one objected to Karen Black and Barbara Harris in Nashville.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/8/12
And you can bet your arse that Mary Rodgers and Alice Hammerstein signed off on this casting.
Updated On: 11/30/12 at 03:32 PM
I wonder how much NBC synergy we'll be seeing. Featuring Alec Baldwin as Captain Von Trapp? With Smash's Megan Hilty and Christian Borle as Elsa and Maxie Dettweiler?
I live for when projects like this get announced and everyone gets so excited casting their favorite Broadway ensemble member as the lead, and then being shocked - SHOCKED - when a star is cast.
I can see this going either way. She could sink, she could swim, I don't know. She is very talented, and this has certainly gotten me interested.
(I'll admit, though, I sorta thought they'd get Katharine McPhee because of the Smash tie-in. Wrong Idol contestant.)
Updated On: 11/30/12 at 04:00 PM
I'd be okay with Baldwin.