Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/06
Apparently Robyn isn't actually going in until later this week, so hold off if you want to see her.
Also, Dennis Stowe was in WS for a while, right? I felt like I was going insane when I saw Apple Tree, 'cause I recognized him from something, but on ibdb it wasn't listed on his page.
Chorus Member Joined: 8/19/06
Yea Dennis replaced T. Oliver Reid.
Updated On: 1/15/07 at 02:52 AM
Apparently Robyn isn't actually going in until later this week, so hold off if you want to see her.
she starts on friday i do beleive. and if anybody sees her id love to hear what you thought :)
I was at Stephen's show last night and will be attendin again tonight. I went in, not really knowing much about Stephen, but liking what I had heard and I really enjoyed the show. Joberg was right in his element up on stage and him and Stephen worked well together. My favorite thing about stephen was how effortlessly he jokes with the audience. He is a really funny guy and I really enjoyed the show. He changed up the set list a little from Friday. I think things were in a different order? I think "Superhero" was done earlier. Also, Stephen's new haircut is hot.
Oh my godddddd, David did Kill a Kitten w/ Stephen?!? LOOOOOLLLL I wish I could've seen that, that sounds freakin' fabulous.
To the Altar Boyz fans in this I seeing things or is David's hair the old school "Abe" hair in those pictures? LoL.
Also, I got to see The Apple Tree this afternoon...had a bit of a chuckle when my friend and I recognized Dennis. The show was AMAZING, though. I would definitely recommend it to everyone.
Oh, that looks like old-school Abe hair to me! Haha, it's making a comeback!
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/06
Whoops, I lied. Went tonight to Chicago and Robyn was most definitely in, to my surprise!
ooo yay!! how was she? lol.
Who is she playing?
shes mona (aka the lip****z girl in cell block)
wow really?? Now I really want to go see it!
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/06
She was great. Hilarious. Great dancing. Some random laughter. Highly enjoyable.
@ Lynch's show tonight was Tina, Christina, Amy, Kern ... atleast the ones I noticed.
I have photos from all 3 nights to edit and then I will load them (plus the final WS photos) to the site. When that is finally done, I'll post a link.
Stand-by Joined: 10/16/06
if anyone is interested, here is the setlist from Stephens show on SUNDAY night, a lil different from fridays show.
Dr Stephen
Vanilla Ice Cream
Freebird/Wreck Of The Edna Fizgerald/Bohemian Rhapsody medley/parody
Dear Diary #1
Craig Christ
Special Ed
Dear Diary #2
She Gotta Smile w/Rod Cone
Dear Diary #3
Little Tiny Mustache
For The Ladies
Dear Diary #4
Dirty Sanchez w/David Josefsberg
Cream Of Wife In My Beard w/Joberg
Sidekick w/Joberg
Madlibs/The Sound Of Silence w/Joberg and Rod
Pierre w/Joberg and Rod
D&D w/Joberg and Rod
Baby w/Joberg and Rod
Grow Old With You (with a lynch twist on the ending "..i could be the one, who grows old with you. and also, i could give you a dirty sanchez") lol
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/06
xero, LOL. I'm loving the grow old with you new ending.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/18/06
i died when he went "this is for you tiny" before priest because of tina. lol
the show was hilarious. i was happy to finally get to see him when i had loved him since before wedding singer. so it was nice to see him do his own stuff.
Featured Actor Joined: 7/16/06
Freebird/Wreck Of The Edna Fizgerald/Bohemian Rhapsody
I must have been totally bombed because I don't remember this at ALL. Wow.
The shows I went to were beyond insane. Lynch sounded great but he was also AMAZING with Joberg. Their voices are really nice together. The Sidekick Song is pretty much going to be in my head until I die. So... thanks, guys.
Oh and also, Lynch's new haircut = hotness.
Chorus Member Joined: 8/19/06
Damn he played D&D...bastard! I'll just have to catch him again soon.
Also, I was watching The View today and Rosie did a song about Kleenex (you know how she's always doing her broadway schtick.) and T. Oliver Reid performed with her. And I think Michael McGurk also was but if it was him he was dressed as toilet paper which was pretty distracting so I couldn't really tell haha.
Updated On: 1/15/07 at 12:35 PM
Aw McGurk!
Fishergirl...Joberg's hair is not the frontal flip he had as Abe, it is more of a fauxhawk, but it does look like that.
And yes, he did background vocal for "Kill a Kitten" which is probably my new favorite song.
Ack, I didn't hear him say the priest thing for Tina - how cute!
Featured Actor Joined: 7/16/06
I think my favorite part of Joberg doing backup for "Kill A Kitten" was that we got to see him doing the slow-mo. Awesome.
Oh, and my memory is shot to hell so it's entirely possible that I'm making this up - but did Lynch actually make a verse about the suggested superhero, "Wedding Singer Man" on Saturday night? Or did he just heckle whoever suggested it and move on?
No, I think he kind of started, but didn't really go into it.
bumping from page 3.
yep, threads dying. bump from page 2. any more reviews or anything from stephen, robyn, or nicolette?
Stand-by Joined: 8/14/06
I just got home from RENT and Nicolette is one of the only good things about that show anymore. Her voice and energy is amazing. I saw her this time last year when she was in as a swing I believe. She fits right in and it's great that she can show off her voice in this show.
Legally Blonde opens in SF in less than a week. I leave in 9 days!