Only on weekdays.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/05
How about only on days that end in "Day"
Stand-by Joined: 12/19/06
Random question, are there two performances on the last day of the show?
one matinee on the 31st.
Stand-by Joined: 12/19/06
Okay cuz the conductor emailed me and he's like "did you make sure you got tickets for the second show that day?"
I was like whaaatttttt???
But thank ya!
Understudy Joined: 8/26/06
Alright guys just got back from tonight's show and I figured I'd post because I had such a great time.
It hasn't hit me yet that this was last time I will see the show on broadway (still crossing my fingers for a tour). The show was great as usual and the orchestra section was full. The general reaction was a good one - some people really enjoyed themselves and we're cracking up non-stop. And heard some people say how they liked it better than the movie.
Everybody was in except Kevin Kern was playing someone's ensemble track. Stephen was good - I remembered enjoying him more the other times I went, but maybe I was too close to see his facial expressions from when he is on the floor (damn he is on the floor a good amount of time during the show).
Laura was on... and may I say SHE STOLE MY HEART. The first time i saw the show Tina was on, and the second Laura was in, but it seemed right before she took off. Her voice was weak... but this time she totally surprised me. Her voice was beautiful and powerful and she just seemed like she was having a blast tonight. During the Bar Mitzvah scene when her and robbie are dancing she started to crack up... if you looked at her while Amy & Matt were doing their part of scene - you could see her not being able to contain herself - I'm very curious about what Stephen must've done to her.
Amy also sounded great tonight, especially during Saturday Night in the City. Nothing to add about that, but I really enjoyed her more than I did in the past. She sounded really ON, maybe it was the couple of performances she took off. The people I went with really loved her.
Kevin was great as usual. He did this great thing during "single". The bartender was shelling out shots and the shot glass tipped over - so Kevin totally went with it and wipped the alcohol off of the counter. it was funny.
I guess the last thing to mention is Rita. She almost forgot to put her headphones on when she is jogging infront of the house. So she was dancing and working out to the music with her headphones around her neck. But when Stephen entered she realized and put them on.
Richard and Felicia were great too. It was just a fun night and it was nice to hear all the songs live one last time. It almost makes me want to go again for the final performance to see what they all will do, but I don't know if i can. I'm sure some of you guys will give me some spot-on reviews. Ok now I'm getting all choked up - LOL
Hope everyones having a good night!
Updated On: 12/22/06 at 12:08 AM
Thanks for the review! I'm glad you had a great time. It is really depressing that the final show is coming so quickly.
Mistress...I am going on Tuesday - bringing some newbies and then to one matinee to finally (hopefully) catch Kern as Billy Idol...and then I am going to the Saturdya night show and the last show.
SweetQ I am biased because I do Kevin's website and was a huge fan of him before this, so seeing him do any role...well, I just adore him. I do love some of Stephen's line readings though. Kevin just seals the deal vocally for me.
i was thinkin wednesday, thursday or friday... im afraid my christmas eve & day plans might have me just a bit too tired to venture out on tuesday.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/18/06
Showoff and MrAmySpanger.... Bwayondabrains pic of Tina, Amy and Christina is actually from Christina Sivrichs website (
Trista, thanks for signing richard's guestbook!
EVERYONE should sign Richard's guestbook - I am a website whore, what can I say :-P
Mistress, try seems to be the lightest rush day although any day next week is probably crazy.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/18/06
richard blake = hotness mmmmm anyways! hahaa!!
I'm HOPEFULLY going next Friday.
I might be going tomorrow. But that's a really big might.
dancingthrulife04: i REALLY REALLY REALLY gope you can go! i feel so bad for what happened this weekend! i cant appologize enough for the actions of my friend. i am SO sorry.
and if anyone wants my reviews from this weekend, PM me. its too long to post here, lol. and i also wrote a review for the benefit on monday, so let me know if youre interested in that.
and carymetorent2: i think i need to go sign the guestbook now, i keep forgetting, lol.
FinallyAmember: I'm glad you had such a great time! during the bar mitzvah scene laura and stephen like to do some weird dances and crack each other up. tina did it with stephen too, just not as much. and amy had a shoulder injury, thats why shes been out so much, but im sure all that rest helped her voice out too, and shes just sounding AMAZING!
Nice meeting you Thai :)
Featured Actor Joined: 7/16/06
I love how Tina and Stephen rock out to the trumpet during "George's Prayer". On Tuesday night they were doing this weird hip pivot thing, like a tango or something.
Tchi, you should totally post your reviews here! If it's too long for some people, they know where the scrolling button's at. If I'm gonna be stuck at work all hungover, I need something to occupy my time, dammit.
Random thing from Wednesday night's show - someone's phone rang right as Julia's mom was walking offstage to get the veil - it was a very faint ring but since it was dead quiet, everyone heard it. As Adinah walked offstage she said, still in character, "And you should really get that..." and everyone started laughing. It was the perfect way to handle that, I thought.
haha, seriously, my review is almost 3 pages long on word. haha. but if u want a review, just PM me for it. ill send it right over. btw froggy, did i meet you? lol, i met SO many people this weekend its been insane! and i cant beleive i missed the adinah comment!!! i heard a phone ring at some point, i guess thats where it was.
Just thought I'd pop in and say I love Laura Benanti.
Carry on.
haha, LOVE! i must say that was nice to read FOAnatic. lol.
anyone going this week?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
yeah, the picture is from Christina's site
and ill post a picture of the Laura drawing tomorrow, as well as the picture I am drawing of Christina and Tina together :)
and tchi, i would love your review!
bwayondabrain- That's a really great icon!
Broadway Star Joined: 4/4/06
So, I may or may not have mentioned before that in our newspaper they put out a special entertainment section once a week, and one page is devoted to all the shows on Broadway with information on how to get tickets, a little blurb about what the show's about, stuff like that. But this week they didn't list Wedding Singer, probably because it'll just about be closed in a week so it's a little late to get tickets. Sad.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
Yeah, I'm seeing the show in LESS THAN A WEEK!!!
and I MIGHT be able to rush next Saturday matinee, dont know
but thanks Phantom- yeah, I'm drawing a picture for Tina too :)
Does Tina go to the theatre everyday? I would like to give it to her before the show....
Uh huh