Okay dumb question time, is anyone attempting to do rush seats for Sunday's show?
I am not in the group of people that are, but yes, it seems there is a LARGE group of people planning to rush. People are getting to the rush line hella early, some almost 24 hours before the box office opens.
Apparently rush isn't looking good...my friends got there at around 7 and there were already six people ahead of them. However, the girls that dress up are going and they were getting ten tickets, so that may be why. But, today rush was gone by like 8 or something. Crazy.
Wow. That's not a good sign.
Today that group of girls got 10 tickets (and gave 4 of them to a random guy who joined them around 9:30...), and there was a big family of tourists who were there. Besides that, just a few of us BWWers were there. So it wasn't that bad as everyone is saying.
Chorus Member Joined: 12/26/06
I was at the show tonight. I was in line to get rush this morning at 7:35, but by the time I got to the front, there were no seats left and I had to buy full priced tickets.
I saw those girls you are talking about in line for rush who got 10 tickets. I saw the guy you talked about come join them in line at 9:30 and walk off with 4 tickets. I also saw they had 1 empty seat in the front row amongst them. And besides one girl's mom (the one who dresses up as slutty Linda), there were 3 people there plus that guy who should not have been in rush seats. I overheard someone ask the mom at intermission if they knew who those people were, and she said, very bitchily and unconvincing, "they're our friends". But why were they introducing each other and shaking hands at the beginning of the show? Not to mention that one woman (an older woman) had her fingers in her ears the entire show, and the old guy next to her didn't smile or laugh once.
Selling tickets to strangers, especially by getting rush tickets for cheap and making a profit by selling them for more, is so incredibly illegal. A lot of people got screwed over this morning in rush because of it. And those girls are planning on going back on Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. The box office will be made aware of them so they will not be sold rush tickets, good thing they dress up in costume so EVERYONE knows who they are.
HollyImposter and company, your behavior today was atrocious.
The man at the box office said this is exactly why they no longer offer left over seats for student rush- people would take advantage, buy tickets and scalp them for more money. Might be one of the reasons the show has not made as much money as it should have, because people like you girls are buying tickets for other people that are not students, that you don't know, and just for your own benefit (even if it is just so you all could sit in the middle of the row).
Usually I am all for teenagers to be enthusiastic about Broadway. But after Wedding Singer closes this weekend, I hope you girls stay far, far away and let other people enjoy the theater without you ruining their experience.
I would be pissed, too.
I honestly don't know what was going on, but it did look pretty shady. I got screwed out of rush as well.
Eric was Tina Turner tonight and it was hysterical. Richard was out...he had a stomach virus so I finally caught Kern as Billy Idol and McGurk was Shane (my friend was nice enough to buy two mezz seats for my friends and procure one rush ticket after the debacle that was rush).
At the last show, McGurk will be all of T. Oliver's roles save for MR. T, which Eric will be playing.
I seriously hope the box office busts those morons. I just saw the show for a second time this past Saturday night, and loved it more , along with Mr. Lynch, compared to the first time I saw it in June. I am going to be so sorry to see this go, that is why I am contemplating going again on Sunday. For somebody still stuck in 1985, I might have to.
Swing Joined: 12/15/06
Thank you for saying something about this! Very shady goings on at the rush line. Seems a lot of people were not happy with what happened.
I saw them at the show tonight, they were screaming a lot and seemed to be more vocal tonight than last week. Maybe they were compensating for not having their costumes on, so they screamed and kept clapping with their hands waaay above their heads to have the cast notice them. I defended their costumes last week, but between that shadiness with them from rush today and the screaming all night, I don't know what to think anymore!
I have talked to them and they are very sweet girls, but rush angered a lot of people and they were vocal during the show today. The cheering was fine, I just didn't understand the hand waving.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/25/04
Since a lot of people on here seemed like they wanted to bid on Elephant Project packages for the Wedding Singer cast members, I just wanted to remind everyone that packages for Stephen Lynch, Tina Maddigan, Felicia Finley, and Amy Spanger are currently on eBay.
Oh boy. I'm glad you said something too. Seriously if I get shut out today...well it's not going to come to that because people in front of me are not going to be allowed to have people join them after I get there unless it does not add to their total count. Like if there are 3 people in front of me and they're getting 4 tix and their 4th friend joins or something it doesn't matter but if they're planning on getting 8 amongst the 3 of them and the 4th joins them later they either are all moving or just that one person is going to the back because this is getting ridiculous. I've had it to happen to me too many times and it's really unacceptable. If I am up at 5 am to catch a bus at 6 to try to get to the city by 7:30 the latest then I am getting a ticket. People need to learn some respect, seriously.
EDIT: I have been told to go to the back of the line when joining people on line when I wasn't even adding to their total count, I was just waiting with them because I actually the decency to know between what's right and what's wrong. If I can get told off by some obnoxious person for no reason when I wasn't getting tickets then I can certainly say something to someone disrespectful enough to cut the entire line and they are getting tickets.
EDIT AGAIN: I do apologize because I realize how snobby and obnoxious this sounds but something needs to be done to prevent these people from getting away with doing this to those of us who are doing everything we can to avoid this by getting there as early as we possibly can and we're still getting screwed out of tix. I have never lost tix because of what goes on and I never plan on it. Today is my last day doing rush. All I ask is that if people get there early they get preference for tix, not the people who send one representative to stand on the line at 7 am and get 10 tix and have the other 4 people join them a half an hour before the box office opens. That's just rude and unacceptable. And I HATE confrontation but if it means ensuring that I get tix, I will voice my opinion loud and clear today.
Updated On: 12/27/06 at 05:20 AM
Broadway Star Joined: 10/11/06
It's about time someone said something about these girls. Seriously, there's something called common courtesy and it sounds like these girls were not taught any. (I think cutting in line is something we teach to our kindegarten kids.) And for something like this...these girls should have the common sense not to cut. Something needed to be said to the box office. It's just a shame that it was said soooo close to the closing of the show. Imagine how many people got screwed out of tickets because of these crazies!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
that is HORRIBLE what those girls are doing! i mean BwayLeadingLady, you got there at 7:35 and still couldnt get tickets because those morons got 10! that is early for you, unfair to you, and I am so sorry
and the box office staff BETTER bust them, and not let them get rush seats again
because that is disgusting, sorry
on a lighter note, 2 days, 9 hours, and 16 minutes till I see WEDDDING SINGER!
and I'm probably going to big on the Amy Spanger Elephant Project picture, so no one better steal it from me, haha :P
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
My one question, and it's in no way to be rude, but where the heck do you all find the money to see the show, like, 4 times a week? Even if you have an extensive bank account, it's all gotta add up.
Updated On: 12/27/06 at 08:21 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
Same question as Yankee, haha
on a lighter note, 2 days, 9 hours, and 16 minutes till I see WEDDDING SINGER!
Excited!! (And if I get screwed out of rush AGAIN, I'm not going to be happy.)
I'd like to third Yankee's question.
It seems these girls have yet to learn the proper way to behave yourself in the theatre. THIS IS NOT A CONCERT! The actors will not wave back to you at the end of a song...they are in CHARACTER. You're disrupting their performance for the other 1380 people in that theatre. Have some decency and respect. You wanna show support? Clap and scream at the end of the show.
You girls need to get it into your head that these cast members are not your friends. No matter how many times you say they like your dressing up and making a scene...I have heard quite a few testimonials to the contrary.
If you're getting RUSH...you are NOT to save a spot for someone who is adding to your total ticket count. The ONLY time I let someone join me in line is when I already planned on getting a ticket for that person and they're just there to wait with me. It is unfair for people who show up early to get shut out because you decide to let your little friends come join you and buy tickets before the people who actually put in the effort to come in and wait.
YOU ARE NOT MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANYONE ELSE. Contrary to what you may think, the actors aren't going to sob because you aren't there. Your incessant immature behavior is getting you a bad reputation among both fans and the actors themselves.
Grow up and learn some respect for others.
thank you! i have said this numerous times already. there are certain ways to act at concerts, and certain ways to act in a theatre. get them straight.
now i got a question, where were these 10 seats at, were they center? because what im thinking is that if these girls sit center, theyre obnoxious, and if theyre off to one of the sides (like when i saw them), theyre fine. yes, they do some hand movements, and mouth the words, but theyre not distracting to at least most of the theatre. however, they are still probably distracting to the cast, which is not ok.
That is just purely rude! I mean, seriously, hasn't anybody working in the theatre noticed them yet?
Chorus Member Joined: 12/26/06
I spoke to the box office manager today about the girls and the situation. They cannot do anything about it, they said that if the girls were there in line, they are allowed to buy their 2 tickets each.
However, if I see them in line when I am there for rush this weekend, I will say something for sure. They better all be there at the beginning of the day, because if I am behind them, I don't care if a train is late, or whatever excuse they may have, NO ONE, whether part of their group or not, is getting in front of me.
I think if any of us get screwed this weekend hell is going to be raised.